
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #278519

    I don't care too much for you articles, Frank. I have disected a few of the ones you've posted here, and brought the many flaws in them to your attention – remember?

    You seem to find sources who tell it the way they WANT it to be, and not the way it really is according to scripture.

    Now, on the other hand, if you have any SCRIPTURAL evidence that Adam, Eve, and mankind were always destined to die, I'd be happy to look into it.

    (Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my three questions.)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,11:55)
    I don't care too much for you articles, Frank.  I have disected a few of the ones you've posted here, and brought the many flaws in them to your attention – remember?

    You seem to find sources who tell it the way they WANT it to be, and not the way it really is according to scripture.

    Now, on the other hand, if you have any SCRIPTURAL evidence that Adam, Eve, and mankind were always destined to die, I'd be happy to look into it.

    (Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my three questions.)


    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,11:55)
    I don't care too much for you articles, Frank.  I have disected a few of the ones you've posted here, and brought the many flaws in them to your attention – remember?

    You seem to find sources who tell it the way they WANT it to be, and not the way it really is according to scripture.

    Now, on the other hand, if you have any SCRIPTURAL evidence that Adam, Eve, and mankind were always destined to die, I'd be happy to look into it.

    (Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my three questions.)


    Again, you seem to keep forgetting that Father Yahweh knows the future of what he had created, and did not Adam and Eve die as He clearly said they would? They certainly did die!


    So God created mankind to die? Or did God tell them if they ate of the fruit they would die? Which one?

    It was Adam and Eve who CHOSE to sin, therefore bringing death to us all. Frank, death ENTERED the world through one man. Apparently death wasn't already in the world.

    And the fact that God can choose to know the outcome of anything anytime doesn't say He created us with the intention that we would die.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 15 2012,18:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,11:55)
    (Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my three questions.)


    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    Why Frank? Because you CAN'T answer the questions? :)

    Perhaps your friend Nick would take a shot at answering them.

    Btw, your “evidence” merely says that Jesus was in the form of God WHILE he was a human being. That “evidence” doesn't explain how Jesus could have already BEEN a human being before he was made into the likeness of a human being.

    Do you or Nick have an explanation to this problem?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,12:30)
    So God created mankind to die?  Or did God tell them if they ate of the fruit they would die?  Which one?

    It was Adam and Eve who CHOSE to sin, therefore bringing death to us all.  Frank, death ENTERED the world through one man.  Apparently death wasn't already in the world.

    And the fact that God can choose to know the outcome of anything anytime doesn't say He created us with the intention that we would die.


    Again, Father Yahweh knows full well the outcome of what he created. How many more ways can I say it?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,12:32)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 15 2012,18:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,11:55)
    (Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my three questions.)


    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    Why Frank?  Because you CAN'T answer the questions?  :)

    Perhaps your friend Nick would take a shot at answering them.

    Btw, your “evidence” merely says that Jesus was in the form of God WHILE he was a human being.  That “evidence” doesn't explain how Jesus could have already BEEN a human being before he was made into the likeness of a human being.

    Do you or Nick have an explanation to this problem?


    It has been explained to you time and time again. We are not in control of what it is you yourself choose to hear and what you yourself choose not to hear.

    Again, you can wait for an answer from me till you are blue in the face! :D


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 15 2012,19:33)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,12:30)
    So God created mankind to die?  Or did God tell them if they ate of the fruit they would die?  Which one?

    It was Adam and Eve who CHOSE to sin, therefore bringing death to us all.  Frank, death ENTERED the world through one man.  Apparently death wasn't already in the world.

    And the fact that God can choose to know the outcome of anything anytime doesn't say He created us with the intention that we would die.


    Again, Father Yahweh knows full well the outcome of what he created. How many more ways can I say it?

    I agree. Now show me the scripture that says God created man with the intention that he would die.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 15 2012,19:37)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,12:32)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 15 2012,18:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,11:55)
    (Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my three questions.)


    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    Why Frank?  Because you CAN'T answer the questions?  :)

    Perhaps your friend Nick would take a shot at answering them.

    Btw, your “evidence” merely says that Jesus was in the form of God WHILE he was a human being.  That “evidence” doesn't explain how Jesus could have already BEEN a human being before he was made into the likeness of a human being.

    Do you or Nick have an explanation to this problem?


