Is baptism needed for salvation?

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 08 2010,15:56)
    Hi ,
    Those who have been baptised into Jesus can baptise in his name.
    They are authorised to do so by Jesus.

    But Jesus tells us in
    Math. 28:19 This is what Jesus is telling us to do, you don't believe Jesus? I do and I will go by what Jesus said…..And of laying on of hands in
    Hebrew 6:2 of doctrine o baptism, of laying on of hands ,resurrection of the dead,and eternal judgement. All these will occur on day. We my Husband and I had hands laid on my our Minister and we did receive the Holy Spirit…..I also believe that it is something everyone of us should have done to us……Amen One thing that you never do is give Scriptures, a short sentence and you want to be taken seriously?


    Hi Irene,
    The apostles baptised in his name.
    He taught them.


    Quote (Elizabeth @ May 08 2010,12:00)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 08 2010,06:14)
    HI Irene.
    You would argue with the anointed man Peter?

    What are you talking about?  Quoting the two Covenant is arguing with Peter?   All Scrip[tures…….

    There is only one constitution for the people of Elohim and if you do not believe it, then you do not believe.

    Everyone else has built their house in quicksand, and when the rains come they will be swept away, because they are full of unrighteousness, they sink.

    When if they received the tru baptisim, those sins would have been swept away and they would rise up out of the water, founded on TORAH and the Messiah. Two witnesses!


    Quote (Elizabeth @ May 08 2010,22:15)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 08 2010,15:56)
    Hi ,
    Those who have been baptised into Jesus can baptise in his name.
    They are authorised to do so by Jesus.

    But Jesus tells us in
    Math. 28:19   This is what Jesus is telling us to do, you don't believe Jesus?  I do and I will go by what Jesus said…..And of laying on of hands in
    Hebrew 6:2 of doctrine o baptism, of laying on of hands ,resurrection of the dead,and eternal judgement.  All these will occur on day.  We my Husband and I had hands laid on my our Minister and we did receive the Holy Spirit…..I also believe that it is something everyone of us should have done to us……Amen  One thing that you never do is give Scriptures, a short sentence and you want to be taken seriously?  

    If the SPirit of ELohim were in you, you would guard the TORAH with your life, because the Torah is a light, and it is the manifest prescence of YHWH ELohim in the world through His Son.

    When you rejest the Torah of ELohim, you reject His Son as well, and so for this reason you had better look and see which spirit came upon you with the laying on of hands.

    His people know His voice and follow Him, they do not reject the things He did, they embrase them.

    I will know them by their works.
    Was the Torah done away with? Elohim forbid! These are the words of Shaul, a student of Yahushua Messiah.

    RETURN to the belief which was at one time delivered by the set-apart ones.


    Laurel……….Sis you have made the Torah and Hebrew words a GOD, they give you a sense of SELF righteousness it is becoming if not already has, a stumbling block to you Sis. Remember it says “for you are saved by (GRACE) and that (NOT) of yourselves it is a GIFT of GOD, Not of (WORKS of LAW) Least any should BOAST”. It also say that whosoever is UNDER the LAW is UNDER A CURSE and again the LAW (TORAH) is for the (UNGODLY) AND THE SINNER, THE MURDERS AND ETC. I and Paul are not saying the Law is Not HOLY, that is not the Point, the point is How we are (MADE) Right in the eyes of GOD is it by the TORAH or by the SPIRIT of GOD HIMSELF. BY GRACE or BY WORKS of LAW. Think about it Laurel.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 09 2010,02:53)
    Laurel……….Sis you have made the Torah and Hebrew words a GOD, they give you a sense of SELF righteousness it is becoming if not already has,  a stumbling block to you Sis.  Remember it says “for you are saved by (GRACE) and that (NOT) of yourselves it is a GIFT of GOD, Not of (WORKS of LAW) Least any should BOAST”.  It also say that whosoever is UNDER the LAW is UNDER A CURSE and again the LAW (TORAH) is for the (UNGODLY) AND THE SINNER, THE MURDERS AND ETC. I and Paul are not saying the Law is Not HOLY, that is not the Point, the point is How we are (MADE) Right in the eyes of GOD is it by the TORAH or by the SPIRIT of GOD HIMSELF.  BY GRACE or BY WORKS of LAW. Think about it Laurel.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………….gene

    Gene, I know you mean well, BUT i am saved by the grace and mercy of YHWH ELohim, and to His esteem i guard the Torah as it is His will that i follow in the footsteps of His Son, Who walked in the Torah perfectly. He knows me by me works, and i will be judged by my works, not by what you think of me.

    That is what makes it so beautiful. Even as i continue to err in this walk, i know that nothing can come between Us anymore, except my own haughtiness, so therefore what you think i am to you makes no differnce to me, it is what YHWH thinks of me that matters. You see when i look into the Torah of righteousness i can see my flaws and change, i am set free to learn as grow like a child who is not perfect, but learning, or like a clay pot who is unfinished, but mouldable in the Potter's hands. He is not finished with me till the day i take my last breath. ANd until then i seek to judge myself according to His Word, and follow in Yahushua's footsteps!


