Mikeboll64 vs francis

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    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 08 2011,14:07)
    Mike Said:

    “God” is merely a title meaning “ruler”.  Yes, Jesus has been called by that title.  But so have been Satan, angels and men.  So we know from those scriptural truths that being called by the title “god” does not make one the “God of all gods”, or “God Almighty”.  And that includes Jesus.

    Dude you just lost your whole debate.
    Might as well throw in the Towel
    I honestly did not think you were going to use that point in a debate with Francis, but like i said before you dug a grave for your theology.
    It Is Done.


    Mike is always digging a grave for himself. This is why in our last debate he began to whine about the terms in the middle of the debate. Only the loser whines.



    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 09 2011,02:50)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 08 2011,14:07)
    Mike Said:

    “God” is merely a title meaning “ruler”.  Yes, Jesus has been called by that title.  But so have been Satan, angels and men.  So we know from those scriptural truths that being called by the title “god” does not make one the “God of all gods”, or “God Almighty”.  And that includes Jesus.

    Dude you just lost your whole debate.
    Might as well throw in the Towel
    I honestly did not think you were going to use that point in a debate with Francis, but like i said before you dug a grave for your theology.
    It Is Done.


    Mike is always digging a grave for himself. This is why in our last debate he began to whine about the terms in the middle of the debate. Only the loser whines.


    Yeah Jack, we're still waiting for your final conclusion to the “elohim” debate. :)

    Scriptures and archeaology cleaned your clock on that debate, huh? :D

    Jack, why are you bringing up ad hominems about me instead of answering the question I asked D? ???

    Did I say something unscriptural?



    Hi Mike

    Can you reconcile these two statements, emphasis mine…?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,09:27)
    Scripturally speaking, is THE FATHER the “ONLY TRUE GOD?  Yes”.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 06 2011,17:00)
    And I don't know of a scripture that calls Jesus “the true god”, but I agree that he is.

    Stop with all the word games. If the Father is the “Only One True God” then how is Jesus ‘the True God”? It’s because the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are “ONE”!

    Scriptures do not teach “Polytheism”!

    Give it up Mike, the scriptures, the Apostles, and the Forefathers, teach that “Jesus is the Word that was with God and was\is God!



    SF and KJ You are both getting very personal. It doesn't fit a Christian….get with the question, I am waiting too…..Irene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 09 2011,03:25)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 09 2011,02:50)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 08 2011,14:07)
    Mike Said:

    “God” is merely a title meaning “ruler”.  Yes, Jesus has been called by that title.  But so have been Satan, angels and men.  So we know from those scriptural truths that being called by the title “god” does not make one the “God of all gods”, or “God Almighty”.  And that includes Jesus.

    Dude you just lost your whole debate.
    Might as well throw in the Towel
    I honestly did not think you were going to use that point in a debate with Francis, but like i said before you dug a grave for your theology.
    It Is Done.


    Mike is always digging a grave for himself. This is why in our last debate he began to whine about the terms in the middle of the debate. Only the loser whines.


    Yeah Jack, we're still waiting for your final conclusion to the “elohim” debate.  :)

    Scriptures and archeaology cleaned your clock on that debate, huh?  :D

    Jack, why are you bringing up ad hominems about me instead of answering the question I asked D?  ???

    Did I say something unscriptural?  


    Be fair Mike. You and I had a fall out and that ended things. The closing statement was not a big deal. We had posted several pages about terms in another forum before the debate had begun. You agreed to all the terms. But your failure to prove that “David” is Christ meant you could not prove a chief point in your resolve. So you got frustrated and whined about the terms. If you had been winning you would not have cared.

    It was necessary for you to prove that “David” is Christ and you could not. It put all your other interpretations in question. If the word “servant” in reference to David is no proof against Christ's divinity, then in how many other places are you wrong?

    Face it Mike. Only the loser whines. If you had been winning that debate you would not have even brought up anything about the terms in the middle of it. The people here were not born yesterday Mike.

    Love ya Mike



    WorshippingJesus asked Mike:

    Stop with all the word games. If the Father is the “Only One True God” then how is Jesus ‘the True God”? It’s because the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are “ONE”!

    We anxiously await while Mike computes this question.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,09:27)
    Scripturally speaking, does being given the title of “god” make that one “God Almighty”?  No, as many scriptures prove.

    Hi Mike

    Yes it does if that God is the True God and has all authority and power and rules heaven and earth, with all things in his hands, and if he created all things by his hands, and upholds all things by the Word of his Power, and if by him all things consist, and if he is called the Alpha and Omega and the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, and if the angels are commanded to worship him, and all of creation bows down to him casting down their crowns and worshipping him, and confessing him as LORD, and if he is One with the Father and sharing his throne and his Glory, then yes he is the “Almighty” who was and is and is to come. Rev 1:8 – Rev 22:12, 13

    Blessings Keith


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:39)
    Hi Mike

    Can you reconcile these two statements, emphasis mine…?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,09:27)
    Scripturally speaking, is THE FATHER the “ONLY TRUE GOD?  Yes”.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 06 2011,17:00)
    And I don't know of a scripture that calls Jesus “the true god”, but I agree that he is.

    Stop with all the word games. If the Father is the “Only One True God” then how is Jesus ‘the True God”? It’s because the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are “ONE”!

    Scriptures do not teach “Polytheism”!

    Give it up Mike, the scriptures, the Apostles, and the Forefathers, teach that “Jesus is the Word that was with God and was\is God!


    Hi Keith,

    This is child's play. I've already told you that the “ONLY TRUE GOD” wording does NOT mean that only one in the history of creation holds the title of “god”. I've showed you where scriptures support my view on this, for many are given the title of “god”.

    What “ONLY TRUE GOD” means is that YHVH is God of all other gods.

    And I didn't read the word “THE” close enough in my comment. I meant, and should have said that Jesus is “A true god”, just as the ones God called “gods” and Satan are true gods. It is a title that means “ruler”, Keith. Are you saying that Satan is NOT a true “ruler” to many?

    And you keep avoiding the only point in this discussion that matters:

    If YOU want to take the words “ONLY TRUE GOD” to mean there are no others period, then you must carry that literal meaning through and acknowledge that the FATHER is the only one named in ANY scripture that speaks of there being only ONE God.

    And like I've told you before, “polytheism” is the belief that there are more than one god worthy of worship. I don't believe that………YOU do with your trinity nonsense.

    And I'll answer any points you ask about John 1:1 in the “John 1:1-3” thread.

    You see how you once again divert? :) We are talking about THE FATHER alone being called THE ONLY TRUE GOD in scripture. And you have already admitted that you believe the Father is the ONLY TRUE GOD, so you're stuck. You only have two HONEST choices left:

    1. Jesus actually IS the Father
    2. Jesus is NOT “the ONLY TRUE GOD”.

    Which is it? :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,11:59)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:39)
    Hi Mike

    Can you reconcile these two statements, emphasis mine…?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,09:27)
    Scripturally speaking, is THE FATHER the “ONLY TRUE GOD?  Yes”.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 06 2011,17:00)
    And I don't know of a scripture that calls Jesus “the true god”, but I agree that he is.

    Stop with all the word games. If the Father is the “Only One True God” then how is Jesus ‘the True God”? It’s because the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are “ONE”!

    Scriptures do not teach “Polytheism”!

    Give it up Mike, the scriptures, the Apostles, and the Forefathers, teach that “Jesus is the Word that was with God and was\is God!


    Hi Keith,

    This is child's play.  I've already told you that the “ONLY TRUE GOD” wording does NOT mean that only one in the history of creation holds the title of “god”.  I've showed you where scriptures support my view on this, for many are given the title of “god”.

    What “ONLY TRUE GOD” means is that YHVH is God of all other gods.

    Hi Mike

    Face it your words are contradicting and self defeating and confusing.

    Scriptures says there is “Only One True God”, you can't spin out of that by making inference and redefining what it means.

    By defiition you are teaching Polytheism.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,11:59)
    And I didn't read the word “THE” close enough in my comment.  I meant, and should have said that Jesus is “A true god”, just as the ones God called “gods” and Satan are true gods.  It is a title that means “ruler”, Keith.  Are you saying that Satan is NOT a true “ruler” to many?

    Hi Mike

    So satan is “the god of this world” but Jesus is just “a god”!

    Mike your own words are contradictory and confusing.

    You said…

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    You see Mike, I can only think that it is pride that makes it so you cannot concede the point even after you have made contradicting statements. Do you really want to learn here Mike or are you so set in your way that no matter what you will not change?

    Mike, you run around accusing others of teaching falsehoods and yet you can't admit when you are wrong or ever concede a single point. What gives man?

    Blessings WJ


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,09:27)
    Scripturally speaking, does being given the title of “god” make that one “God Almighty”?  No, as many scriptures prove.

