Mikeboll64 vs francis

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  • #235709

    You missed the point again WJ.
    Read again WJ.

    Revelation 3:21
    To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.

    The point I made is that your logic pertaining to Jesus sitting on God's throne needs to also work with us sitting on Jesus throne.

    i.e, if you say that Jesus is God himself because he sits with the Father on his throne, then you also need to say that we are Jesus because we can sit with him on his throne.

    Is this clear now?


    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 08 2011,15:20)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 09 2011,03:16)

    Not a puppet because puppets are dead.

    But he definitely did nothing of his own accord.

    Jesus gave them this answer: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

    Hopefully Jesus answer is good enough for you. If not, then we can't help you until you actually believe the words of Jesus.


    Are you forgetting the part that says “whatever the Father does he does“?

    That means that when the scriptures says all things came into being by him and nothing came into being without him (Jesus) then he was there doing what the Father was doing and that is creating all things.

    Now how do you reconcile that with YHVH “alone” and “By himself” created all things?

    Seriously t8 you should start believing in the Jesus of the Bible instead of a little Jesus who is no longer the servant Messiah but is exalted with “all authority and power” subject to him.

    You should not reduce Jesus to your own image but raise him to the level that he is by seeing him as the visible image of God, because if your image of him is less than God then to you he is not the visible Image of God which can only mean that you do not know the Father, for apart from him, Jesus showing you the Father you cannot know him.



    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 08 2011,16:51)
    You missed the point again WJ.
    Read again WJ.

    Revelation 3:21
    To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.

    The point I made is that your logic pertaining to Jesus sitting on God's throne needs to also work with us sitting on Jesus throne.

    i.e, if you say that Jesus is God himself because he sits with the Father on his throne, then you also need to say that we are Jesus because we can sit with him on his throne.

    Is this clear now?

    No I didn't miss the point at all.

    You think the term God identifies the Father and is exclusive to the Father. But it doesn't.

    Its funny but even you yourself says that John 1:1c should be taken qualitatively yet now you switch it up to say God does not sit with God in his throne. So out of one side of your mouth God is qualitative but out of the other God is the Father. Ha Ha.

    In what sense is Jesus qualitatively less in nature than the Father? You will not answer this as usual because you can't answer it.

    I believe the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God.

    The scriptures tell us that the “River” flows from the “Throne of God and of the Lamb. Not the throne of God and us.

    If Jesus is not in nature God with the Father then he could not share the Glory of sitting in Gods throne could he?



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 09 2011,05:10)
    The complication is that your trying to figure out God, when its not about figureing him out, but about KNOWING him.

    Dont overcomplicate your self trying to explain, or make SENSE of God, because thats impossible.

    True that is.
    I say no more.
    You are right.


    Quote (shimmer @ Feb. 08 2011,18:30)
    so, what WJ/SF/KJ? Do I now tell him that his Father is Jesus the Son? Then what do I tell him happened to the Father? Too complicated WJ/SF/KJ.

    My thoughts.

    Those are GOOD, LOGICAL thoughts, Shimmer. And that was the point behind my “Like a child” thread from over a year ago.

    Any 5 year old kid can understand the relationship between a father and a son – and not one of them understands both to be the same being.

    Good post, Shimmer. :)



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 08 2011,16:39)
    and i talked the same, walked the same, and did everything that Keith would do, and even a thought or a response from myself would be responses that keith would make, would only bring anyone to a common sense conclusion that I am keith.

    But Jesus is his own person, D.

    Jesus said that he worships what he knows – does that sound like something God would say?

    That's just one example.



    This is what I WAS going to post;

    SF, I'v looked into the oneness theology, and i'm done with it, The reason is this;

    The Son was born of Mary, like us.
    If God wanted us to believe he (the Son) was God Almighty …..God is not a God of confusion! When God created the World, it was done perfectly.

    So, God had us know that Jesus was not the Father, but a Son, and that all he learnt was off the Father. Just as we learn off our Fathers.

    John 15:15, “I have called you friends, for everything that I heard from my Father, I have made known to you.”  

    John 5:19. Jesus said: “Most certainly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father doing. For whatever things he does, these the Son also does likewise.

