John 1

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  • #205377
    Ed J

    Quote (RokkaMan @ July 22 2010,07:33)
    No where in the bible does it show The Word of God manifesting in ANYONE.

    Hi RokkaMan,

    You need to get your FACTS straight!

    Mark 13:11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought
    beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall
    be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the HolySpirit.
    Luke 12:12 For the HolySpirit shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.
    Matt.10:20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 22 2010,07:36)
    Hi RM,
    You make him a superman none can follow.

    Nick……….That is the whole problem with Preexistences they turn Jesus into a Superman, a person we can't truly relate with, because of His special preexistence advantage and this thinking really does push Jesus away for our true likeness and therefore cause people to loose hope in achieving as he did and overcome just the way he did, because of those advantages falsely given him. Trinitarians as well as preexistences are both in the same boat and tend to destory the work of God (IN) mankind. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………gene


    What I find so ironic is that in both of my post nobody has challenged me, why?   Is it that it is true that The Word of God is Jesus Christ?  Well it  is……And He will come again as The Word of God and King of Kings and Lord of Lords…..Irene


    Hi Irene,
    Do you know the Spirit of Christ?
    Now the Lord is the Spirit.

    Ed J

    Quote (Arnold @ July 23 2010,02:21)
    What I find so ironic is that in both of my post nobody has challenged me, why?   Is it that it is true that The Word of God is Jesus Christ?  …..Irene

    Hi Irene,

    NO; this is what you have been taught in the systems of religion!
    The systems of religion and traditions of men do communicate…
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distractions of spirit

    God(HolySpirit) is: “The Word”(John 1:1)!
    Jesus is: “a word”   … NOT “THE WORD”!

    (Lōgôs) [λογος]=373 means “Word”, and 373 is the 74th Prime Number!
    (Hō Lōgôs) [ο λογος]=443 means “The Word” and 443 is the 86th Prime Number. (John 1:1)
    “God Word”=86 and אלהים=86 ĔL-ō-Hêêm both equal 86 and ĔL-ō-Hêêm=63 means “YHVH”=63.

    You (Irene) will need to study this for a while for you to grasp “Bible Truth”=117!

    In English, the significant number (74) is attributed to JOSHUA=74, Messiah=74;
    also in the following: JESUS=74, Cross=74, Gospel=74, עד=74, and even English=74.
    Jesus Christ (74×32) also factors 74 in Greek Theomatically:
    [Jesus] Ιησους=74(x12), [Christ] Χριστоς=74(x20).
    [Son of Man] υιος τον ανθρωπου=74(x40).

    one hundred and forty four thousand=373 (Rev.14:3)

    It's a simple matter of simple number associations, I will illustrate what they mean…
    I'm lining up these ideas up better for you to see what the numbers represent; OK?

    The “HolySpirit” is “The Word”(of God)!
                (86)אלהים=ο λογος(86th Prime)
    (ĔL-ō-Hêêm)God=The Word(Hō Lōgôs)

    God=86 in Hebrew and “The Word”=86 in Greek ARE EQUAL.
    Theomatic numbers to prime number counterparts. (John 1:1)

    This symbol ( > ) means GREATER THAN in mathematics
    The pieces fit together perfectly: “The Word” (86) > “Word” (74).
    In English it's comparable to (The LORD JEHOVAH) > (Lord Jesus=74) is the “God Son”=74!
                                                              “The Owner” > “Owner “
                                                                    JEHOVAH > Jesus
                                                                              86 > 74

    The… “Paradox” is (JEHOVAH)God(=86) is both equal and unequal to (greater than and equal to) Jesus=74(God Son=74)!
    HolySpirit151 is The LORD JEHOVAH151 and the HolySpirit's Son is “Jesus Christ”151! (Matt.1:18 / Matt.1:20 / Luke 1:35)
    John 1:1: “The Word”(HolySpirit) is God(The LORD JEHOVAH). And our family goes by the title (AKJV) LORD of Hosts=151!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    Ed J

    Quote (Arnold @ July 23 2010,02:21)
    What I find so ironic is that in both of my post nobody has challenged me, why?   Is it that it is true that The Word of God is Jesus Christ?  …..Irene


    Hi Irene,

    NO; this is what you have been taught in the systems of religion!
    The systems of religion and traditions of men do communicate…
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distractions of spirit

    God(HolySpirit) is: “The Word”(John 1:1)!
    Jesus is: “a word”   … NOT “THE WORD”!

