Jesus' Spiritual body is flesh and bone

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    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 07 2012,08:55)
    To All………..It was that same BODY Jesus was raised up with that ascended into the clouds…………..

    Flesh cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, Gene.


    Mike………..That is right flesh and blood can not (INHERIT) anything except the DNA it revived from it Parents. the King dome if GOD is not Flesh and Blood it is Spiritual Perceived and Flesh and Blood can not Perceive anything what soever. It is Just a Vessel we live IN, it is US that Live in these Bodies that are the One who Inherit the Kingdom of God, But these bodies of our can go into the Kingdom of GOD and WILL and Do. For the kingdom of God “COMES” not with OBSERVATION but is Within you. When are you going to get that MIKE?

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 07 2012,10:51)
    For the kingdom of God “COMES” not with OBSERVATION but is Within you. When are you going to get that MIKE?

    No Gene. The Kingdom of God is in heaven. That's where Jesus is, sitting at the right hand of his God, whose dwelling place is heaven.


    Mikeboll, permit to respond to your baseless and inciteful accusations:

    By the way, there is nothing stopping you from not answering the posts if you cannot answer the questions nor accept the corrections to your false ideology – indeed you take pride in NOT ANSWERING what is asked of you as will be demonstrated below.

    And the other thing is that there is not a single question you have asked me that I have not answered since you demanded it of me last as can be demonstrated by you presenting the question AND the Page and post where I did not answer you – Failure to do so will suggest that perhaps you are being a touch less than honest.

    The glorious body is the body Jesus now has in heaven.

    What happened to the (so called) 'Spiritual Body' you say Jesus previously had in Heaven?

    It is a spiritual body like those of heaven also have.

    Which Scripture verse says this? Which verse even mentions 'body of an Angel/Spirit' in Heaven that was not Symbolic? Please show this?

    Who are those of heaven who are “also as” the man from heaven, Toby? (1 Cor 15:48)  Whose likeness shall we someday bear?  (1 Cor 15:49)

    Since Jesus is the only person, preEminent among those raised from the dead and ascended to Heaven, there are no others (Angels Spirits are not People made in the image of God).

    I have asked you already about the 'likeness' but you have not answered me so back to you? What is the likeness: A man with a Sword as a Tongue, a Lamb as if slaughtered, or a giant Angel (Is mankind going to become an Angel in Heaven that is not made in the image of God. Mike, if you say 'yes' I rather think you have things backward!)

    And who else was “heavenly” at the time Paul wrote 1 Cor 15?  Who else had their imperishable, new, glorious bodies?  For Paul says “as is the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven”.  Who are those Paul was referring to that were already like the man from heaven?

    'Who else'? Mikeboll, are you suggesting that Spirits in Heaven had 'New' bodies? New from what and when? – then what happened to their 'old' Glorious imperishable Incorruptible undecaying undying bodies?
    And why do you refer to Angels as if they were the same as Human Beings – Is this what you think? That Angels are like Man except in Heaven?

    The statement 'as are those of Heaven' just means 'those destined for Heaven' – who would says,'As is the man from Spain, so also are those of Spain'? (Those that are in Spain are like the man from Spain – what information is being conveyed by stating the obvious?) Moreover, my Bible says 'so are those who are Heavenly' (Glorious) which is not the same as saying 'those of Heaven'.
    Mikeboll, doesn't even 'Barnes' so as I do:

    Barnes' Notes on the Bible
    As is the earthy – Such as Adam was.

    Such are they also … – Such are all his descendants; all who derive their nature from him. That is, they are frail, corruptible, mortal; they live in an animal body as he did, and like him, they are subject to corruption and decay.

    And as is the heavenly – As is he who was from heaven; as is the Lord Jesus now in is glorified body. “Such are they also, etc.” Such will they be also. They will be like him; they will have a body like his. This idea is more fully expressed in Philippians 3:21, “Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body.”

    Or is this one of those times you decide to disagree with Barnes? Note the future use 'Will'. And Jesus does now have a Glorious body – but even Barnes does not say 'In Heaven' – he just says that Jesus now has one.

