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  • #267510

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 09 2011,11:16)

    Quote (princess @ Dec. 07 2011,18:44)
    Doesn't change the fact that I am highly favored, blessed, loved…………

    By whom?  I've always assumed you meant “by Jehovah God Almighty” when you said that.  Now I don't even know who or what you think highly favors you.


    Do you remember the conversation we had about women, your words to me were “I don't make the rules, I just follow them”

    Well by your rule book, your deity is male, all His prophets are male, all disciples are male, do you really think your God is going to give me anything props?

    Also, do you have only one version of the canonized bible, do you have a concordance or dictionary that references your bible, any of those 'let me help you explain it books'? If so then I would advise you to choose your words a bit more carefully, when criticizing those that do not just strictly stick to the canon.

    And Mike, if not for other religions, yours would not have come about would it?


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 10 2011,17:57)

    Quote (princess @ Dec. 09 2011,20:49)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 09 2011,11:16)

    Quote (princess @ Dec. 07 2011,18:44)
    Doesn't change the fact that I am highly favored, blessed, loved…………

    By whom?  I've always assumed you meant “by Jehovah God Almighty” when you said that.  Now I don't even know who or what you think highly favors you.

    Thats right I forgot you can physically explain your male deity.


    There always two reasons for your success in live and in what you do,

    Good and bad fulfill there individual ceremony with all the attachments,

    God make it rain on the good and the bad alike,

    So if you have success in live be careful of what you think in your heart,you may be deceiving you self,

    Many false preacher have glorious success with there flock and there bank account,

    But to think that it comes from heaven this is another story,

    Comedy is very popular so are con artists,

    Pharaon was very successful in the time of Moses,but it was not for a blessing,

    LAZARUS was poor and sick but in the end it was a blessing to him

    Wath God the true God Jehovah ,gives is for you to understand that he support you ,but it is not to profit from it,



    You are such a dear one, trying to caution me with matters in life that can deter. I appreciate your concern.

    My succeses in life have never been material, I tithe my monies but not to churches, and not once a week, there is always a situation that comes about where it is known to give.

    Not one to run with the in crowd, have many other things that need to be done.

    Most rulers of today are both comedians and con artist rolled into one.

    I have never needed much support T, just knowing has always been good enough for me.

    Thank you though for your thoughts and concern, it is taken with love.



    What is a believer?

    Look at scripture and you will see what a believer is.
    And then you will know what a non-believer is.

    If we are all the same, then the word believer should be removed from scripture.

    And yes we can be believers and ask God to help our unbelief.
    But such an acknowledgement is coming from someone who believes and finds it difficult, than someone who doesn't believe.


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 11 2011,11:34)
    but it is mostly a hindrance to not be able to communicate freely across all lines it really doesn't matter if Sto pops in and says somethng because we can if we choose to, ignore him.

    Yes it is a hindrance if you want to post doubts in nearly every topic. However, when it was across all lines, conversations in time ended in the lowest common denominator which was often doubt. The result was nearly every topic ended in the same way and hence the quality of topics was not preserved.

    Now there is a higher denominator. Believers discuss things from that point of view and non-believers can express doubts without stopping a topic that has nothing to do with unbelief.

    It is a win win, not a hindrance.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 12 2011,09:50)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 11 2011,11:34)
    but it is mostly a hindrance to not be able to communicate freely across all lines it really doesn't matter if Sto pops in and says somethng because we can if we choose to, ignore him.

    Yes it is a hindrance if you want to post doubts in nearly every topic. However, when it was across all lines, conversations in time ended in the lowest common denominator which was often doubt. The result was nearly every topic ended in the same way and hence the quality of topics was not preserved.

    Now there is a higher denominator. Believers discuss things from that point of view and non-believers can express doubts without stopping a topic that has nothing to do with unbelief.

    It is a win win, not a hindrance.

    It is not your job to force people to believe or impose your will on people when did Jesus say that “you should go and find people who don't doubt anything you say”? The power is in the dialogue and Faith comes through hearing.

    What if there is a key thread in which all the answers would fall in place for someone if they could just ask ONE SINGLE QUESTION and the answer was the key but you have decided that no such question or answer could ever happen because of distinctions that you have set up but Jesus said:

    Luke 20:46
    Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;

    This is what you have set up a class distinction in which the believers section are the High seats and Chief rooms


    Princess, you'll do well. I'v always had a feeling with you that, despite it all, you always have such good manners and handle things so well, I have a feeling all the time you will overcome. God knows, truly, what and why and everything that everyone else doesn't know. Love you, say hello to your loved ones.