    Good News in the TeNaK (the Gospel of Messiah)

    Psa 40:9 I have proclaimed the good news of righteousness, In the great assembly; See, I do not restrain my lips, O יהוה, You know.

    Isa 40:9 You who bring good news to Tsiyon, get up into the high mountain. You who bring good news to Yerushalayim, lift up your voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid. Say to the cities of Yehuḏah, “See your Elohim!”

    Nah 1:15 See, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace! O Yehuḏah, observe your festivals, perform your vows. For Beliyaʽal shall no more pass through you. He has been cut off completely.

    Just wondering all you so called self proclaiming christains, where do you think Yahuhsua got His calling? He was not baptized with the Set-apart SPirit till almost 30 yrs old! He was teaching truth with authority and wisdom since the age of 12. He studied the Torah! of course. What do you think Yahuhsua and His talmudim taught? Do you think they invented some cultish new religion? Absolutely not! They all taught from the Torah and the Prophets the TeNaK!

    Wake up people, come out of Babylon and live!


    Laurel………I did no mean any of what i posted to to be a put down, to you and your are right the Law or Torah is HOLY and JUST and GOOD. And With, as you say the “Set Apart Spirit”, we should be walking in accordance to it. The righteousness of the Torah is not my point or Paul's , the point is (HOW) do we attain that righteousness, is it through the KNOWLEDGE of LAW and the Way LAW Works or is it through the (GRACE) of GOD which WORKS APART FROM the WORKS of LAW meaning how Law (WORKS) (through forced compliance) Ex 20:20 Shows FEAR is the Medium through which LAW WORKS, And remember the Pharisee Had an Appearance of Righteousness they gained through their effort to Keep the LAW, They were called by Jesus white washed Sepulchers , that indeed had an appearance of righteousness , but inward were full of dead mens bones. The Law never could make anyone righteous, because that takes GOD to do In our Hearts and minds even if we have (NEVER HEARD) of the Torah., “For the gentile who have not the Law (Torah) but do the things contained there in , (SHOW) the Laws of GOD written on there HEARTS by the HAND OF GOD. That is all my point is we need to be careful we are not getting caught up in LAW to a Point it has replaced our (Focuses) on the (GRACE) of GOD. IMO

    Peace an dlove to you and yours Sis……………………..gene


    Bodies are just tents.
    You give too much importance to dust.
    Salvation of the soul is the plan of God shown in 1 Peter.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 09 2010,02:53)
    Laurel……….Sis you have made the Torah and Hebrew words a GOD, they give you a sense of SELF righteousness it is becoming if not already has,  a stumbling block to you Sis.  Remember it says “for you are saved by (GRACE) and that (NOT) of yourselves it is a GIFT of GOD, Not of (WORKS of LAW) Least any should BOAST”.  It also say that whosoever is UNDER the LAW is UNDER A CURSE and again the LAW (TORAH) is for the (UNGODLY) AND THE SINNER, THE MURDERS AND ETC. I and Paul are not saying the Law is Not HOLY, that is not the Point, the point is How we are (MADE) Right in the eyes of GOD is it by the TORAH or by the SPIRIT of GOD HIMSELF.  BY GRACE or BY WORKS of LAW. Think about it Laurel.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………….gene

    Gene I do agree with you on this.  The letter of the Law is not making anyone righteous.  Jesus by His death and resurrection has set us free.  He died once for us.  We are now under grace and not the Law, the letter of the Law is not what makes us righteous, it is God by His grace through Christ Jesus our Savior and King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
    Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved, through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift from God.
    verse 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
    verse 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them…..
    Walk in the Spirit and you will not sin…..Even though I have to say that we are still flesh and flesh will sin, but sin is not imputed to us..
    Peace and Love Irene.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 09 2010,03:36)
    Laurel………I did no mean any of  what i posted to to be a put down, to you  and your are right the Law or Torah is HOLY and JUST and GOOD. And With, as you say the “Set Apart Spirit”, we should be walking in accordance to it. The righteousness of the Torah is not my point or Paul's , the point is (HOW) do we attain that righteousness, is it through the KNOWLEDGE of LAW and the Way LAW Works or is it through the (GRACE) of GOD which WORKS APART FROM the WORKS of LAW meaning how Law (WORKS) (through forced compliance) Ex 20:20  Shows FEAR is the Medium through which LAW WORKS, And remember the Pharisee Had an Appearance of Righteousness they gained through their effort to Keep the LAW, They were called by Jesus white washed Sepulchers , that indeed had an appearance of righteousness , but inward were full of dead mens bones. The Law never could make anyone righteous, because that takes GOD to do In our Hearts and minds even if we have (NEVER HEARD) of the Torah., “For the gentile who have not the Law (Torah) but do the things contained there in , (SHOW) the Laws of GOD written on there HEARTS by the HAND OF GOD.  That is all my point is we need to be careful  we are not getting caught up in LAW to a Point it has replaced our (Focuses) on the (GRACE) of GOD. IMO

    Peace an dlove to you and yours Sis……………………..gene

    One thing that you seem to be ignorant of Gene is that the Pharisees added to the Torah, making it of none effect by “their own” traditions!