    I notice you also continually say a 'NEW' Spiritual Body – so, again, what happened to the 'Old' incorruptible, Imperishable, undecaying, undying Spiritual body you say Jesus had in Heaven if he NOW has a 'NEW' one?

    Who ever said the demon's bodies were corrupted?

    Mikeboll, 'I' do not say that Angels have bodies… It is you that say that they do. So I ask you what happened to the bodies of the Angels who corrupted themselves and became Demons as clearly they were only in the bodies of humans and some in the pigs for a short time.
    My unstated point is that it is the Spirit Angel that is corrupt and that is why it cannot be redeemed. A human who is able to corrupt his own Spirit is also unredeemable as are Adam, Cain, Saul, Pharoah, …Judas, to name a few. These are (imo – alluding from Scriptures –  not to be their judge) beyond redemption and are already judged as are the demon Spirits. Frankly, the notion of Angels in bodies is so ridiculous that humouring your post was all there was left to do with that.

    (Demon Spirits not having bodies) – Says who?  And with what scriptural proof?

    Mikeboll, the same Scriptural proof you use as your proof! But also that the Demons (Why do you pretend you never heard this before- oh, I know why!) Spirits in the mad man could only go from the inside the body of the man into the body of the pigs, and no Demon Spirit has ever been seen at any time ever! But holy Angels have (Please don't say 'Saul' and the Witch of Endor, that was clearly an illusion)
    Mikeboll, which part of the Incorruptible, Imperishable Angel became corrupt such that they became fallen, Demon Angels?

    I have never made that claim (That God destroyed the Spiritual body of Jesus)

    If this is true what you say then exactly what did you say about what happened to the Incorruptible, Imperishable, undecaying, undying Spiritual Body of Jesus when he came as Man?

    The spirit being Jesus emptied himself of all things associated with existing in the form of God.  The spirit being Jesus was made flesh.  And even the flesh body of Jesus never saw decay.

    Mikeboll, does this include the Incorruptible, Imperisheable, Undying, undecaying Spiritual Body?
    So what exactly did he do with. And anyway, isnt this a little different (yet again) to what you proposed concerning God changing Jesus' Spiritual Body and all' where you dare not even say the word 'Spirit Being Jesus' a
    s you knew I would ask “'So the Spirit is in a Spirit Body', so what exactly is a Spirit if a Spirit is in a Spirit Body? – sounds rather circular to me (as I said before) – WHAT IS A SPIRIT?”

    No, I don't agree with that.  Paul speaks of the rest of the raised dead.  Jesus was a special case in that he had to be raised first in the body in which he died to physically show that the dead do indeed rise.  This body was later transformed into the glorious, spiritual body he now has in heaven.

    What?…. Mikeboll, please…! Where is any of this written ! This is sheer nonsense! This beyond desperation! Which part of what happened to Jesus at his raising from the dead will not happen to those of the dead who are to follow (Excluding those who are NOT dead when Jesus reappears)

    Mikeboll, I will respond to the rest of what you said later in another thread (Yes, this is ambiguous but is discernible to those who seek the truth of it!)


    Hi Gene,

    Isn't it strange that Jesus explicitly and unambiguously says: “The Kingdom of God is within you!” in Luke 17:20-21.

    Yet another person in this forum says that it is not so.

    When someone so plainly dismisses what Christ himself says in plain words, is there any wonder that other plain and unambiguous things said is Scriptures are also denied by that same one.



    You said:

    You agree that that body was Flesh and Bone (as Scriptures says)

    Yes – the same one he died in.

    according to Scriptires, was there any perceivable difference to the body of Jesus after he was raised from the dead as compared to before he died?

    What scripture speaks of an angel's “temporary body”?

    Mikeboll, I showed you two situations where an Angel that that the form of a Man on Earth went back to Heaven in the flames of a Fire. One was with Manoah, father of Samson.

    I have no idea what point you're trying to make.  Can you make some point in your favor using the story of the burning bush?  If so, make it.

    This is amazing: I show you Scriptures where Angels are shown as not being in human form and you act as though it is immaterial. Are you so desperate to not see – and for why? If it were for your proof you WOULD see it, though!

