Matthew 28:19 authentic or not?

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  • #334274

    Hi Pierre and JA,

    T said:

    you say;;;
    In Deuteronomy, God calls [Jesus to be named] 'My Angel', 'My Angel will go before you.  what verse in Deut???

    I echo that question.  Did the Bible say that angel was the Word or Jesus?  Where do you get this from.  Not the thinker, God forbid.

    peace and love,


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 21 2010,21:52)

    Seems like your measured my coat and it fits you too.

    I like your style. I haven't read your post before but I will from now on.

    Psalm 82… Thanks, I was searching for something and found it in there: verse 7:
    Who might the 'Prince' who has fallen be?
    How is He a Prince, Prince to which King?
    The verse say,'fallen like one of the Princes' (plural). Who are the other Princes?

    In Deuteronomy, God calls [Jesus to be named] 'My Angel', 'My Angel will go before you. Do not provoke him for my name[power and authority] is in him'
    Was 'Jesus'… then, also, 'One of the Princes', one of the Chief Princes, like Michael, who all stand in the midst and all around Gods throne?

    Speculative, eh?


    Your a funny one! man i do enjoy reading your post and humor!

    Your creator must be the same as mine, because you and i can relate.


    I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!! naa jk. its all good.
    im just the new guy.

    lol ya i think thats the closest scripture i could find that Jesus was talking about in John 10. after the jews accused him.

    well doesnt scripture also state that Satan is the “prince of the air” and in this case, a fallen prince?

    since scripture talks about death, and a rolemodel of death, and destruction would be the devil right?

    isnt God the king?

    and than the last verse states that God will arise and judge.

    Idk, im just saying what im thinking, i could be wrong,
    what do you think?


    Mike, Terra, SF,

    Sorry, I meant Exodus 23:20 and Exodus 33:14 ('My Presence') and Exodus 33:2.


    Can someone explain what the following mean:

    “My GOD”
    “Our God”
    “O God”
    “Your God”
    “My/Your Lord”

    Are all these reference to 'God Almighty'?
    If so, how?, if not, why not?

    Who, what, is 'a God' (Note capital letters are only for EmPhAsIs or to denote a special case i.e. 'GOD', singular with no indefinite article, is a direct reference to 'God Almighty')

    Psalm 82: “God stands in the congregation of the Mighty [ones]; He judges among the gods [the 'mighty ones]'.

    So, if He calls them 'gods' who are men then all mighty men, or even angels, for Angels are mightier than men, can be called 'a god', or 'a God' meaning 'a Mighty one', so also: 'O God','My God', 'our God', 'our Lord'…these are indirect references…

    In contrast, there is only one 'God', 'One God' who 'The God' with the definite article, or simply 'God'…and that is God Almighty, YHVH, 'I Am'.


    JA……….The original Hebrew word for GOD was Pictorial It was draw as a OX Head with a Shepard's staff alongside it. The Ox Head represent (POWER) and the Staff Was Something they Leaned ON FOR SUPPORT. The basic word for GOD is Simply the (POWER) WE TRUST IN. All power is derived from (one) source. THE ALMIGHTY POWER OR ONLY TRUE GOD , as Jesus put it. The word YHVH simply means He EXISTS, and if you put and is written as LORD, So if you put it together as The LORD OUR GOD, it comes out this way He EXISTS, OUR POWER. IMO



    Quote (JustAskin @ May 22 2010,19:38)
    Mike, Terra, SF,

    Sorry, I meant Exodus 23:20 and Exodus 33:14 ('My Presence') and Exodus 33:2.

    Hi JA,

    I'm saying how do you know the messenger was Jesus? Does the Bible actually say that? Or are you inferring it was Jesus? Could you show me the exact wording that spells out it was the Word or Jesus?

    peace and love,


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 22 2010,19:38)
    Mike, Terra, SF,

    Sorry, I meant Exodus 23:20 and Exodus 33:14 ('My Presence') and Exodus 33:2.

