Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    What is your no1 flat earth bible verse?

    says his verse is “the circle of the earth” verse. Lol. True story.

    Looking forward to your answer gadam.




    What is your no1 flat earth bible verse?

    says his verse is “the circle of the earth” verse. Lol. True story.

    Looking forward to your answer gadam.

    It’s again old question of yours only as you want to protect the Biblical Authors. The Circle itself is Flat only it’s not three dimensional like Globe. I have already given number of verses for such non-scientific writings.


    Just look at Genesis chapter 1, where some of the scientific errors are:

    There were day and night, separated by evening, before the sun existed;
    There was liquid water on the earth before the sun existed;
    Plants grew before the sun existed;
    There is a firmament that separates the waters above from the waters below;
    The sun, moon and stars are lights placed in the firmament that is just above the earth;
    The sun and stars were created after the earth;
    Sticking with Genesis for the moment, the biblical Noah’s flood does not go with science. Neither does the explanation of the rainbow, as science tells us rainbows existed on earth for billions of years, as long as there was water in the atmosphere.

    The continued existence of planet earth in its current form is evidence that the sun did not stand still for a day (Joshua 10:13). Science says it would be enormously destructive for the earth to cease rotating on its axis.



    Mike:  What is YOUR answer to your own question: Are all pilots lying about the curve?

    Danny:  I never said anything about a curve.

    I simply said, “What about the many pilots?
    They surely must have told us by now if the earth were really flat.
    Are they all deceitful?”

    If you didn’t think pilots could see the curve, then why did you ask specifically about pilots?  What other special circumstances would pilots have for knowing whether the earth was flat or a ball?  I don’t understand. Please explain.  I personally think that you DID believe the curve could be seen from airplanes – which is understandable since many pilots and even millions of passengers have sworn that they’ve seen the curve of the earth with their own eyes from airplanes.  And that would explain why you went right to “pilots” in your question – because if not for that, pilots have no other special skills to know the shape of the earth, right?  But whether or not that is the case, you now know that if we did live on a ball, we couldn’t see curvature from even 55 miles up – 6 times higher than commercial airliners fly.  And knowing is half the battle.

    Mike: You also said that you cannot personally prove that the earth is a ball. I then asked you WHY you believe it is.

    Danny: I believe the earth is a globe because I trust the witness of Astronomers, Astronauts, Pilots,
    Sailors, Geographers, Explorers and so on.

    So in short, you believe it because of things you’ve been told.  Like I said before, I appreciate your honesty, and wish Pretender could be as honest.  Whether or not we live on a ball, people should be honest enough to admit that they only believe we do because of things they’ve been told – not because they were able to PROVE it by themselves.

    Btw, no sailor has ever navigated with a globe.  But they have for centuries navigated using this map and others like it…

    AE Map

    You can read more about this map at Wiki…  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection

    As for explorers, consider these facts…

    In the ball-Earth model Antarctica is an ice continent which covers the bottom of the ball from 78 degrees South latitude to 90 and is therefore not more than 12,000 miles in circumference. Many early explorers including Captain Cook and James Clark Ross, however, in attempting Antarctic circumnavigation took 3 to 4 years and clocked 50-60,000 miles around. The British ship Challenger also made an indirect but complete circumnavigation of Antarctica traversing 69,000 miles. 

    The above is one of the many great facts contained in “200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball”.  They are all just short little paragraphs like the one above.  It doesn’t take long to read.  It is where I began my journey, and I highly suggest you look over these facts and give them some open-minded thought.  Just keep scrolling down.  Proofs 34-42 are all about explorers.  The one I quoted above is #42.


    Mike: Do you believe 2 Cor 4:4 – that the god of this age has blinded the unbelievers?

    Danny: He blinded them about what?
    He blinded them about the gospel!
    Just read the context.
    The devil and his freemasons are interested in
    moving people away from God and Jesus Christ.
    That’s the real deception.
    I wonder why nobody is talking about that?

    There are millions of us talking about it.  Devil-worshipping Freemasons are the ones who began the space programs, Danny!  Virtually all astronauts are freemasons, and ALL of them are members of the military… men who blindly follow orders even if the orders are to kill innocents or LIE to the public.  If you are willing to read the 200 Proofs and get back to me, we can talk more about the origins of NASA, the proven hoax of the moon landing, and so much more.

