Mikeboll64 vs francis

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 25 2010,05:19)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 25 2010,11:00)
    Im not gonna come in and start with a punch of immature comments just for your entertainment Mike.

    Why would they be “immature” comments?  Aren't you a mature Bible student who can maturely defend your beliefs?

    I just thought it would be nice to have a little break.  You and WJ keep me going to the point of exhaustion sometimes.  I thought in this instance, it would be nice to just sit back and watch WJ shut your “proof” scriptures down at the same time you shut his down.  Less work for me.  Plus, lately I've got that little puppy nipping at my heels everywhere I go.  Maybe he'd start pestering you guys for a while and leave me alone if you got into this discussion. :)

    D, you're not “ascared” of WJ, are you?  (Now THAT was an “immature comment”!  :)  )

    peace and love,

    How would you know if im mature or not?
    am i not a D-linquent :D

    mike, again dude, this isnt your world, where you choose who can debate and who doesnt.
    If we have to “duke” it out, than it will happen, but not because you WANT it to happen.

    if anything it makes me feel rebellious and just agree with WJ some more just to tick you off. :D

    again, if a comment happens to come up where i disagree, trust me i will bring it up.
    Do you rememeber KJ and his 70ad belief?

    so buddy, if you want fireworks, let them happen naturally, dont be a instingator.


    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 26 2010,09:40)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 25 2010,11:19)
    (Mike Posted to SF)

    Aren't you a mature Bible student who can maturely defend your beliefs?

    peace and love,

    Hi Mike,

    I don't know about SF,
    but I have had to do this thing
    that (you have asked SF) many times!
    And most people do not get upset over this,
    with very few exceptions to the rule (No Names).

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Have you defended your “numbers” belief succefully Ed J?

    fallacy: Jesus=74 Satan=74, isnt this a fact within KJV gemteria. Lets even go further, isnt the KJV a mistranslated text? corrupted?

    Could you also consider that if one could disprove that KJV as a legtimate source of holy scripture than it also disproves your english gemteria as well right?

    Or is it ok just to cherry-pick whatever you want?

    here is another question: Does God need YOU to prove that HE exists, as YOU claim?


    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 26 2010,07:53)
    And as for Mikeboll,

    He knows nothing except how to twist Scriptures …he is just trying to recover a bit of self dignity because every where he goes he gets beaten on.

    He picks one line out of a post and swears against it ….I take it then that all the ones he DIDn't he agreed with but was to 'proud' to say anything about it for fear of being seen to agree with some one.

    His greatest talent is to post a single response to a list of good posts picking what he sees as a foolproof error…
    yet the error is his own.

    Mike has lost three arguments…more maybe…and he persists…never learns because to do so is against his principles…

    His love is to DEBATE – his words… So to end a debate is not in his nature…

    Not to be a punk.

    But dont you think that JA has a point about you?
    I'm sure it hurts to hear how others preceive us, and espeacially really hard to even look in the mirror.

    With much love, you can be very proud, and you LOVE to debate to the death.

    maybe you should consider JA words. better yet how does God think of you is even more important.

    I cant talk, i have my own flaws as well.
    Just sayin, take it for consideration.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 27 2010,00:50)

    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 26 2010,07:53)
    And as for Mikeboll,

    He knows nothing except how to twist Scriptures …he is just trying to recover a bit of self dignity because every where he goes he gets beaten on.

    He picks one line out of a post and swears against it ….I take it then that all the ones he DIDn't he agreed with but was to 'proud' to say anything about it for fear of being seen to agree with some one.

    His greatest talent is to post a single response to a list of good posts picking what he sees as a foolproof error…
    yet the error is his own.

    Mike has lost three arguments…more maybe…and he persists…never learns because to do so is against his principles…

    His love is to DEBATE – his words… So to end a debate is not in his nature…

    Not to be a punk.

    But dont you think that JA has a point about you?
    I'm sure it hurts to hear how others preceive us, and espeacially really hard to even look in the mirror.

    With much love, you can be very proud, and you LOVE to debate to the death.  

    maybe you should consider JA words.  better yet how does God think of you is even more important.

    I cant talk, i have my own flaws as well.
    Just sayin, take it for consideration.


    Mk 12:20 Now there were seven brothers. The first one married and died without leaving any children.
    Mk 12:21 The second one married the widow, but he also died, leaving no child. It was the same with the third.
    Mk 12:22 In fact, none of the seven left any children. Last of all, the woman died too.
    Mk 12:23 At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?”
    Mk 12:24 Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?
    Mk 12:25 When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.
    Mk 12:26 Now about the dead rising—have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’ ?
    Mk 12:27 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!”

