If someone calls someone else a cultists…

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    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    A lot of people use the word cult for so-called unorthodox religion. However the definition of the word cult is…

    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a
    film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or
    intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

    Luke 6:42 READS How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.


    read the verse again.

    Ed J

    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Oct. 31 2010,14:09)
    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    A lot of people use the word cult for so-called unorthodox religion. However the definition of the word cult is…

    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a
    film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or
    intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group  of people characterized by such devotion

    Luke 6:42 READS How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.

    Hi teflonfanatic,

    Welcome to h-net. Are you a JW?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Oct. 31 2010,14:09)
    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    A lot of people use the word cult for so-called unorthodox religion. However the definition of the word cult is…

    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a
    film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or
    intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group  of people characterized by such devotion

    Luke 6:42 READS How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.



    Ask your JW bible study conductor to refute ONE even ONE point on this site. I will tell you before hand that he CAN NOT.

    The reason I know he can not is because I was raised a JW. I am the son of an “Elder” and “Pioneer” mother. I was “baptized” in 1993.

    Trust me your bible study conductor is giving you a VERY one sided and euthanized version of what JW's are. They are a VERY dangerous cult ( along with many other religions) who destroy families, cause unnecessary pain, and senseless death (blood transfusions, alternative service, organ transplants..look these things up if you do not know the history).

    And before David or the rest of the JW fanboys rush in here to your rescue..NO I am not “disfellowshipped” (excommunicated)

    I just walked away…

    Do you and your family a HUGE favor…walk away from that trap…because I PROMISE YOU..that is what it is

    Ed J

    Hi dirtyknections,

    Is this Post about you personally, or from a website?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Yes this post is about me personally…and no it is not about a website. I am in NO WAY affiliated with that website BUT, I can attest to truthfulness and veracity of the information presented on it.


    DK……….Good post i also agree with that, the JW are indeed a Cult anyway you wan tot hack it. I new a man who's son need a heart operation and because he was over 18 and was a JW and His mom was also a JW , they refused to take blood even at the pleading of His father , his mother and Him keep saying God would take care of it, Well the young man dies and The Father left the Mother calling her every name in the book and he literally hated the JW Cult for what they did to his family. Like all cults the spoon this felling of Brotherhood and this inter circle of Gods people exclusive of theirs and make them think they are the “TRUE ONES” right , even their teachings are against the scriptures . The world wide church of GOD was a cult to which i at one time many years ago belonged to. All cults a Controlling over what people are thinking and their lives also. You are definitely right on this DK.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene


    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Oct. 31 2010,08:09)
    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    A lot of people use the word cult for so-called unorthodox religion. However the definition of the word cult is…

    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a
    film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or
    intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group  of people characterized by such devotion

    Luke 6:42 READS How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.

    Now that i found some time to respond:
    Its very simple answer.

    You can go on the scruntinzed definition of a cult is, but we know that cult  is the universal word for those who follow or worship questionable methods, that are mixed with pagan rituals, and all sorts of doctrines, dogmas, requirements, and scrafices.

    A typical visual way of defining cults are such as satanic cults, or KKK, or secret society cults.  
    Usually these religions hide what they really believe until your deep in rank within the soceity or in others a full pledged “brother”.

    Once your in, you dont get out.

    The Truth in God is the other way around, Its harder to get in at all, and easy to be left out.
    The Gate is narrow, and the way is narrow.
    Mathew 7
    I do not worship a God that i can see, but God is spirit.
    The God i worship hates idols, and graven images,
    and hates scarfices. There is nothing a Man can do to please him, he is that Great and awesome that our best works are filthy rags.  The God almighty i worship has nothing to do with an organization of people, or religous sect, or doctrines.
    The God I worship, is one that Is the God of the individual and not to a group of people, one who makes a festival in heaven for one persons soul.

    This is a God that knows one by name, and not by a defined group.

    To God, im not a JW, Catholic, Evanglical, or etc, Im Simply Dennison.  And I love him because he Loved me first.

    abuot Luke 6:42,
    I believe your claiming that
    “If anyone (christians,muslims, and etc) cliams that another person (or other religious organization) are in/a cult than they themselves failed luke 6:42” ???
    That would depend on the interpretation of Cult, but since your hinting that cult is basically any worship than its just a disversive tactic (depending if the person critizing is a hypocrite themselves.)

