Mikeboll64 vs francis

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    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 29 2010,04:50)
    Another point, is if “God” is only strictly a Title, than we cant assume that “God our Father” is a name at all. but a title atributed with ANOTHER title. correct?

    Hi D,

    You are correct. “God” and “Father” and “Lord” are all titles.

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 29 2010,04:50)
    Once you cliam there are many gods, the debate is over. There is nothing left to say, the Bible is clear, there is only ONE GOD.
    unless your a Pagan Greek Gentile who believes in many gods.  

    D, it is not Irene and I who are just making this stuff up.  There are many gods mentioned in the scriptures.  Like we've determined, “God” is a title, just like “President”.  And while there are many presidents of many different clubs and societies, from an American point of view, there is “but one President………Obama”.

    Do you understand this D?  You can be “president” of your Pokemon Club, but you are not to be confused with “THE President”.  And that was what Paul was saying.  He was saying that although there are many who have been given the TITLE of “god”, we should confuse NONE OF THEM with “OUR ONE GOD, THE FATHER IN HEAVEN”.  And that “NONE OF THEM” includes God's Son, Jesus Christ.

    Let us know which part of this “title” stuff you don't understand, and Irene and I will help you out, okay?  :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 29 2010,07:02)
    Like I said you have let the JWs convince you that Jesus is “a god” which means you now have 2 gods. One big one and one little one.

    Hi Keith,

    You say WE have “two gods”?  We acknowledge that the scriptures are loaded with many who have been given the title “god” by one person or another.  But it is YOU who really believes in three different Almighty Gods, all with different functions, personalities, and rank.  And then you confusingly try to fit all three of these Gods into a monotheistic belief system.  ???

    What you and D don't realize is that the point you so hardily argue actually works against you.  Jesus and Paul aren't saying there is only one in existence that has the title “god”.  Jesus points out that God called men by that title, and Paul calls Satan by the same title.  No, what they are pointing out is that EVEN THOUGH there are others who hold the title of “god”, we must be smart enough to realize that there is only ONE who holds the title of “god” that is the REAL God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth and everything in them.

    Scriptures call that ONE the “God OF gods”, thus indicating that there are others who also have the title “god”.  Jesus says that ONE is “the ONLY true God” and calls Him “my God” to this day.  Paul says that ONE is THE FATHER.  He doesn't say that ONE is a “Father/Son/Holy Spirit Trinity Godhead”, does he?  He doesn't say that ONE is “the Son”, does he?

    Nope.  ONLY the Father.  And not only that, but in the very same sentence, he distinguishes Jesus as SOMEONE OTHER THAN that ONE God.  Isn't that enough for you guys?

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 30 2010,08:14)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 29 2010,04:50)
    Another point, is if “God” is only strictly a Title, than we cant assume that “God our Father” is a name at all. but a title atributed with ANOTHER title. correct?

    Hi D,

    You are correct. “God” and “Father” and “Lord” are all titles.

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 29 2010,04:50)
    Once you cliam there are many gods, the debate is over. There is nothing left to say, the Bible is clear, there is only ONE GOD.
    unless your a Pagan Greek Gentile who believes in many gods.  

    D, it is not Irene and I who are just making this stuff up.  There are many gods mentioned in the scriptures.  Like we've determined, “God” is a title, just like “President”.  And while there are many presidents of many different clubs and societies, from an American point of view, there is “but one President………Obama”.

    Do you understand this D?  You can be “president” of your Pokemon Club, but you are not to be confused with “THE President”.  And that was what Paul was saying.  He was saying that although there are many who have been given the TITLE of “god”, we should confuse NONE OF THEM with “OUR ONE GOD, THE FATHER IN HEAVEN”.  And that “NONE OF THEM” includes God's Son, Jesus Christ.

    Let us know which part of this “title” stuff you don't understand, and Irene and I will help you out, okay?  :)

    peace and love,

    What your trying to do is come up with a manmade excuse solve for your dilema.

