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    Quote (Wispring @ April 07 2011,14:52)
    Hi Gene,

      How's it going freind? Have you ever done any reading on chaos theory or the law of attraction?

                                                        With Love and Respect,

    Wispring ……..No i have not. But i have heard opposites attract before. But i believe Love and Hate do not attract , but give balance of life, “LOVE THE GOOD AND HATE THE EVIL”> God is GOOD, therefore we need to love the LORD our GOD with all our Heart mind and Soul, and also to Love one another to. It is said on these two are hinged all the law and the prophets. According to what Jesus said.

    peace and LOVE to you and yours………………………gene


    ummmm…google…read…not about opposites attracting.

    With Love and Respect,



    the chaos theory of science or the gnostic?




    The best modern meaning I have heard is as follows.
    Love is an estimation of the worth of a person's soul to you.

    In our modern society love denotes an emotion. From a Hebrew perspective it means much more. The Hebrew root words mean “to provide for” and “gift”.
    We do not chose our parents or siblings but they are given to us from above, a privileged gift. In the Hebrew world even the wives were given to their husbands. The culmination of these roots and the finale meaning? “to provide and protect what is given as a privileged gift.


    Hi 1+1+1=1,

    Love is an estimation of the worth of a person's soul to you.

    This is like saying love is a method of sizing up the the value of another person's soul based on your own concept of what soul and love is. My Strong's shows me that the Hebrew word for love means affection. There is a heart-felt emotion in affection. Where is the heart in this modern definition. It's more like a judgemental reasoning method if I am understanding the semantics properly. Providing for and gifting are outward expressions of love. Protecting that which need protected is an act of love. Love is more of a cause to be than a method of evaluation. One can evaluate with love. This does not make the process of evaluation love itself. I am sorry, I cannot accept this narrow definition of love. Being a poet, musician, a lover of God; it just doesn't fit. I encourage you out of love to broaden your perception of what love is.

    With Love and Respect,


    Quote (Wispring @ April 10 2011,19:24)
    Hi 1+1+1=1,

    Love is an estimation of the worth of a person's soul to you.

    This is like saying love is a method of sizing up the the value of another person's soul based on your own concept of what soul and love is. My Strong's shows me that the Hebrew word for love means affection. There is a heart-felt emotion in affection. Where is the heart in this modern definition. It's more like a judgemental reasoning method if I am understanding the semantics properly. Providing for and gifting are outward expressions of love. Protecting that which need protected is an act of love. Love is more of a cause to be than a method of evaluation. One can evaluate with love. This does not make the process of evaluation love itself. I am sorry, I cannot accept this narrow definition of love. Being a poet, musician, a lover of God; it just doesn't fit. I encourage you out of love to broaden your perception of what love is.

                                                            With Love and Respect,

    Firstly who ask you to accept my definition. If you want to think love is a potato and banana sandwitch I could really care less. State your opinion and then shut up about others.
    Think about it. Did Jesus not size up the worth of the world to give up his life for them. Was not that a price he paid based on our worth to him? Sounds like a good kind of love to me.
    I gave you the Hebrew root words that define love in the Bible. those are the words the inspired writers were given to write. If you do not like them I suggest you argue with God about it.
    Maybe you should move past the elementary Strongs and move on to a more in depth study.

    No wonder I rarely get on here.
    BTW do me a favor and don't send me any of your poetry.


    Love is much more then just an emotion…

    “What is love?” Is this a question that needs an answer? Are Christians confronted with this question? Christians not only want to know what constitutes godly love, but they also have a need to recognize the characteristics of Christian love. Much of what we understand of love is based solely on worldly definitions, our own understanding developed through years of personal experience and observation, or half-baked philosophies that we believe to be biblically correct. Yes, in answer to the question, we need to develop a scripturally correct view of love. We need to come to the understanding that the Christian life style is based on love, and if our life be not motivated by love, then the motivation is not godly but rather self-seeking. Without a doubt, the Christian life consists of learning to love God first of all, and our neighbors secondly. But what does that mean? Is it like the country music song that says, “I’ve got the hungries for your love and I’m waiting in your welfare line.” Is love based on emotion, feelings, or affections? Or is it based on something more substantial such as truth?

    Definition of Love

    Here we must examine the definitions of love from a divine perspective versus a worldly agenda. In Matthew 22:34-40 we see Jesus giving to us the divine perspective of the importance of agape love; but is this a definition?

    “34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. 35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

    Love without divine definition becomes the most horrible thing on earth. It can destroy men by the millions, and can be reduced to satanic sentimentalism. Divine love as defined by God, is doing for a person, in the light of eternity, what is best for that person, regardless of the cost. Thus, agape (divine) love is both kind and severe; merciful and stern; compassionate and authoritative; forgiving and demanding; and, soft and hard.

    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Baker @ April 11 2011,11:07)
    Love is much more then just an emotion…

    “What is love?” Is this a question that needs an answer? Are Christians confronted with this question? Christians not only want to know what constitutes godly love, but they also have a need to recognize the characteristics of Christian love. Much of what we understand of love is based solely on worldly definitions, our own understanding developed through years of personal experience and observation, or half-baked philosophies that we believe to be biblically correct. Yes, in answer to the question, we need to develop a scripturally correct view of love. We need to come to the understanding that the Christian life style is based on love, and if our life be not motivated by love, then the motivation is not godly but rather self-seeking. Without a doubt, the Christian life consists of learning to love God first of all, and our neighbors secondly. But what does that mean? Is it like the country music song that says, “I’ve got the hungries for your love and I’m waiting in your welfare line.” Is love based on emotion, feelings, or affections? Or is it based on something more substantial such as truth?

