Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #830144

    Nick:  Hi Mike,

    You are applying your principles of human logic to the spiritual word of God.

    And you misquote the verse.


    God is the ME.

    Oh for the love of Pete… really Nick?  One will come forth… so I can rule Israel?  Is that really what you think those words mean?  Does God need someone else to come forth out of Bethlehem so HE can rule Israel?


    Okay, I made it to the end of the thread, and didn’t find one single explanation for how the moon can eclipse from the top down – or side to side for that matter.  I’m calling you all out here…

    Ed?  Gene?  Kathi?  David?  Andrew?  T8?  Nick?  Here’s the video again, in case you missed it…


    That video is overwhelming and irrefutable proof that, at least on two eclipses, the shadow on the moon couldn’t possibly have been caused by the earth.  And that means the heliocentric model is wrong – plain and simple.  Who can refute what I’ve just said?


    Hi Mike,

    Ps 2.2

    The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord

    and against His anointed saying

    ’Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us’

    … worship the Lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son,

    that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may soon be kindled.

    Zech 14.5

    …Then The Lord , my God will come, and all the Holy ones with Him

    Zech 14.9

    Then the Lord will be king over all the earth; in that day the Lord will be the only one, and His name the only one.


    When will you understand that God uses human vessels for His purposes?


    Hi Mike,

    Just pleased you are ending the thread.

    Not interested in your dinky science.


    Nick, the “one” in Micah 5:2 has to…

    1.  Come from Bethlehem.
    2. Rule over Israel.
    3. Have originated in days of old.

    Who fits the bill?


    Exodus 20

    “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

    1.  How many days are we to work before taking a day off?
    2. What is the reason God Himself gave for giving us this schedule?

    That’s where you and I are, Nick.  When you can directly and honestly address those, we can talk about more things.


    Here’s where T8 and I are…

    1.  Waiting for an answer to the questions I posed to Nick above about Exodus 20 (since I posed them to T8 before I posed them to Nick).
    2. Waiting to hear if he understands that a man disappearing from the bottom up as he’s walking away on a football field doesn’t mean he’s going over the curvature of the earth.
    3. Waiting to hear his explanation for how the moon can eclipse from the top down.
    4. Waiting to hear if he yet realizes that seeing things that would be miles under the curve prove that the earth isn’t curved.
    5. Waiting to hear if he understands that just because one thing is literal in scripture, doesn’t mean everything is, and vice-versa for metaphorical.
    6. Waiting to hear his scriptural reason for trying to add more time into Genesis 1, and for trying to move the creation day of the sun forward.  (See, I already know his reason, and I know it has nothing to do with scriptures.  His reason is based on the lies of godless men, and I’m trying to get him to be a stand up man and just admit that.)

    Kathi, I’m just waiting for you to come discuss this top-down eclipse with me, to see what our iron on iron can figure out.



    Hi Mike,

    God will rule in Israel.

    He will rule through his Son Jesus Christ.

    A man transformed by his anointing from above by the Holy Spirit.

    A man born in Bethlehem who was made both Lord and Christ.

    It is all about God as His Spirit using chosen vessels.


    Hi Mike,

    Heb 4

    Therefore, let us fear if, while a promise remains of entering His REST , any one of you may seem to have come short of it. For he indeed we have had the good news preached to us, just as they also; but the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard. For we who have believed have entered that REST, just as He has said,

    ’ As I swore in My wrath, they shall not enter my REST’

    Though His works were finishedfrom the foundation of the world. For He has said somewhere concerning the seventh day,

    ’And God rested on the seventh day from all His works’

    and again in this passage

    ’They shall not enter My REST’

    Therefore, since it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly had good news reached to the failed to enter because of disobedience, He again fixes a certain day’ today’ saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before,

    ’Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart’

    For if Joshua had given them REST He would not have spoken of another day after that. So there remains a SABBATH REST for the people of God. For the one who has entered His REST has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. Therefore let us be diligent to enter that REST, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience.


    The REST is the millennial reign.

    Do you agree?


    Hi Mike,

    Will God not rule in Israel?


    Hi Mike,

    “ONE will go forth for ME to be ruler in Israel.”

    And you think the


    IS  the



    God is not a God of confusion but of peace


    T8The creation event like prophecy is not the same as a recorded event in history right?”



    That may be your conclusion but many who believe in the Word of God do view it as an historical event.



    T8: “Plus, I don’t think the Fibonacci Code draws even flower petals, it’s more about spirals.”


    I believe you need to educate yourself on this. This is a fascinating subject!



    T8: “You can clearly see the bottom of the buildings are cut off from view.”


    In case you missed the point Mike made it was that all of the buildings should be well under the curve.

    Also, it has been explained and demonstrated here that the atmosphere both magnifies and bends the light down thru refraction which explains the missing little bitty bit of missing building.

    How did you explain why we can see any part of the buildings much less most of them?


    Now, instead of me answering the same points over and over – how about you address that top-down eclipse video for the FIRST time?

    Mike, you can easily simulate the curvature effect using a small distance from yourself. If a field rises slightly then you could walk over it and start to dissappear over the other side and it could easily look flat 5o the observer. As for this effect over the horizon, I imagine that is best done over water as water doesn’t generally undulate like land. I saw a video of an ocean liner disappearing bottom first and in that same video, they noted that Flat Earthers use the same small boat example on the near side of the horizon, meaning when it dissappears out of view due to its small size, it can be brought back with binoculars. That is pretty deceptive or at least ignorant. You have also helped out with posting photos of skylines where the bottom part is clearly missing.