    Quote (princess @ Dec. 11 2011,16:06)
    Well by your rule book, your deity is male, all His prophets are male, all disciples are male, do you really think your God is going to give me anything props?

    Not true.  I can think of Anna the Prophetess, and Deborah the Judge of Israel right off the bat.  Are you saying that if you can't be as important to your God as your ego tells you you should be, then you don't want anything to do with that God?  Hmmmm…………

    Quote (princess @ Dec. 11 2011,16:06)
    If so then I would advise you to choose your words a bit more carefully, when criticizing those that do not just strictly stick to the canon.

    Perhaps you can show me the quote where I “criticized” you?  Or perhaps the one where I asked for your advice.  :)

    Quote (princess @ Dec. 11 2011,16:06)
    And Mike, if not for other religions, yours would not have come about would it?

    Once again, not true.

    Now, are you willing to tell me WHO highly favors, blesses, and loves you?  Or don't you know?


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 12 2011,15:35)
    Yes it is a hindrance if you want to post doubts in nearly every topic. However, when it was across all lines, conversations in time ended in the lowest common denominator which was often doubt. The result was nearly every topic ended in the same way and hence the quality of topics was not preserved.

    Now there is a higher denominator. Believers discuss things from that point of view and non-believers can express doubts without stopping a topic that has nothing to do with unbelief.

    It is a win win, not a hindrance.[/quote]
    It is not your job to force people to believe or impose your will on people when did Jesus say that “you should go and find people who don't doubt anything you say”? The power is in the dialogue and Faith comes through hearing.

    What if there is a key thread in which all the answers would fall in place for someone if they could just ask ONE SINGLE QUESTION and the answer was the key but you have decided that no such question or answer could ever happen because of distinctions that you have set up but Jesus said:

    Luke 20:46
    Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;

    This is what you have set up a class distinction in which the believers section are the High seats and Chief rooms

    I don't believe this is so.

    There is a distinction between believer and non-believer in scripture and we are told to fellowship with believers and not be unequally yoked.

    In this forum, there is no class as far as members go. We all can post and reply but in the topics that are pertinent to what we believe. And let's face it, non-beleivers are only going to disrupt any deeper conversation that believers might have on a subject that they believe.

    Bod, do you think that the first century church when meeting together, met with non-believers just so that everyone was considered equal? And why is it that Jesus discipled 12 and not anyone of any belief and character.

    It is a no-brainer that sometimes there is distinction with things.

    Who for example would suggest that it is only fair that Nazis should be allowed to join the local synagogue.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 13 2011,07:44)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 12 2011,15:35)
    Yes it is a hindrance if you want to post doubts in nearly every topic. However, when it was across all lines, conversations in time ended in the lowest common denominator which was often doubt. The result was nearly every topic ended in the same way and hence the quality of topics was not preserved.

    Now there is a higher denominator. Believers discuss things from that point of view and non-believers can express doubts without stopping a topic that has nothing to do with unbelief.

    It is a win win, not a hindrance.

    It is not your job to force people to believe or impose your will on people when did Jesus say that “you should go and find people who don't doubt anything you say”? The power is in the dialogue and Faith comes through hearing.

    What if there is a key thread in which all the answers would fall in place for someone if they could just ask ONE SINGLE QUESTION and the answer was the key but you have decided that no such question or answer could ever happen because of distinctions that you have set up but Jesus said:

    Luke 20:46
    Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;

    This is what you have set up a class distinction in which the believers section are the High seats and Chief rooms[/quote]
    I don't believe this is so.

    There is a distinction between believer and non-believer in scripture and we are told to fellowship with believers and not be unequally yoked.

    In this forum, there is no class as far as members go. We all can post and reply but in the topics that are pertinent to what we believe. And let's face it, non-beleivers are only going to disrupt any deeper conversation that believers might have on a subject that they believe.

    Bod, do you think that the first century church when meeting together, met with non-believers just so that everyone was considered equal? And why is it that Jesus discipled 12 and not anyone of any belief and character.

    It is a no-brainer that sometimes there is distinction with things.

    Who for example would suggest that it is only fair that Nazis should be allowed to join the local synagogue.

    We are not talking about social antagonists of course if someone is acting obnoxious being violent or hateful those are social issues that should apply across the board but if a Nazi “wanted” to intermingle and politely debate in a setting in which dialogue was allowed what would be the problem if Nazis had taken the time to explore Judaism and get to know the people they may not have ended up killing them. Everyone knows that the best defense against a Killer is to get them to see you as a person and not an object of hate.