    Luke 6:42 is very simple.
    Correction is taking place either way if you read it again.
    This is directed to a hypocrite a person who themselves are failing in specfic area. Notice Jesus mentoined just the eye, when in reality a person has many flaws.  
    Notice how this particular person is calling out someone elses problem in the eye, when he himself has a problem with his own eye.
    This makes him a hypocrite.
    BUT, if he removes it and than calls the other guy out, doesnt correction take place either way?
    Did Jesus excuse the other?
    The point is for BOTH to distract the lies they have in eachothers eyes!

    Now this is assuming the critic is a hypocrite, if he is not and follows Lord Jesus, than of course he is not and has every right to call another out in correction according to the Lords will.

    Your Answer,
    If one is a hypocrite: than remove your false ideals first and than remove your brothers, but either way the person is not guilty.
    If one is not hypocrite: than Luke 42 is untopical, and he must correct the other.

    no matter what is going on, CORRECTION must be taken place.

    Jesus never told the other not to say something, but if he is going to speak up, he must speak without having the same defect.

    not matter what, we must speak up.

    much love,


    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Nov. 01 2010,10:16)

    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Oct. 31 2010,08:09)
    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    A lot of people use the word cult for so-called unorthodox religion. However the definition of the word cult is…

    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a
    film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or
    intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group  of people characterized by such devotion

    Luke 6:42 READS How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.

    Now that i found some time to respond:
    Its very simple answer.

    You can go on the scruntinzed definition of a cult is, but we know that cult  is the universal word for those who follow or worship questionable methods, that are mixed with pagan rituals, and all sorts of doctrines, dogmas, requirements, and scrafices.

    A typical visual way of defining cults are such as satanic cults, or KKK, or secret society cults.  
    Usually these religions hide what they really believe until your deep in rank within the soceity or in others a full pledged “brother”.

    Once your in, you dont get out.

    The Truth in God is the other way around, Its harder to get in at all, and easy to be left out.
    The Gate is narrow, and the way is narrow.
    Mathew 7
    I do not worship a God that i can see, but God is spirit.
    The God i worship hates idols, and graven images,
    and hates scarfices. There is nothing a Man can do to please him, he is that Great and awesome that our best works are filthy rags.  The God almighty i worship has nothing to do with an organization of people, or religous sect, or doctrines.
    The God I worship, is one that Is the God of the individual and not to a group of people, one who makes a festival in heaven for one persons soul.

    This is a God that knows one by name, and not by a defined group.

    To God, im not a JW, Catholic, Evanglical, or etc, Im Simply Dennison.  And I love him because he Loved me first.

    abuot Luke 6:42,
    I believe your claiming that
    “If anyone (christians,muslims, and etc) cliams that another person (or other religious organization) are in/a cult than they themselves failed luke 6:42” ???
    That would depend on the interpretation of Cult, but since your hinting that cult is basically any worship than its just a disversive tactic (depending if the person critizing is a hypocrite themselves.)

    Luke 6:42 is very simple.
    Correction is taking place either way if you read it again.
    This is directed to a hypocrite a person who themselves are failing in specfic area. Notice Jesus mentoined just the eye, when in reality a person has many flaws.  
    Notice how this particular person is calling out someone elses problem in the eye, when he himself has a problem with his own eye.
    This makes him a hypocrite.
    BUT, if he removes it and than calls the other guy out, doesnt correction take place either way?
    Did Jesus excuse the other?
    The point is for BOTH to distract the lies they have in eachothers eyes!

    Now this is assuming the critic is a hypocrite, if he is not and follows Lord Jesus, than of course he is not and has every right to call another out in correction according to the Lords will.

    Your Answer,
    If one is a hypocrite: than remove your false ideals first and than remove your brothers, but either way the person is not guilty.
    If one is not hypocrite: than Luke 42 is untopical, and he must correct the other.

    no matter what is going on, CORRECTION must be taken place.

