Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #846868

    Hey Gene and T8, check out the image on my chemtrail video above.  That’s the skies that I saw in Phoenix almost every day for a long time.  Now check out these photos I just now popped outside and took…


    Do you see a difference between real clouds and fake ones?  Look at those beauties!  Praise God!  And the last photo I aimed way up in the sky so you can see that, although the same amount of airplanes are flying over Phoenix as before… they’re not leaving chemtrails behind them!  Nothing but REAL clouds and CLEAR BLUE skies, baby!  I’m SOOOO happy about this! 😁😆🤣


    Gene… WHAT PROOFS?  Name one single “real world proof” that you and I can verify for ourselves.  Yes, many countries and private individuals shoot off rockets.  So?  What PROOF do you have that they go to “outer space”?  Every rocket launch ever shows a rocket heading up into the sky, then arching sideways, and then heading back down to earth before they cut the camera feed.  This is from one of my videos…

    Screenshot (306)

    Now tell me… which one of these NASA rockets actually went to space?  How can you and I PROVE that they did?  Do you understand now?  I’m asking for actual PROOF – not TV stories and animations.  What actual PROOF can you offer me?




    I’m no expert, but water is generally bad for electronics, but I guess space is different so rust and carrying a current could be different. I cannot be bothered googling it either as it doesn’t make the Earth flat one way or another.


    What kind of nut would have the post numbers according to the entire SITE, instead of each thread? I just Googled “Bible Discussion Forum”, and this was the top result. I clicked on a topic, and saw this wonderfully laid out discussion, where each consecutive post IN THAT THREAD has the next consecutive number. This beauty is how your site was when I first joined it, and I loved it…


    Then you changed it to this drab, colorless thing that we see today. You know that’s why I left, right? You changed a wonderful forum layout to some “blog style” thing where we couldn’t even follow the discussion any longer. So I jumped to a different forum where I met D4T and discussed the evolutionism/creation debate for years. At least you fixed that blog style crap, and changed it back to a “box” format where one post follows another so people can keep up with the ongoing discussion. So good on you for that. And I guess bad on me for being a flawed human being who had too much confidence in YOUR ability to have the post numbers separated by TOPIC – not spread throughout the entire site.

    Mike, I don’t care. Everyone has a different opinion on things. If I change this thing, some will like it and others not and if I change that, then same thing. People are different. Also, I’m willing to bet that the other forum you joined has more resources than me and I do not pretend to have the best forum. I am realistic but feel it does a good job for the resources I have. If it paid me a living wage, then it would be way better because the investment would work for me in my current situation as a family man with people depending on me.

    As for the numbers, well are you saying that the Flat Earth should have all the whole numbers allocated to that topic because it could potentially reach millions of posts? It is logical to number posts in order of time. In the CMS, I can see all the comments in order as they are posted and moderate them. Saying that the numbers should line up in each topic for me doesn’t make the topic better at all. All the numbers really serve is the ability to quote the number or copy the link and it will jump straight there.

    Your last paragraph shows your lack of understanding. The forum was always there from day one of the new forum platform. The only thing different was a blog was put in as the home page and that increases the traffic of the site as Google was able to see what the current topic was and that it was being refreshed. A lot of sites have a blog or a news section and a forum too. No big deal and totally normal. But yeah, the forum is the main part of the site, so I was able to use forum topics as the comments section for each blog. All you had to do all a long was just visit the forum. It was always there. You could have ignored the blog if it wasn’t for you. The blog worked for others judging by the traffic. It is actually how new people join the site. They read a topic and reply to it, and that means they are now able to comment in other topics.

    At the end of the day, if it is not for you, then perhaps it is for other people. The planet revolves around the sun, not you.


    Well, seems to be working fine now… as it has for all the years I’ve been using your site. I was able to edit that last post and it worked. That’s what surprises me about your thoughtless comment, T8. I have made THOUSANDS of posts and dozens of threads on your site over 10 years. I know what I’m doing, and how to do it. I was even a mod for a few years and had access to the extra features, right? So when a glitch like this occurs, why not give me the benefit of the doubt and assume that there IS a glitch, instead of always assuming something’s wrong with my computer or that I, after thousands of posts, all of a sudden forgot how to do it? Heck, you didn’t even ask any questions to see if you could check something or get to the bottom of it. You just started spouting about my computer, my connection, my search engine, and my cache… without even saying, “Hmm… did you try this?” Or, “Were you doing this when it happened?”