    I showed you a situation where an Angels was seen as a Flame of fire in a bush in from to Moses. And yet another was the pillar of fire that led the Israelites in the Wilderness. These were not in Bodies were they – and what of the 'Rock' that gave water to the Israelites that Scriptures says, 'That rock was Christ'.

    I have presented descriptions of angels in heaven.  You asked; I told you to look it up yourself; then you cried; and so I posted some of them for you.  They are a few pages back on this thread.

    Mikeboll, … You presented descriptions of Angels on Earth.
    Ok, if you did please show the Verses – because Scriptures does not show any (other than by Symbolism which does not count)
    Show me and I will stop asking – but remember – IT IS YOU THAT BOASTS BY SAYING YOU CAN PROVE IT BE CANNOT DO SO – Mikeboll, boasting is easy  but why do it if it is patently obvious that you cannot fulfil your boast?


    9) If Jesus has a body in Heaven and those raised from the dead are to have similar bodies and those in Heaven already have such bodies as Jesus has then how do they look:

    I don't know.  Is the fact that I don't know what every angel looks like “proof” for you that they don't have bodies?  I have shown you from scripture what certain angels look like.

    Thank you for your first honest reply. There is no description nor reference to an Angel Body which is why one as diligent and deep searching as yourself cannot find any reference.
    Yet, only a short while ago you were boasting that you could show me many descriptions of Angel bodies in Heaven and you even claimed you showed me them as if you were saying that I was lying that you had not. Well, one of us was lying and the admission is in your own words.

    You point out how ridiculous this theory is, and then turn right around and claim it all over again.     You ARE saying that Jesus DOES have an imperishable spiritual body somewhere that he just doesn't use in heaven, right?

    Mikeboll, the Spiritual Body is not the weak, inglorious body that the Natural Body is. It does not decay when the Spirit leaves it, it is imPerishable unlike the Natural Body. The Spiritual Body is still flesh and blood (and bone) and can be dematerialised and dematerialised by the Spirit that it contain.
    Think of this: Where are the bodies of those who are dead from thousands of years ago – and those who have been cremated and the dust scattered to the four winds? How are they to be raised up? It seems strange that you appear to be saying that the resurrection will not be in the flesh – Spirituly RENEWED Flesh.
    For What was all the healing that Jesus did? For what reason did Jesus raise the dead if the dead do not rise in their renewed bodies? Did any of the Gospel writers or Jesus teach a Resurrection of the Spirit? No, they taught a resurrection of the Body.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2012,22:57)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 07 2012,10:51)
    For the kingdom of God “COMES” not with OBSERVATION but is Within you. When are you going to get that MIKE?

    No Gene.  The Kingdom of God is in heaven.  That's where Jesus is, sitting at the right hand of his God, whose dwelling place is heaven.


    Those that are in the flesh cannot please God; just as it is written:

    Romans 8
    King James Version (KJV)

    8So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 07 2012,13:50)
    Hi KW,
    Jesus Christ was no more mortal before his death than after.

    From the time of his anointing with the Spirit of life at the Jordan he was alive in the Spirit.
    It is just that he was [his soul was] still in the flesh.

    We too need to walk in the Spirit after our rebirth by the Spirit.
    The Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God
    We want to become sons of God.


    A body that dies is by definition a mortal body.

    Adam and Eve had an immortal body before they sinned. A spiritual body because the reign of God was on earth as is in heaven at that time. Their bodies were turned mortal because they disobeyed God and ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Jesus, a son of Adam; inherited a mortal body.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2012,22:57)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 07 2012,10:51)
    For the kingdom of God “COMES” not with OBSERVATION but is Within you. When are you going to get that MIKE?

    No Gene.  The Kingdom of God is in heaven.  That's where Jesus is, sitting at the right hand of his God, whose dwelling place is heaven.


    Matthew 6:10
    King James Version (KJV)

    10Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

    Luke 11:2
    King James Version (KJV)

    2And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

    Daniel 2
    King James Version (KJV)

    44And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 07 2012,21:37)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 07 2012,01:15)

    You just stated you were not content with what Scripture explicitly states ……………..

    No Mr. Smokescreen,

    I've stated that the fact Jesus made supplications while still in the flesh means he is not in the flesh any more.  Nothing else.


