Genesis 1, was god himself the us and our

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  • #232382

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 08 2011,03:39)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2011,09:07)
    To ALL…………Let get back to the subject here, who was the b(US) and the Our mentioned in Genesis, I still maintain they were the seven spirits of GOD  being incorporated (INTO) Man. This would allow us to be able to (IMAGE) our GOD by those Spirits instilled into us these Spirit are what causes our Minds to function and reason and give us a much higher awareness then the animals and other creatures on earth. All life is (INSTALLED) within bodies that move on the earth but man required a much higher reasoning ability and therefore the term US or OUR, were used in Mans creation, the only Spirit not present at berth (I BELIEVE) is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and as a result man could be decieved,  and from this deception he exists in a state of confusion, until God Installs the SPIRIT (INTELLECT) of TRUTH (IN) Us and then we start becoming filled with the mind of GOD and our thinking changes because our cognition is increased by the Spirit (intellect) of Truth added into us. “LET THIS “MIND” BE (IN) YOU WHICH WAS (IN) CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD”. This is the mind of GOD, God is sharing His life with us and (in) us and (through) us. IMO

    peace and love to you all…………………………………gene


    just for the records;God was before the beginning of creation alone;this means ONE;right

    at is first creation or work,does no matter what you call it it is first beside God,THE WORD (Christ)

    this is ONE and so now you have two,then God created angels
    200,000,000 so now you have 200,000,002 spirits being
    or individuals,
    then God created the universe,right.

    then comes to the creation or transformation of the earth,right.

    then comes in final creation of men ,right,

    scriptures say there are two who are totally involved in creation ONE is GOD  and he create trough CHRIST ,right

    so there are the US from Geneses 1;image


    Terricca………….Do you see what you have done here , you have made up you own account of creation and filled in all the blanks to meet you own dogmas. or better the dogmas of trinitarians and Preexistences. Just for a start Where does it say Jesus in John 1:1 , it say GOD was the WORD Not Jesus. But you feel you and Irene can just change the text to meet you own private interpretations and then act like you both know what you are talking about. You are so dense you can;t even see Jesus is not even written in John 1:1 at all, and you can't even admit it , don't you think if John wanted the Name Jesus to be there he simply would have written his name there. Then you people go on to say the US and the OUR means GOD and Jesus which is not there either. Amazing and the accuse other of not understanding things you both are simply brain washed by false teaching you have believed when you were Catholics.

    Scripture says Jesus was the first born ( of0 or (from) the creation into the kingdom of GOD the first of Many Brothers, that are exactly just like Him, came into existence as a Human being by being Born of a women an a foreordained Person at the right time he was Born, he was of the root and offspring of King David just a Jesus said He was in revelations. You people neglect all the many many scripture proving Jesus was a son of man and of mankind and had his existence through mankind.

    You create this (SEPARATION) Just as the Gnostic's did by making Jesus different then we are and this (IS) THE SPIRIT (INTELLECT) OF THE ANTICHRIST, you people push and advance that false teaching and will be reject by you own selves you have separated yourselves fro Jesus and you will remain that way and will be found not to be one of his at his return if you maintain your false teachings.

    I do agree with JA about many here. It is not the truth you seek Terricca, like Irene and Mike you people just push your falsely acquired views and ridicule others who completely disagree with you, laughing at them in your ignorance. Being head strong and unreasonable and bravely adding to scripture what is not even written in them and push you ignorance on others. IMO



    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 07 2011,14:22)

    Jesus is both priest/mediator and king at the same time on the highest throne possible.  What does it mean to you to be sitting on the highest throne possible for ever?

    First of all, where do you get the “forever” language?  It seems to me that Jesus will rule in the strength and name of his God FOR A TIME, and then turn all rule back over to his God.

    Second, Jesus is King because his God appointed him as King.  Similar to the way David was King of Israel.  But no one worshipped David, right?