    Mike, the forum works. If it stops working it would permanently stop working till I fixed it. I was simply pointing out that glitches are the result of a bad connection either at your end or in the data center where the site is hosted. These are physical issues that happen from time to time with all sites.

    My opinion on this is the connection broke either by the server itself going down or the internet pipe at your end or the site end going down momentarily. To compensate, your browser loaded cache. I’ve been building sites for years and can tell you when it works and you do not change anything it will continue to work because nothing has changed. The problem is then a physical problem somewhere that rights itself.


    Okay T8… I’ve successfully edited three posts now, and no glitches. (I recorded each event with my phone just in case – so you could see in real time what happened before.) Anyway, seems to be working fine for now (as in the way it has worked for me for over ten years 😎 ), so you’re currently off the hook.

    Okay great.


    Nice dark blue sky.

    Nobody thinks those chem-trails as you call them are natural clouds. They are the visible trail (water-based contrails) left by high-flying aircraft under certain atmospheric conditions. Not everyone thinks these contrails contain introduced chemicals. There are many conspiracy theories out there. They remain conspiracy theories until proven.


    Now tell me… which one of these NASA rockets actually went to space?  How can you and I PROVE that they did?  Do you understand now?  I’m asking for actual PROOF – not TV stories and animations.  What actual PROOF can you offer me?

    You can’t prove it any more than putting cameras all over the rocket and showing the footage. Unless of course you want to hitch a ride yourself.

    If a rocket just flew straight up, then it would fall right back down to Earth when it ran out of fuel! Rockets have to tilt to the side as they travel into the sky in order to reach orbit, or a circular path of motion around the Earth.


    T8:  As for the numbers, well are you saying that the Flat Earth should have all the numbers allocated to that topic because it could potentially reach millions of posts?

    Hmm…  I wonder if any other person in the world would read what I wrote and come to that conclusion.

    T8:  It is logical to number posts in order of time. In the CMS, I can see all the comments in order as they are posted and moderate them.

    OR…  and just hear me out here… you could have a “latest replies” function that allows you to do the same thing.  Oh wait… you DO!  😁

    You can do whatever you want with your site, T8.  When the thing you do is stupid, I’ll tell you.  When it’s good, I’ll tell you.  And when it’s not functioning properly, I’ll tell you so you can FIX it instead of accusing decade-long members of forgetting how to make a post.  How’s that sound?

    Or maybe you forgot how I kept bitching that after 100 pages, when you posted it would take you back to the OP.  Remember that?  Then… after a long time, you FIXED it and now it works as it should.  Wonder why you didn’t blame that one on my computer, my connection, my cache, or my ability to post properly.


    T8:  Nobody thinks those chem-trails as you call them are natural clouds. They are the visible trail (water-based contrails) left by high-flying aircraft under certain atmospheric conditions.

    Do you know how that water vapor trail works?  The exact same way vapor comes out of your mouth when you talk in cold weather.  It is exactly the same process.  Now… how many times in your life did your breath hover around like a persistent vapor trail as you walked down the street?

    Would you like to hear a retired 30 year long commercial pilot tell you the same thing?  Let me know and I’ll link the clip.  The government hearing has pilots, doctors, environmental scientists, and many other scientific professionals testifying to the reality of chemtrails – and the nonsensical denial of those who claim it’s just normal contrails.

    And finally, why did they all but disappear for the last month… not only in the Phoenix atmospheric conditions… but all across the country?  Is the entire country experiencing 30 consecutive days of the ideal conditions where contrails don’t persist?

    Man, you indoctrinates make me just want to bang my head against a wall sometimes.  Maybe it’ll eventually come out in the mainstream press so people like you and Gene can finally say, “Oh… well now that they told me on TV, it must be true after all.”

    Newsflash… the mainstream media is OWNED by the same powers that control the entire world.  They “report” what they’re told to report… period.  They are actors reading scripts that have been written for them.  But every once in a while, a mainstream outlet shows a little decency and reports on a story the YouTubers have already known about for days, weeks, or years.  THEN, people like you and Gene can finally believe it, right?  Here’s one recent example, so kudos to Fox…

    Of course, it’s been a topic on YouTube for a couple of weeks already… but what do those stupid marijuana-smoking YouTube idiots know about anything?  What… are they scientists or something?


    Posts given a number ID in order of time seems logical to me.  It also helps drive the Activity Page which some use as the main page.

