Mikeboll64 vs francis

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  • #232081
    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:21)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:18)

    I was hoping that would make you laugh!
    Enlightenment is funny right?

    Hi SF,

    You imply that we did not preexist with God, but these verses suggest otherwise…

    2Tm.1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling,
    not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace,
    which was given [[[us]]] in Christ Jesus before the world began, (John 15:27)

                             “The Word” in us!

    John 15:27 And ye also shall bear witness (by the HolySpirit),
    because [[[ye]]] have been with me from the beginning.
    Acts 12:24 But “The word” of God grew and multiplied.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:28)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:21)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:18)

    I was hoping that would make you laugh!
    Enlightenment is funny right?

    Hi SF,

    You imply that we did not preexist with God, but these verses suggest otherwise…

    2Tm.1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling,
    not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace,
    which was given [[[us]]] in Christ Jesus before the world began, (John 15:27)

                             “The Word” in us!

    John 15:27 And ye also shall bear witness (by the HolySpirit),
    because [[[ye]]] have been with me from the beginning.
    Acts 12:24 But “The word” of God grew and multiplied.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Though I disagree,

    I did not IMPLY that.
    You IMPLYIED that I IMPLIED what i Actually did NOT IMPLY nor stated.

    Could you call this a false accusation or dishonest on your part?

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:37)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:28)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:21)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:18)

    I was hoping that would make you laugh!
    Enlightenment is funny right?

    Hi SF,

    You imply that we did not preexist with God, but these verses suggest otherwise…

    2Tm.1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling,
    not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace,
    which was given [[[us]]] in Christ Jesus before the world began, (John 15:27)

                             “The Word” in us!

    John 15:27 And ye also shall bear witness (by the HolySpirit),
    because [[[ye]]] have been with me from the beginning.
    Acts 12:24 But “The word” of God grew and multiplied.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Though I disagree,

    I did not IMPLY that.
    1) You IMPLYIED that I IMPLIED what i Actually did NOT IMPLY nor stated.

    2) Could you call this a false accusation or dishonest on your part?

    In other words, Before time began, there was no such thing as a Trinity.  God was not a Father, nor Son, nor Holy spirit, he was simply the Eternal God existing above time and space, the Almighty.

    Hi Dennison,

    1) In this quote you imply that we did not pre-exist;
    you say you agree with my assessment, but not based on facts.
    How would I be able to make an assessment, if not based on your evidence?

    2) Neither, why don't you join hands with Kathi?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:44)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:37)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:28)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:21)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:18)

    I was hoping that would make you laugh!
    Enlightenment is funny right?

    Hi SF,

    You imply that we did not preexist with God, but these verses suggest otherwise…

    2Tm.1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling,
    not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace,
    which was given [[[us]]] in Christ Jesus before the world began, (John 15:27)

                             “The Word” in us!

    John 15:27 And ye also shall bear witness (by the HolySpirit),
    because [[[ye]]] have been with me from the beginning.
    Acts 12:24 But “The word” of God grew and multiplied.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Though I disagree,

    I did not IMPLY that.
    1) You IMPLYIED that I IMPLIED what i Actually did NOT IMPLY nor stated.

    2) Could you call this a false accusation or dishonest on your part?

    In other words, Before time began, there was no such thing as a Trinity.  God was not a Father, nor Son, nor Holy spirit, he was simply the Eternal God existing above time and space, the Almighty.

    Hi Dennison,

    1) In this quote you imply that we did not pre-exist;
    you say you agree with my assessment, but not based on facts.
    How would I be able to make an assessment, if not based on your evidence?

    2) Neither, why don't you join hands with Kathi?

    God bless
    Ed J

    I did not imply that Ed J, and thats mighty disohonest of you.
    No Where in my last post that you quoted did I mention “Pre-existing” people. or that “we” did not exist.
    though again i disagree with you, but that subject was not included nor discussed, nor mentioned within my last post.

    so thats dishonest in your part.
    and hypocritical of you.

    Your making false implications about things that I did not mention nor intended to mention.

    should i report you?

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 05 2011,06:47)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 05 2011,00:37)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 05 2011,06:27)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 05 2011,00:11)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 05 2011,05:38)
    Nicely Putt WJ,

    Thats where we are at the moment.
    The Alternative View has its contradictions to deal with.