    Hi JA,

    I'm saying how do you know the messenger was Jesus? Does the Bible actually say that? Or are you inferring it was Jesus? Could you show me the exact wording that spells out it was the Word or Jesus?

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 22 2010,13:30)

    Quote (david @ May 22 2010,13:11)
    Remember your 50+ scholars that wrote the CEV?  Their footnote at Judges 13:22, where they put the word “angel”,  says,

    angel:The Hebrew text has “god”, which can be used of God or of other supernatural beings.


    (Reverse psychology.)


    WJ, I have just used NLP to convince you that this post doesn't exist. As proof of my powers, you will not respond to this post. You won't even see it. It doesn't exist in your mind. Your eyes cannot see it. It does not exist.


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 22 2010,18:55)

    Quote (JustAskin @ May 21 2010,21:52)

    Seems like your measured my coat and it fits you too.

    I like your style. I haven't read your post before but I will from now on.

    Psalm 82… Thanks, I was searching for something and found it in there: verse 7:
    Who might the 'Prince' who has fallen be?
    How is He a Prince, Prince to which King?
    The verse say,'fallen like one of the Princes' (plural). Who are the other Princes?

    In Deuteronomy, God calls [Jesus to be named] 'My Angel', 'My Angel will go before you. Do not provoke him for my name[power and authority] is in him'
    Was 'Jesus'… then, also, 'One of the Princes', one of the Chief Princes, like Michael, who all stand in the midst and all around Gods throne?

    Speculative, eh?


    Your a funny one! man i do enjoy reading your post and humor!

    Your creator must be the same as mine, because you and i can relate.


    I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!! naa jk. its all good.
    im just the new guy.

    lol ya i think thats the closest scripture i could find that Jesus was talking about in John 10. after the jews accused him.

    well doesnt scripture also state that Satan is the “prince of the air”  and in this case, a fallen prince?

    since scripture talks about death, and a rolemodel of death, and destruction would be the devil right?

    isnt God the king?  

    and than the last verse states that God will arise and judge.

    Idk, im just saying what im thinking, i could be wrong,
    what do you think?

    Simple Forgiven! Let me jump in right here. Jesus is the Son of God. He also existed before His Birth on earth.
    Col. 1:15-17
    Rev. 3:14
    John 1:1
    Rev. 19:13 tells us this
    “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God.”
    verse 16 And on His robe and on His thigh a name is written:”
    Now we all should know who that is.
    When He comes as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, only the truth will be taught in the Millenium. I could have made a long post with all of this, but I want all that read it, to prove to themselves that what it says is so…..
    Math. 28:19 what does it say here. Jesus is talking to the eleven disciples in what they should do. To go into all the nations and baptize them in the NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Some like W,J, and Kangaroo Jack will say that it is prove that we have a trinity. However there are several Scriptures that will tell us it is not a trinity.
    The Trinity is not a God made doctrine, rather it is a man made doctrine,
    It is Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian who first came up with it. He was born in A.D. 155 to Pagans Parents.
    It is said that the trinity is His best achievement to Christianty.
    Mainstream Christianity does believe in the trinity….
    I don't. And there are several Scriptures that tell me otherwise.
    Deut. 4:35 “Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightiest know that the LORD God;there is none beside Him.”
    Deut. 6:4 “Hear O Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD.”
    Don't get confused over LORD and lord. LORD in capital letters is God the father. The Translators were so in Aw of the scriptures that they were afraid to use Jehovah God, and used LORD instead…
    1 Corinth. 8:4}And that there is no other God but one.”
    By Jesus own words in
    John 14:28 ….for My Father is greater then I.”
    I also want to give you one more Scripture that will show you that Jesus preexisted in
    John 17:5″And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory which I had with You before the world was.”
    And thin k of this, if like W,J, and Jack think that God is a trinity then the Holy as a Person is Jesus Father. And we know that that is not so……
    Also it was Constantine who in A.D. 313 after almost three centuries of brutal and bloody persecution issued and edit granting all Christians full freedom to practice their religions. However it is about that time when so much was changed. Google Constantine and see what He did….
    If you do not have a Concordance yet, do yourself a favor and get one. There are many Scriptures about God's Holy Spirit…I gave you what I think are the main ones….
    Peace and Love Irene


    I see you also have a new name but remain the same.