    Third, WHOSE throne is it again?  Jesus is GRANTED to sit on his God's throne for a while.  That means Jesus is GRANTED to rule FOR his God for a while.  After that “while” is up, God will rule mankind directly and be our “only true King” for eternity.

    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 07 2011,14:22)

    Jesus as priest is like none other.  He is a priest in a temple not made with hands for one thing, and He is not only the High Priest forever but also the King ruler in the temple forever.

    Yes, Jesus is like no other, but it is still the temple of HIS GOD – not his OWN temple.  And you have refused to answer my question………why?  ???   Do we have any scriptural evidence that priests OF God are to be worshipped AS God?  If not, then do we have any scriptural evidence that says that since Jesus is “like no other”, we should now worship a priest OF God?

    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 07 2011,14:22)

    The temple is the church, His church…His temple.

    Jesus is HEAD of the church, but the church belongs to God, the HEAD of Jesus.  Jesus gave those who believe the right to become children of GOD, not children of JESUS.  They will be sons of God and BROTHERS of Jesus.

    Boy, we have gotten WAY off topic here.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 07 2011,15:55)
    Kathie!  If Jesus is to be worshiped, why is He our Mediator and High Priest to go to the Throne of God.  Also it makes no sense that Jesus is saying that His Father is greater then He is, if He is to be worshiped like His Father.
    Jhn 4:21   Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.  

    Jhn 4:22   Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.  

    Jhn 4:23   But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  

    When Jesus died for us, He was honored to sit in the hightest place next to our Heavenly Father, but that does not mean, He now wants to be worshiped, those Scriptures above are so true.  All you hear in  churches how they sing praises to Jesus……
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene,

    I made a tease of a comment about your scripture to WJ and SF in another thread………but no one took the bait.  I'll try it with Kathi.

    Kathi, do you see where that scripture Irene quoted says Jesus WORSHIPPED the Father?  You guys have repeatedly said there is no scripture that speaks of Jesus worshipping God.  But Jesus said “WE worship what WE know”.

    What say you?



    Quote (Lightenup @ Jan. 08 2011,04:58)
    Jesus never said to NOT worship Him as the Son.

    Yes he did, but you just don't want to see it. If Jesus says to worship ONLY the Father, that is the same as saying “DON'T worship anyone else BUT the Father”.

    So if Jesus is NOT the Father, we are not to worship him.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2011,21:21)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 08 2011,03:39)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2011,09:07)
    To ALL…………Let get back to the subject here, who was the b(US) and the Our mentioned in Genesis, I still maintain they were the seven spirits of GOD  being incorporated (INTO) Man. This would allow us to be able to (IMAGE) our GOD by those Spirits instilled into us these Spirit are what causes our Minds to function and reason and give us a much higher awareness then the animals and other creatures on earth. All life is (INSTALLED) within bodies that move on the earth but man required a much higher reasoning ability and therefore the term US or OUR, were used in Mans creation, the only Spirit not present at berth (I BELIEVE) is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and as a result man could be decieved,  and from this deception he exists in a state of confusion, until God Installs the SPIRIT (INTELLECT) of TRUTH (IN) Us and then we start becoming filled with the mind of GOD and our thinking changes because our cognition is increased by the Spirit (intellect) of Truth added into us. “LET THIS “MIND” BE (IN) YOU WHICH WAS (IN) CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD”. This is the mind of GOD, God is sharing His life with us and (in) us and (through) us. IMO

    peace and love to you all…………………………………gene


    just for the records;God was before the beginning of creation alone;this means ONE;right

    at is first creation or work,does no matter what you call it it is first beside God,THE WORD (Christ)

    this is ONE and so now you have two,then God created angels
    200,000,000 so now you have 200,000,002 spirits being
    or individuals,
    then God created the universe,right.

    then comes to the creation or transformation of the earth,right.