    If Jesus is not God, what is he.
    (1) He is not an Angel, and he is not Human,

    So what IS he exactly.  
    (2) And the Devil cannot be compared to Jesus.

    as i said, as soon as they admitted that there are other gods the debate ended right there.
    There is nothing left to argue.

    For the Antitrins to say that we believe in more than one God is also a fallacy because it shows the lack of understanding in what WE believe.

    So thats it, the Alternative is nonesense.

    Hi SF,

    You're not addressing my Post? (and I ain't WJ either)

    1) Jesus is the “Son of God”; is this a problem (in some way) for you?

    2) Anybody or anything can be compared with anything; why do you say otherwise?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J,

    I dont get you.  your asking WJ about your “catholic point” yet your bumping me?  

    That is what i dont understand.
    Of course im not addressing your post, because it wasnt addressed towards me, but towards WJ

    Get it?

    (1) What do you define as the “Son of God”
    (2) Cold cannot be compared to Hot, because they are opposites.  neither Good nor Evil. nor Light with Dark.
    Perfect and imperfection have no comparison.
    10 is not like 1. and 1 million cannot be compared to 1.

    (3) The Devil is a fallen Angel that cannot be compare at the slighest towards Christ who has victory over him.

    (4) You compare that Jesus is God as much as Satan is.
    (5) Jesus is over Satan, so how can that be true?

    (6) thats nonesense. (7)you would have to prove how Satan is equal to Jesus, (8)and how attributes does satan hold to be a “god amoung other gods”

    Hi Dennison,

    1) Jesus the Christ.
    2) All those things can be compared.

    3) They can be compared as well.

    4) I don't do that? And furthermore what you said does not make any sense?
    5) YHVH is over satan. YHVH was in Jesus and now YHVH is in us.

    (6) Your point number 4 sure is!
    (7) That is irrelevant to a comparison.
    (8) Read 2Cor.4:4 with Job 41:34 in light.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    1) Ok.
    2) Prove that.
    3) Prove that.
    4) Exactly. I assumed you agreed with Mike and the Rest that Jesus is God as much as Satan is the “God of this world”
    5) Ok
    6) Its not my contention. but the Anti-Trins contention.
    7) Prove that.  based on what?
    8) Ok And?

    Hi Dennison,

    1) Great!

    2) Light produces the environment for us to see,
        comparatively darkness impedes our ability to see.

    3) The devil was the cause of a curse that has plagued mankind,
        comparatively the actions of Christ caused of the removal of this curse.

    4) Point addressed.

    5) Point addressed.

    6) Point addressed.  

    7) Explain what you contention is, because I don't understand what you want to resolve?

    8) Job explains what Shaool (the Apostle Paul) meant calling satan the god of this world.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,07:00)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:44)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:37)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:28)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:21)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:18)

    I was hoping that would make you laugh!
    Enlightenment is funny right?

    Hi SF,

    You imply that we did not preexist with God, but these verses suggest otherwise…

    2Tm.1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling,
    not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace,
    which was given [[[us]]] in Christ Jesus before the world began, (John 15:27)

                             “The Word” in us!

    John 15:27 And ye also shall bear witness (by the HolySpirit),
    because [[[ye]]] have been with me from the beginning.
    Acts 12:24 But “The word” of God grew and multiplied.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Though I disagree,

    I did not IMPLY that.
    1) You IMPLYIED that I IMPLIED what i Actually did NOT IMPLY nor stated.

    2) Could you call this a false accusation or dishonest on your part?

    In other words, Before time began, there was no such thing as a Trinity.  God was not a Father, nor Son, nor Holy spirit, he was simply the Eternal God existing above time and space, the Almighty.

    Hi Dennison,

    1) In this quote you imply that we did not pre-exist;
    you say you agree with my assessment, but not based on facts.
    How would I be able to make an assessment, if not based on your evidence?

    2) Neither, why don't you join hands with Kathi?

    God bless
    Ed J

    I did not imply that Ed J, and thats mighty disohonest of you.
    No Where in my last post that you quoted did I mention “Pre-existing” people. or that “we” did not exist.
    though again i disagree with you, but that subject was not included nor discussed, nor mentioned within my last post.

    so thats dishonest in your part.
    and hypocritical of you.

    Your making false implications about things that I did not mention nor intended to mention.  

    should i report you?

    Hi Dennison,

    Did you not agree that you do not believe we preexisted?
    I made an accurate read (on your Post), so what's you beef?
    I look for resolution to differences. Do you just like to argue and accuse?

