
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #286149

    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 20 2012,11:55)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 19 2012,18:05)
    Hi MB,
    If it was not at the Jordan
    how does CONCEPTION make a lesser god into a human being?

    Don't know about a lesser god, but one who existed in the form of God can become a man by partaking of the nature of man or form of man.

    Your talk of a lesser god, one of many perhaps much lesser gods is a little alarming.

    Did your LESSER GOD come fully equipped or was he anointed so he could work and be useful for the Greater God?

    If so when?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 20 2012,12:08)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,18:57)
    …..but I certainly would tell him that I had esteem for him…….


    Jesus didn't ask about the esteem/glory GOD HAD FOR HIM.  He asked about the glory HE HIMSELF HAD before the world began.

    You're trying to compare apples to oranges.  Could your son ask for the glory HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?

    Jesus said “I had”, Frank.  The word “I” refers to the person “Jesus”.  Therefore, JESUS HIMSELF HAD the glory before the world began.


    Are you trying to convince me that Yahshua esteemed [gloried in] himself before the world was, when you know for a fact that I do not believe he pre-existed his birth as an actual being? :D


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,19:56)
    No matter how the translators translate it “THE God” translation would still be in reference to FATHER Yahweh ……..

    That is correct, Frank.  And how many “THE gods” does John  mention in 1:1?  “THE god” is who the logos was WITH.  But John doesn't call the logos “THE god”, does he?

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,19:56)
    That's strange! Does not 'the definite article “THE” [proceed] “god”' [ho theos] when speaking of Satan in 2 Corinthians 4:4?

    Satan is never called just “THE god”.  He is called “THE god of Ekron”, and “THE god of this world”.  But he is never called just “THE god”.

    I was speaking of them calling Jehovah “THE God” – WITHOUT any modifying phrase attatched, such as “of Ekron”, or “of this world”.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 20 2012,13:07)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 20 2012,12:08)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,18:57)
    …..but I certainly would tell him that I had esteem for him…….


    Jesus didn't ask about the esteem/glory GOD HAD FOR HIM.  He asked about the glory HE HIMSELF HAD before the world began.

    You're trying to compare apples to oranges.  Could your son ask for the glory HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?

    Jesus said “I had”, Frank.  The word “I” refers to the person “Jesus”.  Therefore, JESUS HIMSELF HAD the glory before the world began.


    Are you trying to convince me that Yahshua esteemed [gloried in] himself before the world was, when you know for a fact that I do not believe he pre-existed his birth as an actual being?   :D


    Could your son ask for the glory HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?

    Again, my son was not taught to speak in such a manner, but I could tell my son about the esteem “HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?  :D


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,20:07)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 20 2012,12:08)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,18:57)
    …..but I certainly would tell him that I had esteem for him…….


    Jesus didn't ask about the esteem/glory GOD HAD FOR HIM.  He asked about the glory HE HIMSELF HAD before the world began.

    You're trying to compare apples to oranges.  Could your son ask for the glory HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?

    Jesus said “I had”, Frank.  The word “I” refers to the person “Jesus”.  Therefore, JESUS HIMSELF HAD the glory before the world began.


    Are you trying to convince me that Yahshua esteemed [gloried in] himself before the world was, when you know for a fact that I do not believe he pre-existed his birth as an actual being?   :D

    I couldn't care less what you believe, Frank. I'm educating you so that you at least know you're spouting nonsense when you spout it.

    You've made it very clear that you absolutely refuse to believe Jesus pre-existed…………….DESPITE the many scriptures to the contrary – such as the one we're were discussing here. :)

    So, while you're posting your nonsense about your son having glory with you before he existed, at least I'm here to let you know how silly the things you post sound to those of us who are sane.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,20:15)
    Again, my son was not taught to speak in such a manner, but I could tell my son about the esteem “HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?

    No Frank.

    You could tell your son about the esteem YOU HAD for him before he was born.  You could not tell your son about any esteem HE HIMSELF had before he was born.

    Jesus, on the other hand, COULD speak of the esteem HE HIMSELF had before the world began.  :)

    Frank, are you even aware how silly you sound? Who does that? Who allows themselves to pretend that what they know is utter nonsense is really “sensible”? ???

    Oh yeah. Trinitarians and non-preexisters, that's who.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 20 2012,13:13)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,19:56)
    No matter how the translators translate it “THE God” translation would still be in reference to FATHER Yahweh ……..

    That is correct, Frank.  And how many “THE gods” does John  mention in 1:1?  “THE god” is who the logos was WITH.  But John doesn't call the logos “THE god”, does he?

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,19:56)
    That's strange! Does not 'the definite article “THE” [proceed] “god”' [ho theos] when speaking of Satan in 2 Corinthians 4:4?

    Satan is never called just “THE god”.  He is called “THE god of Ekron”, and “THE god of this world”.  But he is never called just “THE god”.

    I was speaking of them calling Jehovah “THE God” – WITHOUT any modifying phrase attatched, such as “of Ekron”, or “of this world”.


    So, are you trying to convince me that you or anyone else that worships the “God” that you worship would never say “God of the heavens.”? :D


    Hi MB,
    'God has chosen the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the strong, and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen , the things that are not, so that He might nullify the things that are, so that no man may boast before God ' [1cor 1 27-29]

    So why would he choose a lesser god to show mere men his ways?
    Jesus was a weak man


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 20 2012,13:18)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,20:15)
    Again, my son was not taught to speak in such a manner, but I could tell my son about the esteem “HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?