    Site-Wide Activity

    Personally speaking I really do not believe having all the numbers working in chronological order per topic is important. The only thing important about the numbers is that each post has a unique ID that allows me to build the Activity Page and allows people to quote the post and link straight to it. The reality is that most people do not even know it is there because it is not of itself a central feature that people use in any way. But on the development side, it is really helpful and as I said, members can take advantage of it by linking to the post rather than just the page.

    I am betting that no one else here cares if the numbers flow to the next on a per topic basis. I just think it became an issue because it was just one small thing added to the bigger problems you were having with the site.


    T8:  You can’t prove it any more than putting cameras all over the rocket and showing the footage.

    Exactly!  So why DON’T they put cameras on the rocket facing both forwards and backwards (and not blocked by some exhaust bellows) that run CONTINUOUSLY for the ENTIRE trip to the ISS, the moon, mars, or wherever?  I mean, Elon launched a Tesla ALL THE WAY TO MARS, but the cameras only worked for a few hours.  Now seriously… do you think that crap is normal?  Wouldn’t there be thousands of scientists dying to see footage of the entire journey?  Maybe the Tesla will pass some never-before-seen- asteroid or alien spaceship, right?  So why WOULDN’T they have those cameras running non-stop, powered by solar panels?  I can understand if, after a few weeks, the data stopped coming in because of a solar flare or whatever other story they wanted to make up.  But only a few hours?  Really?  And you not only believe that nonsense, but stand and defend their stupidity as if it was your own plan that you dreamed up all by yourself.  Why can’t people like you even stop and THINK about this kind of nonsense for a minute, and then ask yourself, “If I were in charge, would I purposely plan to have only a few hours of camera coverage of the event?”  And then answer your own question.  And when the answer is a definitive “Heck NO!”, ask yourself why these people would purposely plan such an historic event this way.

    T8:  If a rocket just flew straight up, then it would fall right back down to Earth when it ran out of fuel!

    Now take that back for a second, and really THINK about it before posting it.  Do you still want to post it?  Does it actually make sense?  Isn’t the shortest distance between two points a straight line?  Do you think “gravity” stops working if the rocket is going sideways and travelling through thousands of miles of friction-causing restrictive air instead of going straight up through the friction part so you can hurry up and get to the non-friction vacuum of space?

    You can either THINK for yourself… or you can just blindly believe and parrot the absurd and nonsensical claims your TV told you.  It’s like you’re surrounded by a vicious army that has encircled you and your men.  And your sergeant says, “Well sir, our best bet is to try to drive straight through in a direct route so we can get through the worst of it in the fastest possible way.”  And you say, “Point taken, sergeant.  But I think it’ll be better if we keep spiraling through the circle of viscous fighters over and over until we eventually reach the outside after 4 or 5 circles around.”  😁🤣😆


    I always thought the last three numbers were the posts in the current thread.  For example, I’m writing the 882nd post of this thread right now.  But you’re right, it’s not a big deal.  The way you do it is stupid… but it’s not a big deal.  😎


    Now at the bottom, where it says “Viewing posts 3261 through 3269″… are we talking posts just in this thread?  Or is that also talking about total site posts for the month or year or whatever?  😆🤣😁


    Now at the bottom, where it says “Viewing posts 3261 through 3269″… are we talking posts just in this thread?  Or is that also talking about total site posts for the month or year or whatever?

    Hi Mike.

    Yes that is what it means. Viewing posts in the topic. You can tell that as it changes when you go to a different page and it adds up correctly with that understanding no matter what page you are on and what topic you are in.

    The way you do it is stupid… but it’s not a big deal.

    I checked out that other forum to see the numbering system that you speak of and guess what, it is exactly like mine. Note that the posts numbers are in reality 66933058 & 66933549.



    Notice the post numbers do not follow as you say. Of course, they use number labels depending on the post in the topic, but the actual post number is based exactly the same as mine because it has to be that way. Forums are posts that are time and date stamped and are ordered that way and further categorized and tagged so they postion themselves in different topics. Without the chronological number ordering of post globally, it would be difficult to find other logic that makes a forum work as it should. It’s just that on Heaven Net, I do not have post number labels which is purely an aesthetic feature. I show the literally post number and I think that is a good thing too because you can quote or link to post 803444 and it cannot be mistaken for another post, whereas on the other forum, you have to say something like post number 55 on the Blah Blah topic in the Blah Blah category.

