False teachings

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  • #184455

    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 23 2010,19:51)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 20 2010,03:15)
    IS THERE ANY WOUNDER WHY PEOPLE ARE SO CONFUSED BY ALL THESE FALSE TEACHINGS. Present “Christianity” is clouded in Mystery and false Pagan teachings.

    That is true, but then you go an add to the problem by denying truth(s) that are clearly written.

    T8……..What you are calling Clear written is not clearly written, you must force and conclude the text to makes Jesus Preexisting his berth here on earth. Not only that you must deny other texts that clearly show GOD (ALONE and BY HIMSELF) created all thing that exist.

    You have offered NO purpose or reason for GOD to take a Preexisting being Morphed Him and rebirth Him and then Have him die again and resurrect him to life again. You fail to see how you are separating Jesus from our (EXACT) