Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Globe earth is a conspiracy to hide God the creator

    And NASA is in on the conspiracy apparently.



    Great video PC, I have listened to that evangelist many times and always impressed with his level headed approach and gentle but firm questions and responses. I wonder what happened to STU, remember him the HN atheist. I hope he found Jesus as his personal Lord and savior.

    Take care, LU


    Flat Earthers lost this debate.

    They left this topic because they know longer have faith in the notion that the planet is flat.

    Of course, it was obvious that this debate would end like this.


    Hi Proclamer

    Some pretty gleanings

    God bless


    Stephen N. Haskell – “The Story of Daniel the Prophet”

    Here within the holy of holies is the abiding place of the King of kings, God the Father, where thousands and tens of thousands of angels minister before him. This, the throne of God, is the center of all creation; about it revolve the solar systems throughout the whole extent of space. Worlds circle about their suns, and suns with their attendant planets in turn circle about the throne of God. It is the wheel within a wheel which Ezekiel describes. Daniel said, “A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him,” for there all is life, a living, constantly moving throne. {SDP 98.1} Daniel 7:10

    God’s power pervades space in every direction. Like beams of light, there radiates from him a force which holds worlds in their orbits. The power man calls gravity is but a portion of the drawing power of God. It holds the orbs of heaven in their places, it balances the clouds, weighs the mountain, and measures the waters of the sea. The same power notes the fall of every leaf on earth, the death of the tiniest sparrow, and the pulse beats of every man. From him comes all life: “In him we live and move and have our being.” We are a part of that great center of light that is our God of love, and it is that power which the prophet vainly tried to express in human language that converts the soul. The Son was one with the Father, and it was from this glory that he stepped when he offered himself at the foundation of the world. He was the Lamb slain, and the heart of God was broken in that offering. Every time the knife was plunged into a victim at the altar of the earthly sanctuary, the flowing blood touched afresh the heart of the eternal Father. Every time a broken-hearted man or woman approaches the throne in penitence, the wound in our Father’s heart bursts open and bleeds again. “The broken and the contrite heart thou wilt not despise, O God.” Never, never, through all eternity, will that Son resume his former condition. What he assumed for fallen man he will retain forever. He is a man still in the heavenly court, touched by every human woe. The universe beheld the gift, and bowed in adoration. The temple is filled with the glory. There seraphim and cherubim with their shining glory, as guardians, stretch their wings above his throne, veil their faces in adoration, and bow before him. {SDP 98.2}

    Ezekiel 1:16 – The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

    Ezekiel 10:9,10 – And when I looked, behold the four wheels by the cherubims, one wheel by one cherub, and another wheel by another cherub: and the appearance of the wheels was as the colour of a beryl stone. And as for their appearances, they four had one likeness, as if a wheel had been in the midst of a wheel.

    Then it is that Daniel sees the language of the heavens interpreted. The universe is composed of suns, many of them mightier than our own, and each sun is the center of a planetary system, and each planet is accompanied by its satellites, a vast circle within a circle, moving in perfect order, performing its revolution in its allotted time, making, to the ear of Jehovah, the music of the spheres. The immensity of space is filled with universes, and all revolve about the throne of God; all are held in their orbits by rays of power from his throne of life; each shines with a light reflected from Him who is the fountain of life; each is guided in its path by the eye of him who sits on the throne. {SDP 258.2}

    This is the type of God’s order for his church upon earth. The perfect order of the heavenly bodies is a pattern for family and church organization. Each little company should shine as a star. God looks with pleasure upon the clusters of worshipers as they move in perfect order, each bending to the influence of the higher powers. As it is the power of God in the sun which holds the earth in its course, so his power, working through the highest organization on earth, controls those of smaller power. In the family, children should obey parents, and parents should obey God, even as the earth follows the sun, and the sun circles about its center-God’s throne. {SDP 258.3}

    The perfection of this system will characterize the last church, which will have developed the character which was looked for in ancient Israel. God’s people are a peculiar people, and their peculiarities will live in the virtues of Christ, which they reflect; this fits them to become a royal priesthood. To Daniel the angel said, “They that be teachers shall shine as the brightness of the firmament.” And so the prophet had the privilege of seeing a nation or company of teachers among the saved, who carried forward the work which his own race might have done. As Christ was a teacher, who spoke with authority which none could resist, so the remnant church will be teachers by virtue of the Christ life within them. {SDP 259.1}

    It was a beautiful picture, that last scene which fell upon the eyes of Daniel. So many times disappointment had been the outcome when the beginning looked so promising, but in the end it is a glorious triumph. Those who are taken from the depths of sin will shine as the stars in the firmament. {SDP 259.2}


    Atmosphere being sucked quickly into space revised and debunked again

    Here is a post I made to debunk the idea that the atmosphere of earth being be sucked into the vacuum of space if the earth was a globe sitting in space.