    When it Comes to God, there is no other clubs but his, he controls everything.

    Your confused about Titles, and the attributes of them.
    If I say i am a “Father” yet have no son, am I really a father?
    If i state im a “father” and never met my son, am I really a Father?

    The Title of Father holds two things a role and attributes that are attached of that title.

    another example, If i am a King, i must have a kingdom.
    Question, If i Claim to be a King, than there is no one above me.

    Here is my point, that just becasue one cliams to BE something doesnt mean they REALLY fulfill the role of their title.

    Was Ceaser a god? how about “Baal”?
    Baal does not exist in heaven, yet God made many references not to worship “Baal” so does that mean he exists?
    Was Baal a REAL god?
    of course not!

    What does it mean to be a God? Perfection in all things. Neither does Satan nor any other being execpt for Jesus Christ can fufill that role.

    Here is your problem Mike, you have stated that Jesus is the second most powerful being in the world. So what your saying is that there are many gods, but there is only one GOD of all. There is no OTHER God but GOD.
    And for you to claim otherwise is nonesense.

    There is no other choice, or club nor rulership.

    The alternative is nonsense, because what you just stated is not found in scripture. Does the Apostle Paul cliam ” oh you see what i meant to say was… there are many gods, but just one Jehovah God the ruler of them all”
    thats not found in scripture, nor anything eluding to such an idea.

    Does God share his glory with another? Noooo
    So than for you and Irene to admit that there are OTHER gods to promote your doctrine is nonesense.
    JA has more foundation for believing that Jesus was just a Man.

    Your doctrine is man-made, and polluted with explanations and ideas that are not found in scripture.
    Your belief is no diffrent from the religious ideals of the greeks.
    “There are many gods, but only one Zeus, god of them all, ruler of olympus”

    To be a true God, you must be a God of everything.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 30 2010,08:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 29 2010,07:02)
    Like I said you have let the JWs convince you that Jesus is “a god” which means you now have 2 gods. One big one and one little one.

    What you and D don't realize is that the point you so hardily argue actually works against you.  Jesus and Paul aren't saying there is only one in existence that has the title “god”.  Jesus points out that God called men by that title, and Paul calls Satan by the same title.  No, what they are pointing out is that EVEN THOUGH there are others who hold the title of “god”, we must be smart enough to realize that there is only ONE who holds the title of “god” that is the REAL God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth and everything in them.

    Scriptures call that ONE the “God OF gods”, thus indicating that there are others who also have the title “god”.  ,


    Jesus only used that scripture of when men are called gods and princes to show the people that scripture are bound, and cannot be broken. So why is it so easy for them to believe htat, and not believe that He is the Son of God whom scriptures also speak of.

    Jesus also says that the Devil is a Father to liars, does that mean he is really a Father?

    Just because the bible say that the LORD is the God of gods, doesnt mean that there are other gods in existance literally.
    Psalms 115 gives a great anaylisis of the gods that man created in images that cant do anything.
    Even Romans 1 speaks of this 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

    Daniel 2:47
    The king answered unto Daniel, and said, Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret.

    Daniel 11:36
    And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.

    In those days they believed in MANY Gods, but the God of heaven who truely exists is above all their vain imaginations of gods.

    He is more than we can ever imagine.


    There is nothing left to Debate, To believe in many gods is a fallacy on its own, because the bible Teaches about
    ONE GOD.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 30 2010,18:08)
    There is nothing left to Debate, To believe in many gods is a fallacy on its own, because the bible Teaches about
    ONE GOD.

    SF The bible teaches that there is only One LORD and Father God. But to the Son He said this in

    Hbr 1:8 But unto the Son [he saith], Thy throne, O God, [is] for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness [is] the sceptre of thy kingdom.

    Jhn 1:1 ¶ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    Jhn 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.

    Jhn 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    Jhn 1:14 ¶ And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    i don't think that John is not aware that The Word that became flesh is Jesus….