    As for the topsy turvey  eclipse, I already said I cannot visualise it on a globe earth or a flat earth. I said that the video could be fake or the lit up part was because the sun was behind the person and to his right. Not sure what is possible here, but needless to say it doesn’t cry out flat earth to me.

    Overall, what I think you are doing in this topic is ignoring the log and promoting the speck.


    Dig. I predicted someone would post a flower video and was right. It is not because it is a flower or that the circles are equal diameters, but has more to do with the spiral pattern or ever decreasing or increasing spiral shape. And yes that is found in flowers, but not in the believed orbit of wandering stars. I likened it to the shape of petals but not a Fibonacci sequence. Regardless, you haven’t attempted to explain the coincidence that the helio model makes the orbits as simple and predictable orbits around the sun if you placebthe eat as revolving around it also.

    Ed J

    Mike said:

    When a day in scripture is qualified as having an evening and a morning, is it more likely than not that it refers to a regular day? YES or NO?
    When days in scripture are accompanied by numbers, such as “the first day”, “the second day”, “the third day”, etc, is it more likely than not that they refer to regular days? YES or NO?
    When God says we must work six days and rest on the seventh BECAUSE He created for six days and rested on the seventh, is it more likely than not that God is talking about regular days? YES or NO?

    I say:

    Yes, Yes, Yes.

    I say:
    In most circumstances this is the case because most cases have a context of everyday life and normal events, but it is not correct in all cases. In most circumstances, an hour is an hour and a week a week. But in the creation event, prophecy, and parables, we do not apply literal meanings usually. So the correct answer is not always. Notice your question says: LIKELY and I am answering yes to that particular wording because scripture records a lot of history where a day is a day. The creation event like prophecy is not the same as a recorded event in history right? Would you argue that Judgement Day 24 hours long?

    Scripture talks about hours, days, and weeks and they are not always literal. When it comes to John saying he was in the last hour because of the rise of antichrists, then a literal hour has expired right and yet here we are still in the last hour. Explain that? When Daniel talks about a week, many scholars think it is code for years such as Daniel’s 70th week. In the creation event, you both argue that the days are literal 24 hours including the first day when you say the sun was not even created. A huge discrepancy right there.

    Simply put, what is going on here is the language. Hebrew has less words than English so words like hour, day, week, sword, etc are used to mean a period of time or power and authority in context. The last hour mention for example could be applying a day for the whole age. The context of the creation event is 6 stages followed by a rest of which our week is an image of. If you are going to be literal about everything, then be literal about the last hour John spoke about, the seventy weeks of Daniel, the sword coming from the mouth of Jesus when he returns, and the locusts with human heads.

    At least be consistent, but cherry picking is cheating and people notice it right away.

    But I hear you say repeatedly that the creation says had a morning and an evening. But I have addressed this fairly and rightly dividing the word.

    You say there was no sun on the first 3.5 days. Even the fourth day had no sun in the morning. Explain that and explain why you are free to cherry pick when you can apply the Dig Rule and when not to.

    I bet I do not get an answer to this that is even remotely satisfactory. Prove me wrong.

    Good Post T8

    Ed J

    Eddy J: No Digger,

    The bible says: God called “the light” he created on day 1 “Day” – that my friend is “the sun” – DAY 1

    So “the sun” is “the light” God created on day one? Do a check and see if the Hebrew word for “light” on day one is the same word for “sun” on day four. Let us know what you find. Scripture tells me God both made the sun and placed it in the firmament on day four. You say otherwise. I will stick with what scripture says.

    Hi Mike,

    I wouldn’t matter, as long as the light that God called “Day”
    on day is the same word as “Day” used on day four.

    Do you not see this?

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    1) Did the word of God (as you imagine it) have an origin?
    2) Did the word of God (as you imagine it) come from Bethlehem?
    3) Is the word of God (as you imagine it) the ruler over Israel?

    Hi Mike,

    I like y/n questions

    1) No
    2) No
    3) Yes

    You didn’t used to. 🙂 But anyway, you can see by your “No”, “No”, “Yes” response that you are misaligned with scripture. Because according to scripture, the answer is “Yes” to all three. So whoever is ruling over Israel right now is the same one who came from Bethlehem, but also had an origin from ancient days. You’ll have to align your understanding of “the word” so that it can fit all of those criteria.

    So says you


    Mike said: Again, pay attention. Look at the post (I think third from the top of this page), and tell me if the man walking away is disappearing over the curvature of the earth. Seriously, tell me if he is, so I know I won’t have to deal with this same crap another hundred times.

    1 2 3 is so easy to do. You just need a small hill or a bit of high ground. Walk over the top and you go down the other side. It works like the horizon on the globe earth. You go over and you start to disappear from the bottom up. It works with big objects like ocean liners and tall building. You see the bottom of these cut off too, like those pictures you’ve been posting of city skylines where the bottom of the buildings are below the visible horizon, but perhaps also affected by atmospheric lensing to give a greater than normal view. Not going to be swayed by that report either.

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