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- January 8, 2008 at 12:02 am#77065
ParticipantQuote (Stu @ Jan. 08 2008,09:18) Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2008,04:56) Stu……> i told you before, true faith is personal, you can't find it from others, “Have you faith have it unto yourself”, The answer to you lack of faith in GOD is simple, go Head to Head with HIM, He plainly said I am found by them that seek me. See if thats true or not give it a try, if you have the courage to try it. Why doin't you ask GOD to reveal Himself to you and see what happens. Your constant insults to people who believe in Him, proves nothing. It's proof you need and accusing others of not having their's only showes you lack of ability to get your own proof. It plainly say's ask, seek, knock, and it will be given to you, but if you doin't becaused of your preconcieved ideas, why attack others who have their proofs. IMO……….gene
And as I explained to you before there is no proof of the existence of any gods. If there was, then there would be no such thing as faith, would there? You are one of those making the extrordinary claim that there is a fantasy world in which you can find an all-powerful deity, yet there is no evidence (and I don't mean proof, I just mean evidence) that there is any such thing at all. I think your recipe for finding a deity is possibly similar to the one for hypnosis. Can you explain it better than that?Stuart
Stu…..> and as i explained to you before your definition of the word (faith) is not consistent with the Bible definition. You view faith as believing in somthing you can't prove, and in that case i would agree with you Hypotises, but the bibical definition found in the book of Hebrews, show's Faith as the (EVIDENCE) of things not seen, and if we use the bible definition as our source for it's meanning then we see it requires Proof i.e. (evidence).
Again i say you don't have any proof do you and so your quite right in being a atheise, why should you believe what you can't or haven't proven, your right where you should be a unbeliever. But my point is why should you accuse and atack those who have their Poof (evidence) it's as if you are calling Us liers because of your lack of your own proof's. If you don't try to get your own proof why critisize those who do. Why judge others for what you lack. And if anyone is hypnotised it's you, by the so called god of this world, satan. Anyone who believes in the false teaching of Evolution has to be.IMHO……..gene
January 8, 2008 at 2:40 am#77099Stu
ParticipantQuote Stu…..> and as i explained to you before your definition of the word (faith) is not consistent with the Bible definition. You view faith as believing in somthing you can't prove, and in that case i would agree with you Hypotises, but the bibical definition found in the book of Hebrews, show's Faith as the (EVIDENCE) of things not seen, and if we use the bible definition as our source for it's meanning then we see it requires Proof i.e. (evidence).
Again i say you don't have any proof do you and so your quite right in being a atheise, why should you believe what you can't or haven't proven, your right where you should be a unbeliever. But my point is why should you accuse and atack those who have their Poof (evidence) it's as if you are calling Us liers because of your lack of your own proof's. If you don't try to get your own proof why critisize those who do. Why judge others for what you lack. And if anyone is hypnotised it's you, by the so called god of this world, satan. Anyone who believes in the false teaching of Evolution has to be.Well actually what do you know about evolution? Could you describe the theory accurately to me? You say it is a false teaching without giving any reasons. Your bluff is a joke. You are one of the gullible who have swallowed the lies of the creationists. You don’t care about reality because the only important thing to you is the fantasy world and collecting points on your Heaven Clubcard. As it happens I care about what happens to my fellow humans and I really question whether you do, the way you bend language to make your absurd view look palatable, and the way you play fast and loose with the ideas of empirical investigation that has given you new antibiotics that can treat the new infections that occur because bacteria have evolved. Why should I not disbelieve your fantasy, and why should you believe it? There is absolutely no sensible reason to. It is all hot air or smoke and mirrors to a majority of people on the planet. Just because your god cannot be disproved is not a good reason to believe there is any such thing. If you accept the fundamentalist fantasy, on exactly the same grounds you must also accept the claims that Zeus is running the show and that you are in serious trouble for blasphemy. By the way I don’t call you a liar unless you are.
January 8, 2008 at 3:52 am#77124GeneBalthrop
ParticipantStu……> My how you get worked up when someone questions your soundness of reason. But never the less what i said is true, your so called faith in evolution garabage is where you will more likely be the rest of you unsure life. You had rather believe in unproven and highly debatable theories that your problem not ours. O by the way have you ever figured out which came first (THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG), when you do come and share it with us. Untill then I wouldn't be so sure of your faith in the atheist idology.