    And to compare that it we have

    Rev 19:13 And he [was] clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

    Rev 19:14 And the armies [which were] in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

    Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

    Rev 19:16 And he hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

    I have asked this before, is there anyone that fits this description??? I don't know anyone, do you???? I also believe that both God and The word of God are titles. in my Husbands footnotes of the Rye Study bible it says that the translators were scared to use God;s name in vain and used LORD and Lord.

    Peace Irene


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 30 2010,02:08)
    There is nothing left to Debate, To believe in many gods is a fallacy on its own, because the bible Teaches about
    ONE GOD.


    Either Jesus is God or he is not “a god” at all but as Paul calls them so-called gods.



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 31 2010,01:08)
    There is nothing left to Debate, To believe in many gods is a fallacy on its own, because the bible Teaches about
    ONE GOD.


    now that you have made your believe as simple as you can,

    let see how many times you make God and Christ a liar,

    no one above a KING well is it not God who appoints KINGS ?

    if God is Christ why did he not say so ??

    Christ never hide it that he was not God his father.

    why is that ??

    so who is lying God or Christ ?

    please tell me



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 29 2010,22:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 29 2010,07:02)
    Like I said you have let the JWs convince you that Jesus is “a god” which means you now have 2 gods. One big one and one little one.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 29 2010,22:31)

    Hi Keith,

    You say WE have “two gods”?  We acknowledge that the scriptures are loaded with many who have been given the title “god” by one person or another.

    No Mike, you say you have 2 gods. Here is how it goes. Hey everybody I believe in “Only One True God” but  I believe there are other “true gods”. Do you see how ludicrous that is?

    The problem with your theology is you want to confess the scriptures that say Jesus is God, but then say he is not God because he is not your God. Do you see how silly that is?

    Mike if a Polytheist who believes in many gods says to his friend, “I believe in the “God of stupidity” and I bow down to him, and I give him my life, and I confess him as my Lord and my Savior, and I love him with all of my heart because he has done so much for me”!

    His friend may say “Wow how do I get to know your God”? Then he says “Oh well, you see he is not “my God” he only has the title “God”. Then his friend would probably say “Now I know why you call him the “God of stupidity”.  

    DO YOU SEE THE LUNACY OF YOUR ARGUMENT? You say Jesus is “a god” who you bown down to and confess as your Lord and Savour but then say he is not your god!  Then who is he “a god” too?   If the scriptures says there is “Only One True God” then that leaves no room for anything else but “false gods” that are not gods at all but as Paul says “so-called gods”.

    To say anything else is absurd!

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 29 2010,22:31)

    But it is YOU who really believes in three different Almighty Gods, all with different functions, personalities, and rank.  And then you confusingly try to fit all three of these Gods into a monotheistic belief system.  ???

    No Mike I believe the Father and the Son and the Spirit are One. That is scriptural and reconciles all of scripture. There is only “One eternal essence” (Spirit), and that essence is God. The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit share the same essence that makes God, God. Just as you and I share the same essence that makes us human.

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 29 2010,22:31)
    What you and D don't realize is that the point you so hardily argue actually works against you.  Jesus and Paul aren't saying there is only one in existence that has the title “god”.  Jesus points out that God called men by that title, and Paul calls Satan by the same title.

    Paul calls all other gods but the One God “so-called gods” (1 Cor 8:4 5), meaning that they are not gods at all Mike for there is only “One God” whom we serve. Why is this so hard for you to understand?



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Dec. 30 2010,02:08)
    There is nothing left to Debate, To believe in many gods is a fallacy on its own, because the bible Teaches about
    ONE GOD.


    To believe in many gods is “Polytheism”.



    Hi guys,

    I know this debate.

    Start off by stating what [you believe] “God” is. That's how to resolve the multiplicity of confusions about “God” and “Gods” and “god” and “gods”.

    My opinion is that “God” and “Gods” and “god” and “gods” are TITLES…like KING, QUEEN, SIR, JUDGE, MAYOR, HEADMASTER….
    They are titles given to an individual or individuals who are the highest AUTHORITIES in their CATEGORY (Note that no CATEGORY has been mentioned so far – only implied!)