    “For the Father has affection for the Son, and shows him all things that he himself does. He will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.”

     John 14:28, “You heard how I told you, 'I go away, and I come to you.' If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I said 'I am going to my Father;' for the Father is greater than I.”

      John 20:17 “'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'”

    Definatly a Father and Son,  
    God is not a God of confusion.
    I hope this makes sense, two people are talking to me right now, and I cant concentrate!


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 09 2011,12:40)
    Any 5 year old kid can understand the relationship between a father and a son – and not one of them understands both to be the same being.

    I agree Mike, it's the only conclussion I can come up with in the end.

    Have to go.


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Feb. 09 2011,04:16)
    But it would take persuasion of the Holy Spirit to confess Jesus as Lord in the sense of supreme rank and authority.

    It would take the persuasion of some kind of spirit, I'll grant you that!  :)

    Watch out for him who masquerades as a spirit of light.  


    Ed J

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 09 2011,02:32)

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 07 2011,18:22)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 08 2011,10:07)

    (1)Is the Holy Spirit our Father?

    (2)“The Spirit of God hath made me”, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4

    The Holy Spirit takes part in every conception. (3)Jesus is “Unique” because he had no human Father.


    Hi WJ,

    1) You sometimes have trouble “connecting the dots”. Compare:

    2) I have said: all of you are children of the most High. (Psalm 82:6)

    3) Correct!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Then why did Jesus call the Pharasees children of the devil?

    Your scripture does not say “We are children of the Holy Spirit” does it?


    Hi WJ,

    Luke 8:11-12 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
    Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and
    taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

    Matt.13:38-40 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom;
    but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil;
    the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares
    are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.

    Job 33:4 The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Feb. 09 2011,04:51)
    Now I ask you Mike: Was the financial information the wife shared with me EQUALLY hers as well as her husband's? Of course it was. But the one spouse should not disclose personal information without the approval of the other spouse. The wife should not have spoken ON HER OWN!

    You story isn't something new, Jack.  The order of things have been in the scriptures for some time now:

    1 Corinthians 11:3
    But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

    So just like the wife in your story should speak only of things allowed by her “head”, Christ also speaks only what's allowed by his “head”.  For the woman, that “head” is man.  For Christ, that “head” is his God.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 09 2011,09:02)
    No I didn't miss the point at all.

    You think the term God identifies the Father and is exclusive to the Father. But it doesn't.

    Its funny but even you yourself says that John 1:1c should be taken qualitatively yet now you switch it up to say God does not sit with God in his throne. So out of one side of your mouth God is qualitative but out of the other God is the Father. Ha Ha.

    Do you actually read what others say?
    I have said it more times than I can remember.

    In identity, there is one God the Father.
    Qualitatively speaking others can be called God/god.

    That is a fact. It is in scripture and it has nothing to do with me and it is a known fact in Greek language.

    Whereas you say that in identity there are 3 that are God.
    And as for qualitatively, you seem to ignore that part of scripture all together.

    Same goes for other words.
    Adam, Angel, etc.

    Adam identifies one man only. adam in quality is all of mankind, both male and female.
    There is a second Adam of course, but that was necessary and we know in identity that is Jesus and no one else.

    It is better that you are honest than misrepresent those who you debate with. It is not of God to misrepresent others as that is tantamount to a lie unless of course you lack the understanding in which case you are ignorant. Not very good choices, but feel free to add another.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 09 2011,04:41)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 08 2011,16:39)
    and i talked the same, walked the same, and did everything that Keith would do, and even a thought or a response from myself would be responses that keith would make, would only bring anyone to a common sense conclusion that I am keith.

    But Jesus is his own person, D.

    Jesus said that he worships what he knows – does that sound like something God would say?

    That's just one example.


    Ok what scripture are you talking about?
    How can you prove that he is “his own person” when he only did what the Father did?

    how come you ignored my question?
    I answered your stupid question how come you cant answer mine?


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 09 2011,08:40)

    1.  Jesus is going to give the Kingdom back to the Father so that he and the Father will share that rule as one and be all in all.

