Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Pear shaped earth is misleading

    Calling the earth “pear shaped” is a seriously misleading misnomer. It’s effectively a perfect sphere. Here I explain:
    First off in regards to flatties notions about spin, you’re labor under a vast erroneous misconception. Earth rotates at 0.000694 RPM, one rotation in 24 hours- not factoring in sidereal time due to it’s orbit around the sun which has several striking effects on the celestial sphere, I’m keeping this very simple. This causes a centrifugal force exerted at the equator that is 0.3% that of gravity so you weight 0.3% less at the equator than at the poles. It’s an angular velocity equivalent of taking 6 hours and 6,200 miles to complete a single 90° left turn due east in a car , by analogy.

    Now, here’s where a solid comparison will show you how insignificant it is.

    Fun fact: Saturn and Jupiter spin much faster than earth, with Jupiter having the shortest day in the Solar System, completing a full rotation (as it’s 4 massive highly visible Galilean moons orbit) in no more than 9 hours and 56 minutes which can be observed with binoculars alone. Consequently, it’s equatorial bulge is quite prominent, at around 6.9% thicker around it’s equator. Saturn is even more pronounced with an equatorial bulge a whopping 10.2% wider at the equator than between the poles. And yet even these gargantuan gas giant still appear as a near perfect sphere.

    Earth’s is a mere 0.3% and consequently, our *Ahem* “Pear Shaped” earth is essentially a perfect sphere for all intents and purposes, especially to the naked eye.

    Our equatorial bulge is minuscule, boasting a meagre 42 kilometer (26 mile) difference around it’s equator than it’s meridional circumference; as measured from pole to pole.


    Restored Apollo 11 Moonwalk – Original NASA EVA Mission Video

    Walking on the Moon

    Almost 3 hours of fake footage according to Mike. Lol.


    Flat Out Lies

    Flerf Distorts Video To “Prove” Flat Earth!



    Flat Earth Map is Stupid

    Forget about the ludicrous distances when travelling between destinations of the flat earth. Look at the size of Australia. It is as big as the US and Canada combined. Lol. It may be a projection, but you cannot say that the earth is actually like this because it gets less accurate as you head south.

    And NZ is almost as big as Mexico.




    Proclaimer:  Wherever you put it, Foucault’s Pendulum swings from a motionless point while the earth rotates beneath it. Every point of the universe is a fixed point. All you have to do is hang the Pendulum from it. Foucault’s pendulum is an easy experiment demonstrating the Earth’s rotation.

    True.  That’s why for decades construction workers haven’t needed watches or whistles to let them know when it’s time to start working, because all the cranes on the construction sites are Foucault pendulums, and the workers can just tell by the direction the ball and hook are swinging when it’s time to start their shift in the morning.  After all, we’ve all seen tons of cranes at construction sites with those balls and hooks swinging along with the earth’s rotation all night long, right? 🤣


    In reality, Foucault’s pendulums are nothing more than a gag and a visitor’s attraction.  They are forcefully set in motion, and have gears in the mounting that causes them to swing back and forth through the azimuth degrees throughout each day.  The newer ones don’t need a push start each morning like the older ones… they have motors in the ceiling mount now that keep them moving through the geared rotation.

    Of course, simple logical thinking would tell you that if it truly worked for Foucault pendulums, it would work exactly the same for every single crane on every single construction site across the world.  Does it?

    Try it yourself.  Hang a weight on a string from your ceiling.  See if it starts (and continues forever) to swing around the azimuth degrees – one rotation per day.


    Did anyone else here notice that, after years of staying off this thread, I came back (due to Danny) and addressed some of Proclaimer’s claims recently?

    Did anyone else here notice that Proclaimer ignored every single one of my responses – posts that were directly addressed to him and concerned things that HE had claimed?

    Did anyone else here notice that Proclaimer mentions me by name in at least 50% of his posts, saying things like, “Mike believes X…” and “How does Mike explain Y…”?

    Does everyone else here now understand WHY I walked away from my own thread years ago?  😎


    Proclaimer: Correct me if I am wrong.

    1.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
    (Already created.)

    2.  Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. (Further proof that the heavens were already created because it was created along with the earth and the earth is being referenced now.)

    3.  And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
    (You have no clue what this light is.)

    4.  God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
    (In God, there is no darkness. This is a physical light of some kind)

    5.  God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.”
    (Oh, would you look at that. This light dictates day and night. I wonder what it could be.)

    6.  And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
    (There you have it. All done and dusted before day one.)

    Okay… I WILL correct you because you ARE wrong.  Let’s take it slowly…

    1.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
    (Already created.)

    In your understanding, does Gen 1:1 mean that the entire heaven – complete with our earth, our moon, our sun, and billions of other stars – are already in existence?  Yes or No, please?


    In reality, Foucault’s pendulums are nothing more than a gag and a visitor’s attraction.

    Why don’t flat earthers just build their own one since the globers have rigged every single one in the world and in history. Lol. Is it because you can’t? Lack of funds?


    Did anyone else here notice that, after years of staying off this thread, I came back (due to Danny) and addressed some of Proclaimer’s claims recently?

    Yeah, I noticed that. Lol.

    Did anyone else here notice that Proclaimer ignored every single one of my responses – posts that were directly addressed to him and concerned things that HE had claimed?