    A Father is the “god” IN HIS HOUSEHOLD (if that household is compliant with Godly Christian standards) – all rule and authority rests with him – all final decisions rest with him although he has laid out his laws so his wife may decide something WITHIN the LAWS he has laid down and the children may decide fr themselves WITHIN the laws he has laid down.
    If something goes badly wrong – HE the Father is responsible – no matter who in his household actually caused the problem. And he, the father , can administer due punishment for that one who stepped outside of his laws – …and of course, he gives praise for this who kept within his laws when they could have been tempted away…

    Then, a Judge is “GOD” in his courtroom…There is no higher authority WITHIN THAT COURTROOM. Justice is by his decision…He gives a Guilty sentence by his “Yeah”, a Freedom by his “Nay”. Who can make a decision against him, who can say “I challenge you” unless he lapses (for then he is NO JUDGE) – he is the judge – only he can let down his guard and be found wanting…

    A Sporting Hero who has accomplished more than any other, is “a Mighty God” IN HIS FIELD OF SPORT. There is no one AT THAT TIME to match him – He is the BEST OF THE BEST – “La Creme de la Creme” – A Man of Valour, Powerful, Glorious in the act; Righteous in his deeds, a Man of Reknown, written in all the history books for all times. He has surpassed all before him (and many to come even yet). He runs the fastest race, he lifts the heaviest load, he jumps the highest leap, he throw the furthest spear, he wins every wrestling fight, there is no one to beat him – except himself.

    The KING is a “God” IN HIS KINGDOM and to his People…He RULES SUPREME, laying down laws, building up Riches, maintaining rights, disbanding uprisings, Waging War or Sueing for Peace. Who can make a decision against him (if he is righteous – for if not then he is no KING) He has all the authority of the Lawful laws of man, the collective thoughts of the the wisest in his nation, the greatest orators to speak for him, the strongest guards to protect him, the finest foods to sate him, and the best women to procreate with him…who can assail him, except himself.

    And so to Moses, Why was Moses called “God to Aaron”…Because THE GOD ALMIGHTY, yet to be spoken of here, desired that HE, Moses, be the HEAD of the Tribes of Israel but Moses was frail in the flesh, had an impediment of speech and could not talk with confidence. So, rather than place him aside (See ALMIGHTY God did not change him from his impediment…why?) God ALMIGHTY set him above his companion, Aaron, and said “Moses, I, your God, YHVH, will speak my commands to you…and YOU, Moses will speak them to your brother Aaron, such that You will be AS GOD to him”.
    Now, what is this “As God”…Simple; it means “As I speak – your lips will move – and so it will be that my voice will come out of your mouth, from between your lips, and it will be that I, God Almighty, will speak FROM you to Aaron so that not one word is lost due to your impediment': You will be AS GOD to Aaron.

    Then onto Jesus – Jesus, it is said, SHALL BE CALLED (SHALL BE – not IS CALLED) “MIGHTY GOD”….We have already seen “Mighty God” defined above and seen that even a human being can be a “Mighty God”.
    But Jesus transcends all those accollades…he does something that is “in extremis” for as righteous as many men were – even holding to the very word of God (David, Solomon, Abraham, Daniel, Moses, Jacob, Isaac…These were all “Mighty Gods”) they all did one thing that Jesus did not do: SIN, at some point.
    Even so, the Jews accused Jesus of calling himself “Son of God [ALMIGHTY]…making himself equal to God [Almighty] (p.s. THEIR WORDS – not TRUTHFUL WORDS)”. What did Jesus say, how did Jesus respond:
    He simply replied: “WHAT OF IT…”. Now please examine that carefully. “What of it….!” – “So WHAT, if I call myself the Son of God [ALMIGHTY]”…Jesus continues…”Did God [Almighty] himself not call others who received his words “gods”… thus implying implicitly that he, Jesus, has received the word of God also.
    This also clears up another matter that Jesus categorically states that he is NOT GOD [Almighty], just as the other HEROES of OLD who God himself called “gods” were not God ALMIGHTY either.
    And finally on this, the PHRASES “O God” and “THY God” and “MY God” and “YOUR God” and “Holy God” and “[anything else] God” are PERSONAL perspectives on the one being alluded to in the right hand part of the word (i.e. “God”).
    Thus Thomas saying “My Lord and My God” simply means “MY Lord….and MY God”….None of the other BELIEVING Disciples batted an eye nor a lip at the comment because it was THOMAS's PERSONAL revelation that JESUS WAS ALIVE. Even Jesus did not say anything but in fact told him off “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe” (Many say this was Jesus praising Thomas – hardly, I think!!)
    Thy throne “O Mighty ONE”…”They throne O God” … Please, please, It is just as easy to say “Thy throne O Wise One” or “They throne O One with his vesture soaked in blood”

