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  • #806151

    Nick……So the “FLESH” sacrifice of JESUS MEANS NOTHING TO YOU? If you do not take to yourself (eat) his “flesh” sacrifice given by God the Father for your sins and the sins of the world, you have no life in you. Jesus’ flesh is what payed for our sins and not only ours, but the sins of the whole world. Spritulizing it away as if it is nothing is not according to scriptures.

    I supose you also believe Abraham offering up ISSAC’S FLESH BODY MEANT NOTHING ALSO. BUT TO God it proved his “FAITH”. AND WAS ACCOUNTED TO HIM FOR RIGHTIOUSNESS, we are dead with out abody. Our bodies are part of us and very valuable to us, rather you believe that or not is irrelevant, it doesn’t change
    the fact that our existence is a body with spirit in it. Which is a living soul, which equals the complete being and that is who we are, not just a spirit as you supose.

    peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene


    Hi GB,

    No, just an identity mixup.

    The sacrifice of Jesus enables us to approach the throne of grace.

    His suffering and death satiated the righteous anger of God against an ungrateful and rebellious people.


    It is the Word from heaven that offers us heavenly food.


    Hi t8,

    You have agreed that the Spirit in general spoke and worked through Jesus.

    Do you agree that the Word is responsible for the statements about heavenly origins?


    Nick……Exactly what did Jesus sacrifice, he and scriptures seem to think it was his flesh body, but you say there was a “mixup”, i see no where where he gave his spirit to be put to death, for the sins of the world, in fact he commited his spirit to the Father, when he was offering his “flesh” for the sins of the world. . Show us where “his” spirit had to be sacrificed for our sins to be covered. Can you find any man that existing without a body of his own?

    A spirit existing alone is useless, and goes about looking for “rest”, it need a “body” to rest in. According to scriptures.

    Are you so ignorant to think God created these bodies without reason and purpose. Do you actually belive all his physicall creation was without purpose and will be done away with? If that were the case why does scripture say the whole creation will be delieverd from it’s bondage of corruption. Why deliever it, why not just let it be destoryed , after all it has no value, according to your way of thinking, and Why should the meek inherit the earth, after all it’s only value is in it’s physical existence right.

    Nick the only “mixup” here is you thinking our bodies and Jesus’ body is of no value. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. …………gene


    Hi GB,

    You seem to have a flesh hang up.

    You want to glorify it.


    Flesh contributes nothing.


    Hi Ed,

    Jesus did not preexists.

    Are you sure everyone else did?

    Ed J

    Hi t8,

    You have agreed that the Spirit in general spoke and worked through Jesus.

    Yes Nick, “the spirit of Christ”, which came from God, was birthed into Jesus from “Bethlehem”(=House of bread).

    “I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread,
    he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh,
    which I will give for the life of the world.” (John 6:51)

    See the connection Nick?

    “House of bread” — “bread which came down from heaven”

    This is talking about “the spirit of Christ” which was birthed as Jesus
    and I can prove it.

    “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah,
    yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel;
    whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” (Micah 5:2)

    Out of thee “Bethlehem” — “whose goings forth have been from everlasting”

    Jesus did not ‘pick-up’ “the spirit of Christ” at Jordan…
    …but as the Scripture correctly saith Christ was born!

    “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

    Your idea a man named Jesus picked-up “the spirit of Christ” as a tag along spirit,
    at Jordan, with the HolySpirit (at his baptism by John) are at odds with Scripture.

    You are of course free to believe what-ever you want, but
    I hope you now see the difficulty in your trying to convince others.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    Jesus taught that his followers would also receive the Spirit of truth from the Father.

    So the Spirit they first received was the Spirit of Christ.

    Why do you get confused with prophecy?

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    Jesus did not preexists.

    Are you sure everyone else did?

    Hi Nick,

    I’m not sure if the Earth even existed before I was born.
    They tell me it did – so I’m kinda forced to go by what others have said…
    …that is if/until I find out differently.

    I don’t believe I was ever here before as Reincarnationists claim,
    because there are no memory fragments to suggest this.
    The bible says our spirits came from God (Eccl.12:7)

    But I also take special note of this verse…

    “My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret,
    and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

    Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written,
    which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalms 139:15-16)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    “when as yet there was none of them”


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Admin.

    Hi Ed,

    Indeed God is the Father of Spirits.

    How does that support your idea that all men preexist?


    Hi Ed,

    Do you not think Jesus existed as man but was just a spirit being born into a flesh body?


    Hi Ed,

    We know from Lk 23. 46,mt 27 50 and Jn 19.30 that Jeus died and gave up his spirit.

    Do you think the Spirit of Christ left him?

    No the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable Rom 11.29

    God does not His Spirit from His faithful children.

    Agian we see in 1 Peter 3.18 that after his death he was alive in the Spirit.



    Nick… seem to have a flesh problem, not ME. Remember it is you who believes our bodies and Jesus’ body is worthless not me.

    peace and love to you and yours. ………….gene


    Hi GB,

    We need to be born of woman to have an opportunity of salvation.

    But flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom.




    The temple veil was torn in two.

    Jesus entered the holy of holies through the torn veil of his flesh.

    Heb 6.19. Heb 10

    Why glory in the flesh?



    Hi GB,

    So flesh is a veil that divides men from the heavenly realms.

    If we follow the Son we too leave flesh behind.


    Nick….. HOW DO YOU FIGURE Heb 6:19 says nothibg about the body, but, Heb 10:10…”By the which will we are santified through the offering of “the body” of Jesus Christ, once for all”.

    Are you saying Jesus body sacrifice was useless?

    The saying that flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of God, your understanding is wrong, because many flesh and bone people will be there as scriptures shows, that’s like saying my car cannot enter the Gass station, right! By itself it can’t, but i sure can make go there. Ours bodies can neverthenselves enter the kingdom of God, why, because our bodies have no intellects, of their own, they are simply vehicles we all have for our spirits to reside and rest in. Jesus said fear not themthat can destory the body and do nothing more but fear him who can destory “BOTH” “body” and soul in hell”. Why tie our bodies into it, if they weren’t going to be there anyway, according to you according to you that is.

    You disdain for God putting spirits into his physical creation is wrong. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene


    Hi GB,

    Your accusations are off target as usual.


    Believe what you will about God having seven spirits, not one, that are not a part of Him but are in front of His throne.

    Your natural mind cannot accept spiritual things. And you add to scripture and that is at your risk.


    Hi t8,

    LU taught two gods.

    For us there is one God and one Lord Jesus Christ.

    One Spirit.

    She believed that the Holy Spirit is God, thus she had no choice to believe that Jesus is God because he and the Father are the Holy Spirit according to her.

    Because you do not believe that Jesus Christ is God, you then have to assume that the Spirit is not God because you believe like her that both the Father and the Son are the Spirit.

    2 Corinthians 3:17
    Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

    Romans 8:14
    For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

    Tell me Nick, if Jesus is/was a son, was he led by himself?

    And if Jesus Christ is part of the Holy Spirit, then he had to preexist because some men of old were moved by that Spirit.

    If Jesus Christ is 2000 years old, then is the Spirit that age?

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