Is baptism needed for salvation?

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  • #189587

    Quote (princess of the king @ May 02 2010,04:21)

    Once again, budding in and having no understanding of what the conversation is about, and manipulating what i placed on the board to your own demise.

    Sounds a bit pharisee does it not.

    Pharisees, love the long speechs pretty coats and telling everyone else except themselves they have better straighten up or else.

    Luk 11:39  But the Lord said to him, Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but your inside is full of robbery and evil.

    No actually. The Pharisees who condemned Yahushua hated Him because He taught pure Torah, which was against the takanot and ma'asim of the Pharisees, much like the SUN day and the rest of your pagan holy days, and teaching that they are set apart.

    If x-mas and ea_ter and the SUN-day are set apart it is not by YHWH Elohim, but by the father of lies, and all his wolves in wool suits.


    Quote (Elizabeth @ May 02 2010,06:13)

    Quote (Laurel @ May 02 2010,03:53)
    Irene, Yahushua said it was the Gentiles who would kill Him. Now if you believed Yahushua HaMoshiach like i do, and make Him your Master like i am, then you would not be bearing false witness against Him, and me as you are.

    Mat 20:17 And יהושע, going up to Yerushalayim, took the twelve taught ones aside on the way and said to them,
    Mat 20:18 “See, we are going up to Yerushalayim, and the Son of Aḏam shall be delivered up to the chief priests and to the scribes. And they shall condemn Him to death,
    Mat 20:19 and deliver Him to the gentiles to mock and to flog and to impale. And the third day He shall be raised.”

    You just keep digging yourself a deeper pit, by your own lack of belief.

    So you see the Jewish false leaders of His day bore false witness against Him as you are right now, then the GENTILES mocked, flogged, then killed Him.

    First of all it was the Jewish people that insited that the Roman's kill our  Savior….. And I have no idea why I am even saying something to you who is only making negative comments and judging me……My Master first of al is our Heavenly Father.  To Him I pray not to a trinity.  Also Jesus is my Savior and I give honor and glory to Him…..I also believe in the new Covenant in Luke 22:20 and the great Commandment that Jesus gave us, in Math. 22:37-40 now if you disagree with that, that is your problem, and not mine……Amen and good bye no need to answer….I will not further ingage wuth yoiu……

    You can't even show me the covenant you claim to believe in, so why should everything else you have mean anything.

    Matt. 22:37 is a quote from the TORAH and the most quoted of all time verses for THE JEWS TODAY.

    It is not new, but re-newed just like the covenant that you also do not know.


    Quote (Laurel @ May 02 2010,09:17)

    Quote (princess of the king @ May 02 2010,04:21)

    Once again, budding in and having no understanding of what the conversation is about, and manipulating what i placed on the board to your own demise.

    Sounds a bit pharisee does it not.

    Pharisees, love the long speechs pretty coats and telling everyone else except themselves they have better straighten up or else.

    Luk 11:39  But the Lord said to him, Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but your inside is full of robbery and evil.

    No actually. The Pharisees who condemned Yahushua hated Him because He taught pure Torah, which was against the takanot and ma'asim of the Pharisees, much like the SUN day and the rest of your pagan holy days, and teaching that they are set apart.

    If x-mas and ea_ter and the SUN-day are set apart it is not by YHWH Elohim, but by the father of lies, and all his wolves in wool suits.


    You speak of what you do not know.


    Hi L,
    The temple curtain is torn from top to bottom.
    Why would you think it offered gentiles or jews any hope of salvation?


    Laurel……..I would like to say something to you , But i really find it hard to do, I will try, please take this in Love and Not as a put down because i still consider you a sister . I have read many of your commits about the Law and the Holy Days, and Sabbaths, and so on. I personally have kept them all probably every bit as much as you Have, right down to tithing, the three tithe and fasting twice a week without food or water. You seem to use them as a sign of Righteousness for yourself over everyone else. You fail to see the Laws are holy and Good , but could never make anyone righteous those days and Sabbaths and sun down worships were only a (Shadows) they were never the real thing they could never makes our hearts right. They only serve to make you think you are righteous, they are a wash job a white wash Job, they never made anyone right in their heart. Our salvation does not come by knowledge of GOD'S Laws but by a (CREATION) OF GOD in our hearts and minds, through the Faith of Jesus Christ, even if we had never heard of those Laws as the Gentiles did, it would make no difference , because we are (CREATED UNTO GOOD WORK) Something the WORKS of LAW could NEVER DO.

    Laurel don't let the Law and ritualism become a stumbling-block to you , for we are save by GRACE and Not by the works of the LAW. Remember it says the Law was made for the UNGODLY and SINNER. Think about it Sis.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………….gene


    Baptism in the new covenant is in the name of Yahshua, Jesus.
    False baptisms abound.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 03 2010,09:32)
    Baptism in the new covenant is in the name of Yahshua, Jesus.
    False baptisms abound.

    Nick! Jesus taught us in
    Math. 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. That is how we were Baptized in 1985. We have learned so much since that day. Then we kept the Sabbath and all the Holy Days, listed in Lev. 23 I have not found that we should be Baptized only in the name of Jesus Christ. It is what Jesus commanded us to do.


    Hi Irene,
    Did the apostles baptise in the name of Jesus?
    What has changed?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 04 2010,11:39)
    Hi Irene,
    Did the apostles baptise in the name of Jesus?
    What has changed?

    Nick If you know better then give me a Scripture. I don't go by someones words. I go by what is written in Scriptures….
    I don't go what anyone is saying. If Jesus says how we should get Baptized that is what I go by, and what He said in
    Math, 28……that is the way we were Baptized according to Scripture, not just sprinkled like the Catholic Church does. I wish I could re baptize all of our Children, only one Son so far as done so……


    Hi Irene,
    Read ACTS


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 03 2010,09:22)
    Laurel……..I would like to say something to you , But i really find it hard to do, I will try, please take this in Love and Not as a put down because i still consider you a sister . I have read many of your commits about the Law and the Holy Days, and Sabbaths,  and so on. I personally have kept them all probably every bit as much as you Have, right down to tithing, the three tithe and fasting twice a week without food or water. You seem to use them as a sign  of Righteousness for yourself over everyone else.  You fail to see the Laws are holy and Good , but could never make anyone righteous those days and Sabbaths and sun down worships were only a (Shadows) they were never the real thing they could never makes our hearts right.  They only serve to make you think you are righteous, they are a wash job a white wash Job, they never made anyone right in their heart.  Our salvation does not come by knowledge of GOD'S Laws but by a (CREATION) OF GOD in our hearts and minds, through the Faith of Jesus Christ,  even if we had never heard of those Laws as the Gentiles did, it would make no difference , because we are (CREATED UNTO GOOD WORK) Something the WORKS of LAW could NEVER DO.

    Laurel don't let the Law and ritualism become a stumbling-block to you , for we are save by GRACE and Not by the works of the LAW. Remember it says the Law was made for the UNGODLY and SINNER. Think about it Sis.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………….gene

    I appreciate you kindness. I do not know what you are talking about with all this fastinf and things that you fell into when you were learning to walk in the Word.

    Since i am doing it, i can see that there are many people who leave the disenchanted church for various reasons such as infidelity of church leaders, gays and lesbians in the church (meaning their actions are accepted), priests raping boys, lack of fulfillment etc.

    There are still throngs of people leaving churches and church jumping probably more so today than when i left 5-1/2 years ago. I know that these folks mean well when they get into the “Messianic movement.” But people in my assembly call them “messyantics” because they do not read the Torah or study it faithfully as Yahushua the Messiah did. They remove the leaven of the Christian churches such as x-mass trees, bunnies and eggs, and then feel a sudden vaccume effect, whereby they try to refill those empty places with “Jewish junk.” The Jews have just as many false tokens, symbols, and traditions and maybe even more than Christians do.

    Once a person comes to realize that their Messianic Jewish church is just as misguided as there former church, they leave the Torah too.

    This is a very sad predicament indeed and i have read about what happens to these sorts of people.
    Mat 12:43 “Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.
    Mat 12:44 “Then it says, ‘I shall return to my house from which I came.ʼ And when it comes, it finds it empty, swept, and decorated.
    Mat 12:45 “Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they enter and dwell there. And the last of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.”

    This path that i am on is not for the casual Christian or the average pew warmer, or for those who are content in their “religion.” This path i am on is narrow, but it does lead to life.