    AND FINALLY… GOD ALMIGHTY….There are many Rulers and Principalities and Powers both on earth, over the earth and in the Heavens – and they can all be one of the designated labels of “God” but even so they are not supreme over the ONE GOD, God Almighty, YHVH, for HE alone stands (Sits?) Supreme above ALL others – AND there can be ONLY ONE SUPREME GOD over ALL Other 'supreme Gods', all other “so-called” Gods -for the unmentioned FALSE GODS are not Gods at all – They have no power save that which an individual invests in it, and that is precious little – if anything,…but the mind of man is puny so he gives more than he knows…he does not know the power of his mind but give more than he knows and becomes afraid…like a man with Agoraphobia. He believes the world is to big for him and stays huddled in one little corner – he has given POWER to Space, Space is his GOD and is is killing him. And what of the idol, what power does it have – none Why feed it with food, it cannot eat, why pray to it – it cannot answer your prayer. But yet many do so believing – yeah, giving it their own human power yet it it does nothing – the power f demons pulling the hearts and mind strings deceiving the poor souls.

    No, the ONE God is God above all such, yet, Idols are just an abomination to the ONE God, far worse, is the LIVE GOD, the God of this world,. SATAN… He was given a kingdom, the earth…And he makes many many people into worshipping ones for His pleasure – he distorts the word of the TRUE GOD, GOD Almighty so discord is sown, strife is created, disbelief, unbelief, real grief so as to confuse and confound and bring stupor to bare upon anyone who desires to seek truth.

    But the ONE God is patient, He is Just, he is Righteous. and he knows that if he were to just destroy SATAN it would solve nothing – Satan must destroy himself. Satan must be given EVERY CHANCE to show that his way will not work…this means Millions will get hurt, die, be deceived, failed to attain salvation – yet for all that – the choice was theirs and God EQUALLY gave them all teh information necessary to come to a full understanding of TRUTH and Knowledge and Righteousness through his Son Jesus Christ…

    So, with this little introduction and 'definition' of “God” we should be able to start to put some meat on the bone of this discussion, maybe, y


    little intro………..:laugh:


    Quote (Astaria @ Dec. 30 2010,18:33)
    Hi guys,

    I know this debate.

    Start off by stating what [you believe] “God” is.   That's how to resolve the multiplicity of confusions about “God” and “Gods” and “god” and “gods”.

    Hi and welcome.

    There is “Only One True God” which means there are no other gods at all but false gods, imposters, counterfiets, idols, and usurpers all made and created in the minds or by the hands of fallen and carnal men, or as the Apostle Paul puts it so-called gods.

    Polytheism seems to be the order of the day. No surprise since men even today idolize men as “mighty gods” etc.



    Astaria,Dec. wrote:

    Hi Astaria,
    and Welcome.

    Start off by stating what [you believe] “God” is.   That's how to resolve the multiplicity of confusions about “God” and “Gods” and “god” and “gods”.

    Exactly, by stating defintions it clears up alot of confusion and misunderstandings that are presented in this forum.

