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- December 27, 2019 at 2:50 pm#849020
ParticipantThanks! Iron sharpens iron. T8’s claim that we could also zoom the object back in on a ball inspired me, so thanks T8. Now we’ll put his claim to the test. This is how science is supposed to work.
I think you will find that T8 said objects brought back were on the near side of the horizon to begin with and they only disappeared because they were too tiny to see without a visual aid. Apart from refraction or other type reflection of light, once it is over the curve it disappears from view.
December 27, 2019 at 3:02 pm#849021Proclaimer
ParticipantHere you go… taken directly from God’s own description of the world HE created for us.
Now just imagine it way bigger with a constant curve that you cannot really see with the naked eye and it is close enough and matches images of Earth from space.
Obviously the model is not to scale and to shape right? You knew that right?
December 27, 2019 at 3:04 pm#849022Proclaimer
ParticipantRobin said:
Batman, the bent table experiment sounds totally inspired. If the coin cannot be resolved then that would prove that the boats or lighthouses or whatever that CAN be resolved are NOT on a curved surface! What a mind you have for this!
Batman said:
December 27, 2019 at 3:18 pm#849023Proclaimer
ParticipantDid you catch that Isaiah said the sun will no longer set?
Does the sun set on a flat earth? No. On a globe earth it does because it dips below the horizon. Not so on a flatty right?
December 27, 2019 at 3:23 pm#849024Proclaimer
ParticipantAgreed. But my point is that the conclusions drawn by these godless men are not based on observational empirical scientific evidence – as they’d have you believe – but from a purely philosophical desire for the earth NOT to have any special significance. They DESIRE the earth to be an insignificant pale blue dot, lost in a vast vacuum of space among trillions of other dots that have just as much significance as we do
Mike, the Bible puts God as the centre and his son. We are not the centre even in a biblical context. You usually read about the heavens then the earth.
And why does the Earth get a mention? Because that is where we come from and the scripture were written for the inhabitants of Earth.
Science mostly points out the incredible eternal nature of God, it’s just that they do not give him the glory. They deny his power. We read this in scripture.
Your arguments for a flat earth are falling like dominoes.
How can you post here with a straight face after all that solid debunking? Perhaps one day your eyes will be opened.
December 27, 2019 at 3:31 pm#849025Proclaimer
ParticipantYou can only parrot what godless men tell you, and PRETEND that you know these things to be true. How about we stick to what we can personally verify from now on, okay?
Hilarious because you have not one single proof of a flat disk and dome. Zero pictures, zero videos, zero scriptures.
By your own standard you cannot continue the debate. Lol.
December 27, 2019 at 3:39 pm#849026Proclaimer
ParticipantWrong. 100% wrong. Pressure equalizes. If you place 2 vacuum chambers next to each other, one with zero pressure and one with even the tiniest amount (say .000000000000001 psi of pressure), and remove the barrier between them, the pressure will equalize within both chambers.
Wrong. What you say is true of water too in a small contained experiment. But the bottom of the ocean has intense pressure compared to just below the surface. Can’t deny that because it is staring you in the face. Just apply what you see with water to the air.
December 27, 2019 at 3:41 pm#848997mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Mike, I watched the first part of that video with the coin. I noticed that the horizon was moving up and down which would change the angle. Surely it should be perfectly still.
Yeah, his tripod was a little shaky, but you can tell that he wasn’t raising the camera as he zoomed in on the coin. That being said, I’ll try to do my own video of the same, without even touching the camera. I have a remote control for my P1000, so I can zoom in and out without having to even touch the camera. (Comes in handy when zoomed in on those lightning stars – where even a slight breeze can move the star completely out of the viewfinder. You definitely don’t want to actually touch the camera at that amount of zoom.)
