Greek or Hebrew

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  • #348581

    Quote (4Thomas @ June 24 2013,07:03)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 20 2013,15:21)

    Quote (942767 @ June 20 2013,07:57)
    Hi All:

    I found the following video on youtube, and I believe that it shows some pretty good evidence that the gospel of St. Matthew was originally witten in Hebrew, and apparently, there are some unpublished manuscripts of this gospel.  I had prayed and asked God that if there was and original manuscript that would show that Matthew 28:19 had been altered, that it would come to the fore.  This video does not give me that answer yet, but it is promising.  It is quite long, and I hope that it is appropriate in this topic, but it not please move it where it would be appropriate.  I was having difficulty understanding how to start an new topic under this category.

    I had difficulty embedding the video, and so, if you would like to view the video, the title on Youtube is The Hebrew Yeshua vs The Greek Jesus by Nehemia Gordon.

    Love in Christ,

    I have a copy of the Hebrew gospel of Matthew in English

    that I got from the “  “

    Hi Pierre,
    Just noticed this, but its not a topic I follow due to limited time.
    Just my 2 cents worth
    I have never been able to find any truthful claim about any real Hebrew version, all of them are just translations from the greek. Or otherwise a translation from something else that was originally translated from the greek anyway. These hebrew translations were translated to hebrew to convert souls for those that could only speak hebrew [that my understanding from what I have read], I'm sure there has been other reasons too, hopefully all honest.

    If our loving and merciful God lets his original new testament greek versions become corrupt, this doesn't say much for his truth. I believe God is merciful and judges when he looks into our heart and how we have handled what we believe is true or not. This is why we shouldn't judge people who abstain from eating meats and who are strict with their sabbath beliefts [7th dayers] as they do this becuase they love God and do this to honor him. I believe its a sin to do something if we think its wrong or untruthful if we believe it is wrong. So we can sin by eating meat if we do so believing it is wrong to eat meat [Even if its not really a sin for someone to eat]. I believe our heart convicts us and the in law of love is written on it and the Holy Spirit reminds us when we begin to cross is boundaries. Its important for the person with strong faith not to look down on the person with week faith in respect to eating fat or blood or pig meat.

    I'm **very** careful with claims that people make who say the original greek is corrupt and we should only believe their special restored version. PLEASE if anyone is being told this by there pastor or leader etc test it and weigh your trust against your own thoughts and beliefts you have in your loving God.

    On judgement day when I face Jesus he will know that I put my trust in his power, the power of “the Word/Son” to make sure his written word was not overcome by satan. I have full trust he will not condemn me for believing he is mighty to keep his word pure. Its amazing that all these revisions were hand written upto the printing press in the 16th centry.

    Love and Life in the Son


    yes ,i agree with you ,the scriptures by themselves will teach you what are the faulty words and corrupted verses,providing you let your mind and heart be guided by the holy spirit that God so kindly provide to those who love him,



    We'll all be awaiting the results of your research. Keep us posted.


    To all,

    The main language of Rome was Latin, so either his letter to that city was written in Latin or soon translated to it.



    we have also to consider that the first converts where Jews not gentiles and so Hebrew was written

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