    YHWH's Torah can't be put on the same shelf with the rules, regulations, and traditions of men. All of these lead us away from our ABBA.

    Beside's adding to the Torah like the Pharisees or taking away from the Torah like SUN-day christians, they are both wrong. They both take YAH's perfect Torah and “twist and mangle it to fit into their own g_d science called theology. Now what a waste of time is that, going to man's school to figure out the ways of The Almighty.

    Reminds me of a story in the Brit Chodesh where the Pharisees wanted the child Yahushua to come to their school, possibly to change His teaching to fit their own, else to rob Him of His teaching and claim it as their own, to give the credit of His wisdom to themselves.

    Only the Set-apart SPirit can give a man understanding and wisdom, not any amount of schooling in man's class room!


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 09 2010,06:30)
    Bodies are just tents.
    You give too much importance to dust.
    Salvation of the soul is the plan of God shown in 1 Peter.

    Well i suppose if the Set-apart Spirit does not dwell in you, then it dosen't really matter about this tent. It may as well be burried and filled with worms!

    But there are some in whom is the Set-apart Spirit of YHWH ELohim, and those people care very much about their tents.


    YHWH even wants us to keep the ground clean where we dwell, as He says He walks among us, so keep the place where He treads clean too! Remember He even told Mosheh to take off his shoes, as he was standing on set-apart ground.

    Nick you just keep inventing stuff as you go. That seems a bit unstable to me.


    Quote (Laurel @ May 09 2010,08:22)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 09 2010,06:30)
    Bodies are just tents.
    You give too much importance to dust.
    Salvation of the soul is the plan of God shown in 1 Peter.

    Well i suppose if the Set-apart Spirit does not dwell in you, then it dosen't really matter about this tent. It may as well be burried and filled with worms!

    But there are some in whom is the Set-apart Spirit of YHWH ELohim, and those people care very much about their tents.

    Hi L,
    Paul wanted to be set free from his tent [2cor5]so he could be clothed from above in his new body.
    Are you one with him in Christ?


    Nick………Thought you believed we don't need a body to have a Soul, Now you say we need a new Body or tent. Yes our New bodies will be much better then our old bodies , but none the less they will have to be a body in-order for us to be a living (SOUL) again. Jesus Seemed to need a Body when He was Raised from the dead, and He said his body Had Flesh and Bone also. The valley of dead Bones in Ezekiel also back this up. Remember when Paul said “THIS MORTAL MUST PUT ON IMMORTALITY”, THAT MORTAL WAS HIS BODY HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ANT IT HAD TO BE CHANGES TO BECOME IMMORTAL, he did not say must be had to be discarded but it had to be changed.Well at any rate a Body is a Body no matter what kind it may be and is necessary for a Soul to EXIST, As Scripture shows. Adam and EVE could have lived for ever with their Bodies they had also, had they been permitted to eat of the Tree of Life, GOD according to what GOD Said. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………….gene


    Laurel………What do you say about the Gentiles who have not the Law , then How could they Keep any of it if they did not know any of it. This is a Point you need to try to deal with Here. Can't you see that true Righteousness is a CREATION Performed BY GOD IN our Hearts and minds, and We Have No Need of ANY LAW , but are moved with Love for one another in our Hearts . “For LOVE fulfills (ALL) the LAW”. You see Love is the (INTENT) of GOD'S commandments and if we love one another that is all that counts rather we ever heard of any of the laws of GOD or not, it makes no difference in the final outcome. “FOR WE ARE SORROWED UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND AGAIN GODLY SORROW WORKS REPENTANCE (not) to be repented of”> IMO

    peace and love to yopu and yours Sis……………………….gene


    Those who think any form of baptism is sufficient should read Acts 19


    Nick……..The Holy Spirit came through the Laying on of Hands of the Apostles not water baptism . They had just the Baptism of repentance by John and that was not the true Baptism . Water does not produce what the Spirit does. IMO


    The Spirit was given to those who were washed in his name[Acts 19]


    Nick! Why do you want to erase what Jesus said in
    Math. 28. Is Peter more important then Jesus is? Not in my Book. To get the Holy Spirit a Minister has to lay Hands on you. The Apostles had been previously Baptized, but did not receive God's Holy Spirit at that time. Only after Pentecost did the Apostles receive the holy Spirit….

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