    It has been explained to you time and time again. We are not in control of what it is you yourself choose to hear and what you yourself choose not to hear.

    Again, you can wait for an answer from me till you are blue in the face!  :D


    You've NEVER explained this to me. Please do so, or at least post the link to the thread where YOU explained it to me before – because if you did, I apparently missed it.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,13:07)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 15 2012,19:37)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,12:32)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 15 2012,18:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,11:55)
    (Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my three questions.)


    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    Why Frank?  Because you CAN'T answer the questions?  :)

    Perhaps your friend Nick would take a shot at answering them.

    Btw, your “evidence” merely says that Jesus was in the form of God WHILE he was a human being.  That “evidence” doesn't explain how Jesus could have already BEEN a human being before he was made into the likeness of a human being.

    Do you or Nick have an explanation to this problem?


    It has been explained to you time and time again. We are not in control of what it is you yourself choose to hear and what you yourself choose not to hear.

    Again, you can wait for an answer from me till you are blue in the face!  :D


    You've NEVER explained this to me.  Please do so, or at least post the link to the thread where YOU explained it to me before – because if you did, I apparently missed it.


    No sense in showing you anything. You would simply ignore it as you have everything else that I have shared here.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:12)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,11:09)
    Frank, despite what you posted last night, no one in their right mind prays that God will restore upon them the glory they USED TO HAVE with Him in heaven.

    Being foreordained to someday have glory alongside God in heaven is a far cry from anyone REMEMBERING the glory they ALREADY HAD in heaven.

    Jesus remembered the glory he had in heaven, and asked to have it returned to him.

    Frank, about Phil 2:

    1.  WHEN do you suppose Jesus was existing in the form of God?  When he was 2?  14?  30?  WHEN exactly?

    2.  WHEN do you suppose he emptied himself of this form or existence?

    3.  WHEN do you suppose the human being Jesus humbled himself and was made into a human being?


    Your avatar suites you very well in that you are nothing but a raving wolf ready to devour that which is truth.

    Frank, ;ool into the mirrow…..Irene


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:58)

    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    “I think therefore I am.”
    I am means I exist.

    Jesus said, “Before Abraham I am”.

    Believe it or not.

    I believe it because Jesus sheep hear his voice and Jesus said it and I want to hear his voice.

    What stops you from hearing what Jesus said here Frank?
    Is it pride in defending a doctrine that caught your imagination years ago?


    Hi t8,
    Neither of us believes that Jesus was a mere shell .
    But do you concede that God, Who was in him, spoke through him?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 17 2012,10:50)
    Hi t8,
    Neither of us believes that Jesus was a mere shell .
    But do you concede that God, Who was in him, spoke through him?


    But do you concede that God, Who was in him, spoke through him?

    what is it that was in him ;was it the will to do the will of his father ??

    or was it that God was in him in his body and was working and speaking through him ,just as demon take over a man ,???

    many do not understand what IN or WITH means so can you help ??


    Hi T,
    God was in him. 2Cor 5.19
    God filled him with His Spirit at the Jordan Lk4
    God's Spirit cohabits men in Christ with their own spirit Rom 8.16
    Man is a contaminated vessel that needs to be cleaned and made ready for God's Spirit. 2Tim 2

    Jesus spent much of his ministry driving out other unclean spirits


    Quote (Pastry @ Feb. 16 2012,22:18)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:12)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2012,11:09)
    Frank, despite what you posted last night, no one in their right mind prays that God will restore upon them the glory they USED TO HAVE with Him in heaven.

    Being foreordained to someday have glory alongside God in heaven is a far cry from anyone REMEMBERING the glory they ALREADY HAD in heaven.

    Jesus remembered the glory he had in heaven, and asked to have it returned to him.

    Frank, about Phil 2:

    1.  WHEN do you suppose Jesus was existing in the form of God?  When he was 2?  14?  30?  WHEN exactly?

    2.  WHEN do you suppose he emptied himself of this form or existence?

    3.  WHEN do you suppose the human being Jesus humbled himself and was made into a human being?


    Your avatar suites you very well in that you are nothing but a raving wolf ready to devour that which is truth.

    Frank, ;ool into the mirrow…..Irene


    Do you truthfully want me to “;ool into the mirrow”? :D


    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 16 2012,22:45)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:58)

    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    “I think therefore I am.”
    I am means I exist.

