Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #843796
    Ed J

    Ed: Hi Mike, I did not say you could not have “24 hour light”… …I said “Sun”…

    You could not have “a 24 hour sun” on the flat earth model – you disagree ???

    I cannot see how a 24 hour sun is possible on the flat earth as I currently understand it.

    I don’t think you as of yet grasp what I’m saying.

    If the sun is moving faster in the south during our winter in the USA
    as the flat earth model suggests – How can there possibly a longer
    than 12 sun cycle in NZ on the flat earth model?

    It looks like the sun would always be less then 12 hours – like Pi 3.14
    Only 8 hours of sun at all times. The sun-cycle works in the flat earth
    model “as I understand it” for the north, but collapses in the south.

    Please address this point specifically, ok?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Ed, could you explain what you mean by (sun-cycle)?


    Ed, it’s a good question you’re asking, and one that’s been explained by many people in many ways.  Which way is correct – if any?  It’s too complicated for me to explain right now, but remember that God enclosed our stationary earth with a glass firmament that is likely shaped like a half globe.  That means it has less circumference towards the North Pole, and a much greater circumference towards the Antarctic ice edge.  If the sun is shining through a smaller circumference dome, then people below that part would see a smaller arc of the sun through the dome.  If the sun is shining through the larger part of the dome at the edges, then people could see the sun for a longer time, even thought it may be moving faster.

    For now you’ll just have to accept my answer of, “No, it wouldn’t be the end of flat earth”, and “I don’t know how it all works”.  Ed, there will never be an end to a flat and stationary earth with a dome over it in which revolve the sun, moon and stars.  It is what the Bible teaches, and is therefore the undeniable truth, even if we don’t have all the hows and whys figured out yet.

    If the earth is a ball that revolves around the sun, then the Bible is wrong – plain and simple.  You could justify it being wrong like T8 does by imagining the writers were just describing it from their own point of view.  But it would be wrong nevertheless, and would mean that the writers of scripture were just flawed men trying to explain things they didn’t fully understand without God’s guidance, and there would be no reason to believe anything they wrote.

    I know the earth is stationary and the lights in the sky move around it because that’s what the Bible clearly and undeniably teaches.  Astrologers have claimed for centuries that different celestial objects run on their own circular patterns within other larger circular patterns.  Some say that’s what Ezekiel was describing by “wheels within wheels”.  This guy does a great job of giving a beginner’s crash course…

    It’s only an hour talk show, so you don’t even have to watch.  You can give it a listen when you’re driving around or whatever.

    I’m sorry I can’t give a better answer right now, but I haven’t delved too deeply into that matter.

    Ed J

    Thank you Mike 🙂

    Ed J

    Ed, could you explain what you mean by (sun-cycle)?

    Hi Dig4

    Sure; the path of the sun, and how that relates to light and darkness cycles.

    I hope that clarifies it for you.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Thanks Ed. I like the way you phrased that. The path of the “Sun”.

    I was wondering if you talking about the seeing the actual sun or just the light from it while it’s on the path.


    For anyone following the “vacuum” debate I would highly recommend watching this very short video!

    What NASA admits doesn’t make any scientific sense!

    Ed J

    Thanks Ed. I like the way you phrased that. The path of the “Sun”.

    I was wondering if you talking about the seeing the actual sun or just the light from it while it’s on the path.

    Yes, seeing the sun for how long each day in the south, while the north is in winter

    Ed J

    Hi Flat Earthers,

    Here is a legitimate question…

    it would seem to me that you cannot have a longer
    than 12 hour (15+) on the flat earth model.

    How can you explain a 15+ hour
    sun-cycle in southern NZ?

    Please explain that one, visuals would help here

    God bless
    Ed J


    The sun rose and set in a little over 12 1/2 hours in Oban. I’m not familiar with the places in NZ but I think that is in the south.

    You can check out other places at this site;




    T8: The idea that the ISS couldn’t handle space because it wouldn’t be able to contain 15 PSI in a zero PSI environment is a silly argument IMO.

