Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Mike: “I’ve got them cornered, and backtracking on things they said previously.  And all of that was part of a plan to let them refute their own model with their own haughty and condescending words to me.“


    Funny how that works out when you look at the facts. But all that t8 Et al has is the appeal to authority; “All the scientists say” or some other equivalent.

    If you cannot see or will not see the obvious conspiracy theories and then deny that it could be occurring in our “science” academia then you are left with a steel grip on your truth detector. You cannot admit that the “powers to be” could ever lie to you. But as it has been demonstrated – they have!

    Go back to the Word of God. Does it say that the earth does not move, does it say that the sun moves? Yes it does! Does it agree with the science of today? No! A conspiracy? Perhaps, but one that is easy to solve if you take the Bible as the Word of God.





    T8:  I’m not against all conspiracy theories, just the ones that are debunked or bat shit crazy like shape shifter reptiles walking among us.

    You yourself pointed out that Satan was playing with genetics back in the day and making chimeras, right?  The book of Enoch also points this out, that the watchers were mixing the seeds of different animals and humans and creating abominations.  Also, could demons manifest as reptilians? I haven’t followed that thread too closely, and know it’s not some alien species as is claimed (since there is no “outer space” or “planets”).  But this Christian shows actual unedited mainstream footage and makes a somewhat compelling case in my opinion… https://youtu.be/ufP7wWhWanc

    It’s a short vid, but you can start at the 2:36 mark if you want to get right to the point.


    T8:  When people dedicate descent time to investigate, it turns out you were wrong.

    That’s not only nonsense, but also scaredy-cat talk.  Save that for the kindergartners, okay?  I’m conversing with actual math experts and astronomers and heliocentric experts (including an Arizona State University planetary scientist) who DO have more invested into their research than finding a “Flat Earth Debunked” video and posting it as a “rebuttal” without even watching it or understanding the points they were trying to make.  If you’re not up for a big boy discussion, then that’s fine.  Everyone has their own interests, right?  But don’t you dare come to me talking about how I was wrong when you don’t have the time to invest to show me HOW I was wrong – or even understand that the other person saying I was wrong was himself way off base.  At this point, I’ve forgotten more about your own heliocentric model than you’ll ever learn.  That comes with dedication and long hours of research, contemplation, and prayers for guidance.  If you ever get to the point that you’re willing to invest those things, then you and I can have a discussion from an equal platform – and who knows – maybe you’ll even show me some error in my argument.  As for now, I’ve got to dumb things down for you like I did in my post yesterday.

    Bottom line… I’ll continue my research and discourse with equally intelligent people who have also done the work and know that of which they speak.  You’re free to stay on the sidelines talking middle school crap if you want… but no one – not dazzathecameraman or any of the other intelligent globe proponents with whom I’ve been talking – will give your juvenile comments any merit.  Bone up on the subject first… then you can move from the kid’s table to the adults table.

    Btw, the ASU planetary scientist acknowledged my point, and a part of my discussion with him is in one of those recent YouTube videos.  Got that?  A real live planetary scientist has acknowledged my point – which destroys the model you believe in on nothing but blind faith in godless men who have told you lies that contradict the words of God and His messengers.


    Mike: At this point, I’ve forgotten more about your own heliocentric model than you’ll ever learn.  That comes with dedication and long hours of research, contemplation, and prayers for guidance. “


    Who said John Wayne was dead!? 😉




    T8:  You assume diagrams are exact when in fact they are only representing the bodies that are in reality millions of miles apart. So you rely on diagrams and angles of things that have been squeezed into a small 2D pictures that are designed to give you an idea of reality and are not there for scientific measurements of distance or angles.

    So many faults in such a small amount of words…  You say “in reality”?  Prove it to me – or point me to any human being who has proven, using the scientific method, that some lights in the sky are millions of miles away from us, or from each other.  I’ll give you a billion dollars if you can do it.

    Secondly, were you even aware that our eyes see in 2D?  It is our brain that transforms the 2D images we see into 3D.  So when you’re looking up at the moon, sun or stars, your eyes see them in 2D.  Yet with all of those objects, our brain DOESN’T transform them into 3D.  We both see and conceive them as 2D lights in the sky.  The only reason you believe you’re seeing 3D objects up there is because you’ve been TOLD that they are.  Karen B did a good video once where she simply showed a bunch of moons and asked if the viewer could tell whether they were 2D objects or 3D objects.  And no… you couldn’t tell until she picked them up and turned them around.  Some were indeed 2D, and others were 3D.  But looking at them gave no indication of which until she moved them.  It’s the same with the lights in our sky.  We actually see and understand them as 2D.  It is only NASA’s artwork that convinces you they are 3D.  So yeah… even if I could place the actual sun, moon and stars on my computer screen – you’d see them as 2D objects anyway.

    Thirdly, I have a couple of segments in my series where I’m using a real globe and a real 3D ball for the moon, and simulating their alleged movements.  So yeah… you’re wrong once again because I’m not just using 2D drawings.

    And fourthly, we have no other means by which to show these things anyway.  I’ve done an actual to-scale experiment with a one inch earth, a quarter inch moon, and a 9 foot sun that was 1000 feet away.  I used both string and laser to demonstrate the validity of my argument in the real world – using the scale we’ve been given by the ball earthers.  But guess what?  Unless you could be there with me and my friend Rich at the time, you’ll only see the experiment on your computer… ie: on a 2D platform!

    And finally, while I’m here doing real experiments and involved with real discussions with people who have forgotten more about math and astronomy than either of us have yet learned, your comment is like a little child’s incoherent mumbling coming from the kid’s table – that we can barely hear over the discussion going on at the adults table.  And none of us give your mumbling an ounce of merit.  So my advice to you is to shut up and listen until you get to the point that you know enough about the subject to even offer a comment to the discussion.

    Btw, this image is from a geometry program that I and a ball earther math expert are using right now to have a big boy discussion about my argument against the heliocentric model…

    Screenshot (32)

    Can you understand what’s going on there?  Of course not.  You’re at the little kid’s table saying, “Oh, the colors sure are pretty… and btw Mike, you’re wrong!”  But do you see my orange circle there, highlighting where his red “View To Sun” and blue “View To Moon” lines are?  Do you see that the lines do not converge at the moon?  Do you see that they are two distinct lines, as opposed to the SAME line?  That’s my argument.  In order to see both sun and moon on the horizon, those lines MUST be the same line!  If they are different, then your model doesn’t work.  And what does HIS own mathematical work and geometry program show us?  Yep… they’re different.  Why?  Because geometrically speaking, the angle from the terminator line to the sun is .002 degrees.  The angle to the peak moon is .98 degrees.  You cannot have the lower limit of your view be both .002 degrees AND .98 degrees at the same time.  Can you understand that?  He’s finally starting too… although he keeps bucking against this reality, and trying desperately to come up with other rescue devices to help him.  But he’ll get there eventually.  They all will.  In the meantime, you keep popping off from the kid’s table, and I’ll keep conversing with the adults who have some knowledge in the subject.


    D4T:  Go back to the Word of God. Does it say that the earth does not move, does it say that the sun moves? Yes it does! Does it agree with the science of today? No! A conspiracy? Perhaps, but one that is easy to solve if you take the Bible as the Word of God.

    Perfect!  Amen!


    D4T:  Who said John Wayne was dead!? 😉

    Little by little, these dang pilgrims are finally starting to listen… and better yet… understand!  I was so happy to see that hubertdtu didn’t have a comment on my last video.  In my mind, that’s because he finally sees it.  The others see it too, but they feel compelled to try an end-around as a last ditch effort to save their model.  They went from “it’d take a MINIMUM of 54 minutes on either side of peak before someone on the terminator line could see the moon on the horizon” to “well… if we double the refraction and increase the dip angle, then yes… we CAN see the moon on the horizon when it’s an hour and a half on the FAR SIDE of peak”.  😁  In other words, we CAN’T see it when it’s an hour on the NEAR SIDE of peak… but at the same time, we CAN see it when it’s an hour and a half on the FAR SIDE of peak!  And believe it or not, some of them have even said, “Well, the Stellarium program shows what Ron Hagberg saw – and it’s based on the heliocentric model – so of course his observation is possible in that model!”  