    2.  Jesus is currently “all in all” and all is in his hands.

    Hi Keith,

    Both of the above statements you made are unscriptural and nonsensical.  If Jesus was now “all in all”, then Jesus subjecting himself to God so that God can be “all in all” would be unnecessary.  Because as YOU see it, Jesus IS God, and so God is ALREADY “all in all”, right?  And if that's the case, then why would “God” have to subject himself to “God” so that “God” could be all in all when “God” already IS all in all?  ???  

    24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.

    Keith, I don't see your first claim mentioned here………do you?  I see the Kingdom being turned over to ONE person – God the Father……..BY another person, Christ.  

    27 For he “has put everything under his feet.” Now when it says that “everything” has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ.

    Someone in this scripture has had everything put under him, and someone else in this scripture is “God Himself”.  Keith, can you tell based on the last words of verse 27, who it is that has had everything put under him?  Can you further tell from this same verse who it was that put everything under that one?  And if Christ IS “God Himself”, then what does Paul mean by telling us that “God Himself” is not part of the “everything” that has been put under Christ?  ???  Can you explain this wording for me – because I find it to be confusing and silly for Paul to have to tell us that God is not one of the things that God put under God.

    28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.

    Now if the previous verses explain that “Christ” is NOT “God Himself” – even AS he is reigning supreme and destroying all enemies – and we KNOW that “the Son” in verse 28 is the same person as “Christ” in verse 27, then we can also easily figure out that the “God” who will be all in all is NOT “Christ” nor “the Son”, right?

    So Keith, this is an instance where you've claimed something that is definitely not scriptural.  Will you closely examine YOUR claim, and see where you went wrong?  And then would you repost your claim including any corrections you've had to make……….just so I'm sure we're on the same page?

    Thanks in advance,


    Quote (shimmer @ Feb. 09 2011,04:42)
    This is what I WAS going to post;

    SF, I'v looked into the oneness theology, and i'm done with it, The reason is this;

    The Son was born of Mary, like us.
    If God wanted us to believe he (the Son) was God Almighty …..God is not a God of confusion! When God created the World, it was done perfectly.

    So, God had us know that Jesus was not the Father, but a Son, and that all he learnt was off the Father. Just as we learn off our Fathers.

    John 15:15, “I have called you friends, for everything that I heard from my Father, I have made known to you.”  

    John 5:19. Jesus said: “Most certainly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father doing. For whatever things he does, these the Son also does likewise.

    “For the Father has affection for the Son, and shows him all things that he himself does. He will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.”

     John 14:28, “You heard how I told you, 'I go away, and I come to you.' If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I said 'I am going to my Father;' for the Father is greater than I.”

      John 20:17 “'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'”

    Definatly a Father and Son,  
    God is not a God of confusion.
    I hope this makes sense, two people are talking to me right now, and I cant concentrate!

    If you couldnt hold your tongue in humility than you just proved to us all and to yourself, that what you are claiming comes from you and your own interpretation and not Directly from God.

    This is your opinion, your thoughts, what you think, but not truth.  
    you were better off when you said nothing and allowing God to manifest his truth in you by humbly letting go, instead of relying on your own strength.

    Just saying.  

    Anyways back to your points.
    I never claimed a “oneness theology”

    lol THE SON was not BORN like us.  He was born DIRECTLY from the Holy Spirit in Mary.

    Romans 1: says that LONG AGO we have confused ourselves and walked away from God.
    of course God is not confused, but we all are.  
    You think that our world is not full of confusion?
    why dont you study the ancient religions and you will see ALOT of confusion.  and only a very small porition of people claiming to know the one and only true God.

    I personally believe you been in a state of confusion for a long time, and been corrupted by JA.  Dont be a follower of man and thier doctrines but of Christ.

    You personally are not certain about your beliefs, you doubt yourself in my personal opinion.  Your not really sure about most of the things you say.  
    Jesus also says.
    Luke 14:26
    “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.

    You must follow Christ.  So your comparing Jesus the one who comes from eternity to Carnal Fathers and sons?
    really? IS this your example?

    Ill use the same scriptures to describe what i said to Mike.
    And how can you reconcile all the scriptures that prove that Jesus is God.

    how about the Jews? why was he crucified because he called himself the “son of God”?