January 8, 2008 at 3:54 am#77125Son of Light
ParticipantQuote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2008,14:52) Stu……> My how you get worked up when someone questions your soundness of reason. But never the less what i said is true, your so called faith in evolution garabage is where you will more likely be the rest of you unsure life. You had rather believe in unproven and highly debatable theories that your problem not ours. O by the way have you ever figured out which came first (THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG), when you do come and share it with us. Untill then I wouldn't be so sure of your faith in the atheist idology. IMO….gene
The egg came first actually.January 8, 2008 at 4:08 am#77128Stu
ParticipantGee Gene,
Quote Stu……> My how you get worked up when someone questions your soundness of reason.
But you have not questioned my soundness of reason! I wonder if you have that capacity.Quote But never the less what i said is true, your so called faith in evolution garabage is where you will more likely be the rest of you unsure life. You had rather believe in unproven and highly debatable theories that your problem not ours.
I’m sorry but you are fundamentally ignorant of biology and have swallowed the lies of some preacher man somewhere. If I use the language as you distort it, evolution is a proven fact and those who argue against it lost that argument a very long time ago. It is curious that you even bother with it at all, after all this world is just an illusion isn’t it? A trial for the glorious fantasy to come? My advice to you would be to go and cure your ignorance about reality, but there would be no point because you seem to have little capacity to learn. I am happy to be proven wrong here, but so far it is not looking promising.Quote O by the way have you ever figured out which came first (THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG), when you do come and share it with us. Untill then I wouldn't be so sure of your faith in the atheist idology.
Yet again, you have already read my answer on that but seem to have failed to retain it. More smoke, mirrors and stretching words to breaking point. You could be Lucasian Professor of Etymological Distortion at Oxford University on the basis of your performance here.Stuart
January 8, 2008 at 5:41 am#77157GeneBalthrop
ParticipantStu……> are you so igornant that you think i only question your evolutionary thories . Whole scientific sectors have questioned and afirm creation by intellegent design more and more all the time. And I never read anythink of your so called posted explaination of the (Chicken and the Egg) delimmia . Your lack of sound reason is obivious to me and others also, while true science is good and does not counterdict creation by intellegent design. What amazing to me is how you can know the DNA of a human and not believe in a creator, and all the time trout, it all accidentely happened. You act like you know but in fact don't, your ideologies are illusions and unprovable, your so ignorant to think everything came out of a green slime pool somewhere, and you call me and others unintelligent, it's your faith in evloution thats and illusion not ours. WE have our proofs which is somthing you don't seem to be able to attain to, in fact you can't even attain to your own evaluationary suppositions and if your so called proofs were so strong why doesn't the rest of the world believe your evaluationist theology, why as new Knowledge is being found more and more are turning to intellegent design and less and less going toward evaluation.
I am glad more and more true scientist are beginning to see evalution for what it is, just a bunch of unprovable suppositions espoused by so called intellegent people like you conceder yourself to be. Your in no position to talk about anyones FAITH whith regards to their creator seeing you have no grounds for your false belief in evalution. I could go into all kinds of biological questions that you or your colleagues can't answer but only postulate on. Here's just one for you, where is all the missing links between the slim pit and present Man there should be Hundreds of millions of them, seeing evolution is such slow change where is all the fossil's showing the changes there should be billions of them showing step by step back to the slim pool.
Your faith is in unfactual evidences spoken by some self professing evaluationist puffed up on his so called education. WE HAVE OUR PROOF YOU ON THE OTHER HAND HAVE NOTHING.IMO……..gene
January 8, 2008 at 7:11 am#77173thehappyman
ParticipantHi Praying-4-you,
Yes , teach on keeping on with Jesus Christ and everything will work out. Stu has a problem called “unbelief” and like many have warned you already, “Be true to your faith” Love Jehovah and his son Jesus and keep His commandments. I introduced you to this site because of the many pray worriors that is throughout this site really do pray and seek and look for the promise being fullfilled. They have sincereity in their writeings. Good points of veiws and some not so good. You just have to tune out the bad and keep the good. It's like watching TV , watch the western and mute the commerials, lol ……..Happyman…………….7 pages already !
