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  • #352958

    Mike…….Another thing the word LORD, is not the same Word used for Lord in scripture, Adonai, is misinterpreted it should be rendered as YAHWEH OUR GOD , while adoni is lord,  as in a  human magistrates  or judges, or someone in authority, big difference in the words , it's not a little lord and a big LORD as unfortunately translated in scriptures. Because there are no little Lords and BIG LORDS, There are just Lords in the English language Right? IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours…………………….gene


    Hi Gene,

    It is claimed that “adonay” is only used of Jehovah in scripture. That claim is false.

    I have read your answer that when Jehovah is called the God of gods, you think it means Jehovah is the God of false gods and idols. Okay………….. I guess. ???

    But what about “Most High God”? Please name a couple of the less high gods that Jehovah is higher than.


    Mike…….The most high God is YEHWEH and there are NO lesser GODS, a GOD is a GOD Period, I don't think you are following me. Let me try to explain again. “ANYTHING” can be a God “to a person”, as long as it meets, TWO  criteria's , ONE it must be recond to have “power” over the person worshiping it,  and TWO is it must be trusted in with complete devotion and obedience.  That is what a God, Any God is.  BUT the question is is it a “TRUE” God or not?

    The LORD our GOD said, he looked for other GODS and found NONE, obviously THE LORD our GOD is talking about TRUE GOD'S,  not  false God's , and said he found none. A person who believes in any other “TRUE” God is an Idolater .

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene.


    Hi Mike:

    If you are interested, look up Rabbi Tovia Singer on YouTube, and see what he says relative to why God calls those who represent Him gods.

    Love in Christ,


    Mike……. Are you following what I posted to you on my last post brother?

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 31 2013,18:51)
    Mike…… Hear O Israel, the LORD our GOD is “ONE” LORD and again Jesus said this, ELOHIM , or GOD is a SPIRIT, are your other so-called Gods Spirits.

    Mike , I tried to explain to you over and over, the term God is relative to a individual person, the term is subjective to the persons thinking, so that is why The only true God could say he is a God of Gods, that is because all other Gods created by any  PERSON are subjective to that person, as his or her God, which requires a devotion and worship to it, a personally created God , it is a real God to that person, even if it is a false God. So the real GOD can easily say, he is GOD of ALL THOSE So-called GODS. All idolaters have other GODS for themselves.  No God is a real God to anyone, unless you attach TWO THING TO IT OR HIM, ONE  is Power, TWO, is devotion, and faith or trust. That applies even to the REAL God,  of all the earth and everything in it. Your belief that power alone, makes a God is not true.

    The word God is always applied to someone or thing. As I have said, anything can be a GOD, but are they the “ONLY” TRUE GOD? NO Because There is ONLY “ONE” TRUE GOD. that means is, all others, are NOT “TRUE” GODS, but if not true Gods then what are they? They are “FALSE ” Gods, but Gods non the less to the BLIND person worshiping them , they are true to him,  and God is the GOD of ALL THOSE FALES GODS even if the person truly believes in them.

    Do you understand what i am saying?

    Peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    Very True Gene!

    I find it interesting that the Henotheist claim that Trinitarians worship more than one God when they believe in many gods and serve two of them, The Father and the Son!
    (or maybe 3, including the god of this world) :)



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 03 2013,20:47)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 31 2013,18:51)
    Mike…… Hear O Israel, the LORD our GOD is “ONE” LORD and again Jesus said this, ELOHIM , or GOD is a SPIRIT, are your other so-called Gods Spirits.

    Mike , I tried to explain to you over and over, the term God is relative to a individual person, the term is subjective to the persons thinking, so that is why The only true God could say he is a God of Gods, that is because all other Gods created by any  PERSON are subjective to that person, as his or her God, which requires a devotion and worship to it, a personally created God , it is a real God to that person, even if it is a false God. So the real GOD can easily say, he is GOD of ALL THOSE So-called GODS. All idolaters have other GODS for themselves.  No God is a real God to anyone, unless you attach TWO THING TO IT OR HIM, ONE  is Power, TWO, is devotion, and faith or trust. That applies even to the REAL God,  of all the earth and everything in it. Your belief that power alone, makes a God is not true.