    My opinion is that “God” and “Gods” and “god” and “gods” are TITLES…like KING, QUEEN, SIR, JUDGE, MAYOR, HEADMASTER….
    They are titles given to an individual or individuals who are the highest AUTHORITIES in their CATEGORY (Note that no CATEGORY has been mentioned so far – only implied!)

    Here is when we get into problems, we discuss alot about opinion and less about the facts and the way things are.
    The fact that you “think” that God is always mentioned as a title is a fallacy.  You would have to provide evidence of every single instance that God is only used as a title, and not as an Identity of a Supreme Being, and if so, what role and atributes does this “supreme being” have.

    Then onto Jesus – Jesus, it is said, SHALL BE CALLED (SHALL BE – not IS CALLED) “MIGHTY GOD”….We have already seen “Mighty God” defined above and seen that even a human being can be a “Mighty God”.
    But Jesus transcends all those accollades…he does something that is “in extremis” for as righteous as many men were – even holding to the very word of God (David, Solomon, Abraham, Daniel, Moses, Jacob, Isaac…These were all “Mighty Gods”) they all did one thing that Jesus did not do: SIN, at some point.
    Even so, the Jews accused Jesus of calling himself “Son of God [ALMIGHTY]…making himself equal to God [Almighty] (p.s. THEIR WORDS – not TRUTHFUL WORDS)”. What did Jesus say, how did Jesus respond:
    He simply replied: “WHAT OF IT…”. Now please examine that carefully. “What of it….!” – “So WHAT, if I call myself the Son of God [ALMIGHTY]”…Jesus continues…”Did God [Almighty] himself not call others who received his words “gods”… thus implying implicitly that he, Jesus, has received the word of God also.
    This also clears up another matter that Jesus categorically states that he is NOT GOD [Almighty], just as the other HEROES of OLD who God himself called “gods” were not God ALMIGHTY either.
    And finally on this, the PHRASES “O God” and “THY God” and “MY God” and “YOUR God” and “Holy God” and “[anything else] God” are PERSONAL perspectives on the one being alluded to in the right hand part of the word (i.e. “God”).
    Thus Thomas saying “My Lord and My God” simply means “MY Lord….and MY God”….None of the other BELIEVING Disciples batted an eye nor a lip at the comment because it was THOMAS's PERSONAL revelation that JESUS WAS ALIVE. Even Jesus did not say anything but in fact told him off “Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe” (Many say this was Jesus praising Thomas – hardly, I think!!)
    Thy throne “O Mighty ONE”…”They throne O God” … Please, please, It is just as easy to say “Thy throne O Wise One” or “They throne O One with his vesture soaked in blood”

    Astaria,  The Things that Jesus did cannot be accomplished by any other human being.  Jesus did more than just NOT SIN, he DIED for OUR SINS, and RESSURECTED himself as he promised to do!  
    Correction about the Jews read it again, Jesus said its easy for you to believe that “ye are gods” and we know that the scriptures are BOUND, so why cant you believe that i have been sanctfied and sent into this world, and that i call myself the Son of God, when scriptures speak of HIM.  
    If you dont believe that, than believe my works.

    Here is the point, the very basic point that I made in other posts.

    IF Jesus is NOT God what is he to you?
    You say “son of God”, ok what is that? (remember definitions as you stated before)

    Is Jesus a Man? angel? God? a being? literal procreation seed of the father?  or what?

    Others in this forum have stated that Jesus is the “second most powerful being in this universe”  that Jesus is a god just as Satan is a god of this age.  and others say that there are many gods but only one “Jehovah almighty God”

    so which is it buddy? what will you claim next?


    Worshipping Jesus,

    How did you come to say to me that “There is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD”.

    Did I not say that. Did you say what you said just to be controversial or was there some other point you wanted to make – because you certainly made one!

    I said that there was only ONE TRUE GOD. I also said what a GOD is.

    If a God is a Supreme individual in their own field – how can that be controversial against your ideas. I take it you are a Trinitarian then, maybe?