January 8, 2008 at 7:27 am#77175Admin
KeymasterHey Stu.
This isn't an Evolution discussion.
When people search for Evolution, they won't find this one, so it is less effective to teach in an unrelated thread, not to mention the effect on the current discussion. That is why it is best to keep to the subject.
January 8, 2008 at 8:20 am#77177Stu
ParticipantWow Gene, and you thought I got worked up!
Quote Stu……> are you so igornant that you think i only question your evolutionary thories . Whole scientific sectors have questioned and afirm creation by intellegent design more and more all the time.
Well you did question it, so let’s not forget that. Name one ‘sector’ of science that ‘affirms intelligent Design”. Just one.Quote And I never read anythink of your so called posted explaination of the (Chicken and the Egg) delimmia .
There is no dilemma. The chicken is a descendant of a previous chicken generation which in turn were descendants of previous generations. Through almost imperceptible changes the chicken-egg-chicken-egg sequence arose from a similar sequence backwards in time until you get to things that were not what we would call chickens but dinosaurs, then much further back to not dinosaur-egg but cell-cell reproduction. That is a gross simplification, which ignores the arrival of sexual reproduction, but is approximately the explanation.Quote Your lack of sound reason is obivious to me and others also, while true science is good and does not counterdict creation by intellegent design.
Be praised! A science where our fantasy world can be true. What a miracle!
Legally in the US ID is religion, not science. Scientifically ID is irrelevant and a wrong hypothesis, well disproved.Quote What amazing to me is how you can know the DNA of a human and not believe in a creator, and all the time trout, it all accidentely happened.
Well it is my knowledge of DNA that tells me that if it was creator then the thing that created it is a messy and ill-disciplined creator, and that he has made it look exactly like what you would get from mutation and natural selection. Natural selection is not accidental, by the way, it is a very exacting process with not much room for waste. What does your knowledge of DNA tell you?Quote You act like you know but in fact don't, your ideologies are illusions and unprovable, your so ignorant to think everything came out of a green slime pool somewhere, and you call me and others unintelligent, it's your faith in evloution thats and illusion not ours.
You can carry on with your strawman version of what I believe as you wish, but you are misrepresenting what I think by way of intentional defamation.Quote WE have our proofs which is somthing you don't seem to be able to attain to, in fact you can't even attain to your own evaluationary suppositions and if your so called proofs were so strong why doesn't the rest of the world believe your evaluationist theology, why as new Knowledge is being found more and more are turning to intellegent design and less and less going toward evaluation.
I’m not sure if this surprises you, but it is only people with fundamentalist religious beliefs that reject evolution. I have already challenged you to come up with the ‘sector’ of science that you claim is embracing ID, but as there isn’t one and you’re full of bluster and ignorance on this subject I don’t expect to hear any more about it.Quote Here's just one for you, where is all the missing links between the slim pit and present Man there should be Hundreds of millions of them, seeing evolution is such slow change where is all the fossil's showing the changes there should be billions of them showing step by step back to the slim pool.
You don’t care. Why should I bother explaining that? If you really wanted to know you could find out on the Wikipedia pages that I posted for you benefit before, and on http://www.talkorigins.org. All you are interested in is preaching to the crowd like some two-faced pastor who has not a care for the truth.Quote Your faith is in unfactual evidences spoken by some self professing evaluationist puffed up on his so called education. WE HAVE OUR PROOF YOU ON THE OTHER HAND HAVE NOTHING.
If you have evidence that disproves Natural Selection as the explanation for evolution then let’s have it. Or you could get it published in Nature. As you are bluffing, I won’t hold my breath.Stuart
January 8, 2008 at 8:22 am#77179Stu
ParticipantQuote (heaven @ Jan. 08 2008,18:27) Hey Stu. This isn't an Evolution discussion.
When people search for Evolution, they won't find this one, so it is less effective to teach in an unrelated thread, not to mention the effect on the current discussion. That is why it is best to keep to the subject.
A fair point that it does not belong here, and you are right in more ways than one that it is not an evolution discussion!Stuart
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