    I’m not asking you to blindly believe me like you’ve been blindly believing others for your entire life.  I’m only asking you to LOOK into it and come to YOUR OWN conclusions.

    Mike: So in the first 7 images above – a creator is necessary. Nobody would ever believe that any of those created themselves out of nothing. Only the last one – the NASA one – doesn’t require a God/Creator.

    Danny: I don’t agree.
    Our globe does require a God/Creator!

    I agree that even if we lived on a spinning ball, it would be logical that life and a world that could sustain it perfectly would require a creator.  But is that what Scientism teaches today?  Of course not.  The priests of Scientism teach – as a FACT mind you – that our spinning ball is an insignificant pale blue dot in a harsh and unforgiving vacuum filled with billions of other suns and insignificant rocks.  They teach that it’s not only reasonable, but a FACT that these insignificant rocks were created by accidents and random chance, and that sheer luck produced one rock with the right qualities for our particular kind of life to spontaneously generate itself from non-living chemicals, and then slowly evolve into more and more complicated life forms.  And BILLIONS of people believe these liars when they tell them that a “God” is not necessary, and is nothing more than an imaginary friend to make them feel better and safer.

    The point I was making was that IF people knew that the world was a plane with a covering over it (a “snow globe”), then there WOULDN’T be billions of people rejecting the idea of a “God/Creator” like there are now.  There would be ZERO people doing that.  We certainly wouldn’t agree on WHO the Creator of our “snow globe” was, but EVERYONE would agree that our world (and by extension, we ourselves) were a creation of someone.  Random accidents might be able to create a bunch of insignificant pale blue dots, but nobody would believe that “snow globe” created itself by random chance.

    I’m enjoying our discussion and hope you keep an open mind going forward.  Again, I’m not insisting that you come to the same conclusions that I have, but only asking that you consider the things I will show you… always keeping in mind which descriptions perfectly match the Bible, and which ones blatantly contradict it.  Because that was a big factor in my journey.

    God bless.


    Adam: Just look at Genesis chapter 1, where some of the scientific errors are:

    There were day and night, separated by evening, before the sun existed;
    There was liquid water on the earth before the sun existed;
    Plants grew before the sun existed;
    There is a firmament that separates the waters above from the waters below;
    The sun, moon and stars are lights placed in the firmament that is just above the earth;
    The sun and stars were created after the earth;
    Sticking with Genesis for the moment, the biblical Noah’s flood does not go with science. Neither does the explanation of the rainbow, as science tells us rainbows existed on earth for billions of years, as long as there was water in the atmosphere.

    The continued existence of planet earth in its current form is evidence that the sun did not stand still for a day (Joshua 10:13). Science says it would be enormously destructive for the earth to cease rotating on its axis.

    Your words are falling on deaf ears, my friend.  Even though what you’ve posted above is EXACTLY what the Bible actually teaches, Pretender has for months been making a fool of himself by PRETENDING that these things are NOT really what the Bible teaches.

    There are none so blind as those who willingly refuse to see.

    It’s very telling that you are a ball believer just like Pretender, yet you (like most scholars) are willing to honestly admit that what the Bible teaches doesn’t align with the world you believe we live in.  Pretender did that early on in this thread, but now refuses to openly confess that “the Bible was written by ignorant goat herders who were only describing the world from their limited perspective”.

    In other words, he said it before, but has since taken it back.  Why?  Because I pointed out that the things those “ignorant goat herders” wrote about our world came to them from the Creator of that world.  So ever since he realized that my point was a bombshell to his claim, he has changed his tactics and now just pretends that the Bible doesn’t actually say what it clearly and undeniably does say.

    But I’m still working him through his dilemma in our private thread.  I haven’t given up on him yet.


    Pretender: “Mike lost this debate. He has no answers to the evidence given in this topic. He is speechless. Gobsmacked. Stunned. He ran away.”

