Genesis 1, was god himself the us and our

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  • #230051
    Ed J

    Hi Pierre,

    Now that you have editing capabilities,
    you “should” learn when to use CAPITAL LETTERS.

    1) The first letter of EVERY SENTENCE! And both letters in OK!; OK?
    2) The first letter of everyone's first and last name. Examples: Mike Boll, Nick Hassan.
    3) The first letter of all nouns(names are nouns); Examples: Huston, Texas; President Obama.

    Any questions?
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 27 2010,00:52)
    Hi Pierre,

    Now that you have editing capabilities,
    you “should” learn when to use CAPITAL LETTERS.

    1) The first letter of EVERY SENTENCE! And both letters in OK!; OK?
    2) The first letter of everyone's first and last name. Examples: Mike Boll, Nick Hassan.
    3) The first letter of all nouns(names are nouns); Examples: Huston, Texas; President Obama.

    Any questions?
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    i still do not know how to do bold, color, ect,

    so I put capital letters to accentuate,

    it is comming I am just slow


    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 26 2010,18:58)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 27 2010,00:52)
    Hi Pierre,

    Now that you have editing capabilities,
    you “should” learn when to use CAPITAL LETTERS.

    1) The first letter of EVERY SENTENCE! And both letters in OK!; OK?
    2) The first letter of everyone's first and last name. Examples: Mike Boll, Nick Hassan.
    3) The first letter of all nouns(names are nouns); Examples: Huston, Texas; President Obama.

    Any questions?
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    (((i))) still do not know how to do bold, color, ect,

    (((s)))o I put capital letters to accentuate,

    (((i)))t is comming I am just slow


    Hi Pierre

    (Y)ou forgot to put CAPITALS (((for the beginning letter))) at the front of each sentence.

    For bolden what you do is this…                       [b] in here will be bolden [/b].

    If you want to underline, do this…                [u] in here will be underlined [/u]

    If you want italics, do this…                              [i] in here will be italics [/i]

    For the color blue what you do is…         [color=blue] in here will be blue [/color]  
                                                             or [color=green] or [color=red] or [color=brown]

    Once you understand   “[HTML] code”,   it is pretty simple;  give it a try in a test topic   …   (Click Here)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 25 2010,17:41)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 20 2010,04:07)
    Georg………I am not trying to confuse anyone.  Your believe Spirit (just means) “invisible” is in error , spirit is far more then just meaning invisible. Spirit is invisible though that is true, Just as thoughts are invisible but yet thought drive our whole being . So they are FAR MORE THE (JUST) invisible things which you call BEINGS, When in fact SPIRIT is not a BEING , but what is (IN) Beings .

    George i am not the one saying There (ARE) seven SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD, scripture say that, you simply do not believe what it is saying without changing it to meet you preconceived religious ideas. Here I will Quote the scripture that say that OK, so you wont be confused any longer.

    Rev 5:6 And i beheld, and Lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood an Lamb as it had been slain, (HAVING) seven horns (powers) and seven eyes, (now notice George it is not me saying this but scripture) “WHICH (ARE) THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD, sent forth into all the earth. Now Georg am i the one saying that or was it scripture saying that?.  I am sorry you can't understand that but to accuse me of trying to confuse people because i believe what it said in a false accusation by you.  

    You probably do not believe GOD was Truly (IN) Jesus either right. Your idea of what Spirit  is the same as most all religion taught by the MYSTERY RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD. That may be why it seem confusing to you Georg. IMO

    peace and love to you and Irene………………….gene


    Do you realize how you pick and choose?
    If you believe that this scripture is telling you God has “seven” spirits, than you must also believe that Jesus is a “lamb”. And, it is the “lamb” (Jesus) that has seven horns, and seven eyes.
    Now Gene, am I the one saying that or is it scripture saying that?

    You tried to make “spirit” something else besides “invisible”, and you failed.
    If you don't believe there are angels, than you deny the word of God, because the Bible says so.
    So what are angels, if not invisible beings?
    What are devils, if not invisible fallen angels?
    I did not say, Satan is the god of this world, Paul did.
    The word “god” simply means a “mighty one”.

    Psa 82:1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.  

    Psa 82:6   I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.  

    But only the “Father” is the ALMIGHTY God.
    You see how hard you're trying to define the word “spirit”, but in the end you have to admit, it means “invisible”, plain and simple; but you don't like “simple”, you call it “preconceived religious ideas”.
    NO, I stand by what I said, you are confusing people more by the way you try to explain things; I bet you speak in tongues too, right?


    Georg………….I certainty do believe that Scripture say there are SEVEN SPIRIT of GOD. I also believe the Lamb its talking about is Jesus, as he represents the sacrificial Lamb of GOD. Why should anyone see it any different?. And i also believe the US and OUR in Genesis is referring to these Seven Spirits of GOD also. IMO

    Peace and love to you and Irene…………………………….gene


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 26 2010,17:20)
    Mike and Georg

    spirit mean invisible ,but could also mean the will or the idea

    Hi Pierre,

    Neither the Hebrew word “ruwach” nor the Greek word “pneuma” actually mean “invisible”.  This is something Georg posts, and I've just never addressed him on this issue.

