Free Will?

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  • #863590
    Ed J


    The Bread of life (Christ) entered reality at the house of bread (Bethlehem), not at the river Jordan.
    Jordan is when “The Word” became flesh (John 1:14) and dwelt among us (Immanuel – God with us).

    “To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world
    unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and
    hath committed unto us “The Word” of reconciliation.” (2 Cor 5:19)

    “The Word”, which is God’s Holy Spirit, reconciles us back to God.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed J,

    The Word that became flesh was God’s word from Isaiah 11, 42, and 61 made true, a man being begotten of God’s Spirit called an ANOINTING filled with grace and truth to be sent out into the world to fulfill God’s commands, speak God’s words and do God’s work.

    Jesus said the Bread was his flesh, which was not any flesh but his anointed flesh, flesh that has the fullness of God’s Spirit dwelling within, which occurred at the river Jordan.



    Hi All,

    We have the freedom to make choices and we make our choices based on how we are influenced, our nature/genes, our experiences, our perception to experiences, our memory what we may or may not remember.

    Will – the faculty by which a person decides on and initiates action

    Decisions you make are based on factors/influences, of which some of those factors/influences you have not had any choice over.

    You get laid off from work such is going to have an impact on your life, it will influence many of your next decisions, it directly affects your will.

    Unless you can say that you control all factors/influences to your life you cannot say that you are of a free will, your will is bound to factors/influences that many have been out of your control. 

    In Ezekiel 36 we are told that God gives of His Spirit and CAUSES us to walk in His ways. 

    Out of ALL influences God’s influence is the most powerful.

    In order to be without sin we must have God’s Spirit dwelling ALL IN, without Him being ALL IN that leaves room for error, there is darkness that remains.

    I know what of God’s light I have in me, and where there still remains darkness. As I recognize the light and the remaining darkness I know without a doubt that I can do nothing of myself and I seek more of the light. I even know the purpose to why there still is darkness within me, it keeps me from judging others. Where once I had a certain light I judged other people’s darkness and then God brought that very darkness upon me and I was humbled and God gave me understanding so that I would not boast nor judge. I pray to be given more gifts of light and for others to receive more also, but I know the fullness thereof won’t be given until Christ’s return. I know tribulations are for instruction, the building of my character, my faith, my hope, my love to God and to brethren.

    Ed J

    Hi Ed J,

    Jesus said the Bread was his flesh, which was not any flesh but his anointed flesh, flesh that has the fullness of God’s Spirit dwelling within, which occurred at the river Jordan.


    You are discounting the fact that Jesus flesh was born at the house of bread (Bethlehem, not Jordan).

    You can believe whatever you want, but your beliefs do not line up with the whole of Scripture


    Hi Ed J,

    Jesus was born in Bethlehem  and yes he was born of flesh, a human being. He however he was not anointed until his baptism at the river Jordan, where he became the Bread of Life.

    John 6:51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

    Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

    “The Spirit is life, the flesh profits nothing”

    “The Spirit is life because of righteousness”

    Jesus is called the Bread of Life because he was anointed with the Spirit of Life, he was called to righteousness where God said He would hold his hand and keep him to fulfill God’s covenant, which was forgiveness of our sins by the death of this righteous man on the cross. 

    Ed J

    John 6:51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

    Why do you convolute Christ, the living bread that came down from heaven (as seen in Micah 5:2),
    that was born in the house of bread, with God’s Holy Spirit that was made flesh at the Jordan river?

    …when the verse you quote makes this distinction clear!



    Hi Ed J,

    Micah 2:2 But thou, Bethlehem (house of bread) Ephratah (place of fruitfulness), though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

    out of Bethlehem Ephratah he shall come forth TO BE RULER

    Ed J, please directly address this point I already made.

    When Jesus was born he didn’t go sit on his throne at that time and rule, but yet the passage says out of Bethlehem, this is because the child Jesus born in Bethlehem is the person of prophecy who would be an eternal ruler.


    When Jesus was born he was not yet anointed and sent out into the world, speaking the words of God that were Spirit and were Life, but he most certainly was the child born of prophecy who would.

    No scripture equates Jesus to being the Bread of Life BECAUSE he was born in Bethlehem the house of Bread. 

    The Holy Spirit was housed in Jesus’s body, an anointing at the river Jordan, he was a house of fruitfulness as he had all the fruits of God’s Spirit upon him.

    The words that he spoke they are Spirit, and they are life.

    He received the Spirit not by measure to SPEAK the WORDS OF LIFE. 

    Those who believed on his words were promised eternal life. 

    Though shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God’s mouth. 

    You cannot just eat the bread you must eat the Word of Life. The Bread of Life was the anointed Jesus speaking to us the words that were Spirit and life. 

    Ed J

    yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me

    Jesus came unto God at the Jordan river

    Ed J

    No scripture equates Jesus to being the Bread of Life BECAUSE he was born in Bethlehem the house of Bread.

    It does by definition.

    Here let’s look at another: Nazareth is called the city of branches.

    “Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH;
    and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:” (Zech 6:12)

    Here is this fulfillment…

    “Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people” (Luke 24:19)

    And in like manor: The bread from Heaven was born at the house of bread.

    Your views do not line up with the whole of Scripture

    Ed J

    Closer To Truth – Big Questions in Free Will


    Are people freely able to choose to post in this topic or are they being forced by things that they cannot control. Lol.


    Could those who fully understand free will be alive and those who do not be NPCs?


    There are many things that are part of the mechanics of the universe. Things are affected by gravity, quantum physics,

    Does a meteor landing on earth mean that there is no free will?

    The common sense approach to this is to just vocalise what you see.

    We can see that we live in a universe that moves in many ways like a machine despite what we think.

    Yet we live in this place and make decisions and God holds us accountable for our decisions.