    then comes in final creation of men ,right,

    scriptures say there are two who are totally involved in creation ONE is GOD  and he create trough CHRIST ,right

    so there are the US from Geneses 1;image


    Terricca………….Do you see what you have done here , you have made up you own account of creation and filled in all the blanks to meet you own dogmas. or better the dogmas of trinitarians and Preexistences.  Just for a start Where does it say Jesus in John 1:1 , it say GOD was the WORD Not Jesus. But you feel you and Irene  can just change the text to meet you own private interpretations and then act like you both know what you are talking about. You are so dense you can;t even see Jesus is not even written in John 1:1 at all, and you can't even admit it , don't you think if John wanted the Name Jesus to be there he simply would have written his name there. Then you people go on to say the US and the OUR means GOD and Jesus which is not there either. Amazing and the accuse other of not understanding things you both are simply brain washed by false teaching you have believed when you were Catholics.

    Scripture says Jesus was the first born ( of0 or (from) the creation into the kingdom of GOD the first of Many Brothers, that are exactly just like Him, came into existence as a Human being by being Born of a women an a foreordained Person at the right time he was Born, he was of the root and offspring of King David just a Jesus said He was in revelations. You people neglect all the many many scripture proving Jesus was a son of man and of mankind and had his existence through mankind.

    You create this (SEPARATION) Just as the Gnostic's did by making Jesus different then we are and this (IS) THE SPIRIT (INTELLECT) OF THE ANTICHRIST, you people push and advance that false teaching and will be reject by you own selves you have separated yourselves fro Jesus and you will remain that way and will be found not to be one of his at his return if you maintain your false teachings.

    I do agree with JA about many here. It is not the truth you seek Terricca, like Irene and Mike you people just push your falsely acquired views and ridicule others who completely disagree with you,  laughing at them in your ignorance.  Being head strong and unreasonable and bravely adding to scripture what is not even written in them  and push you ignorance on others. IMO



    if you have scriptures to show were i am wrong i will be pleased to know them so i may improve my knowledge



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,11:14)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 07 2011,15:55)
    Kathie!  If Jesus is to be worshiped, why is He our Mediator and High Priest to go to the Throne of God.  Also it makes no sense that Jesus is saying that His Father is greater then He is, if He is to be worshiped like His Father.
    Jhn 4:21   Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.  

    Jhn 4:22   Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.  

    Jhn 4:23   But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  

    When Jesus died for us, He was honored to sit in the hightest place next to our Heavenly Father, but that does not mean, He now wants to be worshiped, those Scriptures above are so true.  All you hear in  churches how they sing praises to Jesus……
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene,

    I made a tease of a comment about your scripture to WJ and SF in another thread………but no one took the bait.  I'll try it with Kathi.

    Kathi, do you see where that scripture Irene quoted says Jesus WORSHIPPED the Father?  You guys have repeatedly said there is no scripture that speaks of Jesus worshipping God.  But Jesus said “WE worship what WE know”.

    What say you?


    Hey Mike

    But we could play your game also and say that the word “Worship” just means to bow down and give honor too, so Jesus wasn't worshipping the Father.

    The thing is Jesus was a man also, but maybe you can find a place in Revelations where he is sitting in the Fathers throne where Jesus is part of the creation that is worshipping the Father? :)

    Blessings Keith


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Jan. 09 2011,05:09)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 08 2011,11:14)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 07 2011,15:55)
    Kathie!  If Jesus is to be worshiped, why is He our Mediator and High Priest to go to the Throne of God.  Also it makes no sense that Jesus is saying that His Father is greater then He is, if He is to be worshiped like His Father.
    Jhn 4:21   Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.  

    Jhn 4:22   Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.  

    Jhn 4:23   But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.  

    When Jesus died for us, He was honored to sit in the hightest place next to our Heavenly Father, but that does not mean, He now wants to be worshiped, those Scriptures above are so true.  All you hear in  churches how they sing praises to Jesus……
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene,

    I made a tease of a comment about your scripture to WJ and SF in another thread………but no one took the bait.  I'll try it with Kathi.

