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  • #811538

    Kerwin….where you ARE MISUNDERSTANDING is, PAUL DID NOT SAY, BY OF “THE” LAW, , WHAT HE SAID WAS BY WORKS “OF” LAW, THE definete article “the” is not in the ORIGINAL GREEK, check it out. SIMPLY put, PAUL WAS TALKING ABOUT THE “WAY”LAW (WORKS) in A PERSON, (through the mediam of fear,which generates a force to comply), a person can not be made right or justified before GOD, WHY? BECAUSE A FORCED COMPLIANCE COULD NEVE MAKE A PERSON RIGHT IN THEIR “HEART”. It takes the anointing SPIRIT OF THE LIVING FATHER “GOD” TO ACCOMPLISH THAT. That was the same with JESUS OUR BROTHER also. Weovercome “exactly” ashedidbytheOURHEAVENLY FATHER’S SPIRIT.


    peace and love to you and yours. …….gene

    Ed J

    Out of Bethlehem came the one destined to be ruler, Jesus Christ.

    Hi Nick, yes.

    …and who is this last part of the same verse referring to? …

    whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” (Micah 5:2)

    Hi ed,

    Yes neatly tied into the one prophecy is the Spirit that anointed him at the Jordan.

    Hi Nick,

    So the first part of the sentence in Micah 5:2 is talking about the man Jesus,
    and then the last part of the sentence switches subjects from Jesus
    to the spirit of God… is that what you are peddling?

    Sorry to tell you,but you got it wrong buddy – both parts are referring to “the Spirit of Christ”

    “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah,
    yet out of thee shall “HE” come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel;
    whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” (Micah 5:2)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    So you say.

    But your tunnel vision impedes your view.



    Actually I did consider that. The works of the Law means attempting to perform Spiritual works while walking according to the flesh. It simply cannot be accomplished because the flesh is opposed to the Spirit. The best that can be done is as dirty rags in the sight of God. (Isaiah 64:6)

    Beware libertarian bias as that “FORCED COMPLIANCE” is libertarian doctrine and not biblical. The new covenant speaks of choosing either compliance with the flesh or compliance with the Spirit not both. The new covenant only came into effect when Jesus sat down on his throne that was prepared for him before the world began. It is from that time he began mediating between humanity and God. He lacked the authority to mediate before that. Before the new covenant came into being there was a forced compliance to the flesh as the other Advocate had not come though the Spirit still gave gifts and caused some change in at least one individual whom is King Saul. That change was as a seed sown on rocky ground as despite its early flourish it withered and died.

    As long as a individual choose to walk by the Spirit they are forced to bear its forced to bear its fruit just as a tree is. They still have the choice to reject it and walk by the flesh. The same is true of those that walk according to the flesh but have the Spirit.

    Concluding point.

    These words of Isaiah do not apply to those that walk by the Spirit because they are not under Law but under grace. It does not apply to Jesus because he is the archetype and prototype of those that walk according to the ways of the Spirit.

    Isaiah 64:7Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)7
    And there is none that calleth upon thy name,
    that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee:
    for thou hast hid thy face from us,
    and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.

    No one can follow Jesus without first getting the Spirit. At best you can listen to his words but they are not less Spiritual than the Law.


    Hi KW,

    Of course Jesus was not able to walk in the Spirit till his anointing at the Jordan.

    Before that the Law was as a lamp to his feet.

    Lk 16.16

    The law and the prophets were proclaimed until John;

    since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.


    Nick….RIGHT even though GOD the FATHER kept Jesus, from sinning as in the case of JOB, HE STILL was not actually “made” right untill the FATHER’S SPIRIT CAME INTO HIM AT THE JORDAN RIVER, THEN HE WAS “BORN AGAIN”, from above, JUST AS WE MUST BE. We all must become “one” with the FATHER and Jesus and with each other also. If we have recieved the SPIRIT OF GOD INTO US, HIS SEED ABIDES IN US, WE ARE THEN CHILDERN OF THE MOST HIGH. What the Father did for Jesus, he will also do for us, if his SPIRIT ABIDES IN US.

    JUST AS IT SAYS, “if the Spirit OF HIM , that raised JESUS the anointed, from the DEAD, “ABIDES” IN YOU “HE” will “ALSO QUICKEN” YOUR MORTAL”BODIES”. The same as He did Jesus’ Body.

    peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    Hi GB,

    Not so fast.

    The sons of God are those who are led by the Spirit of God.rom 8


    jn 1.12

    But as any as received him, to them he gave the right to BECOME children of God.



    Many are stillborn


    Hi Ed,

    There is no possible division between Jesus Christ and the Spirit.

    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.



