
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #299590

    Hi MB,
    You quoted me so you do need to back it up.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 28 2012,05:12)

    Quote (Ed J @ May 26 2012,19:04)
    How do you figure this is any kind of an answer to my question?    …please explain how?


    Was King Nebuchadnezzar ever said to have been anointed with Holy Spirit from God?  How about the Assyrian kings that battled against Israel?  Yet they still accomplished great things, right?

    Obviously, not one person could do a single thing in their lifetime if not for power given from God.  In fact, scripture says it is not for man to even direct his own steps.


    Has every person who has ever lived been anointed with Holy Spirit from God?  NO.  So while GOD is required for anyone to do anything at all, God's gift of the Holy Spirit is NOT.

    Scripture says that Jesus could do nothing without GOD.  It doesn't say he could do nothing without “the anointing of the Holy Spirit”.  Nick was adding his own thoughts into the scriptures, and I was pointing it out.

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the clarification on your thoughts.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi Ed,
    Your offered verses did not say so and you have not come up with any more evidence so scripture never says that men pre exist in angelic or any other form?

    Good then you will not continue to say so.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 27 2012,14:47)
    Hi MB,
    You quoted me so you do need to back it up.

    What did I quote you as saying, Nick?

    Plus, please answer the question. I have plenty of scriptures to show, but I want to know up front if you doubt the fact that Jesus could have done nothing if not for his God. Do you doubt this?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 23 2012,05:04)
    T8……………..Frank is right, but you your preconceive conviction have prevented you from seeing and understand this simple truth. Jesus did not preexist his berth on the earth as a sentinel being of any kind. God was not dealing with Morphed Angels or demigods, He was dealing with Mankind by a Human being Born of Flesh and Blood Just as we are in “EVERY WAY” a man who recieved into himself at the Jordan river the Holy spirit of God and was from that time sent out into the world to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD. Since it was by man sin entered the world it was by a man it is removed.

    I take it from your words Gene that you too do not believe that Jesus emptied himself and came in the flesh because you believe Jesus is the flesh. Well I can tell you that I am not even the flesh, rather that is my body only.


    Hi MB,
    Are you saying a lesser god worked outside of God's power?
    [acts 10.38]


    Quote (t8 @ May 30 2012,20:29)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 23 2012,05:04)
    T8……………..Frank is right, but you your preconceive conviction have prevented you from seeing and understand this simple truth. Jesus did not preexist his berth on the earth as a sentinel being of any kind. God was not dealing with Morphed Angels or demigods, He was dealing with Mankind by a Human being Born of Flesh and Blood Just as we are in “EVERY WAY”  a man who recieved into himself at the Jordan river the Holy spirit of God and was from that time sent out into the world to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD. Since it was by man sin entered the world it was by a man it is removed.

    I take it from your words Gene that you too do not believe that Jesus emptied himself and came in the flesh because you believe Jesus is the flesh. Well I can tell you that I am not even the flesh, rather that is my body only.


    Nowhere in Scripture does it ever say or teach that Yahshua “emptied himself of being 'a god'”! :D

    Did Yahshua Create Or Pre-exist His Birth?

    “Jesus IS God!”?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 30 2012,11:42)
    Hi MB,
    Are you saying a lesser god worked outside of God's power?
    [acts 10.38]

    No being has ever worked outside of God's power, Nick. I'll see your Acts 10:38, and raise you an Acts 2:22. :)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 01 2012,11:03)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 30 2012,11:42)
    Hi MB,
    Are you saying a lesser god worked outside of God's power?
    [acts 10.38]

    No being has ever worked outside of God's power, Nick.  I'll see your Acts 10:38, and raise you an Acts 2:22.  :)


    If that were true, then we would have no need to test the spirit to see if they are of Yahweh or not, right? ???

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 01 2012,11:03)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 30 2012,11:42)
    Hi MB,
    Are you saying a lesser god worked outside of God's power?
    [acts 10.38]

    No being has ever worked outside of God's power, Nick.  I'll see your Acts 10:38, and raise you an Acts 2:22.  :)

    Hi Mike,

    Neither of those verses make Jesus 'a god'.
    Matter of fact, Acts 2:22 indicates he is not.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ May 31 2012,18:43)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 01 2012,11:03)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 30 2012,11:42)
    Hi MB,
    Are you saying a lesser god worked outside of God's power?
    [acts 10.38]

    No being has ever worked outside of God's power, Nick.  I'll see your Acts 10:38, and raise you an Acts 2:22.  :)


    If that were true, then we would have no need to test the spirit to see if they are of Yahweh or not, right?  ???


    Do you believe that Satan is able to work outside of God's power or permission?

    Read Job again.

    Or this verse:
    Daniel 7:25
    He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.

    Or this passage:
    Luke 22
    31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”


    Quote (Ed J @ May 31 2012,18:51)
    Hi Mike,

    Neither of those verses make Jesus 'a god'.
    Matter of fact, Acts 2:22 indicates he is not.

    Neither one of those verses say anything about whether or not Jesus is a god, Ed.  Those verses were my and Nick's way of clarifying to each other that Jesus could do nothing on his own.


    Lovely verse MB,
    No need to guess at pre existence as men do not pre exist as gods or angels


    No Nick,

    Men, as a general rule, DON'T pre-exist as gods or angels.  

    But then, men, as a general rule, aren't sired by God Almighty and a human women.  

    Men, as a general rule, don't ask to be returned to the glory they had alongside their God before the world began.  

    Men, as a general rule, don't say, “I came down from heaven.”  

    Men, as a general rule, aren't prophesied about for thousands of years before they become men.  

    Men, as a general rule, aren't said to have their origins from the ancient past – by a man who lived hundreds of years before they became men.  

    The universe, and everything in it, isn't said to have been created through men, as a general rule.

    I could go on and on and on, but I think you get the point that Jesus was an exception to “men” in general.


    Hi MB,
    You say
    “Men, as a general rule, DON'T pre-exist as gods or angels.

    But then, men, as a general rule, aren't sired by God Almighty and a human women. ”

    You just opened the trapdoor under your idea!


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 01 2012,21:12)
    Hi MB,
    You say
    “Men, as a general rule, DON'T pre-exist as gods or angels.  

    But then, men, as a general rule, aren't sired by God Almighty and a human women. ”

    You just opened the trapdoor under your idea!


    Men can do it ,why would it be that God can not do it ???

    Men call it test tube baby's ,heard of it ??? It is quite common today

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 01 2012,13:30)
    Men, as a general rule, DON'T pre-exist as gods or angels.  

    Hi Mike,

    What 'general rule' is that?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Origen taught that men pre existed.
    But he was following greek thought.

    Ed J

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 01 2012,20:33)
    Origen taught that men pre existed.
    But he was following greek thought.

    Hi Nick,

    Can you post his writings on this?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi ED,
    Check the thread or look it up.

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