    Mk 12:28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”




    SF and JA

    Ac 15:2 This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. So Paul and Barnabas were appointed, along with some other believers, to go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders about this question.
    Ac 18:28 For he vigorously refuted the Jews in public debate, proving from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ




    Its ok to debate, when there is a End to it. not for the LOVE of debate.
    maybe you need more discernment for you can understand what JA is talking about.

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 26 2010,17:46)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 26 2010,09:40)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 25 2010,11:19)
    (Mike Posted to SF)

    Aren't you a mature Bible student who can maturely defend your beliefs?

    peace and love,

    Hi Mike,

    I don't know about SF,
    but I have had to do this thing
    that (you have asked SF) many times!
    And most people do not get upset over this,
    with very few exceptions to the rule (No Names).

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Have you defended your “numbers” belief succefully Ed J?

    fallacy: Jesus=74 Satan=74, isnt this a fact within KJV gemteria.  Lets even go further, isnt the KJV a mistranslated text?  corrupted?

    Could you also consider that if one could disprove that KJV as a legtimate source of holy scripture than it also disproves your english gemteria as well right?

    Or is it ok just to cherry-pick whatever you want?

    here is another question: Does God need YOU to prove that HE exists, as YOU claim?

    Hi SF,

    I have explained this to you before!
    You(Dennison) are again implementing bad tactics!
    Ignoring the FACT that I have explained this on numerous threads.
    Do you yet still have trouble NOT understanding the purpose of “The Passover”(74×2)?

    This question (of yours) is perpetrating a LIE!   …PROVE where I said this bogus claim of yours? (1Thess.5:21)

    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 26 2010,17:41)

    so buddy, if you want fireworks, let them happen naturally, dont be a instingator.

    Hi SF,

    Are you NOT investigating fireworks?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 26 2010,17:50)
    Not to be a punk.


    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 26 2010,17:50)

    I cant talk, i have my own flaws as well.

    Hi SF,

    Is one of them trying to find flaws in others?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 26 2010,17:41)

    am i not a D-linquent  :D

    Hi Dennison,

    Do you really want someone to answer this?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 25 2010,03:56)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 24 2010,18:26)

    Quote (shimmer @ Dec. 24 2010,04:49)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 21 2010,06:52)
    Hi all

    I must say that in all the time I have been here I have not seen anyone with the knowledge, and the gracefulness in presenting that knowledge as I see Francis has done in this debate.

    And finally I understand what the Trinity means.

    Thank you Francis.

    Quote Francis
    Posted: Dec. 21 2010,04:34

    Orthodox Christianity does not believe that Jesus… the Divine part of him… the Deity part of him… ever called God, “my God”.  This is because Jesus is God.  Instead it was Jesus' fully human body and human consciousness that said “my God”… not His divinity.

    Orthodox Christianity does not believe that Jesus… the Divine part of him… the Deity part of him… ever came from God.  This is because Jesus is God.   Instead it was Jesus' fully human body and human consciousness that came from God… not His divinity.

    Orthodox Christianity believes that Jesus… the Divine part of him… the Deity part of him… comes from no one.  This is because Jesus is God.  Instead it was Jesus' fully human body and human consciousness that came from God… not His divinity.

    Orthodox Christianity does not believe that Jesus… the Divine part of him… the Deity part of him… was begotten.  This is because Jesus is God.   Instead it was Jesus' fully human body and human consciousness that was begotten… not His divinity.

    Orthodox Christianity does not believe that Jesus… the Divine part of him… the Deity part of him… can ever die.  This is because Jesus is God.   Instead it was Jesus' fully human body and human consciousness that died on the cross… not His divinity.

    Orthodox Christianity does not believe that Jesus… the Divine part of him… the Deity part of him… took sin upon Himself.  This is because Jesus is God.   Instead it was Jesus' fully human body and human consciousness that took sin upon himself and died on the cross… not His divinity.


    the explanation Francis gives here remind me of ;“Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”
    Ge 3:2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,
    Ge 3:3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’ ”
    Ge 3:4 “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman.



    Hi Dennison,

    Are you going to produce any Scriptural backing for any of these (so called) Orthodox Christianity claims?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi Ed and Pierre,

    I thank you both for you support and for defending me.  

    To SF, when you want to discuss SCRIPTURES and our understanding of them, I'm right here.  But to discuss what you and JA think about me PERSONALLY?  I really couldn't care less.  

    SF, you have spoken words today that say alot about who you are.  You said, “if anything it makes me feel rebellious and just agree with WJ some more just to tick you off.”  This tells me that your goal on this site is not to get to the truth of the matter, or to defend your beliefs when others like Keith post things against them, but to go as far a agreeing with him on things you really don't believe – just to “tick me off”.

    I'm sorry you feel that way.  I'm after truth here.  I've gone head to head with you, Kathi, Pierre, Ed, and now even a little with Irene – all people who are my friends, and all in the name of scriptural truth.  I'm not willing to “jump on a personality bandwagon” D.

