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  • #798621

    The whole story is silly because Indonesia has the largest population of Muslims and you don’t see terrorism there, The problem is t8 thinks Muslim = Arab but there is over 1.8 billion Muslims if they were all terrorists the entire earth would be uninhabitable. Terrorism is not nearly all Islamic why isn’t bombing Islamic countries seen as terrorism? The Afghanistan Government did not declare was on the U.S. the U.S. declared war on Afghanistan and Iraq neither which committed an act against the U.S. there are many acts all over the world that are non-muslim acts but only Muslim based attacks get the press


    From what I’ve heard dear Bod,that the Iranians were considering and close to taking arms against the taliban in Afghanistan before the U.S. went in,for their evil treatment of the Shia minority.And in Indonesia there are many attacks against Buddhists and minority Muslim sects if I remember rightly.You may not consider it “terrorism” since it is domestic violence within a country,but when people die over religious differences is it a good thing?  It’s terrible to me! for I do care about people.


    Dear Bod,

    Why do you worship a religion of violence?  Can we not live and let live or is that pure sin?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Admin.

    Islam is the religion of peace with God, those who are not at peace with God are the enemies of God, you see violence as bad or evil but God has prescribed war for mankind otherwise we would not be able to do so.

    Religious mostly hate violence but those who are obedient do what is commanded, I am sure many in the days of Moses did not want to kill their own family members when they committed a sin worthy of death but if they were at Peace with God they did. Abraham was at peace with God and was willing to sacrifice his son…This is Islam…when you you make the flesh be willing to obey the Spirit


    To be clear, not all Muslims are evil and not all are good.
    Same can be said of any group, age, gender, race, etc.

    But a book that contradicts the Bible indicates a different and opposing author.


    Their leader and past leaders often refer to the God of Israel.
    The formation of modern day Israel is and was well recognised in prophecy and scripture.
    When you read other scriptures about Israel in hindsight, they seem to have come to pass against all the odds.
    Such is the God of Israel.
    Further, the amount of times they have been attacked by hoards that greatly outnumber them, the more you would think they would be annihilated. But not Israel. They keep on surviving and even prospering, even though they live mostly in a desert.


    Accepting Christ as Messiah = Islam
    Accepting Christ as God = Christianity

    Yes much of Christianity is in apostasy and it is this that opened the door to other religions such as Mormons, JWs, Islam, etc.
    As far as Jesus being the Christ. To believe that the he is the anointed savior of the world, you need to believe that God sent his son into the world to save those in the world. First off, Islam rejects that God has a son, second they deny his ministry as the Lamb of God which is necessary to satisfy the law which otherwise brings death of the soul to all humanity. After all, a messiah saves people. Jesus Christ saves us from death of our souls and offers instead life eternal.

    So, I think it is correct to say this instead:

    • Accepting Christ as Messiah = True Christianity.
    • Accepting Christ as God = Apostate Christianity.

    Point two should say: “Accepting Jesus Christ as the son of God”.

    That said, I am not really a fan of labels like Christianity because in truth Christianity encompasses many things both good and bad, hot and cold.

    Personally I see it like this. “eternal life is this, to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom he has sent”.

    Jesus words of eternal life state that we are to know both, not one or the other, but both. It also implies that the only true God is the Father. Further, it clearly states that Jesus is the Christ. In other scriptures we are clearly taught more about Jesus. Not only is he the Christ, but he is the son of God and all will call him Lord. Being both Lord and the son of God is paramount to pointing toward the true Jesus Christ.

    I see neither Islam and its factions (Shia, Sunni, etc) or Catholicism and some of her daughters, (Vatican, Protestant, Orthodox, etc) as representing the full truth in scripture. Both Islam and Catholicism touch on much truth, but fail big with the lies, distortions, and the fruit.

    False religion is rooted in Babylon. I suggest to anyone under false religion to come out. It is a personal faith and knowing of God and his son that will set you free. These religions will not look after your soul adequately. Your soul is your responsibility. Do not be foolish and give it to another to look after. It is yours to protect and is worth more than the whole world. Be wise.


    Bod read the article. It says that it is closed to Muslims unofficially. It doesn’t say that there are no Muslims. Read read read.

    Obviously the Muslims in Japan are not radicalised and have no reason to commit Jihad. If Japan opened the door to Muslims then it would create more risk for terrorism.

    Indonesia had the Bali bombings as an example and many Muslims have immigrated to nearby Australia. Although there is not much terrorism in Australia, what has occurred has come from Muslim immigrants. However, most terror attacks never happened because they are stopped before they started because of intelligence and snooping.

