Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #862152
    Ed J

    I’m still waiting for *any* explanation on how you can have a longer sun-cycle
    in “the south” (outward vs inward) while “The North” is having “Winter”
    The flat earth model only offers a sun-cycle of less then half.

    Explain that.

    Also note: A longer day-sun-cycle is necessary for most plants to grow
    AND the longer night cycle forces plants to seed. (Seasons are needed)

    Hi Digger,

    Still waiting for your explanation . . .

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi Digger,

    Perhaps you missed my yo-yo comparison

    The airplane moving at a mere 550 mph would need no coarse correction,
    as the pull of gravity would be like that of the yo-yo string.

    It would have to be moving much faster to matter.


    Perhaps you missed the math, Ed. And besides, as I have stated the documents are related to many other things than aviation. Why then do they all reference a non-rotating flat earth? That is the question.

    And I have answered the sun question. If you have any questions then quote my responses and ask your question. This is what a debate is, you listen to the other person and agree or disagree but always listen.


    That is a 7.5 degree drop every 8 minutes.

    Thank you. I will get back. For now, could you answer this.

    Do you think it would be noticable if it was 1 degree every 8 minutes?


    Dig, instead of teaching and spreading lies, why not travel to Australia and see if the sun travels faster across the sky.

    Surely on Judgement Day when you find out you believed and told lies, you will be thinking why didn’t I spend $2000 on a trip to Australia and also turn it into a nice holiday. Think about it when life returns to normal.

    Travelling to Australia to see that the sun doesn’t move any quicker across the sky is such an easy way to disprove the Flat Earth. I am betting you already do not believe it, but you are ignoring it. Face it like a man. Seek the truth by taking a holiday to sunny Australia and confirming this fact. So easy to sort this whole Flat Earth confusion and mess out. You can thank me later.

    What about you Mike? I bet you’ve spent way more on camera gear alone. If you go to Australia and the sun moves across the sky at the same speed as the US, then it confirms that you were deceived about the Flat Earth. Such an easy way to end this deception. The best thing is, you have time to rectify this whole thing and apologise for teaching lies all before that great and might day when you won’t be able to change a thing.


    Not sure if your math is correct Dig because I need to research it more. But it matters little anyway because my answer to you is correct about the aircraft maintaining altitude thereby not flying out because that would be gaining altitude. In case you didn’t know, 35,000 ft above earth is also curved. A level flight is when the atmospheric pressure remains constant keeping the plane at the same height all the time and that is a curve.


    There are two basic instruments that enable this procedure – an altimeter and a vertical speed indicator (VSI). The VSI provides short term changes in pressure and indicates whether the plane is climbing or descending. These changes will give an indication to the pilot so that he would level the plane to maintain 35,000 feet. He will adjust the controls very slightly by use of the elevator and trims. This can be performed automatically by the autopilot as well. As such, the flight controls are constantly moving very subtly to maintain the correct attitude.

    You said that, if the plane was trimmed for a straight and level flight, it would ‘gain altitude’ while flying as the earth surface ‘fell away’ due to the curvature of the earth. Well, that would probably happen in a perfectly motionless atmosphere where the plane would fly dead ahead, and over time gain altitude (provided it has sufficient thrust) as the earth curves away from under the airplane.

    In reality, a constant altitude must be kept using the standard pressure and that means a fixed distance to the earth center of gravity is maintained, making the path of the plane a curved one.

    So, a plane is not flying a straight line – geometrically speaking!


    The Earth is not parabola it is circular

    Spoiler alert: your math is based on a parabola, which means it will never curve back on itself.

    Digger, I have already pointed out earlier in this discussion that ‘Eight Inches Per Mile Squared’ is not accurate for longer distances. Straight off the bat, your math appears incorrect because it is founded on this faulty foundation. It could also be incorrect in other respects too, but this alone debunks it.

    8″xmiles^2 is a fair approximation of the DROP HEIGHT as long as miles is under about 100 miles — after that it actually (and increasingly) underestimates the DROP HEIGHT.

    HINT: 8″ x miles^2 is a parabola, not a sphere.

    The 8 inches per mile squared is a rough approximation for 1 to 100 miles. Thereafter it becomes increasingly wrong, so is no good with longer distances and your equation has a much longer distance, so would be completely out of whack.

