No man [had] seen God at any time

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  • #275332

    Once again, another frivolous topic to try and lend credence to the false Trinity Doctrine.

    1 Timothy 6:15-16
    15 which God will bring about in his own time, God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
    16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

    No one has seen or can see. And notice the Amen at the end of the verse.

    We believe this and you do not.

    Back to the Drawing Board KJ.


    Jesus is the visible image of God.
    God is invisible, eternal, and spirit.
    This is the truth.
    Move on.


    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 01 2012,13:23)
    Once again, another frivolous topic to try and lend credence to the false Trinity Doctrine.

    1 Timothy 6:15-16
    15 which God will bring about in his own time, God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
    16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

    No one has seen or can see. And notice the Amen at the end of the verse.

    We believe this and you do not.

    Back to the Drawing Board KJ.

    God said that no one could see His face and live. This means only that no one coulld see Him AS HE IS! This does NOT mean that He could not appear in a form which He did.

    He took human form and wrestled with Jacob. Jacob named the place “Peniel” because “I have seen God FACE TO FACE” (in a veiled form).



    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Feb. 01 2012,14:39)

    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 01 2012,13:23)
    Once again, another frivolous topic to try and lend credence to the false Trinity Doctrine.

    1 Timothy 6:15-16
    15 which God will bring about in his own time, God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
    16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.

    No one has seen or can see. And notice the Amen at the end of the verse.

    We believe this and you do not.

    Back to the Drawing Board KJ.

    God said that no one could see His face and live. This means only that no one coulld see Him AS HE IS! This does NOT mean that He could not appear in a form which He did.

    He took human form and wrestled with Jacob. Jacob named the place “Peniel” because “I have seen God FACE TO FACE” (in a veiled form).


    Can you show me the wind? If you can show me the wind I can show you God.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 31 2012,20:14)
    TO ALL,

    The Netbible which Mike trusts:

    NET Bible Commentary on Jude 5: ” The reading *Ihsou'” (Ihsous, “Jesus”) is deemed too hard by several scholars……………

    I find much of NETNotes to be valuable information.  But, they list as one of their definitions of “pneuma”:  the third person of the Trinity Godhead, so don't think I agree with everything they say, Jack.  :)

    I wasn't able to find another translation that had “Christ” in Jude 5, were you?

    And once again………………..even if it meant Christ, then it only proves that Christ was the ANGEL OF GOD who was SENT BY GOD to go before the Israelites in the wilderness.


    Quote (Delriomike @ Jan. 31 2012,22:21)
    Can you show me the wind? If you can show me the wind I can show you God.

    Yet we can see neither, but only the effects of each. :)

    Jack, we all have but one God, and that God has a Son, Priest, Anointed One, Servant, and Sacrificial Lamb named “Jesus”.

    The Son cannot possibly be the God he is the Son of.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 02 2012,10:09)

    Quote (Delriomike @ Jan. 31 2012,22:21)
    Can you show me the wind? If you can show me the wind I can show you God.

    Yet we can see neither, but only the effects of each.  :)

    Jack, we all have but one God, and that God has a Son, Priest, Anointed One, Servant, and Sacrificial Lamb named “Jesus”.

    The Son cannot possibly be the God he is the Son of.

    Show us the father and it will sufice us. Have I been with you so long and you dont know? When we come to realize that we are members of the body, then we can start to grow in the knowledge of God. But you cant make believe this it has got to be from your heart and you cant believe something that you are not. A dog cant beleive he is a God so a God can believe he is a God I know what and who I am do you? The world dont know YET but one day we will be unveiled and then they will know. 🙂 See we are waiting TO WIT the redemption of the body. Notice it says TO WIT . I witted it have you?


    delriomike……………..How is it that the apostle Paul said “we” which  included himself was  “WAITING” for that redemption of the body when he was alive on this earth in His flesh body, and you say you have Witted it already , have you died and and your “BODY” has been raised from the grave in order for you to say you have witted the redemption of your BODY? While we can have the promise of the resurrection in the future Spirit is not a “BEING” It is what is (IN) a BEING, and if that Spirit is of GOD then that Person has Spiritual enlightment given him from GOD.

    But we have this (IN) our House our bodies, which must be redeemed from corruption to incorruption, Because the Spirit can not be corrupted or dies, but a Body containing Spirit can die and the Spirit leaves it and goes back to him who gave it in the first place. If we want to exist as a LINING SOUL WE MUST have both a BODY with SPIRIT (IN) It. Because that what a LIVING SOUL IS.

