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  • #807556
    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Nick!

    Luke 2:26 “And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.”

    NOTE: Simon was looking at the Baby Jesus when he realized he was seeing the Lord’s “Christ” (Luke 2:27).


    Hi DD,

    Yes as Peter affirmed

    Jesus is the anointed one, the son of the living God.


    Of course this was said after the Jordan.


    Hi DD,

    Yes, even as an infant, he was recognised by those with prophetic powers as the one preordained  to be the Christ.

    Of course the infant had no anointing yet or the evidence would have been expressed in power.


    Hi DD,

    Do you deny that the Spirit came down on him at the Jordan or like Ed do you think he was anointed twice?

    Danny Dabbs

    Hi NH!

    No, I don’t deny it. All I’m saying is that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh! 1 John 4:2




    Hi DD,

    I agree.

    Jesus Christ came in the flesh.

    But it must be understood spiritually.


    The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

    This does not mean a man lived in heaven and was born.

    It does not mean an angelic demigod became a man and was born.


    Hi DD,

    The whole of scripture is not about man but about the Spirit.

    Flesh contributes nothing.


    Hi DD,

    So in literal terms it means that the anointed Jesus came in the flesh.

    We know Jesus was born in Bethlehem and his anointing was 30 years later.

    But the Word was in the beginning with the Father and the Word became one with Jesus.


    Spiritual logic is bizarre in literal terms.

    Ed J

    Hi Nick!

    Luke 2:26 “And it was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.”

    NOTE: Simon was looking at the Baby Jesus when he realized he was seeing the Lord’s “Christ” (Luke 2:27).

    Good post Danny,

    But too bad Nick has already made up his mind,
    so all biblical information must be reinterpreted.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi ED,

    Two anointings and only one produced fruit?

    Or do you not yet grasp prophecy?


    Hi ED,

    I am open to truth.

    But scripture must be aligned to reveal it.

    I know you think we all pre existed and that is your way of seeing this.


    @Danny Dabbs,

    Scripture is hard to understand because it is sometimes vague and so requires the Spirit to lead each of us true. Without the Spirit even those parts that are easy to understand can be misunderstand.

    1 John 4:2 appears to one of those as technically every human being comes in the flesh.

    You know that as well as I do because you know what the state what the words “she came in the blue dress” mean and you also know human beings are clothed with flesh.

    The words “in the flesh” are an English idiom of physically present and may have meant the same at that time though I do not know.


    @Danny Dobbs,

    The Gnostics believed Jesus was an angel though their definition of creation differed drastically from Scripture. Their definition of creation is so different that they claim that everything flows from the one true God though the material world does so indirectly and so is corrupt. Looking at that it seems they are essentially claiming Jesus is God much like the Vedics and Hindus claim their god are part of the One True God.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Admin.
    Ed J

    Hi ED,

    I am open to truth.

    But scripture must be aligned to reveal it.

    Two anointings and only one produced fruit?

    Or do you not yet grasp prophecy?

    Hi Nick,

    OK if you are open to truth I will reveal it to you.

    Not two anointings, but one anointing and one anointer.
    God’s HolySpirit is the anointing, Christ is the anointer.

    “The Word” (HolySpirit) came to the Prophets,
    “the Anointer” (Christ) was in the Prophets. (1Peter 1:11)

    God Bless’
    Ed J


    Hi ED,

    So where is the word CHRIST shown to mean the ANOINTER?

    The Spirit of Christ was in the prophets.

    How does this fit?



    Hi ED,

    Is the Spirit of Christ the Holy Spirit?

    If so who is the WE of Jn 14


    Hi ED,

    The most popular understandings are to say that Jesus

    Is God

    Is an angelic being

    Is a pre existent man


    But we know none of them are true.

    He is a man conceived in Mary and anointed by God as the prophets were but more so who was greatly used by God and we can follow him.


    Hi Ed,

    Jn 1.3

    All things came into being through him; and apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being.

    Jn1 9

    There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. he was in the world ,and the world was made through him, and the world did not know him


    These are qualities and abilities attributable to the Spirit of God




    Hi Ed,


    He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.


    God is spirit and man is not.

    These are the descriptions of the Word that proceeded forth and came from God as with jn 8.42


    Ed J

    I know you think we all pre existed and that is your way of seeing this.

    Hi Nick,

    Christ did not pre-exist, he was “IN GOD” prior to Earth’s creation.
    I believe you agree with me on this; but let me know if you don’t.

    God bless
    Ed J

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