    I hardly think you need to be trying to convince SF of the truth of what you are saying. But at least the re-iteration is timely as a re-introduction to your new name.


    Thank you for your definition.


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 23 2010,08:25)
    I see you also have a new name but remain the same.

    I hardly think you need to be trying to convince SF of the truth of what you are saying. But at least the re-iteration is timely as a re-introduction to your new name.

    Hey, my name is still Irene, that did not change and never will while I am here on earth….Whatever will be when I get a new body, who knows…..Can anyone convince another of the truth, I doubt it…but I do try….May God be with you, Irene :D :D :D


    Thank you for responding to the querying of 'the fallen Prince'.

    It seems you are the only one who took up the issue.

    I thought it might have been more significant in terms of profiling persons in God's kingdom based on O.T. rendering.

    The book of Job, allegorical or not, shows the 'Sons of God' coming together – and Satan among them.

    So, allegorically or not, God councils with the Angels and if so, what of God saying, 'Let US create Man in our image'?

    The story of Job's plight shows that Satan could inflict changes on man's flesh but not his spirit.

    Other OT Scriptures shows that Angels could create flesh and bone bodies and occupy them with their own 'overpowerful for a fleshly body' spirit. They could create the body but only God could put an independent spirit into it, and God only created two: Adam and Eve.

    So, why then does God call them Princes, and are there many, or few, for we know that there are thousands upon thousands of Angels.

    The answer is, of course, yes, a few. For we know from Scriptures that there are ArchAngel(s), Cherubims and Seraphims, who are special, higher order, Angels.

    And we know of at least one, Michael, who is called (an) ArchAngel, and also, One of the 'Chief Princes'.

    We also know that 'Satan' was one of the Cherubim, the 'Angel that covereth'. Covereth what?… God's throne, no less. How much closer to God could one get, standing in the direct presence of The Most High God, actually 'touching' His throne!

    So where did …Jesus… 'sit' in the court of God?

    Satan, by inference, is called the 'fallen Prince' and we know that he was an Angel. And we know that Michael is a Prince, and he, too, is an Angel, and one of the 'Captains of the Army of God'.

    So who are the other 'Chief Princes', how many are there, two, four, twelve?

    Ok, so, personally, I've exhausted my knowledge so I need your help, your help that helps yourself, too!

    Revelation says there are twelve thrones around God's throne. Are these (for) the 'Chief Princes'?

    Jesus was 'raised' to a higher position and (that is) sat down on the (actual) throne of his Father and God. But what 'position' was he in 'before' being 'raised'… raised above his 'brethren'.

    Was …Jesus… 'The Chief Prince', God's chief worker through whom He created All Things?

    One last thing. Scriptures seems to show that the one that receives the eventual promise is NOT the one that it was originally offered to, the firstborn.

    The 'firstborn' sins and another is 'begotten as the new firstborn'.

    So, we know that Jesus is 'Begotten, firstborn' of the dead. So…who did he succeed?


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 23 2010,09:14)
    Thank you for responding to the querying of 'the fallen Prince'.

    It seems you are the only one who took up the issue.

    I thought it might have been more significant in terms of profiling persons in God's kingdom based on O.T. rendering.

    The book of Job, allegorical or not, shows the 'Sons of God' coming together – and Satan among them.

    So, allegorically or not, God councils with the Angels and if so, what of God saying, 'Let US create Man in our image'?

    The story of Job's plight shows that Satan could inflict changes on man's flesh but not his spirit.

    Other OT Scriptures shows that Angels could create flesh and bone bodies and occupy them with their own 'overpowerful for a fleshly body' spirit. They could create the body but only God could put an independent spirit into it, and God only created two: Adam and Eve.

    So, why then does God call them Princes, and are there many, or few, for we know that there are thousands upon thousands of Angels.

    The answer is, of course, yes, a few. For we know from Scriptures that there are ArchAngel(s), Cherubims and Seraphims, who are special, higher order, Angels.

    And we know of at least one, Michael, who is called (an) ArchAngel, and also, One of the 'Chief Princes'.

    We also know that 'Satan' was one of the Cherubim, the 'Angel that covereth'. Covereth what?… God's throne, no less. How much closer to God could one get, standing in the direct presence of The Most High God, actually 'touching' His throne!

    So where did …Jesus… 'sit' in the court of God?

    Satan, by inference, is called the 'fallen Prince' and we know that he was an Angel. And we know that Michael is a Prince, and he, too, is an Angel, and one of the 'Captains of the Army of God'.

    So who are the other 'Chief Princes', how many are there, two, four, twelve?

    Ok, so, personally, I've exhausted my knowledge so I need your help, your help that helps yourself, too!

    Revelation says there are twelve thrones around God's throne. Are these (for) the 'Chief Princes'?

    Jesus was 'raised' to a higher position and (that is) sat down on the (actual) throne of his Father and God. But what 'position' was he in 'before' being 'raised'… raised above his 'brethren'.

    Was …Jesus… 'The Chief Prince', God's chief worker through whom He created All Things?

    One last thing. Scriptures seems to show that the one that receives the eventual promise is NOT the one that it was originally offered to, the firstborn.

    The 'firstborn' sins and another is 'begotten as the new firstborn'.

    So, we know that Jesus is 'Begotten, firstborn' of the dead. So…who did he succeed?

    Even though Satan had excess to Heaven then, He does not anymore. God used Satan to test Job….Even though the good Angels are in Heaven with our Heavenly Father, the fallen Angels and Satan are not in Heaven anymore. In Luke it shows us that Satan has fallen from Heaven like lightning. The third of the Angels that went with Satan the worst of them are in chains, and will be loosed at the end times when God's wrath will befall all evil beings…
    Luke 10:18
    Jude 1:6
    The God of this earth is Satan. In Math. Satan temps Jesus and wants to give Him all the earth……
    I don't think, at least I have not come across how many Angels there really are….If you figure that throughout the
    earth the demons will give us a hard time who knows how many they are… me that is not important, just know that there are Demons, while some even don't think that there is a Satan…..And what is your point anyway, to bring up the Angels. God is all knowing and He really does not need to council with the Angels. I do think He talks to the good Angels, but that He takes advice from them or that they helped creation I don't believe that. There is no Scripture that says so. When He has His Son to help why would He?????? Heaven Net has a real good Article on Satan and Heaven and Hell and also Preexisting of Jesus.
    As far as the Angels creating with God, that my friend I do not believe. It is Jesus and our Heavenly Father. Study
    Col. 1:15-17 and Rev. 3:14 it all says that Jesus was the firstborn of all creation. He also was the firstborn of the death, so that He may have preeminence, meaning He was first in all.
    John 17:5 shows us that He was in Heaven with His Father before the world was. By His own words….And then there is John 1:1 He was the Word of God.
    Rev, 19:13 “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and His Name is The Word of God.
    verse 16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Now we should all know who Scripture is talking about.
    One more thing, Angels creating flesh?? In Genesis it tells us that some Angels did come to earth and marry beautiful woman, but the good Angels will not come to earth and go into a Human being. Those are the Demons that do that, and you as a Human being will have to let them. All we have to say is Satan leave in the Name of Jesus and they will have to leave….

    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Arnold @ May 23 2010,05:32)
    Simple Forgiven!              Let me jump in right here.   Jesus is the Son of God.  He also existed before His Birth on earth.
    Col. 1:15-17
    Rev. 3:14
    John 1:1
    Rev. 19:13 tells us this
    “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God.”
    verse 16 And on  His robe and on His thigh a name is written:”
    Now we all should know who that is.
    When He comes as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, only the truth will be taught in the Millenium.  I could have made a long post with all of this, but I want all that read it, to prove to themselves that what it says is so…..
    Math. 28:19 what does it say here.  Jesus is talking to the eleven disciples in what they should do.  To go into all the nations and baptize them in the NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  Some like W,J, and Kangaroo Jack will say that it is prove that we have a trinity.  However there are several Scriptures that will tell us it is not a trinity.
    The Trinity is not a God made doctrine, rather it is a man made doctrine,
    It is Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian who first came up with it.  He was born in A.D. 155 to Pagans Parents.
    It is said that the trinity is His best achievement to Christianty.
    Mainstream Christianity does believe in the trinity….
    I don't.  And there are several Scriptures that tell me otherwise.
    Deut. 4:35 “Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightiest know that the LORD God;there is none beside Him.”
    Deut. 6:4 “Hear O Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD.”
    Don't get confused over LORD and lord.  LORD in capital letters is God the father.  The Translators were so in Aw of the scriptures that they were afraid to use Jehovah God, and used LORD instead…
    1 Corinth. 8:4}And that there is no other God but one.”
    By Jesus own words in
    John 14:28 ….for My Father is greater then I.”
    I also want to give you one more Scripture that will show you that Jesus preexisted in
    John 17:5″And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory which I had with You before the world was.”
    And thin k of this, if like W,J, and Jack think that God is a trinity then the Holy as a Person is Jesus Father.  And we know that that is not so……
    Also it was Constantine who in A.D. 313 after almost three centuries of brutal and bloody persecution issued and edit granting all Christians full freedom to practice their religions.  However it is about that time when so much was changed.  Google Constantine and see what He did….
    If you do not have a Concordance yet, do yourself a favor and get one.  There are many Scriptures about God's Holy Spirit…I gave you what I think are the main ones….
    Peace and Love Irene

    You Irene,

    Are about to get into my list of people that im probably not going to respond back to. Such as Nick when he doesnt give more info, when he does i actually consider it more.
    Terrarica- because we always end up agreeing, and doesnt make any sense.
    And you, well where do i start. you not making any sense!
    let me tell you what i hear what lil children have commonly said, when i was a child.
    Your jumping into the coolade and dont even know what the mix is. (i could have said that wrong, i do not remember to much)
    my point is, You are literally jumping right in lol and not making any sense.
    you make several points and comments, and claims… related to what?
    Your not making any connections to it! or my previous response to someone else!

    let me do a brief summary of what you said,
    Jumped in, Jesus son of God existed before- agreed.
    Verses- agreed- (even though it as nothing to do with anything)
    King of kings-1000 years,long post, something about proof, baptizeism, wj kj, trinity, Sptimisu, mainstreem christian, verses verses, Constantine, ?google?, concordance, myself a favor (lol), scriptures.

    thats my breif lil summmary of what you said.

    In the court of law this is me i am the prosecutor,
    “Your Honor, exhibit A, the defendants knife that was found in the crime scene, clearly shows that this knife has the stains of the blood of both the victem and the defendant, and has the defendants fingure prints, let the jury understand that this is ambigous evidence that the Defendant is the murderer and is responsible for Bobs death.”

    This is you as the prosecutor, (And Terrarica, and Nick at times)

    “Your Honor, This is the knife! The knife that belongs the defendant. YUP THIS IS THE KNIFE! and we know it belongs to him. So He must have killed him, because this is his knife! The Jury should know that this is the KNIFE!”

    Get the humor of it? Thats what i see in all those posts.
    Your post is just another example, of jumping in, making points about God isnt the Trinity, which HAS NOTHIGN TO DO WITH WHAT I WROTE BEFORE. unles you can show me other wise im going to ignore your post.

    and everything else you said.

    This makes no sense.

    Does anybody agree with me, am i alone here! am i the only one who sees this!!! everything i said before was ignored!
    cant you see we were focusing on one scripture!???


    This makes no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    can i be any more clear?

    Much love,

    Please if you want to go one on one, about debating a topic, just say so instead of jumping in randomly.



    Quote (JustAskin @ May 23 2010,09:14)
    Thank you for responding to the querying of 'the fallen Prince'.

    It seems you are the only one who took up the issue.

    I thought it might have been more significant in terms of profiling persons in God's kingdom based on O.T. rendering.

    The book of Job, allegorical or not, shows the 'Sons of God' coming together – and Satan among them.

    So, allegorically or not, God councils with the Angels and if so, what of God saying, 'Let US create Man in our image'?

    The story of Job's plight shows that Satan could inflict changes on man's flesh but not his spirit.

    Other OT Scriptures shows that Angels could create flesh and bone bodies and occupy them with their own 'overpowerful for a fleshly body' spirit. They could create the body but only God could put an independent spirit into it, and God only created two: Adam and Eve.

    So, why then does God call them Princes, and are there many, or few, for we know that there are thousands upon thousands of Angels.

    The answer is, of course, yes, a few. For we know from Scriptures that there are ArchAngel(s), Cherubims and Seraphims, who are special, higher order, Angels.

    And we know of at least one, Michael, who is called (an) ArchAngel, and also, One of the 'Chief Princes'.

    We also know that 'Satan' was one of the Cherubim, the 'Angel that covereth'. Covereth what?… God's throne, no less. How much closer to God could one get, standing in the direct presence of The Most High God, actually 'touching' His throne!

    So where did …Jesus… 'sit' in the court of God?

    Satan, by inference, is called the 'fallen Prince' and we know that he was an Angel. And we know that Michael is a Prince, and he, too, is an Angel, and one of the 'Captains of the Army of God'.

    So who are the other 'Chief Princes', how many are there, two, four, twelve?

    Ok, so, personally, I've exhausted my knowledge so I need your help, your help that helps yourself, too!

    Revelation says there are twelve thrones around God's throne. Are these (for) the 'Chief Princes'?

    Jesus was 'raised' to a higher position and (that is) sat down on the (actual) throne of his Father and God. But what 'position' was he in 'before' being 'raised'… raised above his 'brethren'.

    Was …Jesus… 'The Chief Prince', God's chief worker through whom He created All Things?

    One last thing. Scriptures seems to show that the one that receives the eventual promise is NOT the one that it was originally offered to, the firstborn.

    The 'firstborn' sins and another is 'begotten as the new firstborn'.

    So, we know that Jesus is 'Begotten, firstborn' of the dead. So…who did he succeed?


    No Problem! i like to respond!
    Its intresting.

    I agree about the Angels, and the ranks. i had a huge study on that even though it can get very hectic in such studies. I even went as far to study Enoch, which i feel very neutral about, and hebrews beliefes about angels.
    I think there was even an age, where literaly the division between scribes and pharasis was either if they belived in angels or not. idk. something like that. maybe i could be wrong.

    Welll….. where did Jesus sit in the throne of God?

    I see this as a tricky question. because we can really easily agree or disagree in this aspect. I rather not answer such a question. Becuase to assume that God can sit! is just crazy to think about! lol

    He can stand and walk, yet he is omnipresent.
    I do believe that in scripture, it talked about these four animals that carried the Throne of God which was like this huge storm, some theologians say that these animals represent the gospel/4books. Idk. What do you think?
    You tell me first, and than ill promise to answer.