    In the short time I have been posting (today…) I have come across a number of others who post against me exactly what I posted previously as if I never posted that thing.

    Is this normal?

    WorshippingJesus, even your own statement speaks against you: “One TRUE GOD”.

    Why is there such a statement from you if you did not see that there were other “So-Called Gods”.

    If I believed that there was Only ONE GOD I would not even entertain a conversation concerning others such that I would be FORCED to say “…of all the Gods…there is ONLY ONE TRUE ONE”

    Now, don't get me wrong, the other chap has something for me to answer on this issue, to:
    I believe that there IS ONLY ONE TRUE GOD.

    but here is the rub and nub of it… In the beginning the nations knew only ONE GOD, then they fell away.
    Many afterwards could not reconcile a distant God person who was also invisible … they wanted a tangible, visible god and so they began worshipping idols their imaginary view of what they believed God should be. No doubt, some power hungry ones promoted this idea and put themselves as the intermediatary between the “so-called Gods” and the people…

    Even more time later and that intermediatary began seeing himself, very lucratively, as the people's God himself (Please don't tempt our Intermediatary to do the same – he yes, Jesus Christ)

    So, the righteous ones who held to the ONE TRUE GOD came into conflict with the So-called Gods…Both are called God(s) so there then must be a way to distinguish one so-called God from the One True God.

    And, yes, it was appointed to Moses when God said, 'My Name is “I AM” and so shall it be for everlasting' (Ask if God had this name before? I think not going by the line of conversation – indeed, IF THERE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE GOD – What need has he for a NAME – GOD will do…but now there are many so-called God so he NEEDS to distinquish himself. And to me, there is m=no other more glorious name than “I AM”. To me this says it ALL …to me it says He, God, Hebrew “YHVH”, “I AM”:
    …”WAS”, “IS” and “WILL ALWAYS BE”
    and no one else in eternity, can say that of himself (because only he knows – only he has been from Eternity and goes on to Eternity)

    All of everything is to him, there is nothing that is not his – this is the TRUE GOD – No other not even Satan “The GOD of this world, the GOD of this system of things, the God and Father of Sin and the Lie, the God and Father of perdition” has all things for the earth is only a small part of God's wealth – indeed God's wealth lies not in dust – but in POWER and Might, FIRE and Inescapable Light, glorious Energy RAW Energy – if you think looking at the Sun is spectacular (and fool hardy) then don't even try to think of the power and majesty of God (ALMIGHTY- The ONE TRUE GOD).

    Worshipping Jesus, why do i feel that no matter what i say you are going to come back with saying something that I have already said… I know trinitarians think that Jesus is God…but i urge you to think otherwise (yeah – futile – I know!) but see what you make Jesus – EXACTLY WHAT SATAN WANTED TO BE – Worshipped by Man – and WorshippingJesus – YOU Do that for Satan by 'Worshipping Jesus' (if indeed you do – because actually i bet a penny to a pound that you DO NOT – even as much as you THINK you do – you actually DON'T – for in reality – even YOU know it is wrong – but for the cause of society and your friends and whatever else you hold 'dear' to – you maintain that pretence – even worse – the Holy Spirit?

    Worshipping Jesus – can you tell me how you WORSHIP the Holy Spirit – oh, AND Jesus. I ask the question in another thread but there seems to be no one who knows – they just post poitless scripture verses without any explanation. Maybe you can help, eh?

