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- November 13, 2019 at 11:00 am#848422
BlockedUm, that’s because “falling stars” have nothing to do with stars. But does Jesus know what stars are? Yes or no? Did he say they’d fall from the sky? Yes or no? Did he say it’d be a sign of his return? Yes or no?
So… Has anyone ever seen an actual star fall to the earth? Yes or no? In your model, can that even happen? Yes or no?
So… It would seem your model contradicts Jesus’ statement.
BTW, still waiting for your response to why the moon doesn’t have a specular highlight.
November 14, 2019 at 10:07 am#848429Proclaimer
ParticipantUm, that’s because “falling stars” have nothing to do with stars. But does Jesus know what stars are? Yes or no?
MIke, I do not know the answer as far as when he came in the flesh because he emptied himself and came in like fashion as one of us, essentially with no background advantage.
Of course as the one who delivered the the revelation from God to John via his angel, yes he was in the glory that he had with the Father before the cosmos. Certainly he likely knew, however, given that he doesn’t know the time of his return, it is possible that God may not have revealed everything to him.
But you seem to be making the argument that not all stars are stars which is just a tad funny don’t you think? While science today defines stars as suns in particular, stars to the ancients were those lights in the sky. Most were fixed, (suns), some wandered (planets), and some fall to earth (meteors etc). You seem to cherry pick when to use science and when not to. It seems based on when either gives you the advantage. Not a sign of a truth seeker to me.
So let’s sort this out. Are you telling me that believing in the Heliocentric model requires Believers to believe that Jesus subscribes to our scientific classification of stars as being suns only and that we then need to believe that the ancients got the definition of stars wrong, while you make the argument that the ancients were right and science is wrong? If so, do you not think that is dumb. It relies on the idea that we believe that Jesus subscribes to today’s classification that stars are suns.
Regardless, even today we refer to stars as lights in the sky. When we see Venus we say it is a star. The more educated could go further and say it is a planet. So what if the morning star is a planet. It’s still a star to most people because it is a light in the sky.
So I’m going to take a guess and say that a star is a light in the sky which essentially could be anything from a sun to a human made missile. The reason I say this is because it was left up to John to word the Revelation according to his own language and of course any light falling from the sky would be a star from John’s point of view. Remember that God spoke in a vision and John wrote it down in accordance with the tools he had.
November 16, 2019 at 2:03 pm#848432Dig4truth
ParticipantT8, but Yeshua only spoke the words that He got from His Father. Did His Father know what stars are?
November 16, 2019 at 3:29 pm#848433Proclaimer
ParticipantT8, but Yeshua only spoke the words that He got from His Father. Did His Father know what stars are?
Please pay attention. Stars to the hearers were the lights in the sky. Today knowledge has increased as written and we know what most of these lights are. The conclusion is the lights will fall. What that actually entails is up for debate. There are a number of scenarios that would fit the bill with meteor showers being one of them.
November 16, 2019 at 4:36 pm#848434Proclaimer
ParticipantThe Bible is full of similes and metaphors—such Jesus being the door, Christians eating His flesh, as His followers being sheep, unbelievers being goats, being salt, false teachers as wolves in sheep’s clothing, and religious leaders of His day swallowing camels. Jesus doesn’t have physical hinges, we don’t eat His skin, we are not physical salt, neither are we wool-covered sheep, unbelievers aren’t really goats, and false teachers are not fur-covered snarling wolves. Neither were the Pharisees whited sepulchers or actual painted graves. These are metaphorical statements. If we don’t understand we will take these as literal statements and end up believing that the earth really does sit on physical pillars, does have four corners, and that the whole world is complicit in an incredibly complex and secret round earth conspiracy.
– Ray Comfort.
November 16, 2019 at 8:24 pm#848435Proclaimer
ParticipantNovember 17, 2019 at 1:41 am#848437Dig4truth
ParticipantMetaphors and similes I understand but what I don’t understand is why you don’t provide the specific Scripture to make your point. You didn’t even answer my question from earlier.
Mat 24:29 But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
Is the sun literal, the moon how about the stars in this verse? If not then why?
November 17, 2019 at 3:26 pm#848438Proclaimer
ParticipantLook, you obviously flunked science, so I will make it as simple as can be in this post.