    Jesus said, “Before Abraham I am”.

    Believe it or not.

    I believe it because Jesus sheep hear his voice and Jesus said it and I want to hear his voice.

    What stops you from hearing what Jesus said here Frank?
    Is it pride in defending a doctrine that caught your imagination years ago?


    Yes, Yahshua truly did exist just as many others existed AT THAT TIME, but Yahshua did not PRE-EXIST as a separate being with or apart from his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning as His word as many foolishly, falsely, deceptively, and demonically believe and teach.

    Nothing stops me from hearing Yahshua's voice or word that he was directed to speak by his and our Father Yahweh, but I most certainly would NEVER listen to YOUR “Jesus”!

    When Yahshua said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders), “Before Abraham was, I am.”, he was speaking of his preeminence over Abraham …

    Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are? (Yahchanan [John] 8:53)

    … and in his saying “I am” (ego eimi) he was simply giving reference to himself as any other person speaking Greek gives reference to themselves in saying 'ego eimi'. In fact, even Jewish people speaking Greek at that time also gave reference to themselves by saying 'ego eimi', just as Jewish people in this time period give reference to themselves by say “I am”.

    Note that he also said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders):

    Though you do not know Him, I know Him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know Him AND KEEP HIS WORD (Yahchanan [John] 8:55).

    No, Yahshua was not saying that he was keeping himself, but that he was keeping or obeying his and our Father Yahweh's word. Note that the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) were void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying what he was saying as you are also void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying:

    Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my time; he saw it and was glad. You are not yet fifty years old, the Jews said to him, and you have seen Abraham? (Yahchanan [John] 8:56-57)

    It is what he said next that angered the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) that caused them pick up stones to stone him:

    I tell you the truth, Yahshua answered, before Abraham was, I am! At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Yahshua hid himself and slipping away from the temple grounds (Yahchanan [John] 8:58-59).

    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?


    Hi F,
    Do you think your position is so strong you can condemn others?


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,15:02)

    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 16 2012,22:45)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:58)

    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    “I think therefore I am.”
    I am means I exist.

    Jesus said, “Before Abraham I am”.

    Believe it or not.

    I believe it because Jesus sheep hear his voice and Jesus said it and I want to hear his voice.

    What stops you from hearing what Jesus said here Frank?
    Is it pride in defending a doctrine that caught your imagination years ago?


    Yes, Yahshua truly did exist just as many others existed AT THAT TIME, but Yahshua did not PRE-EXIST as a separate being with or apart from his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning as His word as many foolishly, falsely, deceptively, and demonically believe and teach.

    Nothing stops me from hearing Yahshua's voice or word that he was directed to speak by his and our Father Yahweh, but I most certainly would NEVER listen to YOUR “Jesus”!

    When Yahshua said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders), “Before Abraham was, I am.”, he was speaking of his preeminence over Abraham …

    Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are? (Yahchanan [John] 8:53)

    … and in his saying “I am” (ego eimi) he was simply giving reference to himself as any other person speaking Greek gives reference to themselves in saying 'ego eimi'. In fact, even Jewish people speaking Greek at that time also gave reference to themselves by saying 'ego eimi', just as Jewish people in this time period give reference to themselves by say “I am”.

    Note that he also said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders):

    Though you do not know Him, I know Him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know Him AND KEEP HIS WORD (Yahchanan [John] 8:55).

    No, Yahshua was not saying that he was keeping himself, but that he was keeping or obeying his and our Father Yahweh's word. Note that the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) were void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying what he was saying as you are also void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying:

    Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my time; he saw it and was glad. You are not yet fifty years old, the Jews said to him, and you have seen Abraham? (Yahchanan [John] 8:56-57)

    It is what he said next that angered the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) that caused them pick up stones to stone him:

    I tell you the truth, Yahshua answered, before Abraham was, I am! At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Yahshua hid himself and slipping away from the temple grounds (Yahchanan [John] 8:58-59).

    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?


    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?

    why do not go to a kindergarten school and ask the little ones their ,and see what they would tell you ,because the truth comes out of the children


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 17 2012,08:12)
    Hi F,
    Do you think your position is so strong you can condemn others?


    I have condemned no one and it is not my position, but what Scripture truly teaches.

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