    I don’t know if you see it yet, D, but the model has already been irrefutably falsified by these incongruent angles.  Now I’m going to get back to the video I was working on to answer these “rebuttals” before I took a break to slap T8 around a little.   Take care, brother!


    And T8, I forgot to mention that the people featured in that video with their eyes doing weird things have admitted in TV interviews that they are possessed by demons.  Let me know if you’d like the links to those interviews.


    Go back to the Word of God. Does it say that the earth does not move, does it say that the sun moves? Yes it does! Does it agree with the science of today? No! A conspiracy? Perhaps, but one that is easy to solve if you take the Bible as the Word of God.

    Prove it. Show me where the Word of God promotes your Flat Earth.


    You yourself pointed out that Satan was playing with genetics back in the day and making chimeras, right?

    The possibility of that, yes. The traditional view of Genesis has rival views that are worth considering.

    Here is an interesting look at Genesis.


    So many faults in such a small amount of words…  You say “in reality”?  Prove it to me – or point me to any human being who has proven, using the scientific method, that some lights in the sky are millions of miles away from us, or from each other.  I’ll give you a billion dollars if you can do it.

    Obviously you do not accept proof because it is quite overwhelming. You sound like an Atheist asking for proof that there is a God.

    What I am saying is you take 2D images that show a sun literally the same size as the moon and the same distance and then refute the globe earth using that. You can’t do that because you are conflating two things that shouldn’t be used together. These images are only created this way to fit everything into a diagram. You cannot take them mathematically. What you do is you take it literally because in essence it is similar to your Flat Earth model and then say it debunks the Globe Earth. That is so wrong Mike. The globe model does not have a same size moon and sun and same distance like your Flat Earth model.

    When you assume the earth is an almost perfect globe and the sun is star that our and other globe planets orbit, then this one single premise answers everything perfectly. So perfect that you can use it to predict eclipses, day, night, Coriolis Effect, seasons, etc. Don’t believe that? Watch the video below.

    And your model doesn’t exist because you so not have one single model to explain everything we observe. You seem to have a model for each effect, but these models are not unified into one which the truth requires. And let’s say that you could roll them all into one, (which you cannot), then it still could be wrong because the globe explains everything so perfectly that it I doubt a unified Flat Earth theory could compete. Simply put, because you have no model, the globe is the only model. But of course we do not believe this only because everything fits with no contradiction although that would be compelling in itself. We also have photos, videos, space programs, private satellite companies, and a multitude of other proofs.

    All you have is a handful of conflicting models, no videos, photos, or any other such thing. You have no photos of the edge, no pics, no Flat Earth math for solid predictions. All you have is ignorance, a desire to be a hero in a Scifi movie, and a lack of understanding real 3D models. All your videos are based on misunderstandings and quite franly, most people don’t have time to hold your hand and show you the errors. And when they have done that, it made no difference anyway.


    And T8, I forgot to mention that the people featured in that video with their eyes doing weird things have admitted in TV interviews that they are possessed by demons.

    Demonic possession and being a literal shape shifting alien are two different things mate.


    T8: What I am saying is you take 2D images that show a sun literally the same size as the moon and the same distance and then refute the globe earth using that.

    The GeoGebra program that I’m using with the ball earth mathematical expert is to scale.  Right size earth, right size moon, and right size sun 93 million miles away.  Of course you have to scroll and scroll to actually get TO the sun.  But the red and blue lines are the correct views to the sun and the moon – in scale.  If those two lines converge at the moon, your model works.  If they don’t, your model is falsified.  Well?  Look at the screen shot I posted above and tell me if they are two different lines, or the same one line.  Since they are two, your model is refuted.  And remember, I didn’t create that graph.  The ball earther mathematical expert did.  I pointed out to him yesterday what I pointed out to you… that they must be one single line and not two or his model is bust.  He hasn’t responded since then.  We’ll see what happens.