    I already answered you last question. Here it is again.

    Try to ignore Star Trek when Voyager comes under attack and there is a breach and think what zero is doing to almost zero.

    Practically nothing Dig.

    It’s like saying why doesn’t the cold temperature of the Arctic spread across the earth and cool the tropics right down.

    As you know, it goes from freezing to cold, to neutral to warm to hot.

    Now think of the psi of the atmosphere starting at sea level and going down to almost zero as you go higher.

    I’ll back track a little. I was randomly reading through some of this topic and came across the air pressure argument and why the earth’s atmosphere is not being sucked into space. My post quoted above was my basic answer.

    I also gave many other answers to try and get these flat earthers to understand but to no avail.

    Then I thought of an answer that was simple enough that they would have to understand it and they could even test it. Pity I never mentioned it at the time, but here it is now for what that is worth.

    What happens when you dive into the ocean? As you descend, the pressure becomes greater because the weight of the direct water above. This means there is a greater force the further down you go. This is why divers need to equalize pressure as they descend.

    Now replace water with air. Start at the surface of the air high up in the atmosphere. As you descend, the weight of the air pushes down meaning more molecules below. This increases till you get to sea level. Now we can ask the same questions about the atmosphere but relate it to water that we have access too.

    Why doesn’t the surface of water get sucked into the air as it has more pressure than the air.

    Why doesn’t the pressure at one level under the water suck the pressure of water below it if it is heavier?

    See that. Wasn’t too hard was it?

    In both cases, water and air will change in pressure slowly but consistently without being sucked into lower pressure areas. If you don’t believe it then visit your local beach and go diving. Now you can observe the truth first hand without relying on science, NASA, or anything else. You can observe this yourself.


    Another pic that proves the globe

    Once again, taken from Kapiti or thereabouts. This time Kapiti Island is in view and Mt Taranaki can be seen to the right. The bottom part of Taranaki and the land it sits on is clearly behind the curve. If the world was flat, Mt Taranaki would be an island according to this photo. But the volcano sits on a peninsula which is not visible in this image at all because that is not elevated and is behind the curve.




    2021 Blood Supermoon Eclipse

    I took this video of a Blood Supermoon eclipse from my home here in Wellington.

    This kind of eclipse reveals the shape of the earth as the sun and moon are exactly opposite each other with the earth in the middle. If the earth was flat then you would expect a shadow on the moon like this:


    Instead, we observe a round earth


    More globe earth trickery


    Proclaimer……..That was a excellent video post brother.

    peace and love to you and yours……….gene


    Taking Apart a Flat Earth Documentary!


    Flat Earth “Documentary” Gets Smashed to Bits: Part 2


    Secrets of the Cosmos that Confirm the Bible

    Some points here that indirectly debunk the flat earth. Including stuff left on the moon that you can still see.


    He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.

    Flatties say that the stars are just light bulbs.

    Question: Do you name the light bulbs in your house?


    Flat Earther’s million dollar challenge completed

    How aircraft follow curvature.

    Flat Earthers claim that planes have to change altitude to go around the curve. This short video debunks that idea completely. In reality, all an aircraft has to do is maintain an altitude and it will go around the curve.


    Hey flatties. Y’all scared?


    Flat Earth logic

    Light travels in straight lines. So when you follow the lines, it points to a Sun much closer to us than the globe model suggests.

    So the sun has obviously dropped so low that it was practically at my height level. I wish I was able to walk over that hill and see the the Sun close up. But I know for a fact that there are houses over that hill. So there should be some eye witnesses.




    Local amateur photo of our moon

    Waxing Gibbous 92%. 

    Funny how it looks like a globe with rock craters on it. An LED light doesn’t look anything like this.



    Flat Earthers with cameras have nothing compared to this guy


    Long haul flight tracks across Antarctica

    Australian airline Qantas has set a company record by flying a one-off direct flight from Buenos Aires to the city of Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory. 

    The plane left Argentina at 12:44 pm local time on Tuesday, October 5, then flew south, crossed Antarctica, and arrived in Darwin at 6:39 pm local time on Wednesday, October 6. The journey was entirely in daylight.



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