Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #846981

    Sharp:  So you need proof the earth is flat, motionless, with a firmament above? The majority  of the earth is water from what I’m told. Yet water seeks to find level….flat water…I cannot detect any motion on this plane, water sticking to a spinning ball? If I spin anything that is a BAaL with water on it “slings off”. So NASA has all these photos off the outer space our current model of the earth has changed too many times. Whenever  they show a picture of earth from space the earth is not spinning, where are the luminaries? Where are all satellites?Using NASA  math  to detect or measure curvature there is none! Where is the curve?

    Thanks for the comments.  And yes, everything you’ve listed clearly points to the Biblical flat and stationary earth.  Of course there are hundreds of other examples too.  I’m working on an angles series on YouTube right now, and hope to post the next episode this weekend.  I’ll post the link here in case anyone’s interested.

    I look forward to future posts from you.   Cheers.


    Took this one yesterday…

    Crepuscular Rays

    100% impossible with a sun that’s 109 times bigger than earth, shining parallel rays from 93 million miles away.  Light rays will always converge at the source… in this case a local small sun that’s not too far up in the sky.  Crepuscular rays are just another impossibility in the heli model.


    From just today…

    Contrail VS Chemtrail

    This is a clip from a video showing a plane (left top)  flying over with a normal contrail.  The trail disappears as fast as the plane lays it down.  To the right are a couple of chemtrails that were laid down previously, with the planes no longer anywhere in sight.   The next photo is the same piece of sky an hour later…

    Contrail VS Chemtrail 1 Hour Later


    Mike, the problem with a biblical flat earth is its not mentioned in the Bible.


    Now try to imagine the circumference of that playground ride moving 1000 miles per hour. Then you’ll be comparing apples to apples. Would the kid fly off then?

    Now try to imagine your travelling on a train at 1000 miles per hour with no acceleration or deceleration. Guess what, you can walk up and down the carriage throwing a tennis ball in the air and catching it while drinking a beer using the other hand.

    When everything in your environment is moving at the same time with the same speed in the same exact direction, then it feels motionless. It’s only when something moves at a different rate that you notice movement. It’s basic science. When you look out that train window, you are stationary and the rest of the world is racing past you right? Except of course we know better than our observation alone.

    Your are like the one who argues that the world is racing past him on his stationary train.


    The difference between contrails and chemtrails is the latter is a conspiracy that says chemicals are being intensionally sprayed on us. Likewise, the difference between a military aircraft and an extraterrestrial UFO is one is from another planet. So I want to float a theory passed you. Have you considered that some of the aircraft you see in the sky are UFOs? If not, why not? The answer you give will be the same as what I will give about chemtrails.


    Biblical Hebrew cosmology is in my nkjv bible…over 200verses


    Mike: This is a clip from a video showing a plane (left top) flying over with a normal contrail. The trail disappears as fast as the plane lays it down. To the right are a couple of chemtrails that were laid down previously, with the planes no longer anywhere in sight. The next photo is the same piece of sky an hour later…

    Did you notice how you felt dumber just after taking the last photo? That will be the poisonous chemicals kicking in.

    Dig: Biblical Hebrew cosmology is in my nkjv bible…over 200verses

    Is this the smoking gun for the flat earth?




    @ T8

    ….You might wanna be careful  talking about smoking guns. The censorship is real brother!


    Sharp, censorship is real because fake news often gets passed off as real news. I agree that the truth is also censored because of Atheistic influence, but the FE is censored in the same way that theories about reptile shape shifter elites walking among us is censored.


    Mike, this is a complete lack of understanding. Do you think the two tracks of a railway line end where they converge in the distance?



    Now try to imagine your 1000 mph train isn’t running along a straight track… but going around a circular race track – or even a vertical one like a Ferris wheel.


    Are railroad tracks a single light source, T8? You’re analogies never work because you’re always trying to compare apples to oranges. The top photo here also shows crepuscular rays. Where do they converge?



    Here’s another…


    Where is the light source from which those rays emanate? Just follow the rays, and they’ll lead you to the source light every time.


    Now try to imagine your 1000 mph train isn’t running along a straight track… but going around a circular race track – or even a vertical one like a Ferris wheel.

    Now try and imagine the same train going around a circular track measuring a whopping 40,075 km in circumference. You wouldn’t feel it.

    Where is the light source from which those rays emanate? Just follow the rays, and they’ll lead you to the source light every time.

    It works the same at a crossroads. If you look in all four directions, the effect is the same.


    T8:  Have you considered that some of the aircraft you see in the sky are UFOs? If not, why not? The answer you give will be the same as what I will give about chemtrails.

    No, because outer space doesn’t exist.  But here’s the thing… people don’t look up in the sky and see a Boeing 747 and cry “UFO!”, right?  A 747 is a normal sight in the sky, and therefore no reason to think it’s anything but a normal 747, right?  But when a person looks up and sees something that looks and moves differently than the norm, then common sense tells them this is not a normal 747, right?  So people can easily tell the difference between normal and abnormal, right?

    Now go ahead and apply that bold part to your answer to me about chemtrails.


    Sharp:  Biblical Hebrew cosmology is in my nkjv bible…over 200 verses

    T8: Is this the smoking gun for the flat earth?

    Why not just Google “Hebrew cosmology”, T8?  You’ll find tons of scholarly articles from Hebrew and Biblical experts… and a bunch of secular articles from atheists who consider belief in a creator god the stupidest thing ever.  What they have in common is that NONE of them are flat earthers, and ALL of them will tell you that the Bible teaches a stationary earth with a dome over it in which the sun, moon, and stars circle over the earth.

    So there’s no denying what the Bible actually teaches.  Even those who study the Bible as a book of ancient mythological stories will tell you that the heliocentric model and the Bible are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum.  In fact, the heli model has been used for years by atheists to convince Christians that their Holy Book IS just a collection of ancient mythological stories.  “The Bible can’t be true, because it goes against known science! Wise up man… you are the result of nothing exploding into everything, and then rocks evolving into monkey-men!  Don’t tell me you believe the earth is flat, dummy.  Because that’s what your stupid Bible teaches!”

    If you believe the heli model, then you disbelieve the Bible.  It’s really as simple as that.


    T8:  Now try and imagine the same train going around a circular track measuring a whopping 40,075 km in circumference. You wouldn’t feel it.

    How were you able to confirm that?  And what would happen if you opened a window on that train?


    T8:  It works the same at a crossroads. If you look in all four directions, the effect is the same.

    Not sure what you’re talking about.  The question is:  Do railroad tracks literally and physically converge at a single light source?  If not, then your analogy doesn’t work.  In which case we’re back to crepuscular rays… which DO literally and physically converge at a single light source.  Now if you have a little time to invest in REAL science, you’ll learn some things…

    If not, here’s the basic gist of it…

    Crepuscular Rays 2

    You’ll notice that with the light source close, you’ll get crepuscular rays… all converging on the literal and physical light source itself.  Move the light source far away, and the light rays will come down vertical.  Crepuscular rays are just another of the thousands of proofs that Biblical cosmology reflects the actual world that God created.

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