Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Flat Earth “Science” — Wrong, but not Stupid

    This lady thinks that Flat Earthers should be taken more seriously. Let’s see what she says. Will watch this now.


    Danny: Hi Mike,

    The article “200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball”
    has many great arguments.
    What I’m going to say is hard for me but I will say it anyway:
    At this time, I’m no longer convinced that our earth is a globe!
    Argument 15 got me thinking.
    I will share this argument in the following post.

    Dude, I feel your excitement, confusion, disillusionment, etc.  I’m 57 years old, and found out that we don’t live on a spinning water ball flying through space only 5 years ago.  It is crazy-hard to put down 52 years of non-stop indoctrination and beliefs that have been ingrained in you since you were able to think.  But my journey began when Dig4Truth (who posted on this thread for many months early on) sent me a link to the same 200 proofs you’re reading right now.

    I even decided to start a YouTube channel, and explain what happened next.  This was the first video I ever made.  It’s only two minutes.  Give it a look…


    Danny:  15) If the Earth were truly a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference, airplane pilots would have to constantly correct their altitudes downwards so as to not fly straight off into “outer space;” a pilot wishing to simply maintain their altitude at a typical cruising speed of 500 mph, would have to constantly dip their nose downwards and descend 2,777 feet (over half a mile) every minute! Otherwise, without compensation, in one hour’s time the pilot would find themselves 31.5 miles higher than expected.

    That is 100% correct, Danny.  And there’s so much more!  Have you ever heard the pilot phrase, “Keep it straight and level.”?  That is done through a gyroscope.  A spinning gyro is “rigid in space” – which means that if you start the center disk spinning when it is level to a runway in, say, Phoenix, the disk will stay perfectly level with that Phoenix runway as long as the disk remains spinning – even if the plane flies non-stop to Australia.

    The gyro is what controls the pilot’s “horizon-level” indicator…

    Screenshot (414)

    The yellow wings are synched with the gyro.  The white horizontal line is the horizon.  If the plane banks right (second image), the gyro and yellow wings remain level with the Phoenix runway, but the horizon line moves to let the pilot know that the airplane itself is no longer flying “straight and level” with the actual horizon.  If the plane increases altitude (nose higher than tail), the yellow wings will be in the blue, and if the plane nosedives, the yellow wings will be in the brown, letting the pilot know the plane is heading down instead of flying straight and level with the ground.

    But the point is that “straight and level with the ground” refers to the ground in Phoenix.  And level with the ground in Phoenix is NOT level with the ground in Iowa, or Florida, or Africa, or Australia.

    So #15 is absolutely correct that if the plane that started off level with the runway in Phoenix gained altitude and then kept it “straight and level” on its way to Australia, the plane would fly off into “outer space” as the ball earth kept curving away from it underneath.

    Screenshot (415)


    And there’s even more… like the fact that every pilot is trained on a simulator that says right in the instructions that it “Assumes a Flat and Stationary Earth”.

    Now what good would it be to train someone on a simulator that assumed an environment that WASN’T the environment the pilots would actually be dealing with?

    Danny, there is so much for you to discover.  Along with continuing to read the 200 Proofs, I suggest you download the Flat Earth Sun, Moon, and Zodiac app to your phone…

    Flat Earth App

    Every day Dave has a featured video (bottom left corner).  They are always short vids, and only one a day.  If you just watch that one vid each day, you’ll learn so much.

    You can also click the question mark and learn about gravity, Coriolis effect, and so much more.  Check it out.  It’s like 200 Proofs on steroids.


    Proclaimer: I see. The waters were on the face and plants and seeds on the face of the earth.

    And birds fly across the face.

    So they are flying over the dome.


    Don’t forget to put a bird outside the dome in your flat earth model.

    Please stop embarrassing yourself.  If you stand on the shore looking at the ocean, what is the FACE of the ocean?  The BOTTOM of it? 🙄  No… it’s the TOP of it.  It’s the part of the ocean that FACES you.

    If the firmament is a solid dome that covers the earth… which part of that dome FACES you?  The TOP of it?  🙄  Or the BOTTOM of it?

    The Bible teaches that birds fly OVER the earth, and BENEATH the FACE of the firmament of heaven (ie: the part of the firmament that FACES us).

    It’s not rocket science, Proclaimer.