    (Lōgôs) [λογος]=373 means “Word”, and 373 is the 74th Prime Number!
    (Hō Lōgôs) [ο λογος]=443 means “The Word” and 443 is the 86th Prime Number. (John 1:1)
    “God Word”=86 and אלהים=86 ĔL-ō-Hêêm both equal 86 and ĔL-ō-Hêêm=63 means “YHVH”=63.

    You (Irene) will need to study this for a while for you to grasp “Bible Truth”=117!

    In English, the significant number (74) is attributed to JOSHUA=74, Messiah=74;
    also in the following: JESUS=74, Cross=74, Gospel=74, עד=74, and even English=74.
    Jesus Christ (74×32) also factors 74 in Greek Theomatically:
    [Jesus] Ιησους=74(x12), [Christ] Χριστоς=74(x20).
    [Son of Man] υιος τον ανθρωπου=74(x40).

    one hundred and forty four thousand=373 (Rev.14:3)

    It's a simple matter of simple number associations, I will illustrate what they mean…
    I'm lining up these ideas up better for you to see what the numbers represent; OK?

    The “HolySpirit” is “The Word”(of God)!
                (86)אלהים=ο λογος(86th Prime)
    (ĔL-ō-Hêêm)God=The Word(Hō Lōgôs)

    God=86 in Hebrew and “The Word”=86 in Greek ARE EQUAL.
    Theomatic numbers to prime number counterparts. (John 1:1)

    This symbol ( > ) means GREATER THAN in mathematics
    The pieces fit together perfectly: “The Word” (86) > “Word” (74).
    In English it's comparable to (The LORD JEHOVAH) > (Lord Jesus=74) is the “God Son”=74!
                                                              “The Owner” > “Owner “
                                                                    JEHOVAH > Jesus
                                                                              86 > 74

    The “Paradox” is (JEHOVAH)God(=86) is both equal and unequal to (greater than and equal to) Jesus=74(God Son=74)!
    HolySpirit151 is The LORD JEHOVAH151 and the HolySpirit's Son is “Jesus Christ”151! (Matt.1:18 / Matt.1:20 / Luke 1:35)
    John 1:1: “The Word”(HolySpirit) is God(The LORD JEHOVAH). And our family goes by the title (AKJV) LORD of Hosts=151!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)


    Hi ED,
    Should we first consult numerologists and astrologers for understanding?

    Ed J

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 23 2010,07:36)
    Hi ED,
    Should we first consult numerologists and astrologers for understanding?

    Hi Nick,

    Did you have trouble understanding the Post?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi ED,
    Numerology is at best a support to what is written.
    Seek first the kingdom



    What is it about your post that you wish to have challenged.

    Are you so frightened of the fact that you said something of truth – Next time try doing what you normally do then and speak false, if you really require others to challenge you.

    Irene, Seriously,
    Be prepared to speak the truth and be ignore – Satan knows many trick – and of you require praise speaking truth he will see it as 'payment' and will offer you riches to speak “His Truth” – beware!