    Kathi, do you see where that scripture Irene quoted says Jesus WORSHIPPED the Father?  You guys have repeatedly said there is no scripture that speaks of Jesus worshipping God.  But Jesus said “WE worship what WE know”.

    What say you?


    Hey Mike

    But we could play your game also and say that the word “Worship” just means to bow down and give honor too, so Jesus wasn't worshipping the Father.

    The thing is Jesus was a man also, but maybe you can find a place in Revelations where he is sitting in the Fathers throne where Jesus is part of the creation that is worshipping the Father?   :)

    Blessings Keith

    Hey Mike

    But we could play your game also and say that the word “Worship” just means to bow down and give honor too, so Jesus wasn't worshipping the Father.

    Are you for real, man?  :D  You go out of your way to insist that all uses of “proskuneo” in relation to Jesus “MUST MEAN WORSHIP”, and here you are, suggesting that one use in relation to the Father “DOESN'T MEAN WORSHIP”!  Too funny, my friend.  :)

    But you are right, it COULD mean “bowing down” in this case, as well as any other I suppose.  Who do you suppose God “bows down” to?  ???

    The thing is Jesus was a man also, but maybe you can find a place in Revelations where he is sitting in the Fathers throne where Jesus is part of the creation that is worshipping the Father?   :)

    You trinitarians crack me up.  :)  You only want to claim Jesus was “100% God and 100% man” when it suits you.  You say “Jesus was claiming EQUALITY with God, and John and the Jews knew it”.  But then you turn around and say the reason only the Father knows the day and the hour is because Jesus was a man at the time.  And the only reason he says “the Father is greater” is because Jesus was a man at the time.

    You can't have it both ways.  Pick one.  Was he 100% God on earth, or wasn't he?  :)

    peace and love,


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 09 2011,05:07)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2011,21:21)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 08 2011,03:39)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2011,09:07)
    To ALL…………Let get back to the subject here, who was the b(US) and the Our mentioned in Genesis, I still maintain they were the seven spirits of GOD  being incorporated (INTO) Man. This would allow us to be able to (IMAGE) our GOD by those Spirits instilled into us these Spirit are what causes our Minds to function and reason and give us a much higher awareness then the animals and other creatures on earth. All life is (INSTALLED) within bodies that move on the earth but man required a much higher reasoning ability and therefore the term US or OUR, were used in Mans creation, the only Spirit not present at berth (I BELIEVE) is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and as a result man could be decieved,  and from this deception he exists in a state of confusion, until God Installs the SPIRIT (INTELLECT) of TRUTH (IN) Us and then we start becoming filled with the mind of GOD and our thinking changes because our cognition is increased by the Spirit (intellect) of Truth added into us. “LET THIS “MIND” BE (IN) YOU WHICH WAS (IN) CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD”. This is the mind of GOD, God is sharing His life with us and (in) us and (through) us. IMO

    peace and love to you all…………………………………gene


    just for the records;God was before the beginning of creation alone;this means ONE;right

    at is first creation or work,does no matter what you call it it is first beside God,THE WORD (Christ)

    this is ONE and so now you have two,then God created angels
    200,000,000 so now you have 200,000,002 spirits being
    or individuals,
    then God created the universe,right.

    then comes to the creation or transformation of the earth,right.

    then comes in final creation of men ,right,

    scriptures say there are two who are totally involved in creation ONE is GOD  and he create trough CHRIST ,right

    so there are the US from Geneses 1;image


    Terricca………….Do you see what you have done here , you have made up you own account of creation and filled in all the blanks to meet you own dogmas. or better the dogmas of trinitarians and Preexistences.  Just for a start Where does it say Jesus in John 1:1 , it say GOD was the WORD Not Jesus. But you feel you and Irene  can just change the text to meet you own private interpretations and then act like you both know what you are talking about. You are so dense you can;t even see Jesus is not even written in John 1:1 at all, and you can't even admit it , don't you think if John wanted the Name Jesus to be there he simply would have written his name there. Then you people go on to say the US and the OUR means GOD and Jesus which is not there either. Amazing and the accuse other of not understanding things you both are simply brain washed by false teaching you have believed when you were Catholics.