    Hi Mike

    Yes it does if that God is the True God and has all authority and power and rules heaven and earth, with all things in his hands, and if he created all things by his hands, and upholds all things by the Word of his Power, and if by him all things consist, and if he is called the Alpha and Omega and the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, and if the angels are commanded to worship him, and all of creation bows down to him casting down their crowns and worshipping him, and confessing him as LORD, and if he is One with the Father and sharing his throne and his Glory, then yes he is the “Almighty” who was and is and is to come. Rev 1:8 – Rev 22:12, 13

    Blessings Keith

    Hi Keith,

    I agree with you that were all these things you said true, then that one WOULD be “God Almighty”………but are the things you said true?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)
    Yes it does if that God is the True God and has all authority and power and rules heaven and earth,

    But does Jesus just “HAVE” those things?  Or were they GIVEN TO HIM BY HIS GOD?  See how that changes things?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)
    and if he created all things by his hands,

    But God created all things through his servant Jesus, right?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)
    and if he is called the Alpha and Omega

    He's not.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)

    Artaxerxes and Nebuchadnezzar are also called “the King of kings”………are they part of your Godhead?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)
    and if the angels are commanded to worship him,

    They are not.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)
    and all of creation bows down to him casting down their crowns and worshipping him,

    No one worships Jesus.  They bow to him as people have bowed to many others in scriptures.  Only YHVH is worshipped, as Jesus himself says and Jesus himself does.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)
    and confessing him as LORD, and if he is One with the Father

    No one has confessed Jesus as LORD, or YHVH.  And he IS one with the Father in purpose as we may all hope to be.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:54)
    then yes he is the “Almighty” who was and is and is to come. Rev 1:8 – Rev 22:12, 13

    Jesus is not called “the Almighty” in Revelation, or in any other scripture.

    Okay, Keith?  This is why I'm debating Francis, not you.  You never stand and defend one individual scripture.  You must list them all at once, and make it SEEM like you have a case.  But upon further scrutiny, it becomes clear that NOT ONE of them really say what you pretend that they do.  :D

    Go ahead………….I DARE YOU.  Stand and defend just ONE of the scriptural points I've just rebutted.  JUST ONE OF THEM, Keith.  Pick ONE OF THEM and let's discuss that ONE scriptural point to the brass tacks and see if it really DOES mean that “Jesus is God Almighty”.

    peace and love,


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,04:05)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,11:59)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,03:39)
    Hi Mike

    Can you reconcile these two statements, emphasis mine…?

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,09:27)
    Scripturally speaking, is THE FATHER the “ONLY TRUE GOD?  Yes”.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 06 2011,17:00)
    And I don't know of a scripture that calls Jesus “the true god”, but I agree that he is.

    Stop with all the word games. If the Father is the “Only One True God” then how is Jesus ‘the True God”? It’s because the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are “ONE”!

    Scriptures do not teach “Polytheism”!

    Give it up Mike, the scriptures, the Apostles, and the Forefathers, teach that “Jesus is the Word that was with God and was\is God!


    Hi Keith,

    This is child's play.  I've already told you that the “ONLY TRUE GOD” wording does NOT mean that only one in the history of creation holds the title of “god”.  I've showed you where scriptures support my view on this, for many are given the title of “god”.

    What “ONLY TRUE GOD” means is that YHVH is God of all other gods.

    Hi Mike

    Face it your words are contradicting and self defeating and confusing.

    Scriptures says there is “Only One True God”, you can't spin out of that by making inference and redefining what it means.

    By defiition you are teaching Polytheism.


    You see how you once again divert? :) We are talking about THE FATHER alone being called THE ONLY TRUE GOD in scripture. And you have already admitted that you believe the Father is the ONLY TRUE GOD, so you're stuck. You only have two HONEST choices left:

    1. Jesus actually IS the Father
    2. Jesus is NOT “the ONLY TRUE GOD”.

    Which is it? :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,04:19)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,11:59)
    And I didn't read the word “THE” close enough in my comment.  I meant, and should have said that Jesus is “A true god”, just as the ones God called “gods” and Satan are true gods.  It is a title that means “ruler”, Keith.  Are you saying that Satan is NOT a true “ruler” to many?

    Hi Mike

    So satan is “the god of this world” but Jesus is just “a god”!

    Mike your own words are contradictory and confusing.

    You said…

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    You see Mike, I can only think that it is pride that makes it so you cannot concede the point even after you have made contradicting statements. Do you really want to learn here Mike or are you so set in your way that no matter what you will not change?

    Mike, you run around accusing others of teaching falsehoods and yet you can't admit when you are wrong or ever concede a single point. What gives man?

    Blessings WJ

    You see how you once again divert? :) We are talking about THE FATHER alone being called THE ONLY TRUE GOD in scripture. And you have already admitted that you believe the Father is the ONLY TRUE GOD, so you're stuck. You only have two HONEST choices left:

    1. Jesus actually IS the Father
    2. Jesus is NOT “the ONLY TRUE GOD”.

    Which is it? :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,11:59)
    Are you saying that Satan is NOT a true “ruler” to many?

    Hi Mike

    Yep, satan is NOT a true ruler to many. He is the Father of lies. Satan is a real ruler to many but not a “true ruler” to many and there are no scritpures that says he is.

    Is satan a “True god” mike.

    There is “Only One True God” Mike!

    Stop reinventing the term!



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,12:22)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,04:19)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,11:59)
    And I didn't read the word “THE” close enough in my comment.  I meant, and should have said that Jesus is “A true god”, just as the ones God called “gods” and Satan are true gods.  It is a title that means “ruler”, Keith.  Are you saying that Satan is NOT a true “ruler” to many?

    Hi Mike

    So satan is “the god of this world” but Jesus is just “a god”!

    Mike your own words are contradictory and confusing.

    You said…

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 05 2011,18:35)
    Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.

    You see Mike, I can only think that it is pride that makes it so you cannot concede the point even after you have made contradicting statements. Do you really want to learn here Mike or are you so set in your way that no matter what you will not change?

    Mike, you run around accusing others of teaching falsehoods and yet you can't admit when you are wrong or ever concede a single point. What gives man?

    Blessings WJ

    You see how you once again divert?  :)  We are talking about THE FATHER alone being called THE ONLY TRUE GOD in scripture.  And you have already admitted that you believe the Father is the ONLY TRUE GOD, so you're stuck.  You only have two HONEST choices left:

    1.  Jesus actually IS the Father
    2.  Jesus is NOT “the ONLY TRUE GOD”.

    Which is it?  :)

    peace and love,

    No Mike

    You are stuck. Because they are One. They share the same essence that makes “The One True God” God. The scriptures call Jesus God and we know he is  “The True God” and not false like satan and all the others.



    Why are you spamming the same post mike?


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 09 2011,03:45)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 09 2011,03:25)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 09 2011,02:50)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 08 2011,14:07)
    Mike Said:

    “God” is merely a title meaning “ruler”.  Yes, Jesus has been called by that title.  But so have been Satan, angels and men.  So we know from those scriptural truths that being called by the title “god” does not make one the “God of all gods”, or “God Almighty”.  And that includes Jesus.

    Dude you just lost your whole debate.
    Might as well throw in the Towel
    I honestly did not think you were going to use that point in a debate with Francis, but like i said before you dug a grave for your theology.
    It Is Done.


    Mike is always digging a grave for himself. This is why in our last debate he began to whine about the terms in the middle of the debate. Only the loser whines.


    Yeah Jack, we're still waiting for your final conclusion to the “elohim” debate.  :)

    Scriptures and archeaology cleaned your clock on that debate, huh?  :D

    Jack, why are you bringing up ad hominems about me instead of answering the question I asked D?  ???

    Did I say something unscriptural?  


    Be fair Mike. You and I had a fall out and that ended things. The closing statement was not a big deal. We had posted several pages about terms in another forum before the debate had begun. You agreed to all the terms. But your failure to prove that “David” is Christ meant you could not prove a chief point in your resolve. So you got frustrated and whined about the terms. If you had been winning you would not have cared.

    It was necessary for you to prove that “David” is Christ and you could not. It put all your other interpretations in question. If the word “servant” in reference to David is no proof against Christ's divinity, then in how many other places are you wrong?

    Face it Mike. Only the loser whines. If you had been winning that debate you would not have even brought up anything about the terms in the middle of it. The people here were not born yesterday Mike.

    Love ya Mike


    Jack, you “whine” more than anyone else here.  Does that make you a “loser” more than anyone else here?  :D

    You knew what our debate was about.  And you lost.  As you will lose any debate about anything that says “Jesus is God Almighty”.  You can't win AGAINST scriptures, Jack. :)

    Hey Jack, does the plural word “elohim” in any way imply that we have a “plural God”?  :D

    peace and love to you my friend,


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,04:29)
    Why are you spamming the same post mike?

    Because I gave you two choices. As I see it, there are no others. So pick one.



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,04:28)
    No Mike

    You are stuck. Because they are One.

    And Jesus hopes that many of us will also “be ONE” with them.

    Will the Godhead be gaining some new members?



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,12:37)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,04:29)
    Why are you spamming the same post mike?

    Because I gave you two choices.  As I see it, there are no others.  So pick one.



    My theology lines up with the scritpures that teach “Monotheism” because I believe their is “Only One True God”.

    By definition your theology teaches Polytheism Mike.

    Blessings WJ

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