    It’s just slightly different Mike. Pros and cons to everything mate. That’s life. We are not all the same. Getting stuck in your ways and then thinking everything outside of your preferred methods as being silly or wrong is just dumb IMO.  The reality is people prefer different things and that is the beauty of the free market. You choose the one you like best. You vote with your dollars or feet. I’m good with that. I do not try to coerce anyone to come here. Some people drink Coke, some Pepsi, and some don’t drink either. Fine with me.


    Do you know how that water vapor trail works?  The exact same way vapor comes out of your mouth when you talk in cold weather.  It is exactly the same process.  Now… how many times in your life did your breath hover around like a persistent vapor trail as you walked down the street?

    Let’s be real. The output from my mouth is tiny compared to a jet. You are comparing the light on a mobile phone to a lighthouse.

    Further, it is a lot colder up there compared to the ground.

    Take a look at this video and also notice the guy’s breath.


    Exactly!  So why DON’T they put cameras on the rocket facing both forwards and backwards (and not blocked by some exhaust bellows) that run CONTINUOUSLY for the ENTIRE trip to the ISS, the moon, mars, or wherever?  I mean, Elon launched a Tesla ALL THE WAY TO MARS, but the cameras only worked for a few hours.  Now seriously… do you think that crap is normal?

    Mike, I believe you can work the answer out for yourself using common sense. A space mission has an agenda that they raise millions for. If it is to put up a satellite or to put a man on the moon, or whatever, everything has to be as efficient as possible right because it is not cheap to power up things for long flights when there is no electricity grid up there.

    That space launch I showed you had cameras placed in sections of the rocket that mattered to engineers. It gives them an essential view at critical stages and allows them to see if things are working as they should and how to make them better. That rocket also gave great footage of the Earth below so your concerns regarding why don’t they do this kind of thing is moot. They do have cameras that show these things. But they show them not to prove the Earth is a globe, but to give engineers a view of the rocket working or not working which at times will show you the planet below.

    Besides power limitations, you also need to store the data somewhere and broadcast it back. I remember the raw footage of LOTR in Wellington NZ being ridiculously large and transferring the data to the US was done through Internet 2.  In space, there is Internet 0.

    Now let’s say they put a camera on the whole time on a craft going to Jupiter. Well most of the footage will just be space itself. But think about it, they do have cameras outside and when they approach a planet, they turn on the cameras. Then off again when things are less interesting till they reach the next planet. My guess is they would run out of resources before Mars if the camera were on the whole time.


    Test post to see if I can edit.

    Hi Mike, just a heads up. The Edit link lasts for 20 minutes I think. I set this myself, but can’t remember the exact time limit. I could look it up. I know you are not talking about that, but just letting you know that there is a time limit. The last time there was an indefinite time limit on editing posts, one or two members edited their older post when they got proven wrong so that they could save themselves the embarrassment of being wrong. I argued it was best to be proven wrong and let everyone know this as it was educational and helpful But it seems they were more interested in their reputations.


    Mike, to prove that contrails are actually chemtrails, you have to prove that intended chemicals are being discharged rather than water condensation. And yes, at times chemicals are discharged from planes such as fertilizer etc, but saying contrails are chemtrails needs evidence. I could say that Donald Trump is a reptile shape shifter, but proof would be in order before trying to convince people of such.


    T8: If a rocket just flew straight up, then it would fall right back down to Earth when it ran out of fuel! Rockets have to tilt to the side as they travel into the sky in order to reach orbit, or a circular path of motion around the Earth.

    Mike: Now take that back for a second, and really THINK about it before posting it.  Do you still want to post it?  Does it actually make sense?

    the force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass.

    the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft round a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution.
    “the Earth’s orbit around the sun”

    If an object doesn’t find its orbit it will either escape the influence of the earth or fall back to the earth.

    When a satellite’s orbit matches the rotation of the earth, and it’s position over the earth remains fixed, it’s called Geostationary or geosynchronous orbit.

    Satellites are launched into orbit, which is to say that they are shot up into the sky on rockets to get them up above the atmosphere where there is no friction. The idea is to get them flying so fast, that when they fall back to earth, they fall towards earth at the same rate as the earth’s surface falls away from them. When an object’s path around the earth, its “trajectory” matches the earth’s curvature, the object is said to be “in orbit”.

    Earth Orbit Satellites Explained

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