    That is one other unfortunate consequence of terrorism, we all lose our privacy in order to gain more protection.

    If you were honest you could state that most terrorism is committed in the name of Islam.  You could argue that Christianity is the same, but that would not be true for true biblical teachings, only for empires who used Christianity to create their own version to try and assimilate and control Christians in their empire. This lie is has caused some in history to see their wicked leaders as being ordained by God. As for Islam, you may make the same argument there too, after all the Ottoman Empire embraced Islam. However, the Koran teaches Jihad, and the smiting of Christian and Jew. ISIS are following these Islamic verses when they commit their atrocities. Whereas true believers of Jesus Christ should love their fellow man as they love themselves. They should even go as far as loving their enemies, and be willing to lay their lives down for Christ. That is the complete opposite of Islam or Crusades sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church.


    You must not understand that all those terroristic Mexican gangs who kill at an alarming rate surpassing any Islamic terrorist are Christians the Majority of Gun violence in the world comes from America who are predominantly Christians now you could pull the “those are not real Christians card” but anyone can play that game, do your homework


    I see a lot of biased and so not believing opinions on this.

    Terrorism is always the work of the flesh, whether it is so called Christians or any other group of mere men engaged in it.

    Andrew AD

    The gun violence in America is not done in the name of Christianity and the Mexican drug gangs don’t do what they do in the name of Christ either.

    But maybe some of these gangsters were baptized by their parents,who knows?

    Ed J

    This page deals with the statement of Muhammad: “I have been made victorious with terror.” The Hadith, collected by Bukhari (4.52.220) goes as follows:
    Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.” Abu Huraira added: Allah’s Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them).

    “the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand”

    …that sounds like a promise we all heard before…

    “And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and
    the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever
    I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine” (Luke 4:6-7)

    Muhammad ate poison lamb.


    It depends how you view the word “Terrorism”.
    “Terrorism” installs fear.
    Does war or invasion install fear? When a country invades another with today’s sophisticated weaponry does that install fear?
    What then should we really call “Terrorism”.


    Ed, you really need to wake up.
    You think God is going to save your country and God is on the side of your country?
    I tell you God is on the side of no country. God is with the individual. God is spirit and wants those who worship him in spirit and truth and not in any set place.
    America and most of the world is full of sin witchcraft magic pornography egotism adultery riches entertainment idolism and pollution.
    Just saying Ed – I know what you are meaning.


    Bod, think for a minute.

    The Bible teaches that we should love even our enemies while the Koran says to smite them.

    If certain Christians or Muslims engage in terror or murder, then that so-called Christian cannot use the teachings of the master to justify his actions while the Muslim can use the teachings of their master.

    This is the point. The world has 7 billion people and a great percentage of them would call themselves Christian or Muslim, so pointing out some of them as examples is not going to solidify your argument. Extremist Muslims can and do show why they do what they do from Mohammed. But Christian Terrorists cannot justify their actions from the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Think about it, Peter swashed his sword to protect his master and Jesus rebuked him for it. Mohammed on the other hand was a warmonger.

    Ed J

    Hi Miia,

    Yes God hates islam while loving the individual caught in islamic web of deceit.

    “You think God is going to save your country and God is on the side of your country?”
    Your lack of understanding of biblical doctrine does in no way change the bible’s message.

    And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall
    be GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE of the saints of the most High
    , whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom

    and all dominions (A.K.A. “the free world”) shall serve and obey him(YHVH). Hitherto is the end of the matter.
    As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me:
    but I kept the matter in my heart.” (Daniel 7:27-28)

    Daniel means: “EL is Judge”

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi Miia,

    It troubles some people when they find out things aren’t doing to be they way they proclaim.

    “Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to
    stand in the battle in the day of the LORD. They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying,

    The LORD saith: and the LORD hath not sent them: and they have made others to hope
    that they would confirm the word. Have ye not seen a vain vision, and have ye not spoken
    a lying divination, whereas ye say, The LORD saith it; albeit I have not spoken?” (Ezekiel 13:5-7)

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    …that is God’s way of saying the way you’ve been taught prophecy is wrong, wrong, wrong!


    Hi Ed.
    God is not on any “side” when it comes to war.
    “The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.”


    “And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall
    be GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,

    and all dominions (A.K.A. “the free world”) shall serve and obey him(YHVH). Hitherto is the end of the matter.

    By “Free World” Ed you are meaning US, UK, France, Australia etc. In other words: NATO? Ha ha… you really think that?

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