    Here is a last (for now) suppose you had a Son, many sons, you gave them freedom to do as they please within your volumous land acrage. You gave them money, houses, vineyards, dug rivers,stream, orchards, gave them sheep, cattle, fish, chicken, macDonolds (oh make it kentucky), etc….
    then they started not bringing you yield from their crop and animals, no payback, even as small as you asked. They always called you 'pops'…but now they start calling each other 'pops'. Pops has become a byword for 'Provider'..they provide to themselves – so now many are 'pops' to the others.
    Youngsters are born and start hearing “Pops” will provide…Pops will sort this out…Pops will fix that for you… Who are YOU then, and Now… There is only ONE TRUE POPS and he has the bank balance and the title deeds for all the land, yet each so-called 'pops' believes in the small holding that he has – no longer looks to the ONE TRUE Pops…You are the ONE TRUE Pops, how do you feel.
    n fact they even start calling the eldest Son, Pops instead of you – they no longer even want to talk to you – they despise you because you care for them – withhold a little of their earnings as TAX – and pension – for when lean times approach…but they cannot see that – they WANT THEIR CAKE AND EAT IT… how shortcaked of them – if the shopkeeper eats off his own produce…
    Senior Son is sent to show them the errors of their ways but they kill him – True Pops cannot die – but senior son can -and does. But pops has supermedics and raises up Senior Son again and gives him the keys to the executive safe containing the title deeds and bank account Cash details…
    Should the other sons start to worship Senior Son…No, because TRUE POPS is still alive and overseeing all even though Senior Son is in charge for a while.


    Worshipping Jesus,

    Please do not get hung up on the term “God” or “Mighty God”. It simply means “One of great Power and authority – IN ANY EXPLICIT FIELD OF VALOUR”.

    I feel that you are are raging inside over something and are blinded to even simple writing. “God” is a TITLE it is not a NAME, it is a TITLE, like SIR, Master, Head, Judge, KING, QUEEN.
    do you deny there can be more than one of each afformentioned? No, so why deny “GOD” in proper context.

    “Mighty God”, “O God”, “My God”, “Your GOD”…personal perspectives… Yet there is one TRUE GOD – proper FULL TITLE “Jehovah, God Almighty, YHVH, The MOST HIGH GOD”.

    WorshippingJesus, why is there such a term as “THE MOST HIGH GOD”…is there an implication of …hmmmm…

    Yet we call on, we should only call on, must only call on “The ONE TRUE GOD” when it comes to all matters of a Spiritual nature …

    and yet we can call on human 'experts, Gods in their own field to do human acts of work and action – Did Solomon not appoint an “Expert” craftsmen and asked for an explicit Builder plucked from among the people because he was a 'God in his field', to build the Temple in Jerusalem?

    Place the Title “God” in proper context – no sweat – and we agree – there is only ONE TRUE GOD : YHVH, GOD ALMIGHTY.



    I have not spoken with you before but even from your one post to me i suggest that we do not dialogue as your posts contains nothing but pointless empty air.

    There is nothing of sense in your post.

    I rather think that you just want to raise and argument.

    Sorry, but that is how it seems and That is how it IS.


    no problem.
    thats quiet disrespectful but ok so be it.
    we have a right to respond, even if you disagree.
    as you also posted nicely at first, but what happen to you ?
    and take a chill pill.


    Hi asteria

    i liked your presentation well said no scriptures presented ,but I can in my hearth follow you all the way in scriptures ,

    some with less knowledge may oppose you but it will easy ;

    as for WJ he is a trinitarian ;


    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 30 2010,05:49)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 30 2010,04:35)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 30 2010,04:05)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 29 2010,11:42)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 30 2010,02:43)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 28 2010,23:31)
    Hi WJ,

    Do you call this garbage?

    2Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God(HolySpirit) was in Christ,
    reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;
    and hath committed unto us “The Word” of reconciliation.

    Eph.4:4-6 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord,
    one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who
    is above all, and through all, and in you all.


    Your “gemetria” is garbage.

    Jesus is in “me” therefore Jesus is God. 2 Cor 13:5


    Hi WJ,

    Does that mean you believe Jesus returned on “Pentecost”?
    John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep
    my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

    Ed J


    Of course!


    Hi WJ,

    HalleluJah! We agree!!!  …Crack open the best wine!   …Just Kidding, I don't drink.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi WJ,

    Glad to see we can have agreement on things!
    Some have great difficulty in this task!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi WJ,

    Isn't it better to seek agreement, that to try to force others to submit to our beliefs; don't you think?  

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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