    Scripture says Jesus was the first born ( of0 or (from) the creation into the kingdom of GOD the first of Many Brothers, that are exactly just like Him, came into existence as a Human being by being Born of a women an a foreordained Person at the right time he was Born, he was of the root and offspring of King David just a Jesus said He was in revelations. You people neglect all the many many scripture proving Jesus was a son of man and of mankind and had his existence through mankind.

    You create this (SEPARATION) Just as the Gnostic's did by making Jesus different then we are and this (IS) THE SPIRIT (INTELLECT) OF THE ANTICHRIST, you people push and advance that false teaching and will be reject by you own selves you have separated yourselves fro Jesus and you will remain that way and will be found not to be one of his at his return if you maintain your false teachings.

    I do agree with JA about many here. It is not the truth you seek Terricca, like Irene and Mike you people just push your falsely acquired views and ridicule others who completely disagree with you,  laughing at them in your ignorance.  Being head strong and unreasonable and bravely adding to scripture what is not even written in them  and push you ignorance on others. IMO



    if you have scriptures to show were i am wrong i will be pleased to know them so i may improve my knowledge


    Terricca………..The question is where do you get any scripture that says there are 200,000,002 spirit beings, lets start there first not even to mention all the rest you added that is not nowhere in any scriptures at all, nor is there any scripture that backs it up either. And while your are at it please show where any scripture in any bible say the US or OUR in Genesis was talking about Jesus. So let see you (SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT) if there are any.

    Terricca trust me you and the rest of the trinitarians and Preexistences have no TRUE Scripture support for you assumption regarding your separating doctrines of Jesus from our own Identity. If you are going to come out of the false teaching of religions , you must come completely out of all teachings of the Gnostic's , Trinitarians , Who are preexistences, then you might begin to see clearly.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 09 2011,19:34)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 09 2011,05:07)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2011,21:21)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 08 2011,03:39)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 08 2011,09:07)
    To ALL…………Let get back to the subject here, who was the b(US) and the Our mentioned in Genesis, I still maintain they were the seven spirits of GOD  being incorporated (INTO) Man. This would allow us to be able to (IMAGE) our GOD by those Spirits instilled into us these Spirit are what causes our Minds to function and reason and give us a much higher awareness then the animals and other creatures on earth. All life is (INSTALLED) within bodies that move on the earth but man required a much higher reasoning ability and therefore the term US or OUR, were used in Mans creation, the only Spirit not present at berth (I BELIEVE) is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and as a result man could be decieved,  and from this deception he exists in a state of confusion, until God Installs the SPIRIT (INTELLECT) of TRUTH (IN) Us and then we start becoming filled with the mind of GOD and our thinking changes because our cognition is increased by the Spirit (intellect) of Truth added into us. “LET THIS “MIND” BE (IN) YOU WHICH WAS (IN) CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD”. This is the mind of GOD, God is sharing His life with us and (in) us and (through) us. IMO

    peace and love to you all…………………………………gene


    just for the records;God was before the beginning of creation alone;this means ONE;right

    at is first creation or work,does no matter what you call it it is first beside God,THE WORD (Christ)

    this is ONE and so now you have two,then God created angels
    200,000,000 so now you have 200,000,002 spirits being
    or individuals,
    then God created the universe,right.

    then comes to the creation or transformation of the earth,right.

    then comes in final creation of men ,right,

    scriptures say there are two who are totally involved in creation ONE is GOD  and he create trough CHRIST ,right

    so there are the US from Geneses 1;image


    Terricca………….Do you see what you have done here , you have made up you own account of creation and filled in all the blanks to meet you own dogmas. or better the dogmas of trinitarians and Preexistences.  Just for a start Where does it say Jesus in John 1:1 , it say GOD was the WORD Not Jesus. But you feel you and Irene  can just change the text to meet you own private interpretations and then act like you both know what you are talking about. You are so dense you can;t even see Jesus is not even written in John 1:1 at all, and you can't even admit it , don't you think if John wanted the Name Jesus to be there he simply would have written his name there. Then you people go on to say the US and the OUR means GOD and Jesus which is not there either. Amazing and the accuse other of not understanding things you both are simply brain washed by false teaching you have believed when you were Catholics.