    And there's something you might not be aware of D.  When KJ and I were having one of our debates, JA had posted something about himself in referrence to me.  And KJ told him that I was 100 times more competent than he was.  Ever since that time, JA has hounded me like a little puppy nipping at my shoes.  He won't actually answer any of my scriptural points or scripturally defend any of his imagined events of history, but just pops by thread to thread trying to attack me PERSONALLY.  Do you know the difference between attacking someone PERSONALLY and attacking their understanding of scripture, D?

    You have just agreed with his PERSONAL attack.  But this site is not about the PERSONALITY of Mike Boll, or the way he chooses to debate.  Don't debate my personality D, debate my understanding of scripture.

    And when Keith's understanding of scripture disagrees with yours, you should be equally willing to go to bat against him as you are to go to bat against me. IMO

    peace and love,


    If you “REALLY DON'T CARE LESS” then why do you CARE SO MUCH?



    I think what you said about KJ saying what you said he said is just that – you saying that KJ said that he said what he said.

    What PROOF do you have that KJ said what you said that KJ said?



    This is the only truth in your post above:

    And KJ told him that I was 100 times more competent than he [KJ] was.

    First off, KJ has been gone for months and Months but I only started posting against you for a few of those month – and it was NOTHING TO DO WITH KJ….Where on Earth does KJ come into this…where did you dredge him up from?

    Sounds like you whinging like a little girl for support.


    You ask is Jesus an Angel or God.

    This is such an incompetent question it actually hurts me to answer…my spirit groans inside me to see such sheer incompetence in a question.

    The answer is “Neither”.

    Jesus is not an Angel – Jesus is a MAN…A Man in Spirit form.

    Jesus is not God – Jesus is given the POWERS and AUTHORITIES to ACT AS GOD in his Father's Kingdom to bring about the completion of the work of God Almighty…and to bring ALL Earthly and Heavenly Powers and Authorities and Rulers under his own control in his father's kingdom.

    And then, when it is completed…he will HAND the Kingdom BACK to his Father…and become -!! once again !!- subject to his Father and God, YHVH Almighty God.

    Tell me you haven't read this in the Scriptures?

    Have you not read that Joseph was made ruler over Pharoah's kingdom to bring about the distribution of grain to the people until the great drought was over. Was Joseph mad Pharoah – No, but he ruled AS Pharoah – but was NOT Pharoah (Could Joseph sleep with Pharoah's wife. Could Joseph enter Pharoah's Hareem/Concubines? Could Joseph usurp or dethrone Pharoah – No.

    Jesus, likewise, never sits ON THE THRONE of God just as Joseph never sat on the Throne of Pharoah but only ruled [with-]IN HIS POWER.

    Dennison, why do you ask such an incompetent question – I am racked with pain from answering it!!!


    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 27 2010,09:28)

    I think what you said about KJ saying what you said he said is just that – you saying that KJ said that he said what he said.

    What PROOF do you have that KJ said what you said that KJ said?


    Why are you here in this thread?  Do you have any further input that deals with the thread title?

    And I'm sure WJ will remember when KJ said that to you.  I'm pretty sure you also remember it as clear as a bell.  It was at that time that I became your enemy in your own eyes.  It was about that time that you started personally attacking me because you have no grounds to refute my scriptural points.

    Let's ask WJ if he remembers.  If not, maybe I'll look for the post from 6 months ago.



    Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 27 2010,09:38)

    This is the only truth in your post above:

    And KJ told him that I was 100 times more competent than he [KJ] was.

    First off, KJ has been gone for months and Months but I only started posting against you for a few of those month – and it was NOTHING TO DO WITH KJ….Where on Earth does KJ come into this…where did you dredge him up from?

    Sounds like you whinging like a little girl for support.

    Really JA?  How many times have you told the story of how you tried to save me from “my own misunderstandings” in my debate against KJ?

    Yet, your hate of me has nothing to do with KJ?  ???

    It was at the time you found youself allied with him and against truth that we stopped sending friendly pms and you started posting hate.  Then, when he made that comment to you despite the fact you were supporting HIM, I assume that something happened inside your ego.  It became crushed to learn that someone on HN DIDN'T think you were the greatest and smartest in the whole world.  And even worse, he put someone you wanted to be YOUR “begotten son” ABOVE you.

    But the worst part is that it wasn't even ME who said the remark.  But it has been me who has received the hate.



    Mikeboll64 – you read my mind?
    I hope you were suitably shocked…!!

    Everything you just mentioned is false – your post has been reported…

    You say I started posting 'hate' – no Mikeboll64, not hate 'Truth' (But maybe to you truth is hate – so I guess i see your point)

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