    I agree that spirits are invisible…… us.  But so is light until you see a rainbow or see it through a prism.  For what we see are not the light rays themselves, but the things that are REFLECTING those light rays.  Likewise, spirits have also been made visible to humans in many scriptures – like God placed a prism by them making them visible to man for a short time.

    So while spirits are invisible to us most of the time, the words used mean “wind”, “breath”, ect.  They do not mean “invisible” as Georg claims.

    peace and love,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 27 2010,13:14)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 26 2010,17:20)
    Mike and Georg

    spirit mean invisible ,but could also mean the will or the idea

    Hi Pierre,

    Neither the Hebrew word “ruwach” nor the Greek word “pneuma” actually mean “invisible”.  This is something Georg posts, and I've just never addressed him on this issue.

    I agree that spirits are invisible…… us.  But so is light until you see a rainbow or see it through a prism.  For what we see are not the light rays themselves, but the things that are REFLECTING those light rays.  Likewise, spirits have also been made visible to humans in many scriptures – like God placed a prism by them making them visible to man for a short time.

    So while spirits are invisible to us most of the time, the words used mean “wind”, “breath”, ect.  They do not mean “invisible” as Georg claims.

    peace and love,


    this time you fail to understand,you are right in your explanations, but God has many spirit or of will or purpose or meanings to his words,

    those meanings are spirits,thouthts,and can not be percieved with the eyes of flesh but with the eyes of the spirit of your hearth,

    this is what God wants from his worshiper,not the worshipers that whorship on words without there hearths.

    God communicate with Jesus because all his hearth was with his God and father,this attitude of Christ make him going like the wind in the eyes of the carnal men around him,Jesus had placed himself in the hand of God ,and so followed Gods will not a written code of words

    I hope you would understand what i try to say,

    Pierre your brother in Christ trough the spirit.


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 26 2010,18:37)
    Thanks Mike and Pierre!   Mike I think you are afrrrrrraid to look at it in light of the NT.  I want to look at some commentaries regarding this verse.  This could be interesting!

    I'm waiting for Kerwin's input on this.


    this will die before you have a answer from Kerwin,

    so you would never have to answer anything to no one


    Pierre ??? :D


    Hi Pierre,
    I'm dealing with something else at the moment but will get to this…patience. Thanks!


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 27 2010,17:57)
    Hi Pierre,
    I'm dealing with something else at the moment but will get to this…patience.  Thanks!




    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 27 2010,10:49)
    those meanings are spirits,thouthts,and can not be percieved with the eyes of flesh but with the eyes of the spirit of your hearth,

    Yes, this is what I mean with the “prism” analogy. God can let a human being see with spirit eyes instead of human ones when He chooses to do so. And with “spirit eyes”, we ARE able to see angels. They are only invisible to human eyes, not spiritual eyes.

    peace and love,


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 27 2010,10:57)
    Hi Pierre,
    I'm dealing with something else at the moment but will get to this…patience.  Thanks!

    And I prayed, “God, please grant me patience…………BUT DO IT RIGHT NOW!” :D

    Take your time Kathi. You are right that I'm afrrrrrrrraid. Afrrrrrrrraid to see what crazy “Jesus is God” scheme you've worked out in your head this time! :D

    peace and love to you,


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 27 2010,18:50)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 27 2010,10:49)
    those meanings are spirits,thouthts,and can not be percieved with the eyes of flesh but with the eyes of the spirit of your hearth,

    Yes, this is what I mean with the “prism” analogy.  God can let a human being see with spirit eyes instead of human ones when He chooses to do so.  And with “spirit eyes”, we ARE able to see angels.  They are only invisible to human eyes, not spiritual eyes.

    peace and love,


    yes,but all scriptures are be seen like that,that s how God want us to see him.

    so look the “sacrifice of Christ that way” and understand wen he said to his followers “to follow me you have to eat my flesh and drink my blood “”



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 27 2010,11:50)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 27 2010,10:49)
    those meanings are spirits,thouthts,and can not be percieved with the eyes of flesh but with the eyes of the spirit of your hearth,

    Yes, this is what I mean with the “prism” analogy.  God can let a human being see with spirit eyes instead of human ones when He chooses to do so.  And with “spirit eyes”, we ARE able to see angels.  They are only invisible to human eyes, not spiritual eyes.

    peace and love,

    Mike…………How many angels have you seen lately? I have never seen and angle to my knowledge, the closest to seeing something strange was when i was on my death bed once at the very point of dying, I saw (with my eyes) A ROUND oblique shaped object like a flattened rope about two inches in diameter and about a foot and a half in circle slowly spinning , enter through my bedroom door about the hight of a human being and advanced straight forward and then turned a Sharp Left and advanced right over my Head for a moment and then retreated in exactly the same manor it came in and went right through the door again. It looked Just like water would look coming out of a hose. I was healed  Instantly as fast as you could snap your fingers, from a point of death to completely whole with no side effects or slow recovery it happened instantly. That is the only thing i have ever seen in my 70 years of life That i would say could have been an angel, not sure but i did see it though.