    Yes some things come from our unconscious mind. An object moves toward my head and I duck even before really making that decision in my conscious mind.

    But we choose to do good or evil. To listen to the Spirit or the flesh. These are decisions God holds us responsible for.

    Therefore we have the choice in such matters.


    Proclaimer…….. the universe is a result of “caused “,  nothing free about it.

    “Freewill” is an illusion no such thing exists, we are “caused” to will, by what is influencing us.  If the love of God is shed  abroad in our hearts, (minds) we are “caused” by the working of that “spirit” to love our neighbors.   “cause and effect”    that is why scripture say we are being “created unto good works”,  we are not “self willed” to good works, it is a “creation” of God “in” us. 

    That is why there can be a “true” determined outcome. GOD KNOWS THE OUTCOME FROM THE BEGINNING, how is that? If there exists a will that is “truley” free, how could God predict any human outcome ?  He couldn’t  if  a “freewill” exists.

    All will are caused rather good or evil, they are all caused, by influences taking place “in” your mind.

    “freewill” is a OXYMORON,  no such thing exists, wills are alway “caused”, never are they “free of cause”. 

    Just that simple ……we can be ’caused to be perfect by the creative power of God, just as Jesus was and is, by the Spirit of the Living GOD.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene



    Ed J

    Saying there is no “FreeWill” is just a bunch of bunk Gene, and you know it!

    “I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm,
    which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee.” (Ezra 7:13)

    Which has the higher influence here Gene?

    Their “FreeWill” or what you say?

    What you say influences me…   O




    Ed J

    If there exists a will that is “truley” free, how could God predict any human outcome ?

    Hi Gene, Here’s how…

    Because He’s not like you, He’s God:

    “I God, and there is none else; I God,
    and there is none like me, Declaring
    the end from the beginning
    ” (Isaiah 46:9-10)


    Gene, you make zero sense.

    And the fact that you would even try to convince me that there is no free will.

    What a joke. I need free will to choose to believe you.

    Of course I do not because you are talking rubbish again.

    God makes you accountable for what you choose and what you teach.

    No excuses. Be responsible for the fact that you are free to choose good or evil.

    Are you feeling guilty about something and want free will to not exist so you can’t blame yourself?

    God and many of God tell us to choose God. To choose good. To keep away from evil.

    We can only do this if we are free to choose to do these.

    Wake up Gene.

    Lol, if you really want to convince me that you have no free will and are a robot then fine.

    Maybe you are  a robot. I know that I am not. I was made in the image of God and God can choose.


    Gene, you say there is no free will.

    Mike says the earth is flat.

    I’m not sure which is dumber.


    Proclaimer……Evidently you did not watch the movie Edj posted.  They sure did not seem so sure there exists any so called “freewill”, now we’re they.   You both are ignorant of the truth,  saying God could know the end from the beginning because he is God,is a lame excuse, God know the end from the beginning because he knows what Is driving the wills working  in humans, OR HAVEN’T YOU EVER READ THIS, “the carnel mind is enmity against God: for it is “not subject” to the law of God, neither indeed can be.  

    So then they that are in the flesh  “cannot”  please God. But you (those given the spirit of God) are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, “if” so be that the Spirit of God “in” you. Now if “any” man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is “none” of his. 

    So Edj and Proclaimer tell us again, how a person some how by his own Carnel nature “choose ” by his own Carnel mind   “freewill” chose to be spiritual minded.  How does that work seening he is not even subject to the laws of God, “neither indeed can be”? 


    Truth is you people want God completely out of you wills, because of your self aragance, you actually believe you yourselves chose you own salvation.  Even though scriptures show you are completely unable to.

    But those of the truth understand this,

    Phil 2:13……“for it is God which “works” in you “both” to will and to do of his good pleasure”. 

    But according to you two, it is you own “freewill” that work to do God’s good pleasure in you. Neither of you need God right,  you are able to do it “yourselves” through you so-called “freewill” choices, good luck with that, your both going to need it. 

    Go back and look at you posted video, and this time think about what is actually being shown there, espically about will”s  being the result of cause and effects,

    By the way Edj,  the word used as ‘freewill” in that scripture you quoted  should be translated  as “voluntary”.  But even voluntary things are driven by what is influencing the person the most.  So it is the result of a casual “influence”, a desire “working” within the person doing it.

    Again for the hundredth time,  I have never said we don’t have “freedom”, to express our “influenced” “wills” , but none of that means the will, “itself” is free, the term “freewill” is a OXYMORON.  None exists, simple as that

    If freewill did exist there could be no, predetermined outcome ever. God or anyone else could never predict anything,  because everything a person does would be the result of random chance, a eternal crap game.  GOD could not predict any future event ever, because it would all depend on a Will that was “free” of influences,  so it could flip flop back and forward for ever, without any determined outcome. The devil could be a devil today a Saint tomorrow,  all depends on which way his so-called  “freewill” was driving him, and we could be saved today , and destroyed tommorow, all depend on how our so-called  “freewill” minds decides to go that day,  we could flip flop throughout all eternity, nothing ever being diffinet.

    Bottom line Proclaimer and Edj., neither of you even have a clue what your talking about on this subject,  go back and take another look at your video,  and this time consider the other  side for a change.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene






    Ed J

    So Edj and Proclaimer tell us again, how a person some how by his own Carnel nature “choose ” by his own Carnel mind “freewill” chose to be spiritual minded.

    Hi Gene,

    Keep asking questions – that’s how you learn!

    Because they realize that their FreeWill apart from God has caused
    them to fall headlong into sin. But God has the remedy: Repent!
    Repent means to change direction. We do this with Gods help.

    “be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2)

    Keep asking questions Gene – that’s how you learn!

    God bless
    Ed J

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