    Definition of Love

    Here we must examine the definitions of love from a divine perspective versus a worldly agenda. In Matthew 22:34-40 we see Jesus giving to us the divine perspective of the importance of agape love; but is this a definition?

    “34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together. 35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

    Love without divine definition becomes the most horrible thing on earth. It can destroy men by the millions, and can be reduced to satanic sentimentalism. Divine love as defined by God, is doing for a person, in the light of eternity, what is best for that person, regardless of the cost. Thus, agape (divine) love is both kind and severe; merciful and stern; compassionate and authoritative; forgiving and demanding; and, soft and hard.

    Peace and Love Irene

    You say -“Love without divine definition becomes the most horrible thing on earth.”
    I agree that is why I used the actual Hebrew meaning of the word that God inspired the writers of scripture to use.


    ain't love grand! :D


    To All………….>I asked for the simplest meaning of the word LOVE, not the complex understandings of it. Irene gave this scripture, “you shall love The Lord your God with all your heart and with all you Soul and with all you mind, and the second is like it you shall love you neighbor as yourself.

    I would like to paraphrase this. You shall hold on to the Lord your GOD with all your heart and soul and mind and the second is like it you shall hold on to your neighbor as yourself.

    What you hold on to is what you love to the degree you hold on to it, and what you hate you will reject to the degree you hate it. It is all about love and hate IMO

    peace and love to you all………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 11 2011,23:14)
    To All………….>I asked for the simplest meaning of the word LOVE, not the complex understandings of it. Irene gave this scripture, “you shall love The Lord your God with all your heart and with all you Soul and with all you mind, and the second is like it you shall love you neighbor as yourself.

    I would like to paraphrase this. You shall hold on to the Lord your GOD with all your heart and soul and mind and the second is like it you shall hold on to your neighbor as yourself.

    What you hold on to is what you love to the degree you hold on to it, and what you hate you will reject to the degree you hate it. It is all about love and hate  IMO

    peace and love to you all………………………..gene


    what you ask does not exist ,why not ask the simplest way to describe the scriptures ;this would called a BOOK,

    there is nothing to learn from this.

    the LOVE of God is not the love of men or the flesh,

    all men should elevate himself to the love of God and we would have a perfect world,

    this would be the rule in the new earth and the new heaven.



    Pierre………I know there are thousand of aspect and facets of Love, in fact that is the reason i started this thread there are some many aspect of the word Love people lose the simple understand of what Love really is. some think it is a emotion , some think it is Knowledge and some what ever> While Love have all the aspects and facets to it . But what is it really and what does it cause to happen us in an OVERALL sense. To me Love cause us all to hold on to GOD and Each other it always is seeking a way for new beginnings it is easy to entreat, forgiving and long suffering and Kind it is shed around by GOD in our Hearts we are told, it is full of compassion and mercy and is very gracious , but all this work to deliver and hold on to each other and our Heavenly Father and Jesus our brother. Love is all abut holding on to and supporting each other. IMO

    peace and LOVE to you and yours Pierre…………………………….gene


    Love is a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day.
    Love is the smile on a freinds face when you thank them for thier help.
    Love is the crocus in spring bringing forth their flower as a celebration of God's glory.
    Love is as simple as a heartfelt laugh.
    Love is as complex as a solar system.
    Love is what God makes everything out of so it sticks together in intelligent ways.
    Love is at once fleeting and eternal.
    Love is the most powerful thing in the universe.
    Love is forever interesting. The moment we lose interest is the moment we lose love.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 12 2011,22:00)
    Pierre………I know there are thousand of aspect and facets of Love, in fact that is the reason i started this thread there are some many aspect of the word Love people lose the simple understand of what Love really is.  some think it is a emotion , some think it is Knowledge and some what ever> While Love have all the aspects and facets to it . But what is it really and what does it cause to happen us in an OVERALL sense. To me Love cause us all to hold on to GOD and Each other it always is seeking a way for new beginnings  it is easy to entreat, forgiving and long suffering and Kind it is shed around by GOD in our Hearts we are told, it is full of compassion and mercy and is very gracious , but all this work to deliver and hold on to each other and our Heavenly Father and Jesus our brother. Love is all abut holding on to and supporting each other. IMO

    peace and LOVE to you and yours Pierre…………………………….gene


    in truth God love for us ,show us how to love,

    this mean live for others and treat you in second place,

    but this can not be applied today in a 100% way

    but it as to be in our mind to fulfil.



    To All! There is no way that we can even imagine what kind of love God has for us.
    God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so we can live for aqll eternity….
    Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard the things prepared for them that love God…..

    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Baker @ April 13 2011,13:49)
    To All!  There is no way that we can even imagine what kind of love God has for us.
             God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so we can live for aqll eternity….
             Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard the things prepared for them that love God…..

    Peace and Love Irene


    we never will know because we do not want to temped God.
    right ??



    Hi Everyone,

    There is no way to imagine all the love God has for us simply because it is infinite. There is a way via imagining/living to explore God's love for us in our finite earthly lifetime. God's way is yes way to God's love.

                                                         With Love and Respect,

    Tim Kraft

    I would say the simplest meaning to Love is “God” because God is Love! I “God” you all very much! TK


    Thank you! “Love” bless you!

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