    It bothers me greatly to see my fellow human sisters and brothers preaching a “false gospel” as i see here on this site. It bothers me that so many of you all here think you know it all, when your works prove you know nothing.

    Learning to walk with the Messiah is a “very humbling” experince. I have had to look at myself second by second ever day, continually to make sure that i am walking in the Messiah's steps and not the evil thoughts of my own heart.

    Every time i learn another command it shows myself how horrible i am, and how i must change to become that acceptable vessle in the Potter's Hands. If you think i seem self righteous, it is because you do not understand righteousness, and that my works “must” reflect the Messiah else i am a false witness, and a liar.

    Yahushua said that we should take up our cross and follow Him. SO why should you be on a cross, being punished? It should be that your righteousness is not acceptable in this world and they are persecuting you for being Messiah-like correct?

    It takes a lot of guts to follow Yahushua because the very first thing a person has to do is “admit they are wrong.” Once a person can admit their own unrighteousness, they can rid themselves of that leaven and learn to eat only the “unleavened.”

    Your friend Laurel


    Hi All,

    Only passing through, so please excuse my intrusion.

    Jesus is always speaking from a spiritual point of view. When he says “Baptise” is he not speaking of “Baptism IN THE HOLY SPIRIT”, not physical water (Although the Holy Spirit is represented as “A Stream of Pure Living Water”)

    Being Baptised should not be a mechanical process, a ritual, but one where the baptised person confesses Jesus as his Saviour and a desire to follow in the way of Christ.

    If, and only if, and until, one can commit to such a proclamtion then one should not submit themselves for baptism.

    Therefore Babes should not be Baptised because it is not a personal confession. Baptism in 'the Holy Spirit' is a privilege not a Right and should be by Personal Confession.

    Does anyone send their Babe to the Bank to collect their wages? Only the Wage Owner can collect their wage by confessing their interest in the work that they will do/did and proclaiming their personal details to the Bank Teller (Christ).

    Ok, I'm outa here…


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 04 2010,20:42)
    Hi Irene,
    Read ACTS

    Nick O.K. in Acts 2:38 Peter says this:”Repent and be Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of Sins; and you shall receive the Holy Spirit.
    I ask you though, which Scripture should we go by? The one when Jesus is saying it to us, or Peter??????If it comes right down to it. The Holy Spirit is the Fathers Spirit, so in essence it is the same then in Math.
    Tell you the truth I rather go with what Jesus taught us…..
    Not only that, the day after my Baptism was awesome. I was s sitting on the Sewing Machine and things did not go right, and I was using curse words over an over again. I had not even been aware of that. The Holy Spirit which I received the day before told me over and over again. And ever since then the Holy Spirit of God has convicted me. The bad habits that I was not aware of are gone…..Oh, every once in awhile I will slip however the Holy Spirit is right in me to show me again and again. I am happy to say over the years I have grown so much. Thanks be to God and to our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe the Formula for Baptism that Jesus taught us, is according to Scripture. I stand on that…..


    Quote (JustAskin @ May 05 2010,01:29)
    Hi All,

    Only passing through, so please excuse my intrusion.

    Jesus is always speaking from a spiritual point of view. When he says “Baptise” is he not speaking of “Baptism IN THE HOLY SPIRIT”, not physical water (Although the Holy Spirit is represented as “A Stream of Pure Living Water”)

    Being Baptised should not be a mechanical process, a ritual, but one where the baptised person confesses Jesus as his Saviour and a desire to follow in the way of Christ.

    If, and only if, and until, one can commit to such a proclamtion then one should not submit themselves for baptism.

    Therefore Babes should not be Baptised because it is not a personal confession. Baptism in 'the Holy Spirit' is a privilege not a Right and should be by Personal Confession.

    Does anyone send their Babe to the Bank to collect their wages? Only the Wage Owner can collect their wage by confessing their interest in the work that they will do/did and proclaiming their personal details to the Bank Teller (Christ).

    Ok, I'm outa here…

    Hi JA,
    Most refuse the example of the apostles in ACTS.
    Accepting water baptism is humbling.

    Some at the wedding feast are not clothed in Christ and are cast out.

    Why do you call me Lord Lord and not do as I say?
    You must be born again…of water AND the Spirit.


