Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #848393

    T8: “There are more people in the world that believe in a creator than there are those who do not believe that.

    Mat 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

    It seems that you are at odds with the Scripture. Only a “few” find the narrow gate.




    Mat 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
    It seems that you are at odds with the Scripture. Only a “few” find the narrow gate.

    Dig, you do not live up to your name. You need to dig deeper, but your spade scrapes the surface only. So I will hold your hand on this one.

    Not all who believe in God travel on the narrow path.

    1.6 billion believe in a God that has no son (the very definition of an Antichrist). Over a billion also believe in the mother of God and queen of heaven. Do I need to go on? I hope that helps.

    But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”


    D4T and I spent many years doing just that on another forum. And the more you know about their “facts” supporting it, the more you are able to realize just how laughably silly it is, how it is kept alive and kicking only through propaganda and blacklisting, and how utterly stupid we were for ever believing such nonsense. Flat earth is exactly the same,

    This unfortunately is an ad for Atheism. Of course I would never accept the basic premise of that theory, but honestly, if you had to choose between creation and flat earth vs evolution and globe earth, well many might have to go evolution. Fortunately, as most people in the world do, they choose God and Globe. But you guys are trying to convince people that flat earth goes with creation and to me that is deception and a lie. It plays into the hands of the enemy who is the Father of Lies. It is his native tongue.

    But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”


    We are still fighting evolution. It’s simply called cosmic evolution. You know like what you have said in the past, how the sun wasn’t created on day 4 but was “seen” on day 4. Because we all “know” that the earth couldn’t have been here before the sun according to the cosmic evolutionary theory.

    You are free to revise your position or stick by it but which one of us is actually taking God at His Word?


    T8: Do you know what a falling star is?

    He never clarified exactly what they would be, but we know that the lights in the sky are many things.

    And some of them fall to earth and do so all the time.

    I have seen numerous falling stars myself.

    Matthew 24:

    3 …the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

    29 “Immediately after the distress of those days

    “‘the sun will be darkened,
        and the moon will not give its light;
    the stars will fall from the sky,
        and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’

    30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.

    So you think the signs of Jesus’ return will be just normal events like rocket launches and meteor showers that you’ve seen numerous times yourself?  But wait… the “distress of those days” hasn’t yet occurred.  Nor have any rocket launches or meteor showers been followed by “the sign of the Son of Man”.

    Can you understand that the signs of Jesus’ return will be things that HAVEN’T happened before – and certainly aren’t seen “numerous times yourself”?  So that shoots down your “any old light in the sky” theory, doesn’t it?  So now that we know Jesus is talking about the ACTUAL sun, the ACTUAL moon, and ACTUAL stars…  does your heliocentric model align with Jesus’ ACTUAL words?  Can ACTUAL stars, in your understanding of them, ACTUALLY fall from the sky to the earth?  Not a chance.  So you are free to continue to believe in the godless heliocentric and evolution fantasies since you think it makes you appear smart and enlightened… but you’ll be lying if you ever try to tell anyone that your model doesn’t contradict the scriptures.  It most certainly does… in many passages and in many different ways.


    D4T:  We are still fighting evolution. It’s simply called cosmic evolution. You know like what you have said in the past, how the sun wasn’t created on day 4 but was “seen” on day 4. Because we all “know” that the earth couldn’t have been here before the sun according to the cosmic evolutionary theory.

    You are free to revise your position or stick by it but which one of us is actually taking God at His Word?

    Amen!  Well said.


    T8: Thank you for the analogy. It is you that this applies to. Why?

    We have countless visuals of the Earth and its true shape.
    You have zero visuals.

    You also have visuals of Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as ISS astronauts in the movie “Gravity”, right?  Sandra was even floating around weightlessly in the vacuum of space.  Does that make it reality, T8?  Do you think Sandra and George actually WERE in low earth orbit just because you saw it in a visual?  YES or NO, please?

    (Let’s see how long T8 hems and haws on this one before FINALLY answering with an explanation that it was an easy one to answer, but just wasn’t a high priority. 😉😁)


    T8, please list just one single proof that you have verified for yourself that we live on a spinning ball orbiting the sun.

    (And when you can’t, will you at least admit that you believe this nonsense on nothing more than blind faith in what godless men have told you?)


    T8, what about the specular highlight (or lack thereof) on the moon?  Thoughts?



    T8: I have seen numerous falling stars myself.

    Here is one for example.

    Have you ever seen a meteor/falling star go UP?  Of course not… nobody has.  Yet in your model, they have an equal chance of burning up in our atmosphere from any direction.  So we should see just as many of them moving from the ground up into the sky as we see going down or across the sky.  In fact, if YOU see one as a “FALLING star”, then someone else a third of the way around the ball from you should see that same one as a “RISING star” that abruptly disappears high in the sky.  Understand?  For every single FALLING star any person sees, people elsewhere would see it as a RISING star.  It can be no other way in your model.

    So why hasn’t anyone EVER seen a “rising star”?


    We are still fighting evolution. It’s simply called cosmic evolution. You know like what you have said in the past, how the sun wasn’t created on day 4 but was “seen” on day 4. Because we all “know” that the earth couldn’t have been here before the sun according to the cosmic evolutionary theory.

    Good for you. But if you mention the earth is flat, you will lose all credibility. The enemy wants you to do that of course, so he can promote the narrative that the Bible is wrong and Believers are morons. Why be a willing pawn in this?

    A little leaven works through the whole batch.


    So why hasn’t anyone EVER seen a “rising star”?

    LOL. Hilarious.

    Most falling stars I’ve seen went across the sky and were not perpendicular to the surface. But even a direct perpendicular hit will never appear to go upward.

    Regardless, none of these falling stars were a sun or planet. You require them to be sun’s or planets in the globe earth model That’s so biased that it registers on the dumb scale.


    T8, please list just one single proof that you have verified for yourself that we live on a spinning ball orbiting the sun.

    A satellite beaming images of earth to us should be enough, but even if there was a reptile race pulling the wool over our eyes, then the distances we travel, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere point to a globe and not the flat Earth.

    Then there are eclipses, the very thing that you believe disproves the globe earth. The math based on the heliocentric model predicts eclipses with 100% accuracy. Some coincidence that is aye? Yet the Flat Earth has no model and the math used does not apply to the FE.

    You have nothing but deception and foolishness to use when trying to prove your theory. Lies lies lies.


    Scientism of Flat Earth Thinking

    You also have visuals of Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as ISS astronauts in the movie “Gravity”, right? Sandra was even floating around weightlessly in the vacuum of space.

    Sandra also appeared on a bus with Keanu Reaves. Therfore, by extention, buses are fake too.


    Honestly guys, it fills me with dread thinking about the lost souls (atheists) you guys preach to if your gospel includes the Flat Earth. If so, you preach another gospel and are not helping them to find the way, truth, and life.

    Do you care for their souls or not. If you do, please do not BS them with the Bible teaches a flat earth. You will be responsible for laying a stumbling block to their salvation.


    That’s a great point Mike! If “stars” are falling everywhere over the “globe” then why doesn’t anyone ever see a shooting star going up? I for one would like an honest answer.


    Are guys serious? Your pulling my leg right?

    If a star falls to earth it will never appear to go up. You would see it go across with a slight downward direction to a more direct downward direction depending on the angle the object was moving toward the earth at.


    That’s not an explanation t8 that’s an assertion. Now can you give an explanation why?


    Are you talking about why people never see a rising star?


    I will explain it to you if you can explain to me when a falling star happens today, how come there isn’t one less star in the sky?


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