    Scripture says Jesus was the first born ( of0 or (from) the creation into the kingdom of GOD the first of Many Brothers, that are exactly just like Him, came into existence as a Human being by being Born of a women an a foreordained Person at the right time he was Born, he was of the root and offspring of King David just a Jesus said He was in revelations. You people neglect all the many many scripture proving Jesus was a son of man and of mankind and had his existence through mankind.

    You create this (SEPARATION) Just as the Gnostic's did by making Jesus different then we are and this (IS) THE SPIRIT (INTELLECT) OF THE ANTICHRIST, you people push and advance that false teaching and will be reject by you own selves you have separated yourselves fro Jesus and you will remain that way and will be found not to be one of his at his return if you maintain your false teachings.

    I do agree with JA about many here. It is not the truth you seek Terricca, like Irene and Mike you people just push your falsely acquired views and ridicule others who completely disagree with you,  laughing at them in your ignorance.  Being head strong and unreasonable and bravely adding to scripture what is not even written in them  and push you ignorance on others. IMO



    if you have scriptures to show were i am wrong i will be pleased to know them so i may improve my knowledge


    Terricca………..The question is where do you get any scripture that says there are 200,000,002 spirit beings, lets start there first not even to mention all the rest you added that is not nowhere in any scriptures at all, nor is there any scripture that backs it up either. And while your are at it please show where any scripture in any bible say the US or OUR in Genesis was talking about Jesus.  So let see you (SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT) if there are any.

    Terricca trust me you and the rest of the trinitarians and Preexistences have no  TRUE Scripture support for you assumption regarding your separating doctrines of Jesus from our own Identity. If you are going to come out of the false teaching of religions , you must come completely out of all teachings of the Gnostic's , Trinitarians , Who are preexistences, then you might begin to see clearly.


    here is were i pick it up;;Rev 5:11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders.

    those do not include a few others ,



    Terricca…………..So tell us what exactly is thousands upon thousands upon ten thousands upon ten thousands does that exactly equal 200,000,002 , truth is you have no idea how many that is and not to mention, what does any of that have to do with my post , thats all that is , is a distraction of a false understand of yours. If you can't be specific to a post, why post back on it, none of what you said there has anything to do with my post, just garbage that means nothing. IMO

    peace and love…………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 20 2010,04:07)
    Georg………I am not trying to confuse anyone.  Your believe Spirit (just means) “invisible” is in error , spirit is far more then just meaning invisible. Spirit is invisible though that is true, Just as thoughts are invisible but yet thought drive our whole being . So they are FAR MORE THE (JUST) invisible things which you call BEINGS, When in fact SPIRIT is not a BEING , but what is (IN) Beings .

    George i am not the one saying There (ARE) seven SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD, scripture say that, you simply do not believe what it is saying without changing it to meet you preconceived religious ideas. Here I will Quote the scripture that say that OK, so you wont be confused any longer.

    Rev 5:6 And i beheld, and Lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood an Lamb as it had been slain, (HAVING) seven horns (powers) and seven eyes, (now notice George it is not me saying this but scripture) “WHICH (ARE) THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD, sent forth into all the earth. Now Georg am i the one saying that or was it scripture saying that?.  I am sorry you can't understand that but to accuse me of trying to confuse people because i believe what it said in a false accusation by you.  

    You probably do not believe GOD was Truly (IN) Jesus either right. Your idea of what Spirit  is the same as most all religion taught by the MYSTERY RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD. That may be why it seem confusing to you Georg. IMO

    peace and love to you and Irene………………….gene


    If spirit beings are not “beings”, then how can “their” spirit be in them?