    How come you think God the Father of All creation and the Son who also Created all of Creation, are not God?
    How do you reconcile that Thomas called Jesus?
    John 20:28
    Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Feb. 09 2011,08:40)
    Really? So God shares the Glory of sitting in his Throne with a creature, one who was created (as you believe Jesus is)?  

    The laugh is on YOU, Keith.  :)

    You think Jesus IS God, yet he will share the glory of sitting in HIS throne with creatures, ones who were created.  ???

    This is t8's point you're PRETENDING not to get, Keith.  It's the same point I've been bringing up for a couple of days now.  Listen carefully:

    Your point is that God would not share His throne with anyone who isn't “God”, right?

    But you also claim that Jesus IS “God”, right?

    And scripture says that Jesus WILL share his throne with created men.  So here are your choices:

    1.  One must only be “God” when sharing the throne with “God the Father”.  Non-Gods are allowed to share the throne with “God the Son”.

    2.  Those created men will BECOME “God” when allowed to share the throne with “God the Son”.

    3.  Jesus is NOT “God”, but God has let him sit on His throne with Him for a while to fulfill His purposes.  And those created men who overcome will also not be “Jesus” or “God” when they are allowed to share the throne of Jesus.

    Which one best fits YOUR understanding, Keith?  (Then compare that one with the one that actually makes sense.  :)  )

    Like t8 has very CLEARLY and LOGICALLY stated, anything you apply to “Equation A” must equally be applied to “Equation B”.  (ie:  Jesus MUST be “God” to sit on the throne of God = Men MUST be “Jesus”, and therefore also “God”, to sit on the throne of Jesus)

    Get it?  :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 09 2011,11:51)

    Ok what scripture are you talking about?

    John 4:22 NIV
    You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 09 2011,11:51)

    How can you prove that he is “his own person” when he only did what the Father did?

    Read the scriptures, D.  Jesus PRAYED frequently TO his Father.  Do you think the Father actually ever PRAYED to the Father?  He didn't do ONLY things the Father did literally.  He is saying that the things he DOES do are things he learned about FROM the Father.  The things Jesus did were all the will of his Father, and pleased Him.

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 09 2011,11:51)

    how come you ignored my question?
    I answered your stupid question how come you cant answer mine?

    What question?  Were you seriously asking if you had Keith's brain, would you be Keith?  ???

    Btw, MY question is backed by logic AND common sense AND scripture.  Yours is backed by your great imagination!  :D

    Face it D, to be equal TO anyone or anything at all is to say in the same exact breath and statement that you are NOT that one or that thing.  It's just the way it is.

    And Keith's “ontological” point doesn't work either.  He says A human is equal to A human.  But what he needs to be able to say to make his “ontological” argument work is:  “Humankind is equal to humankind”.  And that statement would never exit the lips of any sane person, because humankind is not said to “be equal TO” humankind if humankind IS humankind.

    Now the monkeys on “Planet of the Apes” could maybe make a statement implying that they were “equal TO” humankind.  But at the exact moment they uttered the words “equal TO”, it immediately becomes clear that they are of a different kind and are claiming equality WITH a kind that is different from them.

    So even though the scriptural comparisons of Jesus to his God are NOT “ontological” comparisons, but identity comparisons, even if they WERE ontological comparisons, it would STILL be saying that Jesus is NOT of the same ontology as “godkind” if he was said to be equal TO “godkind”.  Besides D, “Godkind” is not a “species”.  God is a Spirit, and Jesus can possibly be equally “spirit”, but not equally “God”.

    peace and love,


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 09 2011,14:15)

    If you couldnt hold your tongue in humility than you just proved to us all and to yourself, that what you are claiming comes from you and your own interpretation and not Directly from God.

    This is your opinion, your thoughts, what you think, but not truth.  
    you were better off when you said nothing and allowing God to manifest his truth in you by humbly letting go, instead of relying on your own strength.

    Just saying.  

    Anyways back to your points.
    I never claimed a “oneness theology”

    lol THE SON was not BORN like us.  He was born DIRECTLY from the Holy Spirit in Mary.