    No Frank.

    You could tell your son about the esteem YOU HAD for him before he was born.  You could not tell your son about any esteem HE HIMSELF had before he was born.

    Jesus, on the other hand, COULD speak of the esteem HE HIMSELF had before the world began.  :)

    Frank, are you even aware how silly you sound?  Who does that?  Who allows themselves to pretend that what they know is utter nonsense is really “sensible”?   ???

    Oh yeah.  Trinitarians and non-preexisters, that's who.


    I most certainly could not tell my son about any esteem HE HIMSELF had before he was born! Who died and made you the dictating “God” of how I am to speak to my son? :D


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 20 2012,13:36)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 20 2012,13:18)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,20:15)
    Again, my son was not taught to speak in such a manner, but I could tell my son about the esteem “HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?

    No Frank.

    You could tell your son about the esteem YOU HAD for him before he was born.  You could not tell your son about any esteem HE HIMSELF had before he was born.

    Jesus, on the other hand, COULD speak of the esteem HE HIMSELF had before the world began.  :)

    Frank, are you even aware how silly you sound?  Who does that?  Who allows themselves to pretend that what they know is utter nonsense is really “sensible”?   ???

    Oh yeah.  Trinitarians and non-preexisters, that's who.


    I most certainly could not tell my son about any esteem HE HIMSELF had before he was born!  Who died and made you the dictating “God” of how I am to speak to my son? :D


    I meant to say … I most certainly could tell my son about any esteem HE HIMSELF had before he was born! Who died and made you the dictating “God” of how I am to speak to my son? :D

    – the “not”



    I am beginning to believe that you simply argue for the sake of arguing! :D


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Mar. 20 2012,13:18)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 19 2012,20:15)
    Again, my son was not taught to speak in such a manner, but I could tell my son about the esteem “HE HIMSELF HAD before he was born?

    No Frank.

    You could tell your son about the esteem YOU HAD for him before he was born.  You could not tell your son about any esteem HE HIMSELF had before he was born.

    Jesus, on the other hand, COULD speak of the esteem HE HIMSELF had before the world began.  :)

    Frank, are you even aware how silly you sound?  Who does that?  Who allows themselves to pretend that what they know is utter nonsense is really “sensible”?   ???

    Oh yeah.  Trinitarians and non-preexisters, that's who.


    Yes, you are the “fool” through and through! :D



    You are a ravening wolf that forgot to wear his sheep skin! :D

    Ed J

    Quote (david @ Mar. 20 2012,11:42)

    He was the Son of God, regardless of his being or not being anointed yet.

    He was the Savior.  (Although, he hadn't yet saved anyone.)

    Look:  The Savior was born.  
    YET, HOW CAN THIS BE?  Who has he saved, yet?  

    Hi David,

    Excellent point!
    I hadn't thought of that!

    Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day
    in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.

    Well Mike, what do you have to say about Luke 2:11?

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (david @ Mar. 20 2012,11:42)
    I somewhat feel like I'm talking to Ed right now.  

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the plug!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (david @ Mar. 20 2012,15:02)
    Matthew 2:4
    4 When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born.

    “because there was born to you TODAY a SAVIOR, who is CHRIST [the] Lord, in David’s city..”

    Let's imagine that I knew Mike's life story and for some reason, I was telling it to someone on this board–the story of Mike the Moderator.

    “Mike, the moderator was born in 19..”

    Would it be out of the ordinary for someone to speak that way?  I think we do all the time.  It's obvious that you were not born a moderator.  But for someone that wanted to get technical, they might say: “He clearly was born a moderator.”  

    That's just the way people speak.

    Similarly, we KNOW, at least, i think we all know that he wasn't born a Savior, but was born as someone who would eventually save (be a Savior.)  Yet, when the story is told (since by the time it was told, he certainly was a Savior, (and the Christ) then that is the way people tell the story.

    Comments, Mike?

    Good stuff david.

    Ed J

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 20 2012,13:41)

    I am beginning to believe that you simply argue for the sake of arguing! :D

    Hi Frank,

    Mike tries to make Scripture argue with Scripture; Nick has pointed this out.

    Your brother
    in Christ, Jesus.
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    WEAKNESS is what God uses to show His strength.
    2Cor 12.9
    ” My grace is sufficient for you. for power is perfected in WEAKNESS”
    2Cor 12..10
    “For when I am weak ,then I am strong”

    If God's power was best shown through Jesus how weak must he have been?

    Why do men want him to be a powerful god??


    Jesus suffered weakness and can be our mediator.
    Is 53,
    heb 4


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Mar. 20 2012,16:43)

    Yes, you are the “fool” through and through!

    Frank you do yourself and your doctrine no favours by behaving this way.

    We believe you teach error and show a disregard for scripture. You support our view by doing the very thing that Paul teaches not to do.

    Matthew 5:22
    ……..And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.

    We have 2 witnesses as to your teaching being error. First witness is the myriad of scriptures that teach opposite to your view about Jesus and the second witness is you do that which scripture says not to.

    In your effort to go against us, you are actually helping us.

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