I was baptized into the Trinity

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  • #776061
    Eddie B

    ah yes baptism is a command and essential to salvation and is to be done in the name of Jesus not the trinity way.


    Come on T8, I don’t have time for games – Everyone who denies the Trinity HAS to change John 1:1..just as you have done..!!!


    Okay, let’s reason together regarding this comment.

    Jesus said, “ye are theos” and was quoting the psalm “ye are elohim, ye are all sons of the Most High God”.

    Clearly we can see that the same word “theos” without the article is being used here.

    So you must also conclude that if John 1:1 cannot be read as divine or of God, then neither can Jesus words.

    Conclusion, the sons of God are God himself. See that? It is the same error you make with Jesus who is the son of God as you say he is God. Thus if you were consistent, you now need to explain how the sons of God are also God.

    You have yet to address this elephant in the room DavidL. But your lack of address speaks volumes. Be reasonable, why is John 1:1’s usage of theos different to when Jesus said, “YE ARE THEOS”. You are surely hiding something here.


    Peter replied,
    “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins”.



    Even the Trinitarian scholars will tell you that the Koine Greek of John 1:1 can be translated as either, “the word was THE god”, or as, “the word was A god”. In either case, we are ADDING an article to John’s words.

    For the English translation of, the Word was God – we must add the DEFINITE article “the”.

    For the English translation of, the Word was a god – we must add the INDEFINITE article “a”.

    The first time John 1:1 was translated into a language that uses an indefinite article like we do in English, it was translated as, “and the word was a god.

    That translation was done in the 2nd century, into the Coptic language. The translation was done during the period when the Koine Greek of the Bible was still being widely spoken. That means that the very first change any language had to translate it as, ‘and the word was a god……. THEY DID JUST THAT!

    So if anyone has “CHANGED” John 1:1, it is the English translators who much later changed the Coptic a god to the English the god[/B]“ (“God”).

    So the choices are: “a god”, or “the god”. Which makes sense? I mean, does it really make sense to you that in the beginning, THE god[/B] was with THE god?

    Also, does it make sense that the Word OF God can both be with THE God, and also BE THE God?

    Face it. It is the English speaking Trinitarian translators who have made a nonsensical statement out of John 1:1.


    You guys are hung up on the Trinity doctrine because you analyse it from a logical perspective…when in reality it is, as the apostles themselves stated, a great mystery…the problem is not the Trinity Doctrine but the way you try and understand Scripture…’revelation’ is the ONLY way we comprehend anything of God (as your own conversion experience will confirm to you – if you are born again).



    Anyone worshipping three gods in one; is worshipping an other god
    And another Jesus.And also another gospel.
    I worship one God, and his Word made flesh. Now He is spirit,with God,
    and is coming back as **THE WORD OF GOD** (REV.19).
    ONE GOD AND HIS OWN WORD.The bible is also the Word of God.
    Eat the word of God which is jesus’s flesh, and you will find the true God and his true Son.John 6:48–58.

    The words that I speak to you they are spirit, and they are life.




    BB Code only works in the forum.
    I guess the WordPress developers think that un-formatted comments are best and it differentiates the main article which is fully formatted from the comments. This seems to be standard practice across the Web too.


    We are not hung up on that doctrine DavidL, it is just irrelevant because it is not scripture. We are merely exposing this doctrine as false.


    Yes Wakeup. Jesus words are life. Jesus even went as far as saying:
    “This is eternal life, that you may know the only true God, AND Jesus Christ whom HE has sent”.
    Trinitarians have no choice but to disagree with Jesus regarding what eternal life is, if they want to hold onto the Trinity Doctrine.


    We should believe the testimony of the son over any man.



    1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, ***the Word***(His Word), and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    God is alive; His Word is living; the Holy Ghost is living.


    Trinitarians must stamp on many scriptures to keep
    their doctrine alive.
    Quote: Beside me there is no God. Beside me there is no saviour.
    God did all things by Himslef. He just speaks;and it is done.
    God’s Word is back then,and now teaching us His laws. such as:
    Love your neighbour as your selves.
    No one can come to the Father but by Me. Me=Jesus. Now The bible.
    We can only come to God through seeking the bible.



    This is your quote:
    “t8 says:
    July 14, 2014 at 12:22 am
    Yes Wakeup. Jesus words are life. Jesus even went as far as saying:
    “This is eternal life, that you may know the only true God, AND Jesus Christ whom HE has sent”.
    Trinitarians have no choice but to disagree with Jesus regarding what eternal life is, if they want to hold onto the Trinity Doctrine.”