    So what your saying is, that Jesus is really a “lamb”, a dead lamb at that, with “seven” horns, and “seven” eyes. That's what the “scripture” says, you're right. And the “seven” eyes are the “seven” SPIRITS of God; that's what the scripture says, you're right.
    I must have been out of “my spirit”, or is it, “out of my eye”, to think you were trying to confuse others since you are NOT confused at all.
    I believe this.

    Phl 2:5 ¶ Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

    Or do you think it was one of the seven eyes that was in Jesus?



    Georg……….Why not read what scripture say the seven eyes (ARE) before you start to talk about them , i guess you use a different bible then the rest of us , but according to MY BIBLE it say “THE SEVEN EVES (ARE) THE SEVEN SPIRIT OF GOD”, now you can ridicule that all you want to but that does not change what it say right?> And Jesus does stand (symbolically) before the throne of GOD as a Lamb slain for the sin of the world , you do not have to except that either, but rather you believe that or not does not change what is written now does it. IMO

    peace and love…………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 11 2011,02:26)
    Georg……….Why not read what scripture say the seven eyes (ARE) before you start to talk about them , i guess you use a different bible then the rest of us , but according to MY BIBLE it say “THE SEVEN EVES (ARE) THE SEVEN SPIRIT OF GOD”, now you can ridicule that all you want to but that does not change what it say right?>  And Jesus does stand (symbolically) before the throne of GOD as a Lamb slain for the sin of the world , you do not have to except that either, but rather you believe that or not does not change what is written now does it. IMO

    peace and love…………………………..gene

    I don't disclaim or ridicule what is written; but I find it funny that you take the lamb to be symbolic, and yet claim that the seven “eyes” to be literal the seven spirits of God; if you can't understand the symbolism in all of this, you shouldn't even talk about it.

    What about it, do you think it was one of the seven eyes that was in Jesus?



    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 11 2011,03:11)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 11 2011,02:26)
    Georg……….Why not read what scripture say the seven eyes (ARE) before you start to talk about them , i guess you use a different bible then the rest of us , but according to MY BIBLE it say “THE SEVEN EVES (ARE) THE SEVEN SPIRIT OF GOD”, now you can ridicule that all you want to but that does not change what it say right?>  And Jesus does stand (symbolically) before the throne of GOD as a Lamb slain for the sin of the world , you do not have to except that either, but rather you believe that or not does not change what is written now does it. IMO

    peace and love…………………………..gene

    I don't disclaim or ridicule what is written; but I find it funny that you take the lamb to be symbolic, and yet claim that the seven “eyes” to be literal the seven spirits of God; if you can't understand the symbolism in all of this, you shouldn't even talk about it.

    What about it, do you think it was one of the seven eyes that was in Jesus?


    Georg……….. First of ALL i am not taking anything DIFFERENT, i was simply quoting what scripture says, How do you figure, the seven eyes of God are clearly said to be the seven Spirits of God , what part of that you can't understand. Your trying to make it out (falsely) that i believe there are literally seven eyes in Jesus in a physical sense , when did i ever say that. Your to eager to discredit a person . IMO

    peace and love……………………………….gene


    Hi Gene,

    Do you talk to your spirit? Do you speak of your spirit as a separate entity? For example, instead of saying “I'M going for coffee”, do you say “WE'RE going for coffee”, because your spirit is going with you?

    Just curious,


    Mike…………If you understood that there are many spirits in a man you could understand that , what do you think reasoning is. Your problem is you do not know what SPIRIT REALLY (IS) Mike.  Your mind is seeing it as a Body of some kind, It is NOT a BODY it is what is (WITHIN) the BODY, A BODY + SPIRIT = a LIVING SOUL of PERSON.  When GOD says He would POUR FORTH OF HIS SPIRIT UPON ALL FLESH, He is not pouring a “body” on all flesh he is pouring his Spirit (INTELLECTS) upon them?  