    The word God is always applied to someone or thing. As I have said, anything can be a GOD, but are they the “ONLY” TRUE GOD? NO Because There is ONLY “ONE” TRUE GOD. that means is, all others, are NOT “TRUE” GODS, but if not true Gods then what are they? They are “FALSE ” Gods, but Gods non the less to the BLIND person worshiping them , they are true to him,  and God is the GOD of ALL THOSE FALES GODS even if the person truly believes in them.

    Do you understand what i am saying?

    Peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    Very True Gene!



    Mike…… Hear O Israel, the LORD our GOD is “ONE” LORD and again Jesus said this, ELOHIM , or GOD is a SPIRIT, are your other so-called Gods Spirits.

    You even don't see that you try to mislay us ???

    You seem to say that ,'God is spirit ” is the same thing than “”gods spirit “”” is this the same? to me it is NOT being and having are two different things right ???



    The most high Empire State Building is located in New York.

    Are you able to see how NONSENSICAL that statement is, considering there is only ONE Empire State Building?

    So if Jehovah was LITERALLY the ONLY god, then the title “MOST HIGH god” would be just as nonsensical.  Not only that, but we could call Him the LEAST HIGH god, and it would be equally true if He was literally the ONLY god, right?  So do you believe Jehovah is the LEAST HIGH god, Gene?  Because if you believe He is the ONLY god, then you HAVE TO believe He is not only the MOST HIGH god, but also the LEAST HIGH god.

    On the other hand, if we understand “Most High God” in a SENSICAL way, it clearly means that there exist other gods, and Jehovah is the MOST HIGH out of all of them.  And considering that scripture speaks of “MANY gods and many lords”, this is a no-brainer.

    So, if you let your mind use the common sense that Jehovah has given you, and come to understand that the title “Most High God” refers to Jehovah being the highest of all the gods mentioned in scripture, then you would be able to answer my simple question.

    This is for Gene, Keith, and Marty:

    Please name a couple of the less high gods that our Most High God Jehovah is the God OF.


    To all,

    The most high God is calling God a name and not referring to him as a god. It neither testifies of more than one god or of only one. We are not the first to call Jehovah, God.



    Not only DOES the title “Most High God” testify that there exist gods that Jehovah is higher than, but the scriptures themselves also testify that there exist “many gods and many lords – both in heaven and on earth” – and that Jehovah is higher than all the others.


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 04 2013,01:47)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 31 2013,18:51)
    Mike…… Hear O Israel, the LORD our GOD is “ONE” LORD and again Jesus said this, ELOHIM , or GOD is a SPIRIT, are your other so-called Gods Spirits.

    Mike , I tried to explain to you over and over, the term God is relative to a individual person, the term is subjective to the persons thinking, so that is why The only true God could say he is a God of Gods, that is because all other Gods created by any  PERSON are subjective to that person, as his or her God, which requires a devotion and worship to it, a personally created God , it is a real God to that person, even if it is a false God. So the real GOD can easily say, he is GOD of ALL THOSE So-called GODS. All idolaters have other GODS for themselves.  No God is a real God to anyone, unless you attach TWO THING TO IT OR HIM, ONE  is Power, TWO, is devotion, and faith or trust. That applies even to the REAL God,  of all the earth and everything in it. Your belief that power alone, makes a God is not true.

    The word God is always applied to someone or thing. As I have said, anything can be a GOD, but are they the “ONLY” TRUE GOD? NO Because There is ONLY “ONE” TRUE GOD. that means is, all others, are NOT “TRUE” GODS, but if not true Gods then what are they? They are “FALSE ” Gods, but Gods non the less to the BLIND person worshiping them , they are true to him,  and God is the GOD of ALL THOSE FALES GODS even if the person truly believes in them.

    Do you understand what i am saying?

    Peace and love to you and yours………………………gene

    Very True Gene!

    I find it interesting that the Henotheist claim that Trinitarians worship more than one God when they believe in many gods and serve two of them, The Father and the Son!
    (or maybe 3, including the god of this world) :)


    Hi Kieth:

    Good to hear from you.  I hope that you and your family are doing well.

    But the worship of anything or anyone, other than God as God, the Father,  including Jesus, as great as he is, is Idolatry.

    There only “One God”.

    Jesus said this in speaking to the Samaritan woman:


    Jhn 4:22   Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.  

    Jhn 4:23   But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  

    Jhn 4:24   God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.

    Love in Christ,


    942767……..I agree brother with what you posted. God is not a building as in Mikes analogy, he is just using a play on words to justify his position, by his own word everyone then is a god of some kind, because all of the other buildings in his analogy are buildings to. So to Mike it seem we can all be “little” gods to then.