    I doubt anyone noticed including me. I put in a lot of hours answering your questions Mike and once debunked, I am not going to waste my time flogging a dead horse. There are other things in life that take precedent, so I cannot dedicate my life’s mission to flat earth and endlessly debating your comebacks after you have been debunked. If the comeback makes a really good point, I would address it. Yeah, what a waste of a life that would be. Go into all the world and teach men the earth is flat despite the scriptures making no such claims. Lol.

    Did anyone else here notice that Proclaimer mentions me by name in at least 50% of his posts, saying things like, “Mike believes X…” and “How does Mike explain Y…”?

    Mike. Go through all the posts I have made in this topic and see how many times I intentionally type your name. Most of the time if I did, it was simply to point out that you said this, and then I type my name to show that I said that for clarification purposes. Big deal. You started this topic after all. But I doubt that your name appears 50% or more of the time despite the posts where I am replying directly to you. I did a quick test and indeed I mention your name on the first page a lot, but that is understandable because it would be kind of rude to not address you directly since you returned from the wild to Heaven Net. And yes in the last few pages, I have mentioned your name quite a bit because I am wrapping up the great victory and mentioning what you believe so everyone can see how badly you lost the debate. But I randomly selected pages in the middle and saw that I never mentioned your name at all in some of them.

    Does everyone else here now understand WHY I walked away from my own thread years ago?

    Yes, because you lost big time. If you were winning this debate you would have stuck around and placed the dagger in my heart to put to death the globe. Instead, you ran away because we were not easily swayed by superstition.


    Proclaimer:  Why don’t flat earthers just build their own one since the globers have rigged every single one in the world and in history. Lol. Is it because you can’t?

    Build what, exactly?  A weight hanging from a string that’s attached to our ceiling?  😂  What is your DIRECT and HONEST explanation to the tens of thousands of cranes at thousands of construction sites all over the world that do the same thing every day that a weight attached by a string to our ceiling would do?


    Proclaimer, in your understanding, does Gen 1:1 mean that the entire heaven – complete with our earth, our moon, our sun, and billions of other stars – are already in existence?  Yes or No, please?


    1.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
    (Already created.)

    In your understanding, does Gen 1:1 mean that the entire heaven – complete with our earth, our moon, our sun, and billions of other stars – are already in existence?  Yes or No, please?

    Yes, it seems that indeed the text says that. Then it says that the earth was formless and void, thus the existence of the earth then implies the existence of the heavens. Then we see light that causes night and day all before the very first day is wrapped up. Finally, there is even a separate verse that states “the day that the Lord God created the heavens and earth”.

    I see the next days as making the planet habitable for life and eventually for man. And the appearance of the sun, moon, and stars as exactly that. The appearance.

    I think your way of reading the text just proves the bible wrong because there is a glaring contradiction (ignore the science) in the bible. But my view is in harmony with not only scripture, but science too. Usually the truth has multiple witnesses. You offer contradiction.

    But let’s say you are correct, then you would have to view Genesis as an allegory because of the many contradictions it poses.  Whereas, I am simply saying that there is a legitimate way to read Genesis that neither contradicts the bible or science and I tend to think the correct way to understand something is when there is no contradiction left. Why? Because the truth does not contradict itself.

    What I find funny is that you are like an Atheist who is trying to debunk the bible. This is why gadam loves you. He sees contradiction also. Mike, I think you are batting for the wrong team.


    Build what, exactly?  A weight hanging from a string that’s attached to our ceiling?     What is your DIRECT and HONEST explanation to the tens of thousands of cranes at thousands of construction sites all over the world that do the same thing every day that a weight attached by a string to our ceiling would do?

    Seriously? Cranes are rigid constructions. A pendulum is free. Or are you talking about the wrecking ball on the crane?

    Edit: Ah I just noticed the hanging chain. So I guess you are talking about that. I imagine if the chain was swinging that there would be a 15 degree per hour drift.


    I should also mention that once the universe was created, then many things transformed from there. But now we are talking about science. Not all objects are the same age. The universe is dynamic. It’s like the systems on earth. It recycles and things change.




    Hey Mike, you complain that I do not answer your questions. I do, but maybe you are not reading them. Sure, I have probably missed some of them. But I know I have answered nearly every question you have asked me that I have read and were not completely idiotic. And I am sure I could answer the ones that you have in mind that I have not read. You can hit me with the no1 question that I have not answered. Although, I bet I have already posted the answer even if it is located in the middle of a video. Anyhow I need to make this point.

    I think you are being hypocritical because I have posted way more things that challenge your view than you have of my view. And you constantly just ignore the evidence. Here is a video for example that I doubt you could debunk, and that you will likely just ignore or remain silent on. Up till now, you have not refuted any argument made in this video.


    A picture says a thousand words



    Hey @gadam123

    I asked you a question.

    What is your no1 flat earth bible verse.

    If you avoid me, it means you are defeated.

    Hello Proclaimer, I don’t think I am defeating anyone here. You are my elder brother so I can only express my little views here which are troubling me. Yes we are debating on the ancient texts (Verses) which describe the Geography and Science of their own days. There is nothing like No 1 or 2 Verse here. Sorry brother….



    So you agree then that the bible doesn’t teach the earth is flat.

    Good because that is a fact. You need to convince Mike of this truth now that you have changed your mind.


    What is your no1 flat earth bible verse now?



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