T8: Regardless, let’s say that things can disappear in this way, it still doesn’t negate that things disappear bottom up on a globe…
Actually, it does. Because if things are disappearing from the bottom up on a flat surface, you can zoom in on them an see them again. If something disappeared over an actual curved surface, no amount of zooming in will allow you to see it again. And more importantly, do you realize that THE #1 go-to proof that we lived on a ball was ships disappearing from the bottom up at sea? Do you realize that this is STILL the #1 go-to proof that you can find scientists claiming to this very day all over YouTube? Go search “globe proofs” on YouTube, and you’ll see that EVERYBODY’S list includes ships going over the curved horizon. But now we know that things disappear from the bottom up for another reason, right? And we know that if they were disappearing due to curvature, we wouldn’t be able to zoom them back up above the curve, right? So you are correct that things WOULD disappear the same way on a globe – but we wouldn’t be able to zoom them back in. And more importantly, you now know that your #1 go-to ball earth proof isn’t a proof of curvature at all. As for your #2 go-to proof…
T8: …or the shape of the Earth we see in images and video.
Here’s the first official photo taken from “outer space” – from 65 miles up…
Here’s one with a GoPro wide angle lens from only 20 miles up…
Is the curve real? Or a result of the fisheye lens?
What’s the point? Unless you can personally verify the authenticity of any “photo” or “video” showing a curved earth, and verify that any curvature is NOT due to a wide angle lens, then your “images and video” argument has no legs – and shouldn’t be included in a serious discussion about the shape of the earth.
December 27, 2019 at 3:42 pm#849003mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Your only argument against this is to believe that Japanese shape shifting lizard people are involved in a conspiracy with the other nationalities of lizard people to spend trillions of dollars of human tax revenue to make us believe the universe is amazing and near infinite proving God’s eternal nature by the things he has made. Seems a bit dumb to me, but whatever.
Why not invest 5 minutes to see how the Himawari images are actually made…
And you almost had it right. But it’s not “SPEND trillions of dollars of human tax revenue”. It’s COLLECT trillions of dollars of human tax revenue. They certainly aren’t SPENDING those trillions of dollars we give them making space craft that actually goes to outer space. They are COLLECTING trillions, and then spending a tiny fraction of that on graphic designers to produce stuff that we could also produce on our computers in a couple of hours. The rest goes to the trillionaires who actually run this world.
Much of this will be exposed very soon… how our entire world has been run by sex-trafficking pedophiles who fund both sides of every war, and work hard to keep us all divided by race, culture, gender, and religion – working long hours to keep our families fed and clothed so we don’t have time to actually stop and think things out for ourselves – and always in fear of the next nuclear holocaust or life-ending meteor strike or invading space aliens or devastating climate disasters, etc. This is all by design, T8. Of course you’ll scoff this off as conspiracy nut stuff too. But unlike the shape of the earth, you’ll understand the truth of this one very soon.
The tip of the iceberg has already come into view through the IG FISA report that was released a couple of weeks ago in America. There is MUCH more to come soon. The Barr and Durham investigations are due out sometime around April, and those will release the floodgates. The arrests of Saudi Arabian princes in November of 2017 started the ball rolling… https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/04/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-waleed-bin-talal.html
These were the men through whom the sex trafficking ran. There is much more to be done, but there are good, decent patriots of many countries now working together in the background through Donald Trump to root this corruption out from within. #qanon if you’re interested. Or you can laugh it off as a conspiracy theory and just watch as it all unfolds. Either way, it will unfold… and soon.
December 27, 2019 at 3:51 pm#849030Proclaimer
ParticipantAgreed that these reports will show corruption. Can’t wait. Go Trump. Unfortunately, the Flat Earth, Hollow Earth, or Lizard People will not feature at all.
December 27, 2019 at 3:54 pm#849031Proclaimer
ParticipantYeah, his tripod was a little shaky, but you can tell that he wasn’t raising the camera as he zoomed in on the coin.
I did this experiment myself when this discussion first started. Yes the bottom of the coin disappeared. But when I did it again much more accurately, it did not disappear. Just the slightest movement changes the result immensely and I debunked it. So a moving camera can easily produce that video, but it has nothing to do with the argument you are making.
December 27, 2019 at 4:09 pm#849032Proclaimer
ParticipantMike, obviously different lenses will either exaggerate or negate a curve, but when you see the whole circle, badda bing badda boom!