    Nick……….What is humbling about water Baptism, it did not Humble Me, Nor do i believe it humbles anyone else either, unless a persons EGO is so big it can't accept it. You should have been humbled Before you were Baptized as they were when the Spirit of GOD was Poured out on them. The Spirit of GOD convicted them in their hearts of there sin of Killing Jesus and that is what Humbled them, it was the work of the Spirit of GOD, and this is the way GOD added to the Church new members. As it say GOD added to the Church around three thousand that day. You continually want to makes salvation a work of MAN. That is (NOT) humbling Nick.

    peace and loe to you and yours………………………..gene


    Water baptism in the name of Jesus is of the ways of God.[Acts]
    Why can men not obey God's righteous demands?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 05 2010,06:46)

    Quote (JustAskin @ May 05 2010,01:29)
    Hi All,

    Only passing through, so please excuse my intrusion.

    Jesus is always speaking from a spiritual point of view. When he says “Baptise” is he not speaking of “Baptism IN THE HOLY SPIRIT”, not physical water (Although the Holy Spirit is represented as “A Stream of Pure Living Water”)

    Being Baptised should not be a mechanical process, a ritual, but one where the baptised person confesses Jesus as his Saviour and a desire to follow in the way of Christ.

    If, and only if, and until, one can commit to such a proclamtion then one should not submit themselves for baptism.

    Therefore Babes should not be Baptised because it is not a personal confession. Baptism in 'the Holy Spirit' is a privilege not a Right and should be by Personal Confession.

    Does anyone send their Babe to the Bank to collect their wages? Only the Wage Owner can collect their wage by confessing their interest in the work that they will do/did and proclaiming their personal details to the Bank Teller (Christ).

    Ok, I'm outa here…

    Hi JA,
    Most refuse the example of the apostles in ACTS.
    Accepting water baptism is humbling.

    Some at the wedding feast are not clothed in Christ and are cast out.

    Why do you call me Lord Lord and not do as I say?
    You must be born again…of water AND the Spirit.

    When one gets Baptized they get submerged under Water completely. In the Name of the Father an of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. That is what Jesus taught us to do in
    Math, 28:18 Then Jesus came and spoke to them(Disciples) saying:” All Authority has been given to Me in Heaven and in Earth.
    verse 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
    verse 20 teaching them observe all things that I have commanded you lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen
    That is what Jesus taught us to do. So some of you want to teach us that you should only be Baptized in Jesus and the water and the Spirit?
    Acts 2:38 says this;” Then Peter said to them:” Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. What Spirit are we talking about? Is it not God's Holy Spirit? It is. The Water Baptism is showing us that we have been washed clean of all sins. The Minister then lays Hands on us and we receive the Holy Spirit. IMO some Ministers do not lay Hands on the one being Baptized. However I believe it is necessary to do so. Now we are born from above and will understands the things of God. One thing I have learned that it takes time to grow into the grace of Christ and become like Christ….We all grow in different stages….
    I also do not believe when Jesus gave us the way we should be Baptized, that then Peter goes and says something different. Amen, and Amen…..Jesus Words…Math. 28:20
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi Irene,
    Can you explain the discrepancies between your scriptures?
    In which name did the apostles baptise?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 05 2010,09:05)
    Hi Irene,
    Can you explain the discrepancies between your scriptures?
    In which name did the apostles baptise?

    Nick! In which name did Jesus tell us to be Baptized? Math. 28:16-20. I really don't think that there is a discrepancy at all, since Peter said that we receive God's Holy Spirit which is the Fathers Holy Spirit. But saying now that it is wrong what Jesus is saying, is nonsense….like I said before I rather believe Jesus then ANYONE….and it is not my Scripture, it is what Jesus said…Are you going to call Jesus then a liar….You know if I would believe that you are right, I would say so, because one time I was wrong, but this time you are wrong….why would you want to leave our Heavenly Father out of the picture…..that I don't get at all….


    Nick…….Some were Baptized with water and did not recieve the spirit until the disciples laid their hands on them and prayed over them. I also believe as Irene that it is scriptural. There is a Circumcision of the Flesh and there is circumcision of the Heart. One is only a Show and has nothing to do with the heart, It is the same with water Baptism it is a show of cleansing but cleanses nothing, the Baptism of the Spirit and Fire is what cleanse us it is given to us from the Father through Jesus Christ our lord. I am not saying water baptism is wrong but it does not change the heart or mind of a person . IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene

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