    I did not trick you; you tricked yourself.  You have now admitted that flesh can mean sinful nature when it is not driven by the Spirit.  Just as you know that you also know flesh that is not empowered by the Spirit is mortal.

    You are not ignorant and so you know the immortal bodies of both Adam and Eve changed to mortal bodies when they sinned in the Garden.  

    Why hold onto a Gnostic influenced teaching when you know the immortal body is the one both Adam and Eve had before their fall; and Christ was resurrected into.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 08 2012,14:13)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 07 2012,13:50)
    Hi KW,
    Jesus Christ was no more mortal before his death than after.

    From the time of his anointing with the Spirit of life at the Jordan he was alive in the Spirit.
    It is just that he was [his soul was] still in the flesh.

    We too need to walk in the Spirit after our rebirth by the Spirit.
    The Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God
    We want to become sons of God.


    A body that dies is by definition a mortal body.

    Adam and Eve had an immortal body before they sinned.  A spiritual body because the reign of God was on earth as is in heaven at that time.  Their bodies were turned mortal because they disobeyed God and ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Jesus, a son of Adam; inherited a mortal body.

    Hi KW,
    Do bodies die or do beings?

    We are living souls in a body of dust.

    Adam had the same body we have and we are his children.

    The curse of death followed his subservience to the prince of this world

    He died the same day[=1000 years ps90] as he sinned.


    Quote (toby @ April 07 2012,16:32)
    What happened to the (so called) 'Spiritual Body' you say Jesus previously had in Heaven?

    Toby, this seems to be the main point of your post, so I'll address it ONCE AGAIN:

    What happened to the Word of God who emptied himself and was made flesh?

    The answser to my question is also the answer to yours.  Why you would think something DIFFERENT had to happen to the body of the Word of God than what happened to the rest of the Word of God is beyond me.  But when you give a direct answer to MY bolded question above, you'll also have the answer to yours.

    Quote (toby @ April 07 2012,16:32)
    Mikeboll, are you suggesting that Spirits in Heaven had 'New' bodies? New from what and when?

    Nope.  The teaching is not that angels get new bodies, but that the bodies of the resurrected will be like the bodies the angels ALREADY have.

    Quote (toby @ April 07 2012,16:32)
    Is mankind going to become an Angel in Heaven that is not made in the image of God.

    Who told you that angels are not made in the image of God?  They are spiritual sons of God after all.  If God made man in His image, then how much more so are His first sons also made in His image.

    Quote (toby @ April 07 2012,16:32)
    (Those that are in Spain are like the man from Spain – what information is being conveyed by stating the obvious?)

    Exactly!  Those that ARE in heaven are like the man from heaven.  And who was in heaven at the time Paul said these words?

    Quote (toby @ April 07 2012,16:32)
    Or is this one of those times you decide to disagree with Barnes? Note the future use 'Will'

    But even as your translation points out, the word is “ARE”, not “WILL BE”.  But, even if it did refer to “WILL BE”, Barnes is saying that those who will follow Jesus WILL have spiritual bodies IN HEAVEN like the man from heaven now has.  (Refer to my Barnes quote from yesterday for confirmation of this.)


    Quote (toby @ April 07 2012,16:35)
    Hi Gene,

    Isn't it strange that Jesus explicitly and unambiguously says: “The Kingdom of God is within you!” in Luke 17:20-21.

    Yet another person in this forum says that it is not so.

    When someone so plainly dismisses what Christ himself says in plain words, is there any wonder that other plain and unambiguous things said is Scriptures are also denied by that same one.


    You need to understand the context – starting with the fact that Jesus said these words to the very Pharisees who were seeking to kill him and telling him he casted out demons in the name of Beelzebul.  Do you really think Jesus was telling THEM that the Kingdom of God was within THEM?  ???

    Here is a post from David, taken from the thread entitled “The Kingdom of Heaven” which was started by KarMarie:

    Quote (david @ Sep. 11 2011,18:36)
    Why do you believe jesus said the kingdom is “within us”?
    I believe the idea that the kingdom (a word that means “government, empire” etc) is within people does not line up with ACCURATE scripture.
    There is really only one scripture that pushes people to believe that, and it's not translated that way in most modern Bibles.  It is in fact, a mistranslation, and an easy one to spot, when you consider the context.