    Explain why you use the word 'hypocritical'?

    Did you not agree that you don't believe we preexisted?
    I extracted that from your Post, why the claim of dishonesty?

    Go ahead. You are showing your lack of maturity.

    God bless  
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,01:17)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,07:00)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:44)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:37)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:28)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,06:21)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,00:18)

    I was hoping that would make you laugh!
    Enlightenment is funny right?

    Hi SF,

    You imply that we did not preexist with God, but these verses suggest otherwise…

    2Tm.1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling,
    not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace,
    which was given [[[us]]] in Christ Jesus before the world began, (John 15:27)

                             “The Word” in us!

    John 15:27 And ye also shall bear witness (by the HolySpirit),
    because [[[ye]]] have been with me from the beginning.
    Acts 12:24 But “The word” of God grew and multiplied.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Though I disagree,

    I did not IMPLY that.
    1) You IMPLYIED that I IMPLIED what i Actually did NOT IMPLY nor stated.

    2) Could you call this a false accusation or dishonest on your part?

    In other words, Before time began, there was no such thing as a Trinity.  God was not a Father, nor Son, nor Holy spirit, he was simply the Eternal God existing above time and space, the Almighty.

    Hi Dennison,

    1) In this quote you imply that we did not pre-exist;
    you say you agree with my assessment, but not based on facts.
    How would I be able to make an assessment, if not based on your evidence?

    2) Neither, why don't you join hands with Kathi?

    God bless
    Ed J

    I did not imply that Ed J, and thats mighty disohonest of you.
    No Where in my last post that you quoted did I mention “Pre-existing” people. or that “we” did not exist.
    though again i disagree with you, but that subject was not included nor discussed, nor mentioned within my last post.

    so thats dishonest in your part.
    and hypocritical of you.

    Your making false implications about things that I did not mention nor intended to mention.  

    should i report you?

    Hi Dennison,

    Did you not agree that you do not believe we preexisted?
    I made an accurate read (on your Post), so what's you beef?
    I look for resolution to differences. Do you just like to argue and accuse?

    Explain why you use the word 'hypocritical'?

    Did you not agree that you don't believe we preexisted?
    I extracted that from your Post, why the claim of dishonesty?

    Go ahead. You are showing your lack of maturity.

    God bless  
    Ed J

    Ed J,

    Everyone knows that i dont believe that we have preexisted.

    but in the POST that you QUOTED I never mentioned prexistance of people as part of the subject. in fact we were talking solely about God.

    You implied:

    You imply that we did not preexist with God, but these verses suggest otherwise…

    I did not say that. Did i state that? where is it where i stated that in my previous remarks to others in this thread.

    This subject is untopical and has nothing to do with what i was intending to say.

    So your are falsly adding subjects to my quotes that i did not say.

    which makes you a hypocrites because you accuse others day and night of doing the same.

    I agree that i dont believe that but thats not what i posted beforehand until now since YOU brought it up, not that I implied it.

    your implying that i started to state that we all did not preexist, which was not part of my post.

    this is where your being dishonest.

    I Will, you do it all the time, and im tired of it.

    and worst you dont even admit it.

    Do what you teach,

    Im mature enough to admit when i make a mistake, but you havent reach that level yet. with age comes wisdom, at your age you should be better than this, im disappointed.


    SF concerning Istari:

    “Astari cannot even do basic mathematics. Astari says that 2+2 = 4…
    Where did he go to School.
    Everyone knows that 2+2=4.
    Astari should invest in a good calculator.”

    SF, despite what I said, claims I didn't say what I said and then goes on to TEACH me exactly what I just said to the forum…!

    Is this just a way of saying “I don't like understanding what someone else has said so I'll debunk them and adopt their idea, BUT present it as my own idea.

    I even drew a picture diagram of my idea and SF debunks it to claim that I was calling him Triniatrian – Can someone show me where I said that about SF? Cos , I don't recall saying it to him.

    The whole post WAS to WJ, but then he ran off because he can't answer two simple questions – see how he CREATED QUESTIONS of his own and ANSWERED THEM instead thinking that I wouldn't notice. A Politicians TRICK.

    Why is an “HONEST GODLY POSTER” using decrepit Political SPIN DOCTORING to get out of showing HIS version of TRUTH?