    Danny, just so you and anyone else reading this thread knows, the erroneous claim made by Pretender above is NOT why I left this thread.  For the first hundred or so pages of this thread, I and Dig4Truth were responding and explaining things to him.  But then it came to the point that he just wanted to post videos he hadn’t watched and couldn’t explain when pressed, and a bunch of nonsensical memes like this one he just posted…




    Only an idiot would believe that South America, South Africa, and Australia experienced night at the same time.  Since they clearly and obviously don’t, the claim in the meme that people in these three places “all see the southern cross at NIGHT at the SAME TIME” is ludicrous.  So why should I continually waste my time explaining stuff like this to a person who will not respond reasonably, but will instead just blow me off and post another 5 videos and 20 memes that are equally ridiculous?

    Anyway, THAT’S why I walked away from this thread for years until you showed up here.  Not because I couldn’t address Pretender’s nonsense, but because there comes a time when you’re just casting pearls before swine.  Dig4Truth hung on longer than I did, but eventually Pretender’s juvenile games became too much for him as well, and he left HN.


    But then it came to the point that he just wanted to post videos he hadn’t watched and couldn’t explain when pressed, and a bunch of nonsensical memes like this one he just posted…

    What rubbish.

    The memes and videos all make very good points that debunked your world view. And they were posted more for people looking for the truth with this subject unlike yourself. You never debunked any of them. You ran away.

    Further, I spent ages answering you with my own words, so what you say is not true. Offense is the best defence. I was hoping the videos and memes would narrow down the time required to help you see the folly your ways.

    Anyway, what is the biggest outstanding question or assertion you have and I will answer. I will wait and reply. I fight for the truth and am not  a coward.

    Another reason for collecting memes and videos is because they contain answers I might need later on. I can’t remember everything I read, but I can remember where I filed them. All of them are on topic too. I just don’t think you like being proven wrong. You are not a truth seeker IMO, rather an ‘I am right regardless’ arguer who cherry picks in order to try and salvage your fallen reputation.


    Proclaimer:  Anyway, what is the biggest outstanding question or assertion you have and I will answer.

    I assert that your meme with three people supposedly all looking south and seeing the southern cross at the same time is rubbish, since it can’t be nighttime in all three places at once.

    What is your answer?

    Btw, in the very post that YOU QUOTED, I said these words…  “So why should I continually waste my time explaining stuff like this to a person who will not respond reasonably, but will instead just blow me off and post another 5 videos and 20 memes that are equally ridiculous?”

    And what did YOU do?  You called me a liar.  You said I just want to be right instead of wanting truth.  You made a bunch of false claims about me and about yourself.  But you never even TRIED to address the flaw in the meme that I pointed out to Danny, did you?

    So you PROVED my words to Danny accurate by YOUR OWN actions.  Why bother pointing out all the flaws in your memes, when you just IGNORE those corrections, and instead blather on about how “science isn’t my strong point, LOL”, and other nonsensical and juvenile ad hominem attacks?

    Do you even understand that you PROVED my point by immediately blowing off my explanation, Pretender?  🙄


    Easy answer

    Mike, you couldn’t even explain two of these people seeing it at the same time. But let’s stick with 3 people to give you a bit of a leg up in this debate.

    Here is the day night cycle when the nights are 12 hours long. As you can see, all three continents can be in darkness at the same time.

    BUT, people in Cape Town in South Africa and Perth in Australia can experience over 14 hours of darkness during the Winter Solstice. And in South America, they can experience over 17 hours of night in Ushuaia for example. So the night covers a bigger slice than what I have highlighted below clearly demonstrating that all three can experience night at the same time and see the same southern cross. This would also be an easy experiment for flat earthers to do, yet I am willing to bet that they won’t do it.




    Detailed answer

    I assert that your meme with three people supposedly all looking south and seeing the southern cross at the same time is rubbish, since it can’t be nighttime in all three places at once.

    Wow Mike. If you are right, you get $5000.

    What are you waiting for.

    Before you collect your winnings, first know that I found it interesting how you ignore all the memes and videos that make excellent points, and you only decide to answer the one you think is blatantly wrong. I guess the other ones must seem right to you, but you don’t come across as being honest even to yourself. Anyway, I call that bias and cherry picking, and I think you are guilty of ignoring all that doesn’t agree with your world view which means the truth is not important to you. Sad isn’t it?