    Jesus never told the other not to say something, but if he is going to speak up, he must speak without having the same defect.

    not matter what, we must speak up.

    much love,

    You can go on the scruntinzed definition of a cult is, but we know that cult is the universal word for those who follow or worship questionable methods, that are mixed with pagan rituals, and all sorts of doctrines, dogmas, requirements, and scrafices.

    Are you saying your definition is more valid then the dictionaries? Clearly the word cult has a more broader range then that.

    Correction is taking place either way if you read it again.
    This is directed to a hypocrite a person who themselves are failing in specfic area.

    I noticed how Jesus only pointed out the eye but I never knew why he pointed out the eye, I like your take on it, but I feel it's a subtle way of saying if you have a flaw in this area don't criticize the person in this area.

    The point is for BOTH to distract the lies they have in eachothers eyes!

    True but if one is failing in one category they clearly can't help the person failing in the same category. And according to the DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF A CULT, 90%+ of the word population falls under that definition. Deny the truth if you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Nov. 01 2010,04:29)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Nov. 01 2010,10:16)

    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Oct. 31 2010,08:09)
    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    A lot of people use the word cult for so-called unorthodox religion. However the definition of the word cult is…

    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a
    film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or
    intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group  of people characterized by such devotion

    Luke 6:42 READS How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.

    Now that i found some time to respond:
    Its very simple answer.

    You can go on the scruntinzed definition of a cult is, but we know that cult  is the universal word for those who follow or worship questionable methods, that are mixed with pagan rituals, and all sorts of doctrines, dogmas, requirements, and scrafices.

    A typical visual way of defining cults are such as satanic cults, or KKK, or secret society cults.  
    Usually these religions hide what they really believe until your deep in rank within the soceity or in others a full pledged “brother”.

    Once your in, you dont get out.

    The Truth in God is the other way around, Its harder to get in at all, and easy to be left out.
    The Gate is narrow, and the way is narrow.
    Mathew 7
    I do not worship a God that i can see, but God is spirit.
    The God i worship hates idols, and graven images,
    and hates scarfices. There is nothing a Man can do to please him, he is that Great and awesome that our best works are filthy rags.  The God almighty i worship has nothing to do with an organization of people, or religous sect, or doctrines.
    The God I worship, is one that Is the God of the individual and not to a group of people, one who makes a festival in heaven for one persons soul.

    This is a God that knows one by name, and not by a defined group.

    To God, im not a JW, Catholic, Evanglical, or etc, Im Simply Dennison.  And I love him because he Loved me first.

    abuot Luke 6:42,
    I believe your claiming that
    “If anyone (christians,muslims, and etc) cliams that another person (or other religious organization) are in/a cult than they themselves failed luke 6:42” ???
    That would depend on the interpretation of Cult, but since your hinting that cult is basically any worship than its just a disversive tactic (depending if the person critizing is a hypocrite themselves.)

    Luke 6:42 is very simple.
    Correction is taking place either way if you read it again.
    This is directed to a hypocrite a person who themselves are failing in specfic area. Notice Jesus mentoined just the eye, when in reality a person has many flaws.  
    Notice how this particular person is calling out someone elses problem in the eye, when he himself has a problem with his own eye.
    This makes him a hypocrite.
    BUT, if he removes it and than calls the other guy out, doesnt correction take place either way?
    Did Jesus excuse the other?
    The point is for BOTH to distract the lies they have in eachothers eyes!

    Now this is assuming the critic is a hypocrite, if he is not and follows Lord Jesus, than of course he is not and has every right to call another out in correction according to the Lords will.

    Your Answer,
    If one is a hypocrite: than remove your false ideals first and than remove your brothers, but either way the person is not guilty.
    If one is not hypocrite: than Luke 42 is untopical, and he must correct the other.

    no matter what is going on, CORRECTION must be taken place.

    Jesus never told the other not to say something, but if he is going to speak up, he must speak without having the same defect.

    not matter what, we must speak up.

    much love,

    You can go on the scruntinzed definition of a cult is, but we know that cult  is the universal word for those who follow or worship questionable methods, that are mixed with pagan rituals, and all sorts of doctrines, dogmas, requirements, and scrafices.

    Are you saying your definition is more valid then the dictionaries? Clearly the word cult has a more broader range then that.