    Ed J

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 06 2011,08:08)
    SF concerning Istari:

    I even drew a picture diagram of my idea and SF debunks it to claim that I was calling him Triniatrian – Can someone show me where I said that about SF? Cos , I don't recall saying it to him.

    thats dishonest in your part

    Your making false implications

    thats mighty disohonest of you

    which makes you a hypocrites

    this is where your being dishonest

    Hi istari,

    You do know that weakness in ones own character is
    what they find troubling most, always seeing their 'character flaw' in others!
    And then complaining about it, when the fix is to look within; fixing their problem! (Matt.7:1-5)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 06 2011,02:08)
    SF concerning Istari:

    “Astari cannot even do basic mathematics. Astari says that 2+2 = 4…
    Where did he go to School.
    Everyone knows that 2+2=4.
    Astari should invest in a good calculator.”

    SF, despite what I said, claims I didn't say what I said and then goes on to TEACH me exactly what I just said to the forum…!

    Is this just  a way of saying “I don't like understanding what someone else has said so I'll debunk them and adopt their idea, BUT present it as my own idea.

    I even drew a picture diagram of my idea and SF debunks it to claim that I was calling him Triniatrian – Can someone show me where I said that about SF? Cos , I don't recall saying it to him.

    The whole post WAS to WJ, but then he ran off because he can't answer two simple questions – see how he CREATED QUESTIONS of his own and ANSWERED THEM instead  thinking that I wouldn't notice. A Politicians TRICK.

    Why is an “HONEST GODLY POSTER” using decrepit Political SPIN DOCTORING to get out of showing HIS version of TRUTH?

    ohh ok may bad.
    I was assumed i did. which i didnt quite understand.
    oh well. its all good.


    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,02:24)

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 06 2011,08:08)
    SF concerning Istari:

    I even drew a picture diagram of my idea and SF debunks it to claim that I was calling him Triniatrian – Can someone show me where I said that about SF? Cos , I don't recall saying it to him.

    thats dishonest in your part

    Your making false implications

    thats mighty disohonest of you

    which makes you a hypocrites

    this is where your being dishonest

    Hi istari,

    You do know that weakness in ones own character is
    what they find troubling most, always seeing their 'character flaw' in others!
    And then complaining about it, when the fix is to look within; fixing their problem! (Matt.7:1-5)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    You should apologize Ed J, but its ok if you dont.
    Its takes maturity to admit that you were wrong.


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:43)

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 04 2011,08:38)
    Ok, Worshipping Jesus,

    I apologise for my ADHOMINEM (What is that anyway?)

    Please can you just answer the following questions:

    Worshipping Jesus, please indulge me one more time…

    If Jesus is the Son of god from Eternity…how did he become the Son…
    For there to be a father – there has to be a Son.
    First the MAN then the Father at the conception of the Son…
    So the MAN must have existed before becoming a Father…yet Trinity says the Son always existed…please explain, thank you.

    I look forward to your early response (or just whenever!) but an answer no less – I am intrigued as to your reply – excited even….

    Thank you.


    Apoology accepted! However once again do you require that I only answer your questions and you not answer mine?

    But I will answer you again.

    You do know that in scriptures not all Sons were Sons by conception right? Also not all Sons were first born Sons by conception.

    But even so, if Jesus is the “Only Begotten Son of God” by conception, would he be anything less than God in nature or would he be a “freak of nature”, a demi-god if you will?

    Human Fathers beget Human Sons that are in every way human like their Fathers.

    Therefore the divine part of Jesus born from the Father is in every way God like his Father.

    Now what do you do with the scriptures that call Jesus God?

    Is the term Son of God antithetical to the term God? If so, in what way?

    Blessings WJ

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 04 2011,19:13)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:43)
    But I will answer you again.

    When you say “I will answer you again” do you realise that you have never answered me before…This part you have never answered before…which was the part you should have been answering from the beginning. You chose to respond to the PREMISE in the first part and never moved on till just now – so how can you say that you answered me before?

    Hi JA

    Because we have had this conversation before, and the question is unfounded because of the premise. Why should I argue the sky is blue when you don’t believe the sky exists?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:43)
    But even so, if Jesus is the “Only Begotten Son of God” by conception, would he be anything less than God in nature or would he be a “freak of nature”, a demi-god if you will?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:43)
    WorshippingJesus, (can I call you “WJ”, I'm getting tired writing “WorshippingJesus”) how did you get onto “Only Begotten Son of God” by conception?
    I thought my question was to do with Jesus becoming the Son of God from Eternity?