    Now back to the meme where you thought you had me over a barrel. What you fail to realise is that the nights here in the southern hemisphere (and northern hemisphere) in the higher degree latitudes (or lower if you consider further south as lower) can be very long. The tilt will eventually culminate in the Antarctica and Arctic experiencing no daylight at all for many days and many days of sunlight with no darkness when the tilts is the other way.

    At latitude 0° (the Equator) day length will be approximately 12 hours meaning the night will be the same. As soon as you go north or south from there (accounting for the tilt), the days or nights will get longer.

    Between Perth and Santiago for example, there is a 12 hour difference in the time zones. So you would think that when the nights start becoming longer than 12 hours, that an expanding window opens up where both can look into the night sky at the same time. And given the extent of the winter solstice it could allow even Sydney and perhaps Buenos Aires or other distant cities to see the night sky at the same time.

    You see Mike, the Pacific Ocean is huge. If you were an alien and looked at the whole Pacific Ocean from space, you could easily think the earth was entirely covered in sea. Now take a look at your flat earth map which is really a projection of the globe that results in great distortion for the southern Hemisphere, and you will see how big the Pacific really is. Rotate somewhat and Santiago to Perth looks to be about half of the distance of the planet in longitude.

    Claim your $5000

    Now watch this video to collect your $5000. It has three challenges with one being this very topic. The other two questions should be a breeze for you. When you win the money, could I ask for a $1000 for a finders fee? Thanks.


    Map showing South America to Australia experiencing the day / night at the same time

    To further prove what I am saying, here is a diagram showing daylight hours during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer solstice / northern hemisphere’s winter solstice. You may wonder why am I showing daylight instead of night. because I couldn’t find a suitable night time diagram using this projection. Needless to say, it doesn’t matter because you only need to imagine the lit up area is dark instead of light and as you can see, it covers South America to Australia.


    Boom! Another successful debunk.

    Only a globe explains this. Prove me otherwise. You can’t. Case closed.


    And what did YOU do? You called me a liar. You said I just want to be right instead of wanting truth. You made a bunch of false claims about me and about yourself. But you never even TRIED to address the flaw in the meme that I pointed out to Danny, did you?

    So you PROVED my words to Danny accurate by YOUR OWN actions. Why bother pointing out all the flaws in your memes, when you just IGNORE those corrections, and instead blather on about how “science isn’t my strong point, LOL”, and other nonsensical and juvenile ad hominem attacks?


    Danny: Hi Mike,

    I cannot proof to you that our earth is a globe.

    And that, my friend, is exactly what Pretender has been unwilling to admit for over 4 years. It’s just as true for him as it is for you, me, and every other man who has ever dwelt on earth, and I’m glad you are man enough to do what Pretender’s pride won’t let him do.

    Incorrect Mike.

    I have given ample proof that the earth is a globe. You are just too ignorant to accept truth when it is presented to you. I have given photographic evidence from my own camera and a ton of observations that you could replicate if the truth really mattered to you.

    And yes, Flat Earth is a lie and you are in a cult. You are deceived and also actively trying to deceive others. No lie is of God.


    Debunking Gadam

    It’s again old question of yours only as you want to protect the Biblical Authors. The Circle itself is Flat only it’s not three dimensional like Globe. I have already given number of verses for such non-scientific writings.

    So your number one verse is also the circle of the earth. Lol. Same mistake Mike made. A circle is 2d and a globe is 3d, thus the globe is not a circle according to you guys but the flat earth is. So this 2d world you talk of. Is it occupied by lifeforms that are lines  or finite planes? Rubbish of course. The Flat Earth model is 3d and even globe shaped from the models I have been shown. When you put a dome over a pizza earth, you have the top half of the globe shaped model and often depicted is the ground and water below being curved around too.

    Anyway, a globe is a 3d circle. And is the only possible shape that remains a perfect circle when viewed from any angle. Whereas, a pizza disc only looks like a perfect circle if you viewed from above and also directly in the middle. From any other angle it becomes oblong or  even a line.

    The conclusion is that the circle of the earth the supposed no1 flat earth verse in the bible actually supports the globe. Lol.