    Hi All,

    This is from my debate with Jack and is my understanding of John 1:1,

    in     beginning      was     the     word     and     the     word     was     with     the     god      and     god      was       the       word

    You'll notice that John distinguishes between the two mentions of the word “god”. One of them has the definite article “THE” in front of it, while the other one does NOT have the definite article “THE” in front of it.  As I have tried to explain, the Koine Greek didn't use the indefinite article “a”.  The “a” was implied and English translations have to insert it to make it understandable to us.  I mentioned John 8:44 where Satan is called “a” manslayer and “a” liar.  It is laid out in the Greek just like John 1:1,
    that (one)     man killer     was     from     beginning

    because     liar     he is     and     the     father     of it  

    You can see that the way they are laid out is almost identical.  The adjectives that describe the noun (man killer and liar) precede the verbs (was and is) and the indefinite article “a” is missing.  It's the same with John 1:1.  The adjective (god) precedes the verb (was) and the indefinite article “a” is missing.  What do the English translations all do in John 8:44?  They switch around the noun, adjective and verb and add the “implied” indefinite article “a” and come up with “That one was a manslayer from the beginning” and “he is a liar and the father of lies”.  If they handled John 1:1 the exact same way, it would read just like the NWT renders it,
    In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.

    So, the question before us is why are there only a handful of translations that render John 1:1 as it should be rendered, when every English translation renders John 8:44 as it should be?  Why wouldn't they apply the same rules of Greek grammar to both verses?  There’s something to think about.

    peace and love,


    Mike……… left out a definite article here (THE BEGINNING) Why did you do that is it because the Article qualifies which beginning it is talking about, (The Beginning) is the beginning of ALL THINGS Created into existence, Not some latter time period as the earths creations of seas and land and man etc. You appear to have left it off intentionally because it give you trouble with the rest of the sentence structure, because you would have to admit that Jesus was Not in the (very) beginning of all Creation only GOD WAS, As Genesis says and as John was addressing. Another thing do you or anyone else for that matter see the Word Jesus written there , if not so why try to change the text and force it to read they way you want it to. Don't you think if John meant to say Jesus he would simply have said that? Then no forcing would be required at all. IMO

    peace and love………………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 23 2010,14:29)
    Mike……… left out a definite article here (THE BEGINNING) Why did you do that is it because the Article qualifies which beginning it is talking about,

    Hi Gene,

    Are you aware of a Greek mss that has the definite article before “beginning”? I quote the Wescott and Hort, which doesn't.

    As far as the rest of your post…….WHAT? ???



    Mike…………..If Jesus according to preexistences created everything them he would have had to be in (THE) Beginning and No one was there in (THE) Beginning except GOD Alone. Here is something to chew on brother.

    Isa 44:24…..> Thus saith the LORD, they redeemer, and He that formed thee from the (WOMB). (I) and the LORD that (MAKES) (ALL) things; that stretched forth the heavens (ALONE); and spread abroad the earth by (MYSELF).

    please tell us what part of that you preexistences don't understand. Is it that part where God said He did it (ALONE) or where he said he did it by (HIMSELF) .

    And you say “What?” to me brother.


    Mike………..Sorry for the type errors, if T8 would give me back my editing rights i could have corrected it.

    ISA 44:24……….> Thus Saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and He that formed thee from the (WOMB), (I) and the LORD that (MAKES) ((ALL) things; that stretched forth the heavens (ALONE); and spread abroad the earth by (MYSELF).

    peace and love to you and yours………………………..gene


    Quote (Ed J @ July 23 2010,07:15)

    Quote (Arnold @ July 23 2010,02:21)
    What I find so ironic is that in both of my post nobody has challenged me, why?   Is it that it is true that The Word of God is Jesus Christ?  …..Irene


    Hi Irene,

    NO; this is what you have been taught in the systems of religion!
    The systems of religion and traditions of men do communicate…
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distractions of spirit

    God(HolySpirit) is: “The Word”(John 1:1)!
    Jesus is: “a word”   … NOT “THE WORD”!

    (Lōgôs) [λογος]=373 means “Word”, and 373 is the 74th Prime Number!
    (Hō Lōgôs) [ο λογος]=443 means “The Word” and 443 is the 86th Prime Number. (John 1:1)
    “God Word”=86 and אלהים=86 ĔL-ō-Hêêm both equal 86 and ĔL-ō-Hêêm=63 means “YHVH”=63.