    The correct math is not 8 inches per mile squared, it is Pythagoras.

    Subtract the hypotenuse from the radius.

    Although 8 inches per mile squared is close for shorter distances, it doesn’t work for long distances like 1000 miles.

    Your equation is debunked.


    Other points to consider

    Newtonian gravity – a cannon fired will not continue in a linear direction due to the constant pull of the Earth’s gravity. To break from the Earth’s gravity, an aeroplane must achieve higher speed, which is not possible if the aircraft is on autopilot.

    Everything is relative. What do you have as a point of reference when on a plane? How would you possibly be able to perceive such a gradual descent? And you aren’t even descending relative the ground. It’s not as if you have a perfectly straight line drawn in the sky outside the plane window to judge your exact flight path.

    Level flight is flight that maintains a set distance from the center of gravity, it is not flight in a straight line. Gravity and lift are opposing forces that raise or lower the plane until it reaches an equilibrium, from then on the plane will fly level (baring a change in lift) so the plane’s path will follow the curve of the earth.

    As for the Artificial Horizon. Yes it does contain a gyroscope that remains rigid in space but it also contains correcting mechanisms that can correct many degrees of error each minute. Again the small adjustment of 1 degree in 8 minutes is completely absorbed by the smaller more frequent corrections.

    If you fly in a bank, long enough, without visual points of reference, it seems normal to you as if you are in straight and level flight. This is why pilots are strenuously trained to trust the instruments. You ARE always climbing, falling, banking etc. during flight, but if done gradually and in relation to the earth surface, it seems very normal and is not greatly noticeable.

    Have you ever been in a car on the freeway, and had a fly on board with you? In these cases, the fly can fly back and forth from the front to the back of the car and vice versa. Let’s say a car is traveling at 65 mph. When the fly goes from the back to the front of the car, it is not actually flying at 68 mph, nor is it slowing down to allow the back seat to catch up to it when it goes from the front seat to the back seat. This is because the inside of the car is an isolated environment – the atmosphere in the car ia moving with the car. This is the same for the earths atmosphere – it is spinning with the earth.


    Eight Inches Per Mile Squared debunk example 2

    Let’s take an extreme example, the most extreme possible in the globe model, in fact. So, what is the farthest apart two points can be on Earth? The answer is about 12,500 miles apart, because if they are any farther, they will be closer from another direction. What is the maximum drop a target can have? About 7950 miles, the diameter of the entire Earth (although, looked at another way, the drop at 12,500 miles is zero). How does the formula stack up?

    The square of 12,500 is 156,250,000 and 156,250,000 times 8 inches is 1,250,000,000 inches, or 236,742 miles. About the distance to the moon. See what I mean? Eight inches per mile squared never curves back on itself, and becomes progressively less circular as the distance increases.




    Do you think it would be noticable if it was 1 degree every 8 minutes?


    Fortunately we are only talking about 550 miles and not over 1,000 miles so the math is correct.
    The reality is that the plane is dropping over 38 miles in one hour. The plane is dropping at over 5 miles every 8 minutes which is 7.5 not 1 degree.

    Why no comment on any other issue that these official documents contain? I’ve asked repeatedly. You guys focused on one little area (airplane flight) because you thought you could win a point but as it turns out you didn’t even win that.
    Why do all these official organizations use a non-rotating flat earth as a bases of their calculations? Any good answers?


    Unfortunately for you, your example is 5 times over the limit.

    Did you not think I would notice that? Lol.

    drunkImagine you were stopped by the police and tested you for alcohol. If you were 5 times over the limit, and said lucky I was only 5 times over the limit, do you think the police would tell you to carry on because 5 times over the limit is acceptable? No digger, 5 times over the limit is terrible and you would be booked.

    In case you forgot the severity of the situation, 8 inches per mile squared is a rough approximation for 1 to 100 miles. Thereafter it becomes increasingly wrong.

    Thus your equation has to be severely wrong from the outset and possibly harbors other errors if we judge by equations flat earthers have provided in the past. But there is no point in me investigating that as the premise is faulty. 


    This point still stands and we can see how small the correction required really is.

    For a moving aircraft the attitude change is linear – at 450 Knots it is a smooth progressive 1 degree change spread across the first 8 minutes, then 1 degree spread across the next 8 minutes and 1 degree for every 8 minutes after that.