    DEBUNK STATUS: Successful.

    Just look at Genesis chapter 1, where some of the scientific errors are:
    There were day and night, separated by evening, before the sun existed;
    There was liquid water on the earth before the sun existed;
    Plants grew before the sun existed;
    There is a firmament that separates the waters above from the waters below;
    The sun, moon and stars are lights placed in the firmament that is just above the earth;
    The sun and stars were created after the earth;

    Lol. Same Mistake as Mike again. Read all of Genesis, and you will see that it says “the day that God created the heavens and earth”.

    These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

    And in the first verse, it says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And light happened right here in or before the first day.

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
    And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

    Later in day 4 where you incorrectly place the sun, is then talking about the sky and the placement of the sun and moon. Easily explained by the sky clearing and the sun, moon, and stars becoming visible, rather than just providing filtered light through moisture laden atmosphere where light and darkness is experienced despite not seeing these heavenly objects directly. Even science concurs because plants filter the air and we know that they made the planet habitable for land dwelling lifeforms in the same order as Genesis. after day one, it is really talking about terraforming the planet for life.

    DEBUNK STATUS: Successful.

    Sticking with Genesis for the moment, the biblical Noah’s flood does not go with science. Neither does the explanation of the rainbow, as science tells us rainbows existed on earth for billions of years, as long as there was water in the atmosphere.

    Yes, the rainbow is the filtering of white light into all the visible colours. But that doesn’t mean that it cannot hold a promise or meaning from God. The bible also talks about the earth being watered from ground water before the flood and so the rainbow may or may not have been present or could have been rare. Once all the water covers earth from the deep and in the atmosphere, it then gets evaporated and falls down again as water as the water cycle we know today and of course the creation of rainbows will be abundant. Regardless, a meaning associated to a rainbow doesn’t disregard the science of a rainbow. God could also say that the new sun is God’s mercy to us and that wouldn’t infringe on the science of the sun either. It would simply mean that God has given us another day to live and express who we are because he is merciful. You like Mike impose your culture into another time and place into ancient texts that were written in another time and place. Another example would be giving a flower to a loved one. That doesn’t negate the science of a flower.

    DEBUNK STATUS: Successful.

    The continued existence of planet earth in its current form is evidence that the sun did not stand still for a day (Joshua 10:13). Science says it would be enormously destructive for the earth to cease rotating on its axis.

    Read this from the Smithsonian where they contemplate that the sun stopping also fits with the sun not shining. After all, if a car stops, it can mean that the car became stationary or that the engine stopped working like the sun stopped shining.

    Consider the striking verses from Joshua 10:12, when the Hebrew leader Joshua brings the Israelites into battle in Canaan: “And he said in the sight of Israel, ‘O sun, stand still at Gibeon, And O moon in the valley of Aijalon.’ So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies.”

    For physicist Sir Colin Humphreys and astrophysicist Graeme Waddington, this passage suggested something more than fantasy or hyperbole. “If these words are describing a real observation,” they speculate in a new paper, published in Astrophysics and Geosciences, “then a major astronomical event was being reported.” And if a solar eclipse did indeed take place on October 30, 1207 BC—as they conclude in their paper—that would have important repercussions for the fields of astronomy, Egyptology and Biblical history.

    But how do two physicists go about testing an event that’s only obliquely referred to in an ancient text? Solving the multidisciplinary mystery required a foray into ancient Hebrew, a rethinking of Egypt’s royal history, and some complex calculations about the Earth’s rotation.

    The investigation began with the translation of the Hebrew word “dôm.” In English versions of the Bible, it’s usually translated as “stopped,” as in the sun “stopped moving.” When discussing the word with Alan Millard, a professor of Hebrew and ancient Semitic languages, Humphreys pondered whether it could actually mean the sun “stopped shining”—which might suggest an eclipse.

    In fact, another linguist named Robert Wilson had come to the same conclusion nearly 100 years earlier. And while previous scientists had attempted to find solar eclipses for that period and failed, they’d never thought to look for an annular eclipse, which occurs when the moon only partially covers the sun, leaving a ring of light visible at the edges. “That convinced me that ‘eclipse’ was the right translation,” Humphreys says.