    Romans 1: says that LONG AGO we have confused ourselves and walked away from God.
    of course God is not confused, but we all are.  
    You think that our world is not full of confusion?
    why dont you study the ancient religions and you will see ALOT of confusion.  and only a very small porition of people claiming to know the one and only true God.

    I personally believe you been in a state of confusion for a long time, and been corrupted by JA.  Dont be a follower of man and thier doctrines but of Christ.

    You personally are not certain about your beliefs, you doubt yourself in my personal opinion.  Your not really sure about most of the things you say.  
    Jesus also says.
    Luke 14:26
    “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.

    You must follow Christ.  So your comparing Jesus the one who comes from eternity to Carnal Fathers and sons?
    really? IS this your example?

    Ill use the same scriptures to describe what i said to Mike.
    And how can you reconcile all the scriptures that prove that Jesus is God.

    how about the Jews? why was he crucified because he called himself the “son of God”?

    How come you think God the Father of All creation and the Son who also Created all of Creation, are not God?
    How do you reconcile that Thomas called Jesus?
    John 20:28
    Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

    SF, THATS the thing, you see, when I first opened scripture, for the first time (understand I don't mean first time ever but first time where I understood clearly what I was reading)……..I understood. There was NO confusion at all. So…, that was over four years ago. Since then has been Internet, books, FORUMS. Yeah, BUT the thing is that whenever I feel GOOD about what I believe is when I see and FEEL things. So, trying to figure out what God is (Trinity/Oneness/ect) that IS where the confusion is.

    Where it's hard is I also believe we should know the truth as best we can IN CASE we want to do things like missionary work in the Middle East (which is where I was heading once upon a time)……….so,.. but then again, Mother Theresa did her work as a Catholic, and only by example. She never actually taught anything, from what I have read (which wasn't much).

    But, SF, see I had to learn about Islam, even if at times I was confused, I BELIEVED Islam and Christianity only had ONE important difference, that being the Son. But I soon figured out the God of Islam is not the same as the God of Christianity.  But, I had to go there first. whats that saying….to know your enemy you have to become your enemy……. to understand them, you have to put yourself in their shoes. See what their going through and what their thinking.
    Be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

    I'm a bit slow at times :P,

    Explaining myself is even harder, lol.

    So, anyway, I have to leave this thread, I think. Good luck!


    Quote (shimmer @ Feb. 09 2011,09:11)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Feb. 09 2011,14:15)

    If you couldnt hold your tongue in humility than you just proved to us all and to yourself, that what you are claiming comes from you and your own interpretation and not Directly from God.

    This is your opinion, your thoughts, what you think, but not truth.  
    you were better off when you said nothing and allowing God to manifest his truth in you by humbly letting go, instead of relying on your own strength.

    Just saying.  

    Anyways back to your points.
    I never claimed a “oneness theology”

    lol THE SON was not BORN like us.  He was born DIRECTLY from the Holy Spirit in Mary.

    Romans 1: says that LONG AGO we have confused ourselves and walked away from God.
    of course God is not confused, but we all are.  
    You think that our world is not full of confusion?
    why dont you study the ancient religions and you will see ALOT of confusion.  and only a very small porition of people claiming to know the one and only true God.

    I personally believe you been in a state of confusion for a long time, and been corrupted by JA.  Dont be a follower of man and thier doctrines but of Christ.

    You personally are not certain about your beliefs, you doubt yourself in my personal opinion.  Your not really sure about most of the things you say.  
    Jesus also says.
    Luke 14:26
    “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.

    You must follow Christ.  So your comparing Jesus the one who comes from eternity to Carnal Fathers and sons?
    really? IS this your example?

    Ill use the same scriptures to describe what i said to Mike.
    And how can you reconcile all the scriptures that prove that Jesus is God.

    how about the Jews? why was he crucified because he called himself the “son of God”?

    How come you think God the Father of All creation and the Son who also Created all of Creation, are not God?
    How do you reconcile that Thomas called Jesus?
    John 20:28
    Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

    SF, THATS the thing, you see, when I first opened scripture, for the first time (understand I don't mean first time ever but first time where I understood clearly what I was reading)……..I understood. There was NO confusion at all. So…, that was over four years ago. Since then has been Internet, books, FORUMS. Yeah, BUT the thing is that whenever I feel GOOD about what I believe is when I see and FEEL things. So, trying to figure out what God is (Trinity/Oneness/ect) that IS where the confusion is.