    Before we get to that, let's begin at the beginning, and I'll discuss why, I Biblically do not believe the kingdom of God is something “within” people.

    Actually, no, let's start at that scripture:

    LUKE 17:21
    “neither will people be saying, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For, look! the kingdom of God is within you.”

    1. CONTEXT!  Read Luke 17:20 and 21. (Not just 21)
    (He “answered” the pharisees.  His statement was directed towards them.  Do you think the kingdom of God is in the hearts of the pharisses?  Please do not dismiss that question.  Is it?  Jesus called them “hypocrites” and “serpents” and said “how are you to flee from the judgement of Gehenna?”
    Is God’s kingdom in such ones?  What do you think?

    2. MODERN BIBLES translate it “in your midst” or “among you.”  (Even KJ and others that have “within you” also have “among you” as an alternate translation in the margins.)

    3. MANY SCRIPTURES SHOW KINGDOM TO BE A GOVERNMENT–dan 2:44; Is 9:6,7; 1 cor 15:24; Rev 1:6; 5:9,10.

    At Matthew 23:13-33, we see that Jesus 4 times said: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!”  And he said: “Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are you to flee from the judgment of Ge·heńna?” (Mat 23:33)
    Does it make sense that Jesus would say that God’s kingdom was in the wicked hearts of those corrupt men, the very ones he condemned to Gehenna, the very ones who shut up the kingdom for other men?
    It’s interesting to note the margins and footnotes in the KJ and the NIV of this verse.
    In the margin, KJ has this: “within you: or, among you.”
    A footnote to Luke 17:21 in the New International Version shows that Jesus’ words could be rendered: “The kingdom of God is among you.”

    And here is how the vast majority of modern Bible’s tend to translate this verse:

    “The kingdom of God is in your midst.” (New World Translation)
    “For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.”  (NASB)
    “Because God's kingdom is already among you.” (The Message)
    “For the Kingdom of God is already among you.[a]” (New Living)
    “the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.”[a] (English Standard)
    “the kingdom of God is in the midst of you.  (Darby Translation)
    “the kingdom of God is among you.” (holman)
    “God's kingdom is among you.” (New International readers version)
    “because the kingdom of God is in your midst.” [a] (todays new international version)
    “The kingdom of God is among you” (The New English Bible)
    “is in the midst of you.” (The Jerusalem Bible)
    “is in the midst of you.” (Revised Standard Version)
    “God’s royal majesty is among you.” (The Emphatic Diaglott)

    Jesus, who was in their midst, thus referred to himself as the future King. (Compare Mat 12:27,28)
    Jesus was “within” a group of people, among them, “in” their midst.
    As the long-awaited Messiah and King-Designate, Jesus was in their very midst. Far from being something that a person has in his heart, God’s Kingdom is a real, operating government having a ruler and subjects.


    As you said, a government.   Does it make sense that a government is within us?  Was gods kingdom within the Pharisees?  

    I would really like an answer.”

    You can make any points you think you have in that thread.  (It might do you some good to read through the points we've already made there first.)


    Quote (toby @ April 07 2012,16:42)
    Thank you for your first honest reply………..

    This is the crap I'm sick of with you.  Toby, I have shown you the descriptions of angels in heaven, yet you keep saying I haven't.  ???

    You make the claim that because an angel was able to go up to heaven in flames, it means his body was temporary.  ???

    You blow off the fact that Balaam's donkey was able see the angel first.  Did the angel manifest TWO different temporary bodies – one the donkey could see and one both the donkey and Balaam could see?  ???

    You call me dishonest when everyone here and many learned scholars agree that those resurrected to heaven will have bodies in heaven.  I'm just tired of taking verbal abuse from a person who asks me to post something from the scriptures, and after I do, taunts me by saying I didn't post it in the first place.

    If I am being dishonest because I understand scriptures you don't, then most of the rest of us here are equally “dishonest”, Toby.

    For example, Gene believes angels have bodies – is HE dishonest?  Nick and Kerwin believe that those resurrected to heaven will have bodies in heaven – are THEY dishonest?