    You (Irene) will need to study this for a while for you to grasp “Bible Truth”=117!

    In English, the significant number (74) is attributed to JOSHUA=74, Messiah=74;
    also in the following: JESUS=74, Cross=74, Gospel=74, עד=74, and even English=74.
    Jesus Christ (74×32) also factors 74 in Greek Theomatically:
    [Jesus] Ιησους=74(x12), [Christ] Χριστоς=74(x20).
    [Son of Man] υιος τον ανθρωπου=74(x40).

    one hundred and forty four thousand=373 (Rev.14:3)

    It's a simple matter of simple number associations, I will illustrate what they mean…
    I'm lining up these ideas up better for you to see what the numbers represent; OK?

    The “HolySpirit” is “The Word”(of God)!
                (86)אלהים=ο λογος(86th Prime)
    (ĔL-ō-Hêêm)God=The Word(Hō Lōgôs)

    God=86 in Hebrew and “The Word”=86 in Greek ARE EQUAL.
    Theomatic numbers to prime number counterparts. (John 1:1)

    This symbol ( > ) means GREATER THAN in mathematics
    The pieces fit together perfectly: “The Word” (86) > “Word” (74).
    In English it's comparable to (The LORD JEHOVAH) > (Lord Jesus=74) is the “God Son”=74!
                                                              “The Owner” > “Owner “
                                                                    JEHOVAH > Jesus
                                                                              86 > 74

    The “Paradox” is (JEHOVAH)God(=86) is both equal and unequal to (greater than and equal to) Jesus=74(God Son=74)!
    HolySpirit151 is The LORD JEHOVAH151 and the HolySpirit's Son is “Jesus Christ”151! (Matt.1:18 / Matt.1:20 / Luke 1:35)
    John 1:1: “The Word”(HolySpirit) is God(The LORD JEHOVAH). And our family goes by the title (AKJV) LORD of Hosts=151!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    Now let me burst your bubbles, quoting Kathi. We do not belong to any Church. And what I said God's Holy Spirit has revealed to us….And God's Holy Spirit is not Jehovah God Himself…. It is His essence like patience etc. Before when we belonged to a Church, I did not know what I do now……God has been very good to us. We have always searched Him out….. And for that we” Thank Him every day”…. You and your numbers confuse even yourself….And don't flatter yourself you don't know it all, my friend…..Irene

    Ed J

    Quote (Arnold @ July 25 2010,01:57)

    Quote (Ed J @ July 23 2010,07:15)

    Quote (Arnold @ July 23 2010,02:21)
    What I find so ironic is that in both of my post nobody has challenged me, why?   Is it that it is true that The Word of God is Jesus Christ?  …..Irene


    Hi Irene,

    NO; this is what you have been taught in the systems of religion!
    The systems of religion and traditions of men do communicate…
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distractions of spirit

    God(HolySpirit) is: “The Word”(John 1:1)!
    Jesus is: “a word”   … NOT “THE WORD”!

    (Lōgôs) [λογος]=373 means “Word”, and 373 is the 74th Prime Number!
    (Hō Lōgôs) [ο λογος]=443 means “The Word” and 443 is the 86th Prime Number. (John 1:1)
    “God Word”=86 and אלהים=86 ĔL-ō-Hêêm both equal 86 and ĔL-ō-Hêêm=63 means “YHVH”=63.

    You (Irene) will need to study this for a while for you to grasp “Bible Truth”=117!

    In English, the significant number (74) is attributed to JOSHUA=74, Messiah=74;
    also in the following: JESUS=74, Cross=74, Gospel=74, עד=74, and even English=74.
    Jesus Christ (74×32) also factors 74 in Greek Theomatically:
    [Jesus] Ιησους=74(x12), [Christ] Χριστоς=74(x20).
    [Son of Man] υιος τον ανθρωπου=74(x40).

    one hundred and forty four thousand=373 (Rev.14:3)

    It's a simple matter of simple number associations, I will illustrate what they mean…
    I'm lining up these ideas up better for you to see what the numbers represent; OK?