Lights in sky = stars.
Stars = suns
Stars = planets
Stars = comets, meteors, etc
Stars = missiles or anything that appears as one of the lights in the skySo what falls from the sky is wide ranging.
My guess, significant meteor showers.
Could be totally man made. Nuclear missile launches.
Could be something we are yet to understand.
I keep an open mind as usual and a heart for the truth.
November 17, 2019 at 3:28 pm#848439Proclaimer
ParticipantImagine if humans put a craft in the sky and saw the planet from near space and took videos and photos
November 17, 2019 at 7:44 pm#848450Proclaimer
ParticipantApollo 16
Includes video and photo footage.
Flattollo 16
November 18, 2019 at 12:23 pm#848454mikeboll64
- God created the greater light (sun), the lesser light (moon), and the stars. There are only 3 Biblical categories of lights in the sky. Jesus said the third category would fall to the earth in the end times, marking his return. We have seen “shooting stars” for centuries – with no return. We have seen “rockets and missiles” for decades – with no return. It is clear Jesus was talking about something we don’t see on a regular basis – like the sun and moon losing a third of their light, right? You have no evidence that Jesus was talking about anything other than what he clearly said… “STARS”, right? And what Jesus and his contemporaries considered “stars” are what WE currently consider “stars”… with the only exception being that Jesus and his contemporaries believed in “wandering stars” that you mistakenly call “planets”. Now… you have already admitted that IF you took your Lord and Savior at his word, the Bible and the heliocentric model would be in contradiction, right? But because you love praise from godless men more than praise from God, you have made the conscious decision to invent the idea that Jesus didn’t know what “stars” were, right? So the “stars falling to earth” question has already been answered. You don’t take Jesus literally, and we do. Case Closed.
2. My video already shows that there is no difference between what we can see from a balloon with a wide angle lens and the so-called ISS. So all of the “earth from space” photos and videos you keep posting have already been rebutted… because even if there WAS such a thing as the ISS and space satellites, we could duplicate their images from balloons, and so you can’t actually PROVE that those other things are up there. Do you understand that? So you continually posting the propaganda doesn’t do anything for your case, because we can take identical images from balloons, and make them with CGI. The same goes with your outdated belief that men have landed on the moon. You cannot VERIFY any of those photos, right? So don’t bother posting them as “evidence” of anything, because they can and have been faked in thousands of Hollywood movies, and there is abundant evidence that this is what happened with the Apollo missions. Case Closed.
3. You have apparently not understood the “why don’t meteors ever go UP in the sky” point that I made, so let me explain it to you…
The red arrow is the trajectory of the meteor as it enters the earth’s atmosphere and starts glowing. The yellow arrow is the line of sight of an observer standing at the base of the arrow. That observer would see the meteor enter the atmosphere at his horizon, and move UP across the sky as it burned up in the atmosphere. Understand now? In your model, meteors enter our atmosphere from all different angles. Also, no matter which angle they entered, there would be SOMEONE on earth who would see it go UP in his sky as it burned up. For any given meteor, someone could see it go DOWN, someone else could see it go ACROSS the sky, and someone else would see it go UP into the sky. And that is for EVERY meteor in the history of the world. Yet nobody has EVER seen a meteor go UP across the sky. That right there is just another of the hundreds of proofs that your model is incorrect. You may have more questions on this one, and need more explanation, so we’ll leave this on as: Case Pending.
4. I’m still waiting for your explanation for why ALL spheroids illuminated by a single light source have a specular highlight… but the moon has NEVER had one. Do you understand that if the moon is a sphere and lit by the sun, it MUST display a specular highlight? It doesn’t. How do explain that? Case Open.
5. You keep bringing up the heli model’s ability to “predict” eclipses. I have told you and told you that the NASA model is actually based on the ancient Babylonian saros cycle – and this is ADMITTED on the NASA website! So listen carefully again… The act of “predicting” eclipses is the exact same as you noticing that the minute hand on the clock is on the 8, and “predicting” that it will be on the 9 in five minutes. Do you understand that yet? God created a CLOCK in the sky – just like He said He did. And people much more advanced than us have been telling accurate time on that clock for millenia before your spinning ball model was even imagined. Case Closed.