    The other Chief princes? Idk. Thats a good question. Some speculate that its the twelve dicipels, other the twelve tribes of israel, and others twelve leaders modern days stuff. I really try not to make a conclusion on Revelations, it has yet to happen, so only God can know such a thing.

    last part about Jesus, You said he was raised, but first we all agree that he first lowerd, whether he was God or not, First he was sanctfied and sent and than raised after his resurrection.

    Maybe i have persumed that you are a anti-trin, but How do you explain that Jesus actualy sits with the God who shares no glory with another? Like i see the common arguement that anti-trins make that God will never share his glory, or he is the only God who has all the power, and equal to no one.

    But how is it that Jesus sat on his throne? Idk im just asking for your input, im not debating this.

    Some people believe that Jesus is the actual word of God, that when he spoke, he spoke Jesus, who which created everything. Than again, Who knows, we werent there.

    Only Jesus, says he was before abraham, and other stuff like that.

    In scripture we know that they commonly cal Jesus as the second Adam.
    maybe He did what Adam could not in the perfected since.

    Did i understand your questions correctly? im just going with your flow here.

    This better not be a trap.

    Eyes on you Mr. Eyes on you!


    SF……….The four beast surounding the throne of GOD with three sets of wings that have eyes in their wing can be explained. Hopes this helps you better understand. The four Faces of the four beast represent the Four heads of the twelve tribes of Israel . Let me explain , when Isreal was in the wilderness they were divided into four quadrants surrounding the tabernacle of GOD, Each quadrant had a head tribe, One was Ephraim whose standard was the OX, and with him were two other tribes Benjamin and Manasseh and the other three consisted of Ruben , the standard of a MAN and two other tribes with him and Dan whose standard was the EAGLE,and two other tribes with him, and Judah whose standard was the LION, and two other tribes with him. Making a total of twelve tribes, Levi was not counted with them as they were the Priest and served in the temple .

    You can read all about it in Num 2:2-23 and Num 10: 14-25

    The four Standards were Flags representing the four Head tribes Manasseh the OX, Judah the LION, Ruben the MAN, and Dan the EAGLE.
    The tree wing represent those three tribes in that quadrant, and the (eyes) represent the Spirit of the Living GOD in them that elevated them around the throne of GOD. SF read it and think about it is is very interesting.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene


    Quote (david @ May 22 2010,13:11)
    Remember your 50+ scholars that wrote the CEV?  Their footnote at Judges 13:22, where they put the word “angel”,  says,

    angel:The Hebrew text has “god”, which can be used of God or of other supernatural beings.


    (Reverse psychology.)


    But to which of the angels did the Father ever say, “You are My Son, today I have begotten you.”

    The name “Son” in reference to Jesus is a name that is by far superior to the name “god” in reference to angels. Therefore, the name “God” in reference to the Son also means that He is by far superior to the angels. This is why the angels are commanded to worship Him.

    How many times must I tell you this David?

    Kangaroo Jack


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ May 23 2010,16:29)