    I don't believe God created this world and all the wonderful things in it, that has Bodies with spirits to be destoryed, But scripture say “the whole creation will be delievered from the bondage of corruption” The earth and everything in it is the crown Jewel of Gods creation and he said it was very good. I believe we will have bodies just like Jesus had after his resurrection and it was FLESH and BONE and that BODY was NOT A SPIRIT   Body according to him.

    I think you may be getting Spiritual enlightment right but that enlightenment is useless to us if it is not in a BODY of Some KIND Spirit out side of a BODY is useless because it has nothing to animate in a separate existence of one from another. While we can be same in Spirit  (INTELLECT) we still have to have our own separate Identity as Beings through our own bodies. “For God gives it a BODY JUST as HE PLEASES”. Spirits operate in and Through a BODY, therefor it say “that God may be all and (IN) you all, why becasue He is SPIRIT>  And Spirit is the “LIFE” of the BODY>  Man became a “LIVING SOUL”,  WHEN SPIRIT was INTRODUCED into his BODY>  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………………………gene


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 29 2012,03:15)
    The Jehovah's Witnesees and the Christadelphians deny that God appeared to men in the old testament. The “proof text” they offer is a partial quote from John 1:18 which in the KJV says,

    “No man has SEEN God at any time.”

    Who cares what the Jehovah's Witnesees and the Christadelphians believe in relation to this forum. There are currently neither here at the moment I think. We know the KJians believe. No man HAD seen God but have now. God is the God of this wicked world which God tells us not to love. And God is 3 persons united in a substance called God.

    The KJians keep adding more false doctrines as time goes on too. And the WJians I think concur with the KJians.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Feb. 01 2012,14:39)
    He took human form and wrestled with Jacob. Jacob named the place “Peniel” because “I have seen God FACE TO FACE” (in a veiled form).

    God can ride on the wings of a Cherubim and can be present in us. But God is not us and neither a Cherub.

    Back the Drawing Board WJ.


    KJ………..Because God became Present in The  HUMAN Being Jesus, in no way makes him that Being. KJ remember when God spoke through Jesus Mouth and said Destroy this temple and in three days (I) GOD shall raise (IT) up, the BODY of Jesus which he consider to be a temple he “DWELT (IN)> Those words were GOD speaking first person through Jesus' Mouth. That was not coming from Jesus Himself.  Here is another time when that also took place KJ, This is all GOD first person speaking .

    Mat 23:37……> O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that kills the prophets, and stones them which are sent unto you, how often would I (GOD) have gathered thy childern together, even as as hen gathers her chickens under her wings and you would not! 3….> behold you house is left unto you desolate. 4….> For I (GOD) say unto you, you shall not see me henceforth, till you shall say, blessed is he that comes in the mane of the LORD (GOD)

    KJ,  none of that was coming from Jesus' own Mind but from the Spirit of GOD (IN) HIM>  The LOGOS who was and Is GOD was truly (IN) the MAN JESUS. But none of that makes the man Jesus the LOGOS or GOD that was (IN) HIM>

    But one thing i will give You Trinitarians over these MORPHED Angel People is that you do at least See GOD'S Presence (IN) Jesus'  even though you mistakenly think Jesus himself is that GOD that was (IN) HIM>  The Morphed Angel people can't even see God's true Presence (IN) the MAN Jesus.

    But both You and they KJ  are  “SEPARATIST” because you move Jesus Identity away from Us and all humanity and set him up as a IDOL in you minds, and this turns the “IMAGE” of Jesus into the a MAN OF SIN> Which is a LIE as Paul described in 2 Ths 2….>

    Think about this Kj and deliver yourself from that error brother.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 04 2012,01:31)
    The KJians keep adding more false doctrines as time goes on too. And the WJians I think concur with the KJians.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 04 2012,16:11)
    delriomike……………..How is it that the apostle Paul said “we” which  included himself was  “WAITING” for that redemption of the body when he was alive on this earth in His flesh body, and you say you have Witted it already , have you died and and your “BODY” has been raised from the grave in order for you to say you have witted the redemption of your BODY? While we can have the promise of the resurrection in the future Spirit is not a “BEING” It is what is (IN) a BEING, and if that Spirit is of GOD then that Person has Spiritual enlightment given him from GOD.

    But we have this (IN) our House our bodies, which must be redeemed from corruption to incorruption, Because the Spirit can not be corrupted or dies, but a Body containing Spirit can die and the Spirit leaves it and goes back to him who gave it in the first place. If we want to exist as a LINING SOUL WE MUST have both a BODY with SPIRIT (IN) It. Because that what a LIVING SOUL IS.

    I don't believe God created this world and all the wonderful things in it, that has Bodies with spirits to be destoryed, But scripture say “the whole creation will be delievered from the bondage of corruption” The earth and everything in it is the crown Jewel of Gods creation and he said it was very good. I believe we will have bodies just like Jesus had after his resurrection and it was FLESH and BONE and that BODY was NOT A SPIRIT   Body according to him.

