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  • #808312
    Ed J

    Kerwin, Nick is right!

    a human being regarded as an individual

    God is not “a person” as person means a human (A.K.A. man). (Num. 23:19)
    I hope you will not persist in using this inaccurate and confusing term,
    which does not describe God accurately. God is instead “an entity”.

    a being with a distinct and independent existence.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    Spare me the entities.

    Those who have to go outside of what is written cannot know Him.



    1st) Nick seems to be claiming that only words used in scripture are divine despite the fact he also uses other words.

    That is why I continue to point out that it is the meaning that is divine and not the word.

    2nd) The definition you gave is only one possible definition of the word person there are others.  Few think of God as human when they use human.  For example I use it to mean he is sapient and since that is one of his characteristic it is a true statement.




    Your words are human words for they are English, a language you do not even perfectly understand.

    Do you think English is an unholy language that is unable to convey the truth of God.  Do you prefer Latin or perhaps Hebrew?

    Perhaps the tongue of angels is best but who here understands it?




    Has God ever applied this term to Himself ?

    Of course he did.

    Why do you ask? Do you think he is a dumb beast?

    After all it mean having the ability to reason as in “Let us reason together” as in Isaiah 1:18.

    Be wise, not foolish!


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Admin.
    Ed J

    Hi Kerwin,

    The fact that you don’t mean human does not change the fact that “person” does mean human.
    That is why I call it a confusing term. Just because I know what you mean, doesn’t mean
    a “person” reading your words will. Jesus is “a person”: and so your words could be
    implying that you believe he is God. From talking with you over the years I know
    that you don’t believe that. But when you teach, your words should be accurate.

    Satan has plenty of opportunities to confuse people, let’s not add to his capabilities
    by using words that are inaccurate when describing God. I hope you understand my point now.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi KW,

    It only takes small steps away from the path of revelation to fall into the pit of deception.

    It is arrogance to apply to God human words He did not give us.



    Why analyse the God of Love?

    Science is a vanity .


    Ants are as helpless in knowing man and the difference is far greater that that.



    I hear what you say.

    English, Hebrew, Koine Greek, and just about if not every human language is vague and so can cause miscommunication even when all other things are right. Some of the controversies over the meaning of Scripture are caused by it. For example there is John 1:1 where humans argue over the meaning of the word theos and the fact is does not have a direct article in the third clause. Another example is the “words before Abraham was made, I am.” Some say it translated “was born” instead of “was made” even though it is the same Koine Greek word. There is also “I am” vs. “I have been” in the same verse.

    The only thing that helps it to get the context correct, even unwritten context. That is the same as using the word “person” to mean sentient.



    Hi KW,

    It only takes small steps away from the path of revelation to fall into the pit of deception.

    It is arrogance to apply to God human words He did not give us.

    Which is why I warn you away from arguments about words.


    Hi KW,

    Should we follow you and Mr Google?


    Hi KW,

    You say

    “That is the same as using the word “person” to mean sentient.”


    Why would you use one derived concept to justify another?

    find it written



    Please stop the foolishness. You know you are wrong but chose to hold on to some unnatural teaching. As it is written 5 words which are correctly understood are better that a multitude of those so stop implying the multiple is better.

    Mr Google is useful to gain understanding of the words Scripture is written in but as you well know that is not the same as worshiping him.

    You arguing with Scripture. Instead take heed of the warnings therein.


    Hi KW,

    That is one possible response.

    But perhaps you should look at your ways and change them


    Hi KW,

    I do not think we should play in the theologians’ playground using their primitive derived tools.

    We should stay close to the source and find truth there.


    a) “Abraham your father rejoiced that he might see my day”or
    b) “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day”

    Both speak of a day in Abraham’s future so clearly Jesus is not claiming his day is before Abraham’s.

    Are you suggesting that Jesus came from the future then travelled to the past?

    The point here is, how did Jesus know this about Abraham? The Pharisees said: “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”. Within that context, Jesus said, “before Abraham, I am”.

    I am going to stick to the obvious reading of these verses. I remain open to your view, but am not convinced.


    Hi T8,

    The obvious meaning is what Jesus Christ taught.

    That the Spirit spoke through him.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Admin.

    Hi t8,

    The anointed words of the anointed man burn themselves into the hearts of believers . Lk 24.32

    But, for some reason, you only hear a man speaking.

    Which words do not come from God?

    If you really want the job of the religious Pharisee who goes around judging everyone but himself, then go ahead. I do not recommend it, but it is your call.

    I recommend we pray for Nick people. He is not without hope. I pray Father in Jesus name that Nick would understand that to be born from above is to love one another and that the fruit of the spirit is humility. Please reveal to him that the measure he judges is the measure that he will be judged. Amen!


    Hi T8,

    The obvious meaning is what Jesus chersir taught.

    That the Spirit spoke through him.

    Nick is that you, or the Spirit that you speak of.


    T8…..JESUS SPOKE NOTHING TO THEM EXCEPT IN PARABLES SO THEY WOULD DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, TAKE THE Carnal view point, AND NOT UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH OF WHAT HE WAS SAYING, They proceeded to go on and falsely accuse him of saying what he really was not saying at all. If you can’t come to see this truth, we are telling you, given us by the spirit of truth, then you haven’t even began to know the truth about the real JESUS. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene

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