    The “HolySpirit” is “The Word”(of God)!
                (86)אלהים=ο λογος(86th Prime)
    (ĔL-ō-Hêêm)God=The Word(Hō Lōgôs)

    God=86 in Hebrew and “The Word”=86 in Greek ARE EQUAL.
    Theomatic numbers to prime number counterparts. (John 1:1)

    This symbol ( > ) means GREATER THAN in mathematics
    The pieces fit together perfectly: “The Word” (86) > “Word” (74).
    In English it's comparable to (The LORD JEHOVAH) > (Lord Jesus=74) is the “God Son”=74!
                                                          “The Owner” > “Owner “
                                                               JEHOVAH > Jesus
                                                                        86 > 74

    The “Paradox” is (JEHOVAH)God(=86) is both equal and unequal to (greater than and equal to) Jesus=74(God Son=74)!
    HolySpirit151 is The LORD JEHOVAH151 and the HolySpirit's Son is “Jesus Christ”151! (Matt.1:18 / Matt.1:20 / Luke 1:35)
    John 1:1: “The Word”(HolySpirit) is God(The LORD JEHOVAH). And our family goes by the title (AKJV) LORD of Hosts=151!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    Now let me burst your bubbles, quoting Kathi.  We do not belong to any Church.  And what I said God's Holy Spirit has revealed to us….And God's Holy Spirit is not Jehovah God Himself…. It is His essence like patience etc.  Before when we belonged to a Church, I did not know what I do now……God has been very good to us.  We have always searched Him out….. And for that we” Thank Him every day”…. You and your numbers confuse even yourself….And don't flatter yourself you don't know it all, my friend…..Irene

    Hi Irene,

    The messages of the 'systems of religion' and traditions of men'
    are still deeply embedded in your psyche; aren't they now?
    Are we ('you' and ?) a little judgmental (Matt. 7:1-5),
    not liking the “Bible Truth”=117 revealed to you?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 25 2010,01:28)
    Mike…………..If Jesus according to preexistences created everything them he would have had to be in (THE) Beginning and No one was there in (THE) Beginning except GOD Alone.  Here is something to chew on brother.

    Isa 44:24…..> Thus saith the LORD, they redeemer, and He that formed thee from the (WOMB). (I) and the LORD that (MAKES) (ALL) things; that stretched forth the heavens (ALONE); and spread abroad the earth  by (MYSELF).

    please tell us what part of that you preexistences don't understand. Is it that part where God said He did it (ALONE) or where he said  he did it by (HIMSELF) .

    And you say “What?” to me brother.

    Hi Gene,

    The “WHAT?!?” was because I couldn't understand what else you were trying to say, that's all.

    I've answered the “by Myself” thing before, but maybe not to you.

    Bill Gates had many people under him when he created Microsoft – it wasn't a single man effort. Yet he could still rightly say “I created Microsoft “alone' and “by myself” in that he was the brain child behind it all. He was the impetus, or driving force behind it's creation. He didn't have any equal partners that he has to share credit for the creation of Microsoft with.

    It is the same with God. He was the impetus behind creation. He had no equal partners He has to share credit with. But that is not to say that Jesus couldn't have brought him “color samples” to choose from and then do the actual “painting”, right?



    Ed, no the world means nothing to me…. are you surprised?????  God means everything to me, and so does Jesus, He died for you and me.  And for that I am forever thankful for….. Irene:) :)

    Ed J

    Quote (Arnold @ July 25 2010,09:00)
    Ed, no the world means nothing to me…. are you surprised?????  God means everything to me, and so does Jesus, He died for you and me.  And for that I am forever thankful for….. Irene:) :)

    Hi Irene,

    Did you have trouble understanding my Post or
    is it's “Bible Truth” too hard for you to believe?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

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