    I know people here who talk about Muslims really horribly but yet because they have been having a dialogue with me they haven't treated me with scorn or hatred and infact many have become my friends. Besides that, the spectrum is too wide you are not a trinitarian but you accept them and they violate the most important commandment and call God a trinity and you accept Christ being called God in derogation of the THRONE of GOD


    But there is a time and place for believers dicussing with believers and believers with unbelievers.
    Whether you can understand it or not, the outcome is really different and both are beneficial.
    We cater for both here, not one.

    Also, yes it would be beneficial for Nazis to communicate with Jews.
    But not all the time. Their should be license to communicate among themselves too.

    I don't go for all this PC stuff about girls joining boy scouts, women in men's clubs, or whatever else we can imagine.

    I think there is merit to forums where scientists for example can discuss among themselves, or teachers to the exclusion of their students.

    If we take what you are arguing for, then all can participate in all, and taken to its fullest extreme, we might as well have one forum on the Internet where anything goes and anyone is a member.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 13 2011,11:50)
    But there is a time and place for believers dicussing with believers and believers with unbelievers.
    Whether you can understand it or not, the outcome is really different and both are beneficial.
    We cater for both here, not one.

    Also, yes it would be beneficial for Nazis to communicate with Jews.
    But not all the time. Their should be license to communicate among themselves too.

    I don't go for all this PC stuff about girls joining boy scouts, women in men's clubs, or whatever else we can imagine.

    I think there is merit to forums where scientists for example can discuss among themselves, or teachers to the exclusion of their students.

    If we take what you are arguing for, then all can participate in all, and taken to its fullest extreme, we might as well have one forum on the Internet where anything goes and anyone is a member.

    I understand what you are saying but that is not what I am advocating or promoting. What I am talking about is contextual discussion and simply barring someone from disrupting the topic. Which means if the topic is “Is baptism necessary” As long as the participant is arguing for or against baptism then there should be no problem and by doing that you might get surprising results for instance what if someone like Stu argued that Baptism was useful if only as a symbolic tool to demonstrate publicly that someone has changed their life for the better you see what I mean?

    I believe that the principles of God can be shown relevent from various angles what about the fact that circumcision has been shown to prevent the spread of the Aids virus that is great food for believers and nonbelievers and its biblical basis may cause nonbelievers to go “wow, God commanded circumcision thousands of years ago” and a great discussion could start.

    The Nazis don't have to go to the synogogue but what if there were a forum at the time where they could freely exchange views with the only rule being civility and there should be a forum where all the activities of youth boyscout, girlscout, soccer, chess players can learn from each other

    It's like living wikipedia. If you don't know what Muslims believe about Mary and there is some great conversation about Mary but it's in the “believers” section what a missed opportunity.

    And once again many that you accept as believers believe in things you don't believe so one of you is a nonbeliever to the other


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 13 2011,04:41)

    Quote (princess @ Dec. 11 2011,16:06)
    Well by your rule book, your deity is male, all His prophets are male, all disciples are male, do you really think your God is going to give me anything props?

    Not true.  I can think of Anna the Prophetess, and Deborah the Judge of Israel right off the bat.  Are you saying that if you can't be as important to your God as your ego tells you you should be, then you don't want anything to do with that God?  Hmmmm…………

    Quote (princess @ Dec. 11 2011,16:06)
    If so then I would advise you to choose your words a bit more carefully, when criticizing those that do not just strictly stick to the canon.

    Perhaps you can show me the quote where I “criticized” you?  Or perhaps the one where I asked for your advice.  :)

    Quote (princess @ Dec. 11 2011,16:06)
    And Mike, if not for other religions, yours would not have come about would it?

    Once again, not true.

    Now, are you willing to tell me WHO highly favors, blesses, and loves you?  Or don't you know?


    It is all well and fine you can think of Debra and Anna, however I don't ever see you quoting them or using reference in how any of their words are an effect on christian living.

    Breaking out the ego card Mike, alright but I don't seem to be the one running around telling everyone they are wrong with what they believe, better ensure that patch you have on your shoulder is nice and secure you being the 'bible police' and all.

    Mike is a common that christianity originated from Judaism.

    Haven't made it to the point where I can tell you the name, just know and live it every day.

    God is such a generic form of a word these days, you yourself even throw the word around like a rag doll, the name used to be sacred and held in great regard, now not so much.  I wouldn't be so far off in saying man has now figured this God out and know all about him, this thought process tends to lead to God not being all the great anymore.

    Oh and Mike, Perhaps you should take a bit more time to proof read your post. You did make a criticism remark, and no I did not see where you asked for my advice, but then again that would be beneath you, me being a woman and all.