    Mike there are Seven distinct Spirits of GOD and each Spirit is a special distinct  (INTELLECT) and the composition of all seven make up the MIND of GOD,  the Spirit (intellect) of WISDOM,  the Spirit (intellect) of TRUTH, the Spirit (intellect) of GOOD and the Spiirt (intellect) EVIL,the Spirit (intellect) of an ADVERSARY, the Spirit (intellect) of Pity and Compassion and Mercy or LOVE, the Spirit (intellect) of Justice and righteousness,  Don't know if i have them all in the right order or not , but the point is that there does exist seven distinct Spirits (INTELLECTS) of ONE GOD. And each of these of distinct from the other, and when it came to man six of these were given to ADAM (this is the US and the OUR spoken of in Genesis, IMO.

    But ADAM lacked One (THE SPIRIT (INTELLECT) OF TRUTH,  Which would enable man to discern truth of GOD, but when he does recieve the Spirit of TRUTH, he can no longer be decieved , Scripture say that the Elect would even be decieved (IF) it were Possible another word the Elect can not be decieved because they have in the the Spirit (intellect) of Truth giving to them the cognizances of truth. It is impossible for those who have the spirit of truth in them to be decieved. IMO

    That is why it says ” BROTHER YOU HAVE NO NEED OF A TEACHER TO TEACH YOU FOR THE SPIRIT (of truth) “ITSELF” WILL TEACH YOU ALL THING”.  Jesus now have all seven spirits which are the  eyes of GOD that go to and fro through all the earth, they are (IN) all creatures that wounder the earth, they are (IN) him and not only that but they are connected with POWER (the horns represent the power they are connected with)IMO

    peace and love……………………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 12 2011,01:02)

    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 11 2011,03:11)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 11 2011,02:26)
    Georg……….Why not read what scripture say the seven eyes (ARE) before you start to talk about them , i guess you use a different bible then the rest of us , but according to MY BIBLE it say “THE SEVEN EVES (ARE) THE SEVEN SPIRIT OF GOD”, now you can ridicule that all you want to but that does not change what it say right?>  And Jesus does stand (symbolically) before the throne of GOD as a Lamb slain for the sin of the world , you do not have to except that either, but rather you believe that or not does not change what is written now does it. IMO

    peace and love…………………………..gene

    I don't disclaim or ridicule what is written; but I find it funny that you take the lamb to be symbolic, and yet claim that the seven “eyes” to be literal the seven spirits of God; if you can't understand the symbolism in all of this, you shouldn't even talk about it.

    What about it, do you think it was one of the seven eyes that was in Jesus?


    Georg……….. First of ALL  i am not taking anything DIFFERENT,  i was simply quoting what scripture says, How do you figure, the seven eyes of God are clearly said to be the seven Spirits of God , what part of that you can't understand. Your trying to make it out (falsely) that i believe there are literally seven eyes in Jesus in a physical sense , when did i ever say that.  Your to eager to discredit a person . IMO

    peace and love……………………………….gene

    Gene, with the stuff you come up with, I don't even have to try.

    If you were to become serious, so would I.


    Ps, I read what you said to Mike; can you see me shaking my head? unbelievable. How do you come up with stuff like that?


    Hi Gene,

    Could you just answer my question? Do you talk to your spirit(s) or treat them as individual beings?



    Mike……..answer No, i “THINK” among my (SPIRITS), that is called REASONING. Mike i have answered you question before in my post , you just can't understand it, but please don't say i have not answered it, that is what you were saying to JA and others, that is your way of drawing people into stupid and futile arguments that go no where , you feel if you can Channel or ridicule a person into you way of thinking you are winning you arguments which in fact you are and have not. IMO

    peace and love…………………………….gene


    Gerog………….Because you are ignorant about what i am saying , that does not make you right either. I am serious and the scriptures i Quoted you are serious also, you just simple do not understand them. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………..gene

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