    Hi Ed,

    If you can grasp Hebrews 13.8 you may be developing spiritual understanding.



    Hi KW,

    Which just goes to show that those who try to find truth via their intellect will always miss what is spiritual.

    I do not believe that was Paul’s message in Romans 7 as by the intellect he learned what is Spiritual but the intellect did not give him the power to do what is Spiritual but just made him a wretch. Scripture, the Law, is a school teacher.

    Danny Dabbs

    Kerwin please answer T8! Here’s the link:

    t8 vs kerwin about when Jesus was considered the messiah




    Of course Jesus was not able to walk in the Spirit till his anointing at the Jordan.

    Before that the Law was as a lamp to his feet.

    Lk 16.16

    The law and the prophets were proclaimed until John;

    since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.

    Yes, Jesus was the only one anointed to preach the gospel until he sent his disciples out. (Luke 4:18)

    Yet, you claim he was anointed to do more than preach the gospel at the Jordon. He also was responsible for “recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised” (Luke 4:18) Other than those gifts I see not else that might have been granted by him by the Spirit. John’s words “I have need to be baptized of thee” reveal Jesus had not need of a new spirit. (Matthew 3:14)



    Thank you for queuing me in on that.



    The sons of God are those who are led by the Spirit of God.rom 8

    Do you believe Jesus was not a son of God before the Jordon?



    1JOHN 3:1-3 PLANLY SAYS, BELOVED “NOW” WE “ARE” THE SONS, OF GOD, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall see him as he is.

    Rom 8:14…For as many as are led by the SPIRIT OF GOD, they “ARE” the sons of GOD. 15- For you have not recieved the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have recieved the SPIRIT of ADOPTION, whereby we cry Abbba, Father. 16-, The Spirit iself bears witness with our spirit, that we “ARE” the childern of GOD; 17-, And if childern, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be it that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

    peace and love to you and yours…….gene


    Hi GB,

    No the fault is not attributed to God.


    But the talent -the Spirit – that God has given can be taken away if it does not produce a profit.The tree can be chopped down.

    The advice given by Jesus Christ was to ask, seek and to knock and to walk while the light is with you.

    Peter in his second letter advises us about which graces we earnestly should seek.

    Paul advises us to build on the foundation a building which will last.

    He said he was in labour till Christ is formed in us.


    These encouragements are not just hot air but commands to add to what God has invested in us daily through prayer.


    None of you know anything about Jesus from the time He was born until about twelve and then to the time He was about thirty when He went to the Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist. Other that the fact that He astounded the priests and scholars in the Temple in Jerusalem with His knowledge and understanding of the holy scriptures when He was twelve, you are clueless as to what He was doing and in fact where He was actually living. You assume He continued to live in Nazareth. The Bible states He was born in Bethlehem and live there until age two when the Magi came and gave Him gifts. Then He was taken to Egypt and after some period of time was taken to Nazareth. But, you do not know one thing that He actually did Himself all those years. You assume He was a carpenter. Joseph was a carpenter but that does not mean Jesus was. Jesus could have been living anywhere on the planet for all you know. I might add there is a high probability that He left the entire region after age twelve and did not return until age thirty. (Take that and chew on it for a while you self proclaimed scholars of the Word of God.) [Sorry, guys I just could not help myself from adding that barb.] And to assume He was somehow less than perfect or that He did not have the Holy Spirit before He was baptized is stupid if not blasphemy. To be the ‘Lamb of God’ to be sacrificed for all of mankind, He had to be perfect and not sin His entire life and there was no way He could have done this without help from the Holy Spirit. That He was sinless and perfect His entire life is exactly what He was as pointed out in Hebrews 4: 14, 15
    “14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.”


    Hi Richard,

    I agree.

    But the Spirit of the living God does not go into hiding.

    What the Spirit does is amazing and there is nothing recorded of that work till Jesus was Baptised in the Spirit.



    I assume you speak in generalities because some of what you write does not apply to me. I see it as the Jesus was a carpenter is a safe bet since that is the trade of his farther and he as the eldest would be the son expected to follow in his father’s trade. The rest of his brothers, if any, would also be apprenticed with their father unless they had a better opportunity in another trade. It is also possible his father died when he was still young but if so then Matthew must have been older than Jesus because that book is told in part from Joseph’s point of view. None of it is important which is probably why it is not in Scripture.

    I believe Jesus received the Spirit from God before he could be tempted by evil. The time he received it in its role of Advocate is implied and not written literally and being so it is hard to understand. Some assume that when the Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove that he received the Spirit in all its roles.


    Hi Richard,

    Your view is very popular.

    Most want Jesus to be some sort of god to admire.

    But we are asked to follow him and your view makes that impossible.

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