    Where it's hard is I also believe we should know the truth as best we can IN CASE we want to do things like missionary work in the Middle East (which is where I was heading once upon a time)……….so,.. but then again, Mother Theresa did her work as a Catholic, and only by example. She never actually taught anything, from what I have read (which wasn't much).

    But, SF, see I had to learn about Islam, even if at times I was confused, I BELIEVED Islam and Christianity only had ONE important difference, that being the Son. But I soon figured out the God of Islam is not the same as the God of Christianity.  But, I had to go there first. whats that saying….to know your enemy you have to become your enemy……. to understand them, you have to put yourself in their shoes. See what their going through and what their thinking.
    Be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

    I'm a bit slow at times :P,

    Explaining myself is even harder, lol.

    So, anyway, I have to leave this thread, I think. Good luck!

    Actually that is not.

    Becuase how can you explain that I, Dennison have the very same reaction when i speak about Jesus and read the scriptures abuot Jesus.
    And not just that the power thats its in that Name i have seen with my very eyes.

    how can you explain my expierences?
    Im not conformed to what “i think that feels good” but on the things i have seen, and felt, and was revealed to by God.

    Its as simple as this, its either im a liar or a lunatic, or im speaking the truth.

    IF you feel “GOOD about what you believe in” than pray alot, and pray alot more for humility.
    and deny yourself.

    You are your own worst enemy. The enemy from within.
    Dont you see that the truth is not found within what feels good, or in our very thoughts, or that little chill or breeze you can feel here or there. or that little electric shock.

    its a Transformation of who you are now in Jesus Christ, and dieing to who you were without him.

    Why deal with people with the Middle east?
    Did God tell you to do it, or its because you WANT to?
    Alot of people do alot of things becasue they think its “good” but nothing is “good” that is seperate from the will of God.

    Let God deal with Mother Theresa.

    Islam and Christianity are nothing alike.

    And it totally understand but the truth is not our “enemy” its our sustaining life.
    So for you to know the “truth” you must Know God and deny ourselves.

    If you want to understand what men think or know, than Ask God. Doesnt he already know how to deal with men?

    What did pharaoh believe? and whom did God send? the prince of egypt Moses!

    Go where God leads you, and run from where you desire to go.
    Let his will be done.

    Your not slow, your simply not complicated as the rest of us are.
    Your too opened minded and gullable at times.
    Thats a good thing and a bad thing.
    Be opened minded to God and believe everything he tells you.
    Deny the rest.

    And dont believe what i tell you, nor give me the benefit of the doubt. Go directly to God and ask him.

    He is Real, so ask him.


    SF, if i could go back on the past five years I think it has been, and explain the things I have been through,

    I think God is either real or he isn't real to people, but when you feel God working through you and see things happen which was NOT just coincidence, when you feel you are being led, and you feel God there, life is very different.

    When I say I FEEL good, you take that wrong, I don't mean as you see people who think its all about feeling good, being blessed with money etc, No, not that.

    Its about emotion. power (in the last days will be those who have a form of Godly devotion but deny it's power)………what is this power? I believe it has a lot to do with emotion, ………..God is love……e.g.; in my son's class is an Autistic boy. And I was moved with emotion for him, to tears (I was trying not to cry!) and I prayed, with faith, that God heal him, and I knew, I felt it, God was healing him. And would you believe me if I told you he is healed?

    Things like that. Some thing's I ownt even say here.

    I see the world and whats happening in it. And I spend my time thinking. And whenever I'm with someone, such as my mother, it's all I talk about, I have no interest in “the worlds ways” but in the people I do.

    You mention denying self, and family, I believe in submitting to Gods will. I used to do better though, than lately.

    So,….but, I have to say that for a 21 year old, your doing well. And thank you for your advice! My oldest son is 20. I never went to church. So, at 14, he took himself to church, and was baptised, same with my daughter who is now 15. With all her friends, though they may not go, she does, and she encourages them to do the same. Or at least to open their bible.  

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