    The very word God, is a position which relates to ones thinking, as I tried to show Mike, anything can be a God to a person, if it meet the basic two requirements,

    1……. It or he must have some kind of power over the person.

    2……. It requires a true devotion and obedience to serve and worship.

    If those two requirement are meant, then you have a God that is real, at least to the Person applying those two requirements, in order for it to be his or her God. There is no big God and Little Gods, there is just Gods. Now if anyone has any God other then the ONLY “TRUE” GOD of all creation he or she is an IDOLATOR . Haven't you noticed how Pierre and Mike never address what an IDOLATOR “IS”.

    Why is that, is it because they push Idolatry themselves, without even realizing it? Idolatry IMO is the worst sin of all, It got The Kingdom of Israel and The Kingdom of Judah cast out of their land and scattered out into all the earth. They like Mike and Pierre believed there were OTHER TRUE GODS, so they copied the other nations around them and made their Gods theirs and endured the wrath of the ONLY TRUE GOD.

    NO IDOLATOR will be in the KINGDOM OF GOD, and they that push other GOD'S live under a curse, and God is against them. This is an Adulteress and Idolatress generation. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours………………………gene


    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 04 2013,05:46)
    To all,

    The most high God is calling God a name and not referring to him as a god. It neither testifies of more than one god or of only one.  We are not the first to call Jehovah, God.

    Kerwin………. You have that right brother. Most high is a position of GOD , and is not relating to other God's existing at all. Again that is Mikes usual Word play.

    Peace and love to you and yours…………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 04 2013,06:08)
    942767……..I agree brother with what you posted. God is not a building as in Mikes analogy, he is just using a play on words to justify his position, by his own word everyone then is a god of some kind, because all of the other buildings in his analogy are buildings to. So to Mike it seem we can all be “little” gods to then.

    The very word God, is a position which relates to ones thinking, as I tried to show Mike, anything can be a God to a person, if it meet the basic two requirements,

    1……. It or he must have some kind of power over the person.

    2……. It requires a true devotion and obedience to serve and worship.

    If those two requirement are meant, then you have a God that is real, at least to the Person applying those two requirements, in order for it to be his or her God. There is no big God and Little Gods, there is just Gods. Now if anyone has any God other then the ONLY “TRUE” GOD of all creation he or she is an IDOLATOR . Haven't you noticed how Pierre and Mike never address what an IDOLATOR “IS”.

    Why is that, is it because they push Idolatry themselves, without even realizing it? Idolatry IMO is the worst sin of all, It got The Kingdom of Israel and The Kingdom of Judah cast out of their land and scattered out into all the earth. They like Mike and Pierre believed there were OTHER TRUE  GODS, so they copied the other nations around them and made their Gods theirs and endured the wrath of the ONLY TRUE GOD.

    NO IDOLATOR will be in the KINGDOM OF GOD, and they that push other GOD'S live under a curse, and God is against them. This is an Adulteress and Idolatress generation. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours………………………gene


    not all mighty(men) where worshiped but most where feared, you seem not to understand ,that being a god just means being mighty ,and if you are just mighty over no one then how could you be called mighty ???

    even today ,we have mighty and powerful men on earth ,many are called dominators, authoritarians, and they make the decision of live and dead on their own people, and so they are feared by some and worship as gods by others, this is true today in some countries, but was common in the middle age and before that period ,

    in the beginning at the time of Noah live the angels mix themselves with human and so because of their status they were more powerful that most if not all men alive then ,and so were feared ,loved or worshiped as gods ,

    now no one says that they are the gods that bring live and truth to the human race ,or that they in some way have created anything unless it is confusion, but they are never less mighty ones (gods)

    but Jehovah is the God of those gods or above those gods because he can destroy them ,this is why he is called almighty God, and as always a description of his works or his faithful men or people ,


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 03 2013,18:08)
    God is not a building as in Mikes analogy…………

    So once again (as USUAL), you are UNABLE to directly address my points, Gene?  I figured as much.

    This gets old, guys.  I show you scriptures that speak of many gods other than Jehovah.  And then you respond:  Ha ha!  There goes stupid Mike again, talking about other gods!

    But you don't actually REFUTE any of those things that I directly copied from the scriptures themselves, do you?  Nope.