    Anyway, you’re too far behind in the subject to tell me and the experts I’m dealing with how I need to portray the sun, earth and moon to make my points.  They all understand that I can’t make them to scale on a computer, because nobody can.  But my images and animations are just fine for making my points, and for them to make their counterarguments.  When I first started the series, I had a few people like you coming in and saying, “Ha!  Your images are 2D and not to scale… therefore the ball earth wins by default!”  

    But since then, my work has been getting a lot of notice, and drawing the attention of some of the top names in “flat earth debunking”… people who have worked on satellite systems and who have written astronomy programs, etc.  And these people are above those kinds of lame excuses.  They are taking me seriously, and racking their very intelligent brains to figure out how to stop me.  I’m just putting the finishing touches on a “recap” video – to get everyone caught up.  It looks like it’ll be 12 minutes long or so.  I’ll post it here so you can check it out and familiarize yourself with my argument if you want to.

    As for the demon possession, you can see what their eyes are doing in uncut, unedited mainstream interviews, right?  Now think of the dude in the Bible who was possessed by legion.  Did he have any peculiar physical traits?


    Mike, I can assure the mistake is yours. I cannot be bothered checking it out I’m not willing to go down to many rabbit holes, but suffice to say that the correct answer is out there for you.



    Mike, the above image is correct. But it is just a local depiction. Ancient man hadn’t gone around the whole earth yet. For example, New Zealand was discovered by Maori about 1000 years ago.

    All you need to do is take the above diagram and extend it given the knowledge we have since exploration of the earth, and you have it. It curves ever so slightly and goes right round to meet itself.

    So the dome goes right round (atmosphere / moisture). Hades instead of down is under or more toward the centre of the globe.


    The GeoGebra program that I’m using with the ball earth mathematical expert is to scale.  Right size earth, right size moon, and right size sun 93 million miles away.  Of course you have to scroll and scroll to actually get TO the sun.  But the red and blue lines are the correct views to the sun and the moon – in scale.  If those two lines converge at the moon, your model works.  If they don’t, your model is falsified.  Well?  Look at the screen shot I posted above and tell me if they are two different lines, or the same one line.  Since they are two, your model is refuted.  And remember, I didn’t create that graph.  The ball earther mathematical expert did.  I pointed out to him yesterday what I pointed out to you… that they must be one single line and not two or his model is bust.  He hasn’t responded since then.  We’ll see what happens.

    I’ve seen a video of yours where you drew lines from a small sun and making the case you shouldn’t see a part of the sun etc. Honestly, I have no time for this stuff.

    So you are using a ball earth model. Good. Hopefully someone takes the time to show where you have erred in your conclusion.


    T8:  I’ve seen a video of yours where you drew lines from a small sun and making the case you shouldn’t see a part of the sun etc. Honestly, I have no time for this stuff.

    Not sure which one you’re talking about, but since you repeatedly tell us how you don’t have time to delve into the specifics of this debate… how about you just remain silent?  A boastful know-it-all who doesn’t know anything is an embarrassing sight.  It’d be like me telling you how to build better websites when I don’t know a thing about it, and “can’t be bothered with looking into it”.   How much clout would you give the things I was telling you about building websites?  How seriously would you take my claims that you’re doing it wrong?  Yeah… that’s how much clout we give your all-encompassing declarations that we’re wrong about flat earth.   😁🤣😂


    Not sure which one you’re talking about, but since you repeatedly tell us how you don’t have time to delve into the specifics of this debate… how about you just remain silent?

    That’s exactly what I do. I only comment on the specifics that I look into. So the small sun lines and angles was something I saw and believe was wrong without putting in too much effort. Other things like the Ruapehu image I put in a reasonable amount of time, thus said more about it. The rolling ball on the table was an experiment I did because it was easy and I debunked it. And watching other people’s videos that debunk the notion of the Flat Earth saves me lots of time. You ca’t do everything yourself in life, so I believe in advancing other people’s work along with mine.

    In short, you don’t see me say much about your most of your videos do you because I do exactly what you said: I remain silent.


    Here’s a guy that really believes he is right. Yet I am sure even you will agree this guy is not only wrong but absolutely deluded.


    Brilliant logic t8, because someone else is wrong then whoever you’re debating must be wrong.

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