    This would be the ISS in a vacuum MANY ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE LESS POWERFUL than the vacuum we’re told it’s in.  If there was a way we could put an aluminum vessel in the vacuum and heat conditions we’re told the ISS is in right now, it would be interesting to see whether it melted first or exploded first.  🙂  But I don’t suppose there’s anything that would shake your blind faith belief in these fairy tales you’ve grown to love so much.  After all, the very words of scripture were not enough for you, right?

    Hey T8, here’s a half hour compilation of some of the most obvious NASA fakery that anyone can see with their own eyes…

    Of course I’m sure you’ll make up lame excuses for every one of them.  During my investigation into the shape of the earth, one thing has become clear:  There are many people in the world who will hear someone pointing out blatant flaws in the mainstream narrative surrounding ANY event (Sandy Hook, chemtrails, JFK assassination, 911, Holocaust, etc.), and it’s like a switch goes off in their head, and they absolutely MUST try to defend the mainstream story no matter what.  It’s like a reflex or something, and I simply can’t understand it.  I mean, I understand that the CIA invented the term “conspiracy theory” and used their employees (the mainstream media that they control) to push the idea that going against anything the “official media” tells you is a terrible thing, and such people should be ridiculed and scoffed at.  And I understand that many gullible sheep that make up our world (blind leading the blind) easily fall for this devious ploy, and play their part by doing exactly what you do.  I just don’t understand how a person I’ve always known to be intelligent and not a blind follower IS a blind follower in the matters we’ve been discussing in this thread.

    I mean, I bring up chemtrails, and you suggest I’m a drug addict.  Why?  Because that’s exactly how you’ve been PROGRAMMED to respond.  You don’t actually look at the sky.  You don’t actually look into it to find out that they’re admitting doing it now.  Nope.  The mainstream story is that they’re just regular old contrails that have been around forever, and anyone suggesting otherwise flips that switch in your head, and you feel compelled to immediately ridicule and insult that person as you take a proud stand for king and country like the good little boy they’ve trained you to be.  I just did a very short chemtrail video, T8.  See if you can at least agree to the only point I make in the video…

    I merely ask the question:  Whether they are regular contrails or chemicals being purposely sprayed for whatever reason… is this the sky you want your kids to grow up with?  Shouldn’t we all be fighting on the same side to end this disgrace – no matter the cause of it?

    As for the vacuum topic that I’ve bailed from because I could see we were getting nowhere, I leave you with this:  NASA’s most powerful vacuum chamber on earth requires 8 foot thick concrete walls with a solid steel barrier in the middle so air molecules don’t get sucked right through the 8 feet of solid concrete.  That is a fact that you can look up for yourself.  You can also look up the claim that the vacuum of space is orders of magnitude greater than the most powerful vacuum we can make on earth, right?  So now just ask yourself why we need 8 feet of solid concrete and steel on earth for a MUCH lesser vacuum, but only a half inch of aluminum in space for a MUCH greater one.  If you still think it makes sense, then you are suffering from indoctrination syndrome.  But don’t fret, there is still help for you…

    On August 30, in the middle of the night, flight controllers on Earth noticed that the air pressure on the ISS had dropped slightly. The change suggested there was a leak somewhere on the station. NASA didn’t wake up its own astronauts after the detection because the pressure change was too small to pose a danger to the astronauts, the agency said. Everyone was safely tucked into sleeping bags tightly secured to the wall, the best approximation of a bed in an environment where floating away without knowing it is a real problem. When they woke up, all six were instructed to scour the station for the source.

    A hole in the ISS leading directly to the most powerful vacuum ever imagined by man?  And it’s such a small deal that they let them sleep through the night?  (Why would everyone sleep at the same time anyway?  Shouldn’t there be shifts?)  Now imagine poking a pin into an inflated balloon, T8.  Do you suppose the pressure inside will drop slightly?  Or do you already know exactly what would happen to that balloon?  Now just apply your God-given common sense to this laughable story they’re telling you.  Think for yourself, dammit!  They’re laughing at you and everyone else who believes Elon Musk can land a rocket upside down on a barge moving all over in the waves.  They’re trying to see just how dumb and gullible people like you are.  They want to know the percentage of sheep that will believe them when the upcoming alien invasion takes place.  Show them they’re wrong, T8.  Show them that you’re not an idiot who blindly believes any nonsense the mainstream press (their agents!) tells you.  Wake up already!