    So then I show scriptures, like Job 1, where one of these other gods actually displayed his power over Chaldeans, Sabeans, mighty winds, and fire from heaven.  But do you refute these things I copied directly from scripture?  Nope.

    Instead you say, Ha ha!  There goes stupid Mike again…… talking about other gods!

    Over and over and over again.  None of you can actually REFUTE these things that I COPIED DIRECTLY FROM THE PAGES OF SCRIPTURE, but you won't accept them either.

    I just don't get it.  Do you enjoy being blind?  Isn't your goal to align your beliefs WITH the scriptures, and not AGAINST them?  ???

    I'm thoroughly confused by the attitudes of the supposed Bible students on this site.

    Gene, you talk about my analogy, but you can't refute it, can you?

    What if you were on a desert island that had only one palm tree.  And you said to your friend, “Wow!  That's the MOST HIGH palm tree on this island!”

    What would your friend say, Gene?  He'd probably look at you like you lost your mind and say, “It's the ONLY palm tree on this island, dumbass!”


    My God, people!  Pull your heads out of your asses and pay attention to the scriptures!

    Satan told Eve if she ate of the fruit, she would become like the gods, knowing good from evil.  And then she did eat of the fruit, and Jehovah said, They have become like one of US, knowing good and evil.  

    Who are these “gods” that Jehovah called “one of us”?

    David said Jehovah made man a little lower than the gods.  And Paul, quoting that psalm later in Hebrews, understood that by gods, David meant angels.

    Who are these “gods” that Jehovah made mankind a little lower than?

    There is no scripture in the entire Bible that mentions any “false gods” or “so-called gods”.  These phrases were added in by MEN who were trying to protect the scriptures from themselves – as if these MEN knew better than the God-inspired scriptures.   ???

    Yet you continue to ridicule me for posting – WORD FOR WORD – what the scriptures actually teach.  Why?  Why in the world would a student of scripture WANT to close his eyes to those very scriptures, and make fun of the person who is doing nothing but quoting those scriptures and BELIEVING them?   ???

    Open up your eyes, people.  The Bible is LOADED with MANY gods and MANY lords.  Jehovah is the MOST HIGH of all of them, and the only one who created all things.

    That is what the scriptures actually teach.  Either believe those scriptures, or keep making fun of the messenger who quotes those scriptures word for word.  The choice, as always, will remain to be yours, and yours alone.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 04 2013,06:39)

    Quote (kerwin @ Aug. 04 2013,05:46)
    To all,

    The most high God is calling God a name and not referring to him as a god. It neither testifies of more than one god or of only one.  We are not the first to call Jehovah, God.

    Kerwin………. You have that right brother. Most high is a position of GOD , and is not relating to other God's existing at all. Again that is Mikes usual Word play.    

    Peace and love to you and yours…………..gene


    I prefer to think it as Mike is misunderstanding.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 01 2013,19:52)
    Mike…….The most high God  is YEHWEH and there are NO lesser  GODS, a GOD is a GOD Period, I don't think you are following me. Let me try to explain again. “ANYTHING” can be a God “to a person”, as long as it meets, TWO  criteria's , ONE it must be recond to have “power” over the person worshiping it,  and TWO is it must be trusted in with complete devotion and obedience.  That is what a God, Any God is.  BUT the question is is it a “TRUE” God or not?

    The LORD our GOD said, he looked for other GODS and found NONE, obviously THE LORD our GOD is talking about TRUE GOD'S,  not  false God's , and said he found none. A person who believes in any other “TRUE” God is an Idolater .

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene.

    Hi Gene,

    Amen….Well said.

    Peace brother.


    Hi Mike,

    My God, people!  Pull your heads out of your asses and pay attention to the scriptures!

    “You must be Born from Above.”

    Peace brother……..


    Abe……Amen to that brother. It get so fustrating at times, they are seeking salvation through human reasonings , whats amazing we can easly see that , but they can't see it they want to complicate every simple thing, and that is amazing to me brother.

    peace and love to you and your………………………………gene


    Quote (abe @ Aug. 05 2013,13:57)
    Hi Mike,

    My God, people!  Pull your heads out of your asses and pay attention to the scriptures!

    “You must be Born from Above.”

    Peace brother……..


    “You must be Born from Above.”


    IF YOU DON'T KNOW WELL THEN ;Pull your head out of your ass and pay attention to the scriptures!

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