    I think you may be getting Spiritual enlightment right but that enlightenment is useless to us if it is not in a BODY of Some KIND Spirit out side of a BODY is useless because it has nothing to animate in a separate existence of one from another. While we can be same in Spirit  (INTELLECT) we still have to have our own separate Identity as Beings through our own bodies. “For God gives it a BODY JUST as HE PLEASES”. Spirits operate in and Through a BODY, therefor it say “that God may be all and (IN) you all, why becasue He is SPIRIT>  And Spirit is the “LIFE” of the BODY>  Man became a “LIVING SOUL”,  WHEN SPIRIT was INTRODUCED into his BODY>  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………………………gene

    Gene we have beeen dead and in the grave and now we are ressurected in him. Loook at ti this way. I was alive I died and was buried in a watery grave, then I was ressurected and now it is no longer I that liveth but him. So now I am born of God what does that meake me> I know who I am, My sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow. This is werher the church so called world miss it. They are waiting for the return of Jesus Christ, I am not. The wod say He IS COME and they that deny that are anti christ, if you deny that he is come you are anti christ. I am hid with God in Christ the world cant see Jesus Christ but when the veil of flesh that surrounds us is unveiled then the world will see what they didnt recognize Jesus Christ. This is why that in the book of revealation that it said they would run to the mountains cry for the rocks to fall upon them see death and could not find it, when they realize who we are and that they have been deceived by the religious church world and caused them to miss it they will seek death. I know this is hard to beleife but it is the truth. You cant understand the spirit mind with the carnal mind quit trying to undertanad it carnally as you cant and wont.


    Delriomike…………..I do understand what you are saying and i don;t disagree with that,  however that is not to say Jesus will not come and rule this earth fro a Thousand Years in a material world Kingdom along with His saints, and they will have Flesh and Bone BODIES. Spirit is Spirit  But Jesus said for us to watch for his return , no where doe it say he has already returned to this earth. I can give you tons of scriptures that back this up.  To me there is BOTH a Spiritual and a PHYSICAL resurrection and yes we can NOW Have the Spiritual but being alive Spiritual does nothing to preserve you “COMPETE EXISTENCE” that requires a BODY Also. In order for us to be a “LIVING SOUL” again after death we must have a BODY with SPIRIT (IN) IT>  I do agree there are spiritual enlightenments of the mind and this LIFE is from above,  However that life from above must have its own BODY in order to be a distinct individual Person or Being of its own. Just as it say and GOD gave (IT) a BODY of ITS OWN>This is the way i see it brother.

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………………………………………gene

    Ed J

    Hi Delriomike,

    Do you believe Jesus returned (in spirit form) on Pentecost?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 05 2012,02:34)
    Hi Delriomike,

    Do you believe Jesus returned (in spirit form) on Pentecost?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Brother Ed, sure I do bleieve he returned on the day of Pentocost. I know he will restore the government of God and rule and reign on this earth for 1K years, who with? The saints or you could say his body. Who is his body. We, members in particular. I know that I am the least, so when you do it unto me you have done it unto him. He tried to tell them but they were too carnal minded to believe what he was telling them. He spoke in parabales to them that are without but spoke face to face to his body. Read what Paul and John worte. Paul wss in th desert for 3 1/2 years getting THE REVEALATION OF JESUS CHRIST, he came back and made this statement I could all my learning as dung (why he was a very highly educated man) but counted THE REVEALATION OF JESUS CHRIST everything. This government that God will rule with is being formed by God. How? He is calling his sheep (people who can hear his voice and not follow strangers) they are coming forth and they will rule and erign with him. It has to do with Joel's army they walk hand in hand and wont break ranks.I hope this clears it for you to understand what I am saying. Lord bless

    Ed J

    Quote (Delriomike @ Feb. 05 2012,06:20)
    Brother Ed, sure I do believe he returned on the day of Pentecost.

    Lord bless

    Hi Delriomike,

    John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words:
    and my Father will love him, and WE will come unto him, and make OUR abode with him.
    Bless you brother, so far only you me and Tim believe Jesus' return was on “Pentecost”.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Paul also warned against being mislead that the second coming of Christ has already occured. He wrote this warning way after Pentecost.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 05 2012,10:08)
    Paul also warned against being mislead that the second coming of Christ has already occured.  He wrote this warning way after Pentecost.

    Hi Mike,

    The Apostle Paul (Shaool) was warning about some saying the the day of Christ was at hand;
    because that could not happen until the man of sin was revealed. Two different feasts Mike.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    He warned that Jesus had NOT yet come…………way after Pentecost.

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