    If an eternal God who is a Father has a Son then he would be an eternal Son. Do you have any scriptures that say Jesus “The Word that was with God and was God” had a beginning? You see he was there in the “beginning” of all things, and what was before the “Beginning?, that’s right Eternity.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:43)

    Human Fathers beget Human Sons that are in every way human like their Fathers.

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 04 2011,19:13)

    I did not mention anything to do with HUMAN Procreation. It appears you are trying to equate God giving birth to Jesus in the same way that HUMANs give birth to children. This is wrong in two ways:
    1) If anything at all, it would be HUMANS being said to give birth like God gives birth – not God gives birth like humans. This would be like giving God the benefit of HUMAN reproduction…
    2) God Creates – Humans Procreate. Not quite the same thing.

    Can you give us a scripture that says Jesus was created?

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:43)
    Therefore the divine part of Jesus born from the Father is in every way God like his Father.

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 04 2011,19:13)
    WJ, are you talking again about Jesus born of Mary? Seems so.
    WJ, I was talking of Jesus BECOMING a SON of God from Eternity.

    So, i don't feel that you have answered any of my questions.
    I will return to them later.

    It appears that like Mike no matter what answer I give you it will not be an answer to your questions.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:43)
    Now what do you do with the scriptures that call Jesus God?

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 04 2011,08:38)
    WJ, there are Scriptures that refer to Jesus as 'God' as has been pointed out many times to you – why do you ask me?
    Anyway,  These verses are not inferring that Jesus is God Almighty but 'a God', as in 'A Mighty ONE', a HERO, 'A Man of Renown', 'A Great One'.

    So then by definition like Mike you are a Polytheist. Okay then I will ask you the same question I asked Mike which he has chosen not to answer. So if to you Jesus is “a God” then Who is Jesus “The God” of JA, since you have no
    problem saying satan is “The God of this world“?

    How do you reconcile “Only One True God” with your belief there is other “True Gods”? So the question is not whether Jesus is the “Son of God” but rather in what way is he “The Only Begotten Son of God”. Is he in everyway God like the Father who is God just as a human Son is in every way human like his Father?

    Once again, will you answer the question… then Who is Jesus “The God” of JA, since you have no problem saying satan is “The God of this world“?

    You do understand that an infinite God cannot be explained by using graphs and charts don’t you?


    Ed J

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Jan. 06 2011,08:38)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 06 2011,02:24)

    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 06 2011,08:08)
    SF concerning Istari:

    I even drew a picture diagram of my idea and SF debunks it to claim that I was calling him Triniatrian – Can someone show me where I said that about SF? Cos , I don't recall saying it to him.

    thats dishonest in your part

    Your making false implications

    thats mighty disohonest of you

    which makes you a hypocrites

    this is where your being dishonest

    Hi istari,

    You do know that weakness in ones own character is
    what they find troubling most, always seeing their 'character flaw' in others!
    And then complaining about it, when the fix is to look within; fixing their problem! (Matt.7:1-5)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    You should apologize Ed J, but its ok if you dont.
    Its takes maturity to admit that you were wrong.

    Hi Dennison,

    Wrong about what?

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    AHHHH, look how many Posts I have made.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 04 2011,19:58)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 05 2011,03:08)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 03 2011,22:31)
    No matter which way you choose to believe, one thing is ABUNDANTLY clear.  And that is that this “ONLY ONE TRUE GOD” is THE FATHER.  It is not the Son who is called the “ONLY ONE TRUE GOD”, is it?  No, of course not.  So if it is the FATHER, and NOT the Son who is SPECIFICALLY NAMED as this “ONLY ONE TRUE GOD”, then you have a choice to make.  Is the Son a “usurper”, “imposter”, “false god”…………or is he a god/powerful ruler who just doesn't happen to be the “only God who is truly the God of all other gods”?

    Exactly Mike

    Jesus has to be “The True God” because the Apostles call him God even with the Definite article, and because the scriptures say there is “Only One True God”. We know he can’t be a false god or imposter don’t we?

    Hi Keith,

    This is kind of pointless, don't you think?  You have clearly admitted that THE FATHER is “THE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD”.  And you are in agreement with scripture when you admit this, so all is good.  :)  Now, you can either agree with Dennison that Jesus IS the Father, or you can agree with scripture that Jesus is the SON of the “ONLY ONE TRUE GOD”. You say, “but the Apostles call Jesus by the title 'god'!”  (paraphrase)

    2 Kings 24 NIV
    17 [Nebuchadnezzar] made Mattaniah, Jehoiachin’s uncle, king in his place and changed his name to Zedekiah.