    Quote (Arnold @ May 23 2010,05:32)
    Simple Forgiven!              Let me jump in right here.   Jesus is the Son of God.  He also existed before His Birth on earth.
    Col. 1:15-17
    Rev. 3:14
    John 1:1
    Rev. 19:13 tells us this
    “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God.”
    verse 16 And on  His robe and on His thigh a name is written:”
    Now we all should know who that is.
    When He comes as KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, only the truth will be taught in the Millenium.  I could have made a long post with all of this, but I want all that read it, to prove to themselves that what it says is so…..
    Math. 28:19 what does it say here.  Jesus is talking to the eleven disciples in what they should do.  To go into all the nations and baptize them in the NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.  Some like W,J, and Kangaroo Jack will say that it is prove that we have a trinity.  However there are several Scriptures that will tell us it is not a trinity.
    The Trinity is not a God made doctrine, rather it is a man made doctrine,
    It is Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian who first came up with it.  He was born in A.D. 155 to Pagans Parents.
    It is said that the trinity is His best achievement to Christianty.
    Mainstream Christianity does believe in the trinity….
    I don't.  And there are several Scriptures that tell me otherwise.
    Deut. 4:35 “Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightiest know that the LORD God;there is none beside Him.”
    Deut. 6:4 “Hear O Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD.”
    Don't get confused over LORD and lord.  LORD in capital letters is God the father.  The Translators were so in Aw of the scriptures that they were afraid to use Jehovah God, and used LORD instead…
    1 Corinth. 8:4}And that there is no other God but one.”
    By Jesus own words in
    John 14:28 ….for My Father is greater then I.”
    I also want to give you one more Scripture that will show you that Jesus preexisted in
    John 17:5″And now O Father glorify Me together with Yourself with the glory which I had with You before the world was.”
    And thin k of this, if like W,J, and Jack think that God is a trinity then the Holy as a Person is Jesus Father.  And we know that that is not so……
    Also it was Constantine who in A.D. 313 after almost three centuries of brutal and bloody persecution issued and edit granting all Christians full freedom to practice their religions.  However it is about that time when so much was changed.  Google Constantine and see what He did….
    If you do not have a Concordance yet, do yourself a favor and get one.  There are many Scriptures about God's Holy Spirit…I gave you what I think are the main ones….
    Peace and Love Irene

    You Irene,

    Are about to get into my list of people that im probably not going to respond back to. Such as Nick when he doesnt give more info, when he does i actually consider it more.
    Terrarica- because we always end up agreeing, and doesnt make any sense.
    And you, well where do i start. you not making any sense!
    let me tell you what i hear what lil children have commonly said, when i was a child.
    Your jumping into the coolade and dont even know what the mix is.  (i could have said that wrong, i do not remember to much)
    my point is, You are literally jumping right in lol and not making any sense.
    you make several points and comments, and claims… related to what?
    Your not making any connections to it! or my previous response to someone else!

    let me do a brief summary of what you said,
    Jumped in, Jesus son of God existed before- agreed.
    Verses- agreed- (even though it as nothing to do with anything)
    King of kings-1000 years,long post, something about proof, baptizeism, wj kj, trinity, Sptimisu, mainstreem christian, verses verses,  Constantine, ?google?, concordance, myself a favor (lol), scriptures.

    thats my breif lil summmary of what you said.

    In the court of law this is me i am the prosecutor,
    “Your Honor, exhibit A, the defendants knife that was found in the crime scene, clearly shows that this knife has the stains of the blood of both the victem and the defendant, and has the defendants fingure prints, let the jury understand that this is ambigous evidence that the Defendant is the murderer and is responsible for Bobs death.”

    This is you as the prosecutor, (And Terrarica, and Nick at times)

    “Your Honor, This is the knife! The knife that belongs the defendant.  YUP THIS IS THE KNIFE! and we know it belongs to him. So He must have killed him, because this is his knife! The Jury should know that this is the KNIFE!”

    Get the humor of it? Thats what i see in all those posts.
    Your post is just another example, of jumping in, making points about God isnt the Trinity, which HAS NOTHIGN TO DO WITH WHAT I WROTE BEFORE. unles you can show me other wise im going to ignore your post.

    and everything else you said.

    This makes no sense.

    Does anybody agree with me, am i alone here! am i the only one who sees this!!! everything i said before was ignored!
    cant you see we were focusing on one scripture!???


    This makes no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    can i be any more clear?

    Much love,

    Please if you want to go one on one, about debating a topic, just say so instead of jumping in randomly.


    Don't worry you will never hear from me again, you are the biggest fool that I have come across….we have been around a long time … I do know what you are and what I have never encountered….



    Just wanna know – you seem enlightened in this area. Why are there twentyfour thrones around God's throne.

    And where did the Lamb (the Lion of the Tribe of Judah) appear from in amongst the thrones and the elders. He wasn't mentioned at first until he was found to be worthy to open the Scroll. I have an idea (I think!)

    And where are all the Angels – [are] they not mentioned in the throne room of God?

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