November 18, 2019 at 12:30 pm#848455mikeboll64
BlockedT8: Imagine if humans put a craft in the sky and saw the planet from near space and took videos and photos.
Now overlay that ISS image on the Samsung Selfie In Space image like I did in my video. Let me know what difference you find between the earth from the ISS and the earth from Samsung’s high altitude balloon. Please post your overlay and your findings here. Put your money where your mouth is. And after you’ve done that, please be HONEST enough to admit that the images from the ISS and from balloons with fisheye lenses look virtually identical. Then once you’ve done that, please be HONEST enough to admit that you couldn’t possibly prove that one of them was taken from 22 miles up and the other from 254 miles up. And once you’ve done that, please be HONEST enough to admit that so-called images from space cannot be counted as evidence for your model, because we have no way to verify that they’re anything other than pictures from planes or balloons.
Tick tock…
November 18, 2019 at 1:06 pm#848456Proclaimer
ParticipantPlease be honest enough to admit your arguments till now have been riddled with error, so be humble enough to admit that whatever your latest questions are, your answers most likely contain more error.
Coming up with what you think might be a discrepancy is likely just another misunderstanding and if you cannot tell the difference at different altitudes, this in no way proves a Flat Earth. It just means that there are reasons you may not be aware of. Such things have an almost zero bearing on the shape of the earth.
All you have Mike is a lack of understanding. What you need right now in order to be taken seriously is a smoking gun, not a misunderstanding that casts doubt on the opposing view. That matters little.
Remember, the globe earth has countless smoking guns. It’s amazing that you even have the guts to portray yourself as a serious contender. Perhaps because I engage you in conversation gives you the impression that you are putting up a good argument. Not so. I am politely trying to oust you from a cult with truth, but without wasting my life trying to work out little puzzling questions about things that matter little.
November 18, 2019 at 1:18 pm#848457Proclaimer
ParticipantGod created the greater light (sun), the lesser light (moon), and the stars. There are only 3 Biblical categories of lights in the sky. Jesus said the third category would fall to the earth in the end times, marking his return. We have seen “shooting stars” for centuries – with no return. We have seen “rockets and missiles…
Hilarious Mike. You have the gall to state that there are only 3 Biblical categories, but then you define a fourth category and say that this doesn’t matter because I can only assume that they are non-biblical despite the fact that they exist.
So who created the fourth kind of stars? Another God?
November 19, 2019 at 11:02 am#848466Dig4truth
ParticipantT8, aside from trying to dissuade people with personal insults why not try to stick to the facts?
If you think Mike has taken liberties with the scriptures then quote him and correct it – using Scripture.
If not then you are just coming across as someone who is trying to posture and not debate.November 19, 2019 at 11:28 am#848467Proclaimer
ParticipantYes he states that there are 3 kinds of heavenly bodies, namely the sun, moon, and stars.
I would like to know where meteors fit into his version of this classification. Are they stars, yes or no.
November 19, 2019 at 11:33 am#848468Proclaimer
ParticipantT8, aside from trying to dissuade people with personal insults why not try to stick to the facts?
ANSWER a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.’
As you have probably worked out, I don’t want him to think he is wise because we debate him seriously as if he had an actual case. Rather you guys need to be aware of your folly, hence my supposed insults which are really corrections with a response of surprise regarding the stupidity at hand.
November 21, 2019 at 1:34 am#848471Dig4truth
ParticipantActually your insults are not corrections, corrections come with facts. They are just insults and I suspect it is because you cannot give adequate answers.
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”
― Socrates
November 21, 2019 at 9:04 am#848474Proclaimer
ParticipantPay attention Dig.
I have systematically challenged and debunked just about all the so-called proofs you guys have made here. I have debunked them personally or offered up someone else’s proof in the form of a quote or video.
This is signature cult behaviour though. Ignore evidence to the contrary.
I suspect you do not even read my posts as that would explain your ignorant statements. If this is correct, then you need to start listening because deaf ears cannot hear truth.
November 21, 2019 at 11:39 am#848476Dig4truth
ParticipantCondescend much?
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