    D4T, I will keep you posted on the moon rotation situation.  A bunch of us will be out at the Salton Sea next Saturday.  Paul on the Plane will be doing a live stream of the experiments, so check him out next Saturday.  I don’t know what time the live stream will be, or how long.  But the 16th and 17th are also the nights that Rich and I are expecting another moon rotation.  So we’ll be doing some distance experiments, and also some moon footage both Saturday and Sunday.

    Ed, the longest day in NZ this year was almost 15 hours, as you say.  My answer to how that happens on the flat earth is “I don’t know”.  Sorry, but there is still much to learn about this beautiful dome-covered plane that God created for us.  🙂


    The ISS with a pinhole in it…

    LOL!  Notice, T8, that these examples are pressurized things in a vacuum, while the steel tanker car had the lower air pressure on the inside.  My point is that it doesn’t matter if the lower pressure is inside or outside of the container… only that a container is required, and the pressure differential is what counts.


    Mike, I’ve been keeping up with the progress! Can’t wait to see the results. I particularly liked the short little promo video that was done for this event!




    Yeah, I love that promo.  Funny and well done.  Had a 2 hour video chat with those guys yesterday to work out some details on the best way to live stream and the experiments in general.  Sounds like there will be a lot of people there.  Now we just have to pray for good weather conditions!  According to my reckoning, the moon rotation will be Sunday, not Saturday, so that part might be a bust.  But then again, we’re just beginning to stack some data on it.  For all we know, it does the “lunar lurch” once a day.  Anyway, we caught it 3 days before full moon last time, and that would put it on the 17th – but who knows? 🤷‍♂️


    Hey D4T, my mom told me last week that she has come to the conclusion that we never went to the moon!  When I first began talking to her about flat earth, she was irritated and thought flat earthers were idiots, and we had many heated discussions.  She had that same “switch” go off in her head when I tried to show her something from YouTube.  She’d say, “What… all the world’s scientists are wrong and this one idiot on YouTube has it figured out?”  It’s the same malady that T8 suffers from.  Let’s call it “main stream patriotism”.  The minute someone even suggests that the official story has some glaring contradictions, the main stream patriots spring into action, spewing hatred, anger, and ridicule at the poor sap who would dare to buck against the system that keeps them safe and warm.  So imagine my surprise when a month ago, she brought up the story of that new rover landing on Mars, and pointed out that the video footage was fake and something about a shadow when the rover landed.  Then last week, she was talking about more fake SpaceX footage, and just blurted out that she has concluded we never went to the moon.  Of course she qualified her conclusion with a side note that she came to it all on her own – and not from some YouTube idiot!  🙂

    But now she is where Ed J is.  The moon landings are usually the litmus test.  I’ve heard Dave Weiss (DITRH) say many times that you begin a flat earth conversation by asking if the other person believes we put men on the moon.  If they insist we did, then walk away because they’re just not ready for the rest of it.  But by the time a person finally realizes the absurdity of thinking we landed men on the moon in a homeless tweaker shelter made of cardboard, Scotch tape and construction paper – with less technology than the earliest Motorola flip phone – they’re on the right path and ready for a little meat to go along with their milk.  So when Mom told me that, I didn’t push, but just left her with these two questions as I walked away… “Now you just have to ask yourself WHY they would have lied about it… and what else have they been lying to us about?”

    Anyway, I’m proud of Mom for being able to sift some truth from the mainstream lies “all on her own”.  😀


    Awesome Mike! With age comes wisdom – sometimes! I’ll be praying that the weather will be spectacular for the event.

    Eyes wide open.

    Ed J

    Ed, the longest day in NZ this year was almost 15 hours, as you say. My answer to how that happens on the flat earth is “I don’t know”. Sorry, but there is still much to learn about this beautiful dome-covered plane that God created for us. 🙂

    Ok, thanks Mike!


    Hey Ed, just saw this today.  Less than 2 minutes.  Let me know what you think of the sunlight pattern part…

    Ed J

    Hi Mike,

    I watched it, but I don’t get it ???

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