    I'm just sick of your crap, and refuse to discuss the matter with you any more.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 07 2012,21:38)

    I did not trick you; you tricked yourself. You have now admitted that flesh can mean sinful nature when it is not driven by the Spirit.

    Oh, so Hebrews 5:7 is saying that Jesus made many supplications while in his “sinful nature that was not driven by Spirit”? ???


    Mike………..Jesus was in a Body that had the same sinful desires and was tempted as we are, but overcame it by the Power of God, If Jesus did not have the exact same nature as we do he could not have qualified to be a sacrifice to GOD for us , He had to be “EXACTLY” the SAME in EVERY WAY, and He was tempted in every way as we are, but he overcame” himself “, By the power of GOD and told us we must also overcome “even as He did also”. While the penalty of Death has been removed from us , we still have to overcome ourselves Just as he had to do. It was the death penalty that was removed, not our Judgements of how we are living that is a work in progress for us all. Because it say we shall stand before the Judgment sit of Christ.

    You keep trying to make Jesus different all the time but fail to realize he could not have been different then we are to qualify as the Sacrificial Lamb to GOD for our sins. It was by Man sin came into the world and it is by a Man it is atoned for. Because that is the only way it could fulfill the law and Judgment of GOD. Jesus qualified as our “KINSMEN” REDEEMER he had to be “DIRECTLY” CONNECTED to us in “EVERY” way.

    peace and love………………………………………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 08 2012,10:52)
    If Jesus did not have the exact same nature as we do he could not have qualified to be a sacrifice to GOD for us , He had to be “EXACTLY” the SAME in EVERY WAY……………

    Let me stop you right there, Gene. First of all, no scripture says Jesus had to be the same as us in every way. Secondly, Jesus has as his Father God Himself. He had no human father like the rest of us, so it is clear that Jesus was NOT the same as us in every way.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 09 2012,10:52)
    Mike………..Jesus was in a Body that had the same sinful desires and was tempted as we are,  but overcame it by the Power of God, If Jesus did not have the exact same nature as we do he could not have qualified to be a sacrifice to GOD for us , He had to be “EXACTLY” the SAME in EVERY WAY, and He was tempted in every way as we are, but he overcame” himself “, By the power of GOD and told us we must also overcome “even  as He did also”. While the penalty of Death has been removed from us , we still have to overcome ourselves Just as he had to do. It was the death penalty that was removed, not our Judgements of how we are living that is a work in progress for us all. Because it say we shall stand before the Judgment sit of Christ.

    You keep trying to make Jesus different all the time but fail to realize he could not have been different then we are to qualify as the Sacrificial Lamb to GOD for our sins. It was by Man sin came into the world and it is by a Man it is atoned for. Because that is the only way it could fulfill the law and Judgment of GOD. Jesus qualified as our “KINSMEN” REDEEMER he had to be “DIRECTLY” CONNECTED to us in “EVERY” way.

    peace and love………………………………………………………….gene


    Mike………..Jesus was in a Body that had the same sinful desires and was tempted as we are

    first look at the parents ,of Samuel,John the Baptist,and Jesus ,if you do not see I can not help you ,hope you understand it :)


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 09 2012,03:56)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 08 2012,10:52)
    If Jesus did not have the exact same nature as we do he could not have qualified to be a sacrifice to GOD for us , He had to be “EXACTLY” the SAME in EVERY WAY……………

    Let me stop you right there, Gene.  First of all, no scripture says Jesus had to be the same as us in every way. Secondly, Jesus has as his Father God Himself.  He had no human father like the rest of us, so it is clear that Jesus was NOT the same as us in every way.

    Hi MB,
    You need a break because you have just opposed scripture.

    Heb 2.14-17


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 08 2012,21:57)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 07 2012,21:38)

    I did not trick you; you tricked yourself.  You have now admitted that flesh can mean sinful nature when it is not driven by the Spirit.

    Oh, so Hebrews 5:7 is saying that Jesus made many supplications while in his “sinful nature that was not driven by Spirit”?   ???


    “mortal body” as it is not addressing the time after his death and we know he presented a flesh and bone body to his students after his resurrection.

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