    Correction is taking place either way if you read it again.
    This is directed to a hypocrite a person who themselves are failing in specfic area.

    I noticed how Jesus only pointed out the eye but I never knew why he pointed out the eye, I like your take on it, but I feel it's a subtle way of saying if you have a flaw in this area don't criticize the person in this area.

    The point is for BOTH to distract the lies they have in eachothers eyes!

    True but if one is failing in one category they clearly can't help the person failing in the same category. And according to the DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF A CULT, 90%+ of the word population falls under that definition. Deny the truth if you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you saying your definition is more valid then the dictionaries? Clearly the word cult has a more broader range then that.

    Actualy yes my definition is more valid according the status quo of what it means today.
    The English language changes alot FYI,
    For example replenish in the KJV does not mean “fill again” it only means to “fill” according the the status quo of when the KJV was created.
    the Words change meaning alot.
    Cool does not mean only that its cold as it did about 40 years ago, but now also means to be popular in a specfic moment.

    Get my drift homeboy?

    True but if one is failing in one category they clearly can't help the person failing in the same category. And according to the DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF A CULT, 90%+ of the word population falls under that definition. Deny the truth if you want!!!!!!!!!!!!&#

    Actually thats not what Luke 42 says, what does Jesus COMMAND?
    get it bro?
    Look if you want to make your dictionary definition your truth go ahead, did God write the dictionary?

    God promised to keep his WORD not the english language.

    Im not denying any truth, You POSED a question, I ANSWERED IT,
    I KNOW YOU WERE IMPLYING SOMETHING in between the lines obviously, its called discernement.

    We have every right to call out the Truth, but first we must EXAMINE OURSELVES and than we can EXAMINE OUR BROTHER justly according to Gods will.

    What do you care more about what the dictionary says or what the bible says?
    The Dictionaries opinion or Gods command?

    Go ahead live in denail if you want.
    the dictionary is nothing special.


    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Oct. 31 2010,14:09)
    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    Hello and welcome T,

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians.  They follow the scriptures to the point that they can understand them.  There are a couple of scriptural issues that I personally don't interpret the same way that they do, but they follow scripture closer than any other organization that I am aware of.

    They are called a “cult” and ridiculed and insulted by mainstream “Organized Religion” for one main reason.  While “Organized Religion” tries it's best to teach the “Jesus is God” doctrine AGAINST scriptural truth, the JW's had the courage to stand up against that flawed belief.  The failure of the JW's to bow under the pressure of all other churches brought the wrath of those other churches.  They can't beat them using scripture, so they must try to beat them in a onslaught of verbal assault.

    That's the bottom line.  And while the PEOPLE of the JW organization are imperfect and flawed, the other churches like to go after any man-made quote that SEEMS contradictory in an effort to slam the whole group.

    But these same sleuths are eager to ignore the history pages that are filled with the lies, deceit, and murders committed by their own “church fathers”.

    It all comes down to this:  The JW's correctly teach against the main unscriptural doctrine that Christianity has – the one that says Jesus is God.  Therefore, by calling them a “cult”, they hope to dissuade others from looking into them.

    My answer to your question is “Yes”.  My advice to you is to keep studying the scriptures.  And if you want to study with the help of a JW, just beware.  I too studied with a JW two years ago.  It lasted three 45 minute sessions.  When the verse about “a new heaven and a new earth” came up, he was convinced that it didn't refer to an actual NEW heaven and earth.  I asked him why.  I asked if there was any scriptural reason to believe the way he did.  And then came the “that's just the way it is” talk.  I knew right there and then that I didn't want to “learn” scripture from someone who was biased by the understandings of other men.  So I called off the studies, and read the Bible by myself from start to finish.  I am now in the Book of 1 Cor on my third time through.

    I will admit, that my own understanding ended up matching theirs on almost every issue……….but not all.

    Anyway, that's my two cents



    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Nov. 01 2010,11:05)

    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Nov. 01 2010,04:29)

    Quote (SimplyForgiven @ Nov. 01 2010,10:16)

    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Oct. 31 2010,08:09)
    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    A lot of people use the word cult for so-called unorthodox religion. However the definition of the word cult is…

    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a
    film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or
    intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group  of people characterized by such devotion

    Luke 6:42 READS How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.