    O I take that back once when i was a young Kid i was walking down the side walked in town and this old black Man ask me for some money and i only had about a dine so i gave it to Him and He said thank you Capitan and i laughed and just started walking away and a about 50 foot or so i turned back to see him and he was gone no where in site just like he had vanished. I just though that was odd.  I am sure we have all entertained Angels unaware at times , but they still had bodies of some kind. IMO

    peace and love……………………………….gene


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 27 2010,17:57)
    Hi Pierre,
    I'm dealing with something else at the moment but will get to this…patience.  Thanks!


    i told you ,it is dying you will not find it ,

    and kerwin can not find it ,he is not interested


    Ed J

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm “busy” dealing with people too!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 29 2010,11:15)
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm “busy” dealing with people too!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Don't instigate……………PLEASE.  This is like what someone did to me all the time.  

    It would be different if you were commenting on the topic of the thread itself, but you're not.  IMO, you are attacking someone PERSONALLY, not their understanding of scripture.

    If I'm wrong, I apologize.  But I see nothing scriptural or doctrinal in this thread that you would be addressing with that comment.



    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 24 2010,21:46)

    Mal 3:1-3
    3 “Behold, 1.  I am going to send 2.  My messenger, and he will clear the way before 3.  Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to 4.  His temple; and the messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, 5.  He is coming,” says the Lord of hosts.
    2 “But who can endure the day of 6.  His coming? And who can stand when 7.  He appears? For 8.  He is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap.
    3 “9.  He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and 10.  He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.

    Hi Kathi,

    1.  YHVH  my view;same

    2.  YHVH  my view ;God  the messenger John the baptist
    3.  YHVH  my view ;God   the lord  Jesus

    4.  YHVH  my view ;God  the messenger Jesus
    5.   Jesus my view ;Jesus ;the Lord of Host =God
    6.  YHVH  my view ;Jesus
    7.  YHVH  my view ;Jesus
    8.  YHVH  my view ;Jesus
    9.  YHVH  my view ;Jesus
    10. YHVH  my view ;Jesus

    this is the way I understand it from scriptures.


    Hi Mike and Pierre,
    Thanks for your patience.

    1. The Father
    2. The Father
    3. The Father
    4-10 The Son

    That's what I think. I noticed that many commentators believe 1-10 is the Son.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 30 2010,15:26)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 29 2010,11:15)
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm “busy” dealing with people too!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Don't instigate……………PLEASE.  This is like what someone did to me all the time.  

    It would be different if you were commenting on the topic of the thread itself, but you're not.  IMO, you are attacking someone PERSONALLY, not their understanding of scripture.

    If I'm wrong, I apologize.  But I see nothing scriptural or doctrinal in this thread that you would be addressing with that comment.


    Hi Mike,

    Are you saying I can't be busy dealing with 'people'?
    You know satan means 'accuser'; is that what you're doing?
    Are you not preparing for the new year? Only three days left you know.

    B.T.W. how was your Christmas?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 30 2010,22:37)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 24 2010,21:46)

    Mal 3:1-3
    3 “Behold, 1.  I am going to send 2.  My messenger, and he will clear the way before 3.  Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to 4.  His temple; and the messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold, 5.  He is coming,” says the Lord of hosts.
    2 “But who can endure the day of 6.  His coming? And who can stand when 7.  He appears? For 8.  He is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap.
    3 “9.  He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and 10.  He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.

    Hi Kathi,

    1.  YHVH  my view;same

    2.  YHVH  my view ;God  the messenger John the baptist
    3.  YHVH  my view ;God   the lord  Jesus

    4.  YHVH  my view ;God  the messenger Jesus
    5.   Jesus my view ;Jesus ;the Lord of Host =God
    6.  YHVH  my view ;Jesus
    7.  YHVH  my view ;Jesus
    8.  YHVH  my view ;Jesus
    9.  YHVH  my view ;Jesus
    10. YHVH  my view ;Jesus

    this is the way I understand it from scriptures.


    Hi Mike and Pierre,
    Thanks for your patience.  

    1. The Father
    2. The Father
    3. The Father
    4-10 The Son

    That's what I think.  I noticed that many commentators believe 1-10 is the Son.


    I have perfect score, I want my candy now



    Pierre, you want candy…that's made me smile.

    We differ on who is at #4 but we are very, very close and that's good.

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