    Proclaimer: …it seems clear that either Jesus was given a vision of all the kingdoms or that he saw the four corners of the earth…  Going up a high mountain was not to get a better view, but is what Jesus did when he went to pray to the Father.

    Matthew 4:8-9… The devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

    Does it say Jesus had gone to the top of a very high mountain to pray, and then the devil came there and gave Jesus a “vision” of “four corners”?

    Or does it say that it was the devil who TOOK Jesus to a VERY HIGH (why did it have to be so high? 🤔) mountain – and SHOWED him ALL of the KINGDOMS of the world?

    A simple comparison of what you say to what the Bible says shows the flaws in your argument.

    Which of the two is true, Proclaimer?  What YOU say?  Or what the BIBLE says?


    Proclaimer:  When the Bible talks about kingdoms of the world / earth, it is not talking about the planet. Earth for example just means land, but those ignorant think it means what we call earth today, the whole planet.

    Everybody remember these words from Proclaimer.  I will use them against him soon.  In the meantime…

    Mike:  You suggest that despite the sun existing, a dense atmosphere kept the surface of the earth in darkness.

    Okay, so when God said, “Let there be light” and separated the light from the darkness, what actually happened to make light reach the earth and break up the darkness?

    Proclaimer: One scientific explanation is volcanic eruptions spewed gases from Earth’s interior to the atmosphere… The water vapor eventually condensed to form part of Earth’s oceans as the surface cooled.

    Proclaimer, I’m still waiting for a DIRECT answer.  Are you saying that what happened to allow the light to reach the earth is that a polluted atmosphere cleared up?

    Please directly answer the question I asked above.  Thanks.



    Proclaimer, I’m still waiting for a DIRECT answer. Are you saying that what happened to allow the light to reach the earth is that a polluted atmosphere cleared up?

    Correct. Natural pollution is one explanation. Scripture doesn’t tell us for how long the earth was formless and void.

    It’s even possible that many ages had already taken place at this stage. I mean with our own eyes we can see many dinosaurs that were fossilized and since buried.


    Or does it say that it was the devil who TOOK Jesus to a VERY HIGH (why did it have to be so high? 🤔) mountain – and SHOWED him ALL of the KINGDOMS of the world?

    Correct. It doesnt say vision at least in English. But so what. It doesn’t rule it out either. These sorts of encounters with God involve visions so it could be when conversing with another spirit being.

    But let’s assume it is not a vision. Because that argument doesn’t work for flat earth either.

    To see all the kingdoms, one only needs to be located in the centre which Israel is and look to the four corners NSEW. The world in the bible is the area around The Great Sea The Mediterranean Sea.

    And when you see a kindom, what are you looking at? The area that is ruled. And to see it, do you need to see all of it? No.

    But let’s run with your idea that there is a mountain indeed that high that you can see China from Israel. Why don’t you go there and get a photo with your P900 or whatever. Show some evidence. I went to the Himilayas once and could only see the country I was in.


    The plane dipping argument

    The old plane needs to dip argument proving a flat earth has been debunked. When you fly, it is altitude that you maintain. If I fly at 5000 feet then it will naturally follow the curve. And the curve would be unnoticed from there. Lol. Seriously, you think a pilot would even detect the curve with his own eyes?

    DEBUNK STATUS: Debunked.



    Only a globe can explain it

    Flat Earthers just ignore it.



    Mike, how many suns are in this particular model?



    This is the map of solar eclipse which will happen on April 8, 2024. This like all eclipse predictions are based on Heliocentric model’s calculations from the paths of both the Earth and The Moon, around the Sun.

    The Eclipse can actually be seen in West of USA before East because the shadow of The Moon goes west to east.

    This is impossible on a Flat Earth.



    Did you know that a sunrise or sunset under clouds is not possible on a flat earth?

    The Heliocentric Model not only makes it possible, it predicts it.




    Hey Mike. I watched that video. You said you thought you were losing your mind. You were actually correct.


    Mike:  Are you saying that what happened to allow the light to reach the earth is that a polluted atmosphere cleared up?

    Proclaimer:  Correct. 

    So your story is that heaven and earth already existed in Gen 1:1.  But the earth was completely dark because, although the sun existed, volcanic air pollution (or whatever) prohibited the light of the sun from reaching the earth.  And when God said, “Let there be light”, He literally meant, “Let there be a clearing of the earth’s atmosphere, so the already existing sunlight can reach it.”

    Okay.  So now we have a cleared atmosphere and the light from the sun can reach the earth.  So then what does the following mean?