    Now that i found some time to respond:
    Its very simple answer.

    You can go on the scruntinzed definition of a cult is, but we know that cult  is the universal word for those who follow or worship questionable methods, that are mixed with pagan rituals, and all sorts of doctrines, dogmas, requirements, and scrafices.

    A typical visual way of defining cults are such as satanic cults, or KKK, or secret society cults.  
    Usually these religions hide what they really believe until your deep in rank within the soceity or in others a full pledged “brother”.

    Once your in, you dont get out.

    The Truth in God is the other way around, Its harder to get in at all, and easy to be left out.
    The Gate is narrow, and the way is narrow.
    Mathew 7
    I do not worship a God that i can see, but God is spirit.
    The God i worship hates idols, and graven images,
    and hates scarfices. There is nothing a Man can do to please him, he is that Great and awesome that our best works are filthy rags.  The God almighty i worship has nothing to do with an organization of people, or religous sect, or doctrines.
    The God I worship, is one that Is the God of the individual and not to a group of people, one who makes a festival in heaven for one persons soul.

    This is a God that knows one by name, and not by a defined group.

    To God, im not a JW, Catholic, Evanglical, or etc, Im Simply Dennison.  And I love him because he Loved me first.

    abuot Luke 6:42,
    I believe your claiming that
    “If anyone (christians,muslims, and etc) cliams that another person (or other religious organization) are in/a cult than they themselves failed luke 6:42” ???
    That would depend on the interpretation of Cult, but since your hinting that cult is basically any worship than its just a disversive tactic (depending if the person critizing is a hypocrite themselves.)

    Luke 6:42 is very simple.
    Correction is taking place either way if you read it again.
    This is directed to a hypocrite a person who themselves are failing in specfic area. Notice Jesus mentoined just the eye, when in reality a person has many flaws.  
    Notice how this particular person is calling out someone elses problem in the eye, when he himself has a problem with his own eye.
    This makes him a hypocrite.
    BUT, if he removes it and than calls the other guy out, doesnt correction take place either way?
    Did Jesus excuse the other?
    The point is for BOTH to distract the lies they have in eachothers eyes!

    Now this is assuming the critic is a hypocrite, if he is not and follows Lord Jesus, than of course he is not and has every right to call another out in correction according to the Lords will.

    Your Answer,
    If one is a hypocrite: than remove your false ideals first and than remove your brothers, but either way the person is not guilty.
    If one is not hypocrite: than Luke 42 is untopical, and he must correct the other.

    no matter what is going on, CORRECTION must be taken place.

    Jesus never told the other not to say something, but if he is going to speak up, he must speak without having the same defect.

    not matter what, we must speak up.

    much love,

    You can go on the scruntinzed definition of a cult is, but we know that cult  is the universal word for those who follow or worship questionable methods, that are mixed with pagan rituals, and all sorts of doctrines, dogmas, requirements, and scrafices.

    Are you saying your definition is more valid then the dictionaries? Clearly the word cult has a more broader range then that.

    Correction is taking place either way if you read it again.
    This is directed to a hypocrite a person who themselves are failing in specfic area.

    I noticed how Jesus only pointed out the eye but I never knew why he pointed out the eye, I like your take on it, but I feel it's a subtle way of saying if you have a flaw in this area don't criticize the person in this area.

    The point is for BOTH to distract the lies they have in eachothers eyes!

    True but if one is failing in one category they clearly can't help the person failing in the same category. And according to the DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF A CULT, 90%+ of the word population falls under that definition. Deny the truth if you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you saying your definition is more valid then the dictionaries? Clearly the word cult has a more broader range then that.

    Actualy yes my definition is more valid according the status quo of what it means today.
    The English language changes alot FYI,
    For example replenish in the KJV does not mean “fill again” it only means to “fill” according the the status quo of when the KJV was created.
    the Words change meaning alot.
    Cool does not mean only that its cold as it did about 40 years ago, but now also means to be popular in a specfic moment.

    Get my drift homeboy?