    What verse are you trying to quote here that you claim are Jesus’ words? I notice that it appears in your signature line elsewhere but cannot find the verse. Can you help me out? Thanks!


    John 17:3


    Actually Mike, I take that back. It looks like BB Code works here too. Good discovery.
    Your comment above just needs a little tidy up. Best not to overlap BB Code tags. If you start with one, then close it before starting with the next. Also, any stray closing tags will show up as text.

    Cheers 🙂


    That reference does not say those words. Look again.


    You are free to reject his words. I choose to accept them. I can only ultimately be responsible for myself in this regard. I choose to hear his words and encourage others to do so too. I really cannot help beyond that.
    John 17:3
    Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
    I realise that will probably reject the above words by somehow melding God and Jesus into the HE or other such tactic. At least from previous dialogue I have had with you regarding your version of the Trinity or Binity. (I can’t remember which multiple God you put forth.)


    Actually you have written the verse correctly in your last response but incorrectly as you have it in the message you wrote to Wakeup and as you have it in your signature. And, no, I have no intention of rejecting God’s word but only in preserving the correct wording, purpose and emphasis so that the truth not be misconstrued as you are doing in your signature and as you claim to Wakeup in the way you have worded it to him.

    Please note that the way you have it worded in your signature:

    Jesus said: “This is eternal life, that you may know the ONLY true God, AND Jesus Christ whom HE has sent”.

    In that wording which you use, it has Jesus speaking to people BUT in the correct wording, Jesus is speaking to the Father as we see here:

    John 17:3
    Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

    So, perhaps you can now realize that, in this particular case, you haven’t been accurately “hearing his words and encouraging others to do so” (as you boast in your last response) when you completely misrepresent them as you have in this instance. Just trying to help you.


    There are no gods in heaven.
    But many gods on earth.
    There is but one God in heaven and His own Word.
    His Word was made flesh and dwelleth amongst men,and He was called Jesus at his birth.(The HS was made in the form of a dove remember)?
    So also was the Word in heaven given a form.He created all things.
    No one knows the Son and the Father,but he whom the Son will reveal him.
    Luke 10:22.(that was in short).
    jesus and His God is a great mystery that is not given to the world,
    because of pride,which is the spirit of the world.The sincere hunger for truth is not found in the hearts.
    The christian world claims to be free,but do not know that they are still prisoners of the teachings of lies and error.
    Only the truth will set you free.
    What is truth? Every Word that proceeded out of the mouth of God is truth. Where can we find truth? The scriptures are inspired by the spirit of truth; which is the Holy Spirit.
    We can not claim to have the HS if we have not the truth in us.
    We can not claim to be free,if we are still BOUND by doctrines of lies and error. We are not saved,before we have reached the finish line.
    Reach the finish line first;then can claim your price.
    We are not physically born again untill we are born out of mother Zion’s
    belly(resurrection). Some have the renewing of the mind;Spiritually transformed out of babylon the great.Adopted the spirit of Christ,and have abandoned the spirit of babylon.
    To enter into that door is just the beginning of a journey, a long and narrow path of righteousness. Many have fallen off that path,because of the seducing spirits of the world. Many have fallen into the trap of satan’s hired shepherds, spreading bad seeds amongst the wheat. Teachings of error claiming to be truth.They them selves dont realise that they are being duped by the god of this world.Straying away from scriptures inspired by God. Ahoring with the world, eating stange flesh.
    The flesh of Christ we should eat;that is good for our spiritual food.The scribes of the world are all anti Christs;
    that is their job.We must stay away from them. The word of God is capable enough to feed us with truth.
    If we have not even digested the milk: when can we have strong meat?
    We are like pools,still waters,not going anywhere.We should be like flowing rivers,gaining knowledge more and more with the years.
    I know; this is not good for the ears of the pride.
    For they love smooth words, and praises.



    Point taken. Jesus said, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent”.

    So for me to respond to that correctly, I then believe that eternal life is to know the ONLY true God AND Jesus Christ whom HE has sent”.

    I could keep my signature as is but remove the quotes, so as to not imply it as a direct quote, but rather as truth that is to be accepted by those who seek eternal life. But I could equally just quote it directly. It doesn’t change the truth that I am trying to convey one iota.

    Do you accept that eternal life is to know the only true God as well as his son Jesus Christ? Because if you do not even believe that the only true God is the Father and/or Jesus is the only true God’s son, (i.e. is not his own Father), then it would seem a bit far-fetched to believe one could actually know God and yet not even accept that this one true God is exclusively the Father. Well I guess it is possible to be that ignorant about God but still know him. But if such a person were shown the truth, then surely they would see it and accept it.

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