    Move on digger. I answered and debunked your first question. I want to answer your next question.


    What happened to over a thousand miles? Couldn’t make that work so you changed the rules. Fortunately you don’t make the rules.


    t8:  Dig, instead of teaching and spreading lies

    I have no time to waste on people who can’t be polite enough to say “you’re mistaken”, or “what you said was inaccurate”.   A decent person would have worded that like this…

    Dig, instead of teaching and spreading inaccurate information

    Intelligent people can easily recognize the difference between the two statements.  t8 is intelligent.  t8 can see the difference.  t8 has chosen of his own free will to continue on with the antagonizing thug way of doing it despite knowing the difference.  t8 does this while purporting to be a follower of Christ and a “peacemaker”.  And that is why I no longer converse with t8.

    Here’s a new 1 minute video I just uploaded…


    I had a ball watching your new video!

    Ed J

    And I have answered the sun question.

    Where Digger,

    I never saw it ???


    D4T:  I had a ball watching your new video!

    LOL!  😁  Is it possible that God created TWO great lights – one to govern the day, and the other to govern the night – just like He said He did?  What a mind-blowing thing it would be for us to find out that our Creator told us the truth about the world He created!


    t8: Let’s take an extreme example, the most extreme possible in the globe model, in fact. So, what is the farthest apart two points can be on Earth? The answer is about 12,500 miles apart, because if they are any farther, they will be closer from another direction. What is the maximum drop a target can have? About 7950 miles, the diameter of the entire Earth (although, looked at another way, the drop at 12,500 miles is zero). How does the formula stack up?

    The square of 12,500 is 156,250,000 and 156,250,000 times 8 inches is 1,250,000,000 inches, or 236,742 miles. About the distance to the moon. See what I mean? Eight inches per mile squared never curves back on itself, and becomes progressively less circular as the distance increases.

    For those of you unable to see what a farce this is, let me help you…

    Earth Curve Chart

    Nobody is saying that the 8 inches per mile squared formula works for measuring this red line – from the top of this imaginary ball earth to the bottom of it.  Nobody is viewing Mount Ruapehu from New York City and trying to figure out how much drop there should be.

    People like t8’s source like to throw the word “parabola” around because they think it sounds complicated and will convince people who are easily convinced by people who say big words.  But the 8 inches per mile squared formula ONLY concerns itself with the QUARTER of the ball that I’ve outlined in yellow above.  And the red line – from the 0 at the top of the ball to the 0 at the right side of it IS a parabolic curve!  So the parabolic formula works perfectly with that parabolic curve.  Now, if someone was trying to use this formula to measure the drop from the top 0 to anywhere below the right side 0, they’d be an idiot.  If anybody thinks we could see through hazy atmosphere for the 6000 miles it would take to even get to that right side 0, they’d be an even bigger idiot.  On the other hand, if anyone is sensible and realizes that we only use the 8 inches per mile squared formula for less than 400 miles (the current world record long distance photo is 273 miles), then they’d be able to pick any distance up to 400 miles on the chart above, apply the 8 inches per mile square formula to that distance, and note that it matches exactly with the figures derived from both spherical trigonometry and the Pythagorean theorem.

    For example, on the chart you can see that both the Pythagorean theorem and spherical trigonometry have a drop of 20.2 miles for a distance of 400 miles.  Let’s see what the 8 inches per mile square formula comes up with…

    400 x 400 x 8 = 1,280,000 inches.  1,280,000 / 12 = 106,666  feet.  106,666 / 5280 = 20.2 miles.

    Any of you can check the formula against any other distance less than 400 miles on that chart – and you will find out for yourself that it is accurate for much farther than we can even see.  So when we’re talking about Chicago from 55 miles away – the 8″/mile squared is accurate.  For Ruapehu from 125 miles, it is accurate.  For LA from 250 miles, it is accurate.  For Ruapehu from New York City… nah.


    LOL! 😁 Is it possible that God created TWO great lights – one to govern the day, and the other to govern the night – just like He said He did? What a mind-blowing thing it would be for us to find out that our Creator told us the truth about the world He created!

    Christians have never denied that God created two great lights. The Sun is a star and produces light and the moon is a rock that reflects light. And obviously from our perspective we see them as lights and experience one as heat. Simple stuff. A straw man argument is often used due to a lack of real evidence. A strategy of the desperate.

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