    18 Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eleven years.

    Keith, during these 11 years, Nebuchadnezzar was the “ONLY ONE TRUE HUMAN KING” of Judah.  But that doesn't mean that Zedekiah was an “imposter”, “usurper” or “false king”.  He was a real live king of Jerusalem at the time, and had much power in Jerusalem.  But Nebuchadnezzar was the “ONLY ONE TRUE KING” of Jerusalem at the time.  And even so, at that same exact time, YHVH God was really the “ONLY ONE TRUE KING” of Jersalem!


    Yes this is pointless because you always have to have the last word. Why can’t you concede a point Mike? Why do you ask questions and don’t answer questions?

    So I will make my last post to you on this and you can have the last word because I won’t continue entertaining all of your spin. Dennison is right when he said the debate is over when you admit that there are other “Gods”.

    Even in your analogy above you manipulate or plainly ignore your own words.

    You say…” Nebuchadnezzar was the “ONLY ONE TRUE KING” of Judah. ” But then you insist that there is another “TRUE KING OF JUDAH ” by saying that “YHVH God is  the “ONLY ONE TRUE KING OF JUDAH”.

    If Jehovah is the “ONLY – ONLY  – ONLY – ONE – ONE – ONE – NONE OTHER – NONE OTHER – NONE OTHER – TRUE KING OF JUDAH” then Nebuchadnezzar cannot be a “TRUE KING OF JUDAH”.    

    But of course the scriptures do not say that Nebuchadnezzar is “THE ONLY ONE TRUE KING” of Judah but they do say “There is “ONLY ONE TRUE GOD”!

    Mike, you create these “hypotheticals” then you build these strawman arguments around them to prove a point, but you can’t establish truth on “hypotheticals”. Now once again please answer the question…

    Who is Jesus “The God” of Mike, since you have no problem saying satan is “The God of this world“?

    Blessings WJ


    Well done WJ,

    Just responding the way an untruthful person WOULD answer.

    Yopu made no attempt to answer what I asked but instead launched an unwarranted attack to try to cover for your NONEAnswer.

    You came back saying that you had answered but because I didn't fall for your trick, you claim you don't have to answer – this goes against your previous statement claiming that YOU DID ANSWER…

    S, either tou DID Answer previously (Which you didn't) or you are lying that you now don't need to answer because you don't believe the premise.

    That is ridiculous, because you ANSWERED to the PREMISE when the PREMISE was NOT EVEN the QUESTION..YOU CHOSE to respond to the premise because, like now, you can't answer the real question, that's why you are hedging away.

    You see the FLAW in the TRINITY YET STILL CHOOSE to BELIEVE IT …How weird!

    There is nothing blue sky about my question – it is simple enough:

    I am sure you will come across far harder questions, I'm sure have come across far harder questions, what is wrong and so hard about this one?


    If Jesus is the Son of god from Eternity…how did he become the Son…
    For there to be a father – there has to be a Son.
    First the MAN then the Father at the conception of the Son…
    So the MAN must have existed before becoming a Father…yet Trinity says the Son always existed…please explain, thank you.


    To All,

    Do people who believe in the TRINITY always need to play games and become demons in human form to defend their indefensible CREED?

    Well, DUH, YES!!!


    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 05 2011,18:07)
    Well done WJ,

    Just  responding the way an untruthful person WOULD answer.

    Yopu made no attempt to answer what I asked but instead launched an unwarranted attack to try to cover for your NONEAnswer.

    You came back saying that you had answered but because I didn't fall for your trick, you claim you don't have to answer – this goes against your previous statement claiming that YOU DID ANSWER…

    S, either tou DID Answer previously (Which you didn't) or you are lying that you now don't need to answer because you don't believe the premise.

    That is ridiculous, because you ANSWERED to the PREMISE when the PREMISE was NOT EVEN the QUESTION..YOU CHOSE to respond to the premise because, like now, you can't answer the real question, that's why you are hedging away.

    You see the FLAW in the TRINITY YET STILL CHOOSE to BELIEVE IT …How weird!

    There is nothing blue sky about my question – it is simple enough:

    I am sure you will come across far harder questions, I'm sure have come across far harder questions, what is wrong and so hard about this one?