    Read more.

    DEBUNK STATUS: Successful.

    Anything else gadam?


    There is not one bible verse that says the earth is flat no matter how much you repeat the lie


    MultiTomTom debunks the Sun

    Great entertainment. Absolutely cracked.


    There are none so blind as those who willingly refuse to see.

    It’s very telling that you are a ball believer just like Pretender, yet you (like most scholars) are willing to honestly admit that what the Bible teaches doesn’t align with the world you believe we live in.  Pretender did that early on in this thread, but now refuses to openly confess that “the Bible was written by ignorant goat herders who were only describing the world from their limited perspective”.

    In other words, he said it before, but has since taken it back.  Why?  Because I pointed out that the things those “ignorant goat herders” wrote about our world came to them from the Creator of that world.  So ever since he realized that my point was a bombshell to his claim, he has changed his tactics and now just pretends that the Bible doesn’t actually say what it clearly and undeniably does say.

    But I’m still working him through his dilemma in our private thread.  I haven’t given up on him yet.

    Yes the fundamental Christianity is burying its head in the sand and pretending to be like intelligent and most scientific. Here are few more ancient narrations described in our Bible;

    1. The Bible says in Gen 1: 16, that…‘God created two lights the greater light, the Sun to rule the day, and the lesser light the Moon, to rule the night. The actual translation, if you go to the Hebrew text, it is ‘lamps’…‘Lamps having lights of its own.’ And that you will come to know better, if you read both the Verses – Gen 1:16-17. Verse No.17 says…‘And Almighty God placed them in the firmament, to give light to the earth… To give light to the earth.’ Indicating, that Sun and the Moon has its own light today we know that sun have its own light but the light of the moon is reflected light from the sun but bible is saying that That moon have its own light.
    2. In Hannah’s prayer of thanksgiving, she says, “The pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and on them He has set the world” (1 Samuel 2:8, ESV). The pillars of the earth also appear in the book of Job. In answering his friend Bildad, Job talks about how God’s mighty power disqualifies any man from contending with Him: “They could not answer him one time out of a thousand” (Job 9:3). Job describes God as one who overturns mountains and “shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars tremble” (verse 6, ESV). Also in Psalm 75:3 Asaph quotes God: “When the earth totters, and all its inhabitants, it is I who keep steady its pillars” (ESV)…..Was the Earth founded on Pillars?
    3. Lev 11: 20 All winged insects that walk upon all fours are detestable to you. 21 But among the winged insects that walk on all fours you may eat those that have jointed legs above their feet, with which to leap on the ground. 22 Of them you may eat: the locust according to its kind, the bald locust according to its kind, the cricket according to its kind, and the grasshopper according to its kind. 23 But all other winged insects that have four feet are detestable to you…………..                                            —This is an error since insects have six legs, not four, and also “fowl” have two legs, not four?
    4. The Bible says in the book of Gen 1:29, that… ‘God has given you all the herbs bearing seeds, the trees bearing fruits – those that bear seed, as meat for you.’ New International Version says… ‘The seed bearing plants, and the trees bearing fruits bearing seeds are food for you, all of them.’ Today, even a layman knows that there are several poisonous plants like wild berries, stritchi, datura, plants containing alkaloid, polyander, bacaipoid – that which if you ingest, if you eat there are high possibilities you may die. How come the Creator of the universe and the human beings, does not know, that if you have these plants, you will die.
    5. It is mentioned in the book of Lev 12:1-5, and we know medically, that after a mother gives birth to a child, the postpartum period, it is unhygienic. To say it is ‘unclean’, religiously – we have got no objection. But Lev 12:1-5 says that… ‘After a woman gives birth to a male child, she will be unclean for 7 days, and the period of uncleanliness will continue for 33 days more. If she gives birth to a female child, she will be unclean for two weeks, and the period of uncleanliness will continue for 66 days. In short, if a woman gives birth to a male child… ‘a son’, she is unclean for 40 days. If she gives birth to a female child… ‘a daughter’, she is unclean for 80 days. Scientifically, how come a woman remains unclean for double the period, if she gives birth to a female child, as compared to a male child?
    6.  It is mentioned in the 1 Kings 15: 33 (also as per 1 Kings 16:8), that… ‘Baasha, ruled for 24 years (and died) in the 26th year of reign of Asa.’ And 2 Chronicles 16:1, says that…‘Baasha invaded Judah in the 36th years of the reign of Asa.’ How can Baasha invade 10 years after his death? – How come Bible is inerrant?
    7. Other passages teach a flat earth are Deuteronomy 13:7; Job 28:24; Psalm 48:10; and Proverbs 30:4; all of which reference the “ends” of the earth.