    True but if one is failing in one category they clearly can't help the person failing in the same cate
    gory. And according to the DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF A CULT, 90%+ of the word population falls under that definition. Deny the truth if you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually thats not what Luke 42 says, what does Jesus COMMAND?
    get it bro?
    Look if you want to make your dictionary definition your truth go ahead, did God write the dictionary?

    God promised to keep his WORD not the english language.

    Im not denying any truth, You POSED a question, I ANSWERED IT,
    I KNOW YOU WERE IMPLYING SOMETHING in between the lines obviously, its called discernement.

    We have every right to call out the Truth, but first we must EXAMINE OURSELVES and than we can EXAMINE OUR BROTHER justly according to Gods will.

    What do you care more about what the dictionary says or what the bible says?
    The Dictionaries opinion or Gods command?

    Go ahead live in denail if you want.
    the dictionary is nothing special.

    I agree with pretty much everything you said, i'm not trying to put the dictionary above god's word, i'm just saying if your going to use a word use it in it's ENTIRETY, don't pick and choose a definition for the word knowing it has a VERY BROAD MEANING. I should of made it clear that I was talking about the people(you know who you are) that use the word cult.
    I thought I had the context of that scripture right but know i'm not sure(your in another league :laugh: )

    @mike: Although i'm not baptized and there are some things I don't agree on or understand yet about their doctrine, one time I was in another state and the kingdom halls had the same yeartext and talks!!!!!! Try to find that in any organized religion that claims to be christian!!!!!!!! :D

    Ed J

    Quote (dirtyknections @ Nov. 01 2010,04:40)
    Yes this post is about me personally…and no it is not about a website. I am in NO WAY affiliated with that website BUT, I can attest to truthfulness and veracity of the information presented on it.

    Hi DK,

    Thanks for the clarification!
    Glad to see your back at h-net!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 01 2010,07:05)
    DK……….Good post i also agree with that, the JW are indeed a Cult anyway you wan tot hack it. I new a man who's son need a heart operation and because he was over 18 and was a JW and His mom was also a JW , they refused to take blood even at the pleading of His father , his mother and Him keep saying God would take care of it, Well the young man dies and The Father left the Mother calling her every name in the book and he literally hated the JW Cult for what they did to his family. Like all cults the spoon this felling of Brotherhood and this inter circle of Gods people exclusive of theirs and make them think they are the “TRUE ONES” right , even their teachings are against the scriptures . The world wide church of GOD was a cult to which i at one time many years ago belonged to. All cults a Controlling over what people are thinking and their lives also. You are definitely right on this DK.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene

    Hi Gene,

    Why would you wan tot hack it?

    Ed J


    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Nov. 01 2010,06:55)
    I agree with pretty much everything you said, i'm not trying to put the dictionary above god's word, i'm just saying if your going to use a word use it in it's ENTIRETY, don't pick and choose a definition for the word knowing it has a VERY BROAD MEANING. I should of made it clear that I was talking about the people(you know who you are) that use the word cult.
    I thought I had the context of that scripture right but know i'm not sure(your in another league  :laugh: )

    My point is that each word that a person uses depends on what they “believe” it means. everyone has their own personal definitions for all words.
    For example their is a “freewill” thread and its a stupid thread because everyone agrees, but because a few define freewill diferrently than others, is the only reason why there is any debate.

    Try making a survey about love, and you will get MANY MANY different results. or how abotu hope and faith? most people think its means the same thing, when it doesnt.
    or how about mercy and grace? when they too do not mean the same thing.

    The Dictionary is just a means understand eachother and communicate better by defining words, truth is its just another opinion, because the daily uses of words are contrary.

    So again like i said before, this all depends what one means when the say “cult”
    what does it mean to you? or the individual?

    I understood from the beginning, and i think one should not affiliate themselves within a group, because God is the God of the individual and your salvation is not depeneded on a group of People but in Jesus Christ, so by all means affilaite your self with God and God alone.

    no such thing as leagues.

    If you know God, than just ask and you SHALL receive.
    I am nothing.