December 28, 2019 at 2:25 pm#849036Proclaimer
ParticipantSo the Ring of Fire eclipse has nothing to do with the moon sitting in front of the sun? Just God making the pattern using LEDs?
December 28, 2019 at 3:34 pm#849038Proclaimer
All of the pictures the agency released since 1972 that claimed to show the whole planet were actually stitched together
Nasa has released the first picture of the Earth that it has taken in 43 years.
The picture, which has come from a camera on board the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR), is the first picture of the whole Earth that has been seen since 1972. All of the pictures since then have been produced by stitching together different pictures into a full image of the globe.
The new picture is a composite, of three separate images, but each of those images showed the whole planet. The camera takes ten images through the colour spectrum — going all the way from ultraviolent to infrared — and to make the new picture Nasa combined the red, green and blue pictures.
The photo was taken on July 6, 2015, and mostly shows North and Central America. It was taken by Nasa’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC), which is a four megapixel camera shooting through a telescope.
The blue tint that can be seen mostly around the edge of the planet comes from the way sunlight is scattered by air molecules. The EPIC team hopes to remove those effects from future images, Nasa said.
Those pictures will help Nasa, along with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the US Air Force, to monitor solar winds in real time so that space weather forecasting can be improved.The first picture was taken from Apollo 17 in 1972, when Nasa last sent humans to the moon. It remains the only picture only taken of the whole Earth by a human being — and, as the Atlantic reports, all three of the astronauts on the mission claim to have taken the photo.
The new cameras will soon start sending down data regularly, which will allow it to send a new picture of the Earth every day, which is set to start in September 2015. That will let Nasa study the Earth’s daily changes, and the agency will make them available to the public on a special page, 12 to 36 hours after they are taken.
December 29, 2019 at 5:52 pm#849043Proclaimer
ParticipantIts called evaporation and yes it can be observed. You can read about it here:
Job 14:11 As water evaporates from the sea, And a river becomes parched and dried up,
Pay attention Dig. You need to read my post again and when you quote, don’t remove the last part as it renders your reply as useless.
Perhaps this is all you have left? Lost the debate so will partially quote me to then provide a correction which I already stated if you quoted me fully.
And given that air has less pressure than water, has anyone observed water being stripped away from the surface into the air like a giant vacuum cleaner sucking it out? Sure, water is being lost at the surface, but not in the way your collapsing tanks and other extreme examples you are using as proof.
See diggy, there is the evaporation you are trying to correct me with.
Another Flat Fail Falsity put out there in order to come across as intelligent in order to deceive people. It’s one of the lowest levels of argument you can make in a debate.
December 29, 2019 at 6:06 pm#849044Proclaimer
ParticipantThis should help Dig.
December 29, 2019 at 6:47 pm#849045Proclaimer
ParticipantWhat’s the point? Unless you can personally verify the authenticity of any “photo” or “video” showing a curved earth, and verify that any curvature is NOT due to a wide angle lens, then your “images and video” argument has no legs – and shouldn’t be included in a serious discussion about the shape of the earth.
Taking a photo of a disc with a wide angle lens is never going to produce a globe. You realise that right?
So you must believe that all these photos with lenses used to curve the horizon are intentionally hiding the disc from us. And not one of these photos shows the disc or its edge and zero have leaked out to the public. These lizard people have a 100% success rate from hiding the disc from us mere mortal humans. Sounds legit to me. Lol.
December 29, 2019 at 7:07 pm#849046Proclaimer
ParticipantA thorough debunking of the Flat Earth
I might have posted this before, but it is good enough for a repeat,
It debunks some of the main points of the Flat Earth like why you shouldn’t see that mountain on a globe.
January 1, 2020 at 1:31 am#849068Dig4truth
ParticipantSometimes I think you could have an argument with yourself t8. No need for anyone else to get involved. It was you, was it not, that asked the question about has anyone seen water being stripped away from the surface and then answered your own question by saying “sure, water is being lost at the surface”? I was just picking a side, of course the winning side.
And trying to compare a pressurized atmosphere adjacent a vacuum is not equivalent to a pressurized body of water adjacent to a pressurized atmosphere.
January 1, 2020 at 4:41 am#849070mikeboll64
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