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 13 2011,13:24)

    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 13 2011,11:50)
    But there is a time and place for believers dicussing with believers and believers with unbelievers.
    Whether you can understand it or not, the outcome is really different and both are beneficial.
    We cater for both here, not one.

    Also, yes it would be beneficial for Nazis to communicate with Jews.
    But not all the time. Their should be license to communicate among themselves too.

    I don't go for all this PC stuff about girls joining boy scouts, women in men's clubs, or whatever else we can imagine.

    I think there is merit to forums where scientists for example can discuss among themselves, or teachers to the exclusion of their students.

    If we take what you are arguing for, then all can participate in all, and taken to its fullest extreme, we might as well have one forum on the Internet where anything goes and anyone is a member.

    I understand what you are saying but that is not what I am advocating or promoting. What I am talking about is contextual discussion and simply barring someone from disrupting the topic. Which means if the topic is “Is baptism necessary” As long as the participant is arguing for or against baptism then there should be no problem and by doing that you might get surprising results for instance what if someone like Stu argued that Baptism was useful if only as a symbolic tool to demonstrate publicly that someone has changed their life for the better you see what I mean?

    I believe that the principles of God can be shown relevent from various angles what about the fact that circumcision has been shown to prevent the spread of the Aids virus that is great food for believers and nonbelievers and its biblical basis may cause nonbelievers to go “wow, God commanded circumcision thousands of years ago”  and a great discussion could start.

    The Nazis don't have to go to the synogogue but what if there were a forum at the time where they could freely exchange views with the only rule being civility and there should be a forum where all the activities of youth boyscout, girlscout, soccer, chess players can learn from each other

    It's like living wikipedia. If you don't know what Muslims believe about Mary and there is some great conversation about Mary but it's in the “believers” section what a missed opportunity.

    And once again many that you accept as believers believe in things you don't believe so one of you is a nonbeliever to the other

    Bod, the definition of a believer is not your definition.

    A believer believes who Jesus is and we know who he is if we believe scripture.

    “But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.

    So who is Jesus…

    John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

    John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
    26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

    John 20:30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book:
    31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.

    John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

    Bod, if you do not believe that Jesus is the son of God, then you are not a believer in that sense and that sense is important. The true faith is to recognise Jesus is the son of God and the messiah.


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 13 2011,13:24)
    I understand what you are saying but that is not what I am advocating or promoting. What I am talking about is contextual discussion and simply barring someone from disrupting the topic. Which means if the topic is “Is baptism necessary” As long as the participant is arguing for or against baptism then there should be no problem and by doing that you might get surprising results for instance what if someone like Stu argued that Baptism was useful if only as a symbolic tool to demonstrate publicly that someone has changed their life for the better you see what I mean?

    But you can do that now in the About Faith category.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 14 2011,06:19)

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 13 2011,13:24)
    I understand what you are saying but that is not what I am advocating or promoting. What I am talking about is contextual discussion and simply barring someone from disrupting the topic. Which means if the topic is “Is baptism necessary” As long as the participant is arguing for or against baptism then there should be no problem and by doing that you might get surprising results for instance what if someone like Stu argued that Baptism was useful if only as a symbolic tool to demonstrate publicly that someone has changed their life for the better you see what I mean?

    But you can do that now in the About Faith category.

    Hi T8

    It's your forum


    Quote (princess @ Dec. 12 2011,20:33)
    Haven't made it to the point where I can tell you the name………

    Let me know when you figure out Her name, okay? I'm just curious who you forsook Jehovah for.


    Sure Mike, and while you wait for such an answer why don't you tell me how women reflect your Gods image?

    Until then, I am more concerned over in being found in spirit and truth, must be difficult for you to do this, due to the spirit is considered feminine in your faith isn't it? Tough break…..



    due to the spirit is considered feminine in your faith isn't it? Tough break…..

    this is irelevant in scriptures but I believe that there might be a reason for it ,but this you would never believe or phantom



    God is not feminine or masculine, God is GOD and cannot have a gender for genders only apply to physical beings even Mankind is composed of 2 kinds of “men” ones with a WOMB i.e. a wombed man (Woman) and one without a womb (Man) This is the physical reality


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 15 2011,00:25)
    God is not feminine or masculine, God is GOD and cannot have a gender for genders only apply to physical beings even Mankind is composed of 2 kinds of “men” ones with a WOMB i.e. a wombed man (Woman) and one without a womb (Man) This is the physical reality


    You would not understand it ,women are treated differently in the Muslim world than in a Christian world. And the God you talking about is definitely the father of Christ and any one THAT FOLLOW CHRIST IS A CHRISTIAN ,


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