    It is not the job of science to disprove the Bible. Ancient authors wrote the Bible from earlier oral stories and with the limited knowledge of the time. Disproving the Bible as a goal is useless. It’s there, we can read it and all its mistakes, misinterpretations and contradictions. Historians study the texts to learn but not to ‘disprove’ the Bible. That is no one’s goal.


    Hi gadam.

    My strategy in forums is to challenge one thing per post. If it turns out to be true or even a really good question it becomes worthy for me to check another point.

    Unfortunately for you, I have debunked the first thing I checked out. So that is a good sign to not waste anymore time on your post. I chose this one because it was on topic.

    Other passages teach a flat earth are Deuteronomy 13:7; Job 28:24; Psalm 48:10; and Proverbs 30:4; all of which reference the “ends” of the earth.

    Deuteronomy 13:7
    gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other, do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity.

    Nothing in this verse says the planet is flat. The Bible often references earth, but also sea in the same breath. Thus earth simply means land.

    And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

    DEBUNK STATUS: Successful.


    So gadam.

    What is your new no1 flat earth verse?

    I wait with bated breath.


    @gadam123 @mikeboll64

    What is your new no1 flat earth verse?


    We can see the moon in the daytime and we can see the moon at night. Why can’t we see the sun at night? Please explain with a flat earth diagram


    Proclaimer:  …here is a diagram showing daylight hours during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer solstice / northern hemisphere’s winter solstice…  I couldn’t find a suitable night time diagram using this projection.

    Here’s the nighttime projection on the southern winter solstice (your longest night of the year)…

    Screenshot (402)


    The two red circles outline the only parts of Australia and South America that are experiencing “Night” at the same time.  Mind you, that only occurs on and around your winter solstice.  The red X’s represent where your meme places the three people who “all see the southern cross at NIGHT at the SAME TIME”.

    Here’s the meme from the Sci-Fi Dan video you posted – with my added red circles to show nighttime on the LONGEST night of the year…

    Screenshot (403)


    As for Dan’s challenge for a model, it’s been done and you and I even talked about it early on in this thread.  Search for “Personal Dome” and “Coffee Cup Caustic”, and (if your site search worked) you’ll be able to find our previous discussion on it.  There are a bunch of videos explaining this phenomenon, and how it could possibly produce the effect we are discussing on a flat earth with a dome covering it like a tent.  The basic idea is akin to something everyone is familiar with… the reflection of the sun on water.  I see the line of reflection coming straight towards me.  If you are a mile to my right, you see the reflection coming straight towards you.  And someone a mile to my left will see it coming straight towards him.

    It works the same if we are all inside a dome.  Let’s say the actual source of light is directly above me.  I will see what appears as the light source itself directly above me.  You are a great distance to my right, and you will see what appears as the source directly above you.  And same for the person a great distance to my left.

    Here’s a little illustration I just created on the spot to give the basic gist…

    light on a dome

    From inside the dome, you see the light appear where it hits the inside of the dome – even if the actual source is not directly in line with you and where you see the light appear.

    Anyway, I wasn’t addressing YOU with my comment to Danny… and I only chose that particular meme because I was searching the thread to see if Danny had posted anything else, and that particular meme was the one right next to his post.  All of the memes and videos you post are nonsense, and I and Dig4Truth spent hours of our time trying to reason with you about them – only to have you post, “Lol!  Flat earthers are idiots.  Here goes another 20 memes and videos that I can’t explain.”

    I hadn’t looked at this thread for years until I just happened to notice one day on the “Recent Posts” that Danny had posted here.  Now I only skim the thread looking for new posts from Danny, Adam, or anyone other than you.

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