    If Jesus is the Son of god from Eternity…how did he become the Son…
    For there to be a father – there has to be a Son.
    First the MAN then the Father at the conception of the Son…
    So the MAN must have existed before becoming a Father…yet Trinity says the Son always existed…please explain, thank you.


    I have answered it. God the Father is an eternal Father which means that God the Son is an eternal Son therefore there was no beginning for the Son as there was no beginning for the Father which I stated when I quoted John 1:1 that Jesus was there in eternity with the Father before the beginning of all things.

    You don't have to like the answer and I am sure you won't.

    I answered you once again now when will you answer me?

    Who is Jesus “The God” of JA, since you have no problem saying satan is “The God of this world“?



    Quote (Istari @ Jan. 05 2011,18:10)
    To All,

    Do people who believe in the TRINITY always need to play games and become demons in human form to defend their indefensible CREED?

    Well, DUH, YES!!!

    I think it is funny JA that you attack Trinitarians yet you came in here as an “Alias” like a fallen angel transforming himself into an angel of light by acting as someone else.

    It seems that is disengenuous to me. Oh well what ever makes you happy!




    There is no “point” that I'm refusing to concede.  You know that YHVH is called the “King of kings”.  Yet, so is Jesus, Nebuchadnezzar and Artaxerxes.  But if I were to emphasize that YHVH was the “ONLY TRUE KING OF KINGS”, it would not mean the others were “false kings”, “usurpers”, or “imposters”.  It would be an emphatic way of saying that although there are MANY kings, for us there is but one King – the Father.  Similar to the wording Paul used in 1 Cor 8:5, right?

    For you and SF to say I'm a polytheist is a diversion to get out of a situation you can't possibly win by making a quick getaway.  A polytheist believes there are many Gods who are worthy of worship.  But I know that “god” is only a title that means “powerful ruler”.  And I believe the scriptures that speak of many different “powerful rulers”.  

    The monotheistic belief system is based on only one true God who created the heavens, earth, and everything in them.  And with that I agree.  Monotheism also asserts there is only one true God whom we worship and serve.  With this I also agree.

    But you guys aren't addressing the scriptures.  YHVH called ones to whom His word came “gods”.  Yet here you both stand, accusing me of something bad because I'm believing the scriptures.

    You claim, “Well, those others aren't really “gods” at all, but false gods and imposters.”  And I keep reminding you that it was our ONLY TRUE GOD who called them “gods” in the first place.  Is our ONLY TRUE GOD a liar?  If no, then there ARE other gods mentioned in the Bible, right?  So it is wrong for YOU GUYS to claim I'm a polytheist or whatever because I believe my God when He called others “gods”.  And it is YOU GUYS who are actually going against scripture.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 06 2011,09:23)

    If Jehovah is the “ONLY – ONLY  – ONLY – ONE – ONE – ONE – NONE OTHER – NONE OTHER – NONE OTHER – TRUE KING OF JUDAH” then Nebuchadnezzar cannot be a “TRUE KING OF JUDAH”.

    Yet, Nebuchadnezzar WAS TRULY a king of Judah, right?  And Satan TRULY IS a “powerful ruler”, right?  And if YHVH called those to whom His word came “gods”, then they WERE TRULY gods, right?

    Keith, the more you repeat “ONLY” and “NONE OTHER”, the more you make MY point for me.  Because Paul said that while there ARE many gods, for us there is but ONE.  And that ONE, as in NONE OTHER and ONLY, is THE FATHER.  And if that ONE, as in NONE OTHER and ONLY, is THE FATHER, then it can't possibly be the Son………..unless the Son IS the Father, as Dennison believes but is afraid to bring it up here against you, Keith.  :)

    And if it is the Son himself who teaches us that the ONLY TRUE GOD is THE FATHER, then we have yet another reason to conclude that our “ONLY TRUE GOD” is NOT the Son.

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 06 2011,09:23)

    Who is Jesus “The God” of Mike, since you have no problem saying satan is “The God of this world“?

    Keith, I answered this by saying that Jesus was MY powerful ruler.  Jesus is the god, or “powerful ruler” of all in heaven right now, and of the believer's on earth.  His own God, YHVH Almighty, has let His servant Jesus hold this position and power for a while, and then His servant Jesus will relinquish it back to “our God and his God”, the ONLY TRUE GOD.

    peace and love,

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