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 01 2010,13:55)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 01 2010,07:05)
    DK……….Good post i also agree with that, the JW are indeed a Cult anyway you wan tot hack it. I new a man who's son need a heart operation and because he was over 18 and was a JW and His mom was also a JW , they refused to take blood even at the pleading of His father , his mother and Him keep saying God would take care of it, Well the young man dies and The Father left the Mother calling her every name in the book and he literally hated the JW Cult for what they did to his family. Like all cults the spoon this felling of Brotherhood and this inter circle of Gods people exclusive of theirs and make them think they are the “TRUE ONES” right , even their teachings are against the scriptures . The world wide church of GOD was a cult to which i at one time many years ago belonged to. All cults a Controlling over what people are thinking and their lives also. You are definitely right on this DK.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene

    Hi Gene,

    Why would you wan tot hack it?

    Ed J

    EDJ………..Sorry for the screw up if i have editing right i could have fixed it . But T8 for some reason refuses to grant me them again as i once had so you will just have ot figure out my miss typed word . I believe DK is Right ON and My experience with then backup what he is saying. They are indeed a Cult and operate exactly like a cult does. This i have seen once being in a cult myself WWCOG> The first thing a Cult does is drive a wedge between then and the world making them the Special “Chosen” member of the “TRUE” Kingdom of GOD< many call themselves kingdom childern. They don't realize this (special separation) from the rest of the world identity is there attraction. The world is going to hell but WE are the special "KINGDOM" Childern. Every CULT operates that way they exclusivity of themselves as "special" Ambassadors , this has a CARNAL appeal to all Members of Cults , from the smallest to the Largest it is their common thread they all poses. The leaders use it for control over their members this separation of course give them the high ground and hypes up their "congregations".

    They play on the CARNAL desires of their victims, but when you get look very closely at there teaching and controls and what that has produced in human lives even at the cost of human lives (like no blood transfusions do) and the damage it does to families , you get a complete different picture for them as DK Has done , and thank GOD for That. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………….gene


    Welcome, I don't believe that the JW are a cult. My Husband likes to talk about Scriptures and when they came to our Door, He let them in. That went on for about two years, of and on…. We agree with some of their doctrines, but not all. They finally gave up on Geiorg and stopped coming….Most also called the W.W.Church of God a cult. We belonged for 10 years there. We learned to read the Bible there. But when they went back to believing in a trinity we left….That is now 16 years ago. God has been very good to us and we have learned so much since then. We also believe in the New Covenant now, and that the Sabbath which we kept, is a sign between God and the children of Israel….JW do have a strong will and to debate with them Mike is right. Be very careful……..I also do not believe in judging any Church, even though I don't believe what they teach. But I find any kind of criticism is wrong. We all have faults and no one is perfect yet…
    Peace and Love Irene.


    Irene………….The sabbath will never be done away with EVER, it is the Picture of HOW SALVATION IS ACCOMPLISHED, IT IS BY US CEASING FROM (OUR) WORKS AS HUMAN BEINGS AND ENTERING TO REST WITH GOD. This is an eternal principle and is and will alway be the sign between GOD and His people. It is not just from sundown to sundown on Saturday, It is every day of our lives. The reason it is a sing is because it shown the salvation process of ceasing from (OUR) works and God working in and through Us. It is just as important as any of the ten commandments and must become fulfilled in all of our lives sooner or later. IMO

    peace and love to you and Georg………………………………..gene


    Quote (Guest @ Oct. 31 2010,14:09)
    Before i make my response I study with the Jehovah's witnesses but i'm not baptized as one, also i've been reading up on the history of the church and it's various doctrines and i've looked at the bible students.

    A lot of people use the word cult for so-called unorthodox religion. However the definition of the word cult is…

    1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
    2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
    3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of
    4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its
    5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a
    film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or
    intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group  of people characterized by such devotion

    Luke 6:42 READS How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, allow me to extract the straw that is in your eye,’ while you yourself are not looking at the rafter in that eye of yours? Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw that is in your brother’s eye.

    Believers throughout all ages have been maligned, ridiculed and persecuted.  Read the scriptures.  Therefore those doing the ridiculing, maligning and persecuting are the real cult?  

    Consider those words.

    The RC's have pagan symbols, the leaders wear funny clothes, have lewd sexual deviancies.  What about trinitarians?  they believe stuff not found in the scriptures.  

    Name calling is easy,  being a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ takes work.  


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