    Genesis 1:14-17… And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven… And let them serve as lights in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth.”

    God made two great lights…  God set these lights in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth…

    If “Let there be light” means God cleared the atmosphere and allowed sunlight to shine upon the earth on Day One, then what does it mean that God made two great lights to shine upon the earth on Day Four?

    The most SUCCINCT and DIRECT answer you can muster would be much appreciated.  Thanks.


    Proclaimer:  The old plane needs to dip argument proving a flat earth has been debunked… When you fly, it is altitude that you maintain. If I fly at 5000 feet then it will naturally follow the curve.

    You’re not thinking it through.

    1.  The gyro (and the plane’s horizon indicator) are level with the Phoenix runway.

    Screenshot (414)

    2.  The plane takes off and ascends to 5000 ft.  During the ascent, the yellow wings on the horizon indicator will be in the blue – showing that the plane body is not level with the ground, but aimed up towards the sky.

    Screenshot (414)

    3.  When the pilot reaches his desired cruising altitude of 5000 feet, he will make the plane level again, bringing the yellow wings back down even with the white horizon line on the instrument.

    Screenshot (414)

    4.  The pilot then flies “straight and level” all the way to Hawaii (or wherever), keeping those yellow wings on the white horizon line the entire time.  By doing so, his altitude will REMAIN at 5000 feet the entire trip.

    So you’re right that the pilot ascends to the desired altitude.  But once he’s reached that altitude, he levels the plane with the white horizon line on the instrument and just keeps it there until it’s time to descend upon the Hawaii runway.

    If the earth is a flat plane (as in “airPLANE”), then keeping the plane “straight and level” will keep him at an altitude of 5000 feet above sea level (as in “sea LEVEL”) forever.

    If the earth is a ball, then keeping the plane straight and level will result in the earth curving out from beneath him as his plane remains flying level with the Phoenix runway – which would be nowhere close to level with the ground beneath him in California.

    Keeping it “straight and level” with the Phoenix runway will result in the plane flying off into outer space.

    Screenshot (416)

    Remember that “level” is governed by the spinning gyro in the plane.  And the level of that gyro was set in Phoenix, which means the yellow wings on the white horizon line on the instrument ALWAYS represent level with the runway in Phoenix – no matter how far the plane flies, or in which direction it flies.

    And keeping it level and 5000′ above Phoenix will keep that plane level and 5000′ above Cali, Hawaii, Peru, China – or anywhere else in the world.  This is because airPLANES fly over a flat and stationary PLANE – not over a ball.


    Hey @Danny Dabbs, I’m here on this thread for you.  I’m not going to use my time continually refuting Proclaimer’s memes, videos, misunderstandings, and erroneous claims.

    But if there are ever any of his claims or memes that YOU want me to address, just ask. 👍


    Mike isn’t going to refute the claims here because he can’t. When people do not like the truth, at first they try to debunk it. When they cannot do that, they simply ridicule it but give no supporting evidence. Eventually they ignore it.

    The reason I have won this debate Mike is not because I am better than you. It is simple. It is way easier to debate when you are on the side of truth. Simple as that.

    BTW, there are probably around 100 memes and short arguments made lately that each blow the flat earth out of the water. If the earth was flat, then you could provide a correction or demonstrate where the misunderstanding is. But  if you cannot refute even one, it puts the Flat Earth model into doubt and if it can never be proven wrong, then the conclusion is that the Flat Earth is not reality. One debunk is all it takes. But there are probably over 100 made in this topic recently. I will add to the list of course as more good arguments, evidence, and proof come to light.

    Anyone who has common sense coupled with a heart that searches for truth would be super worried about that. But not you it seems. I wonder why that is? Does the truth not matter to you? Are you only interested in being right yourself? God help anyone you influence. God help anyone you disciple. Shame on you for using the Word of God to support your own agenda. Stop lying. The bible doesn’t teach the earth is flat anywhere. You have been debunked so many times it is amazing that you still think you have credibility.

    And ignoring these truths shows that deep down, you know you are deceived. I can tell you that if you really knew the earth was flat, you could easily debunk these statements because when you have truth by your side, it is easy.


    Why the North Star doesn’t appear to move despite us moving

    Here’s another one for Mike to ignore. There is after all a certain comfort that comes with putting your head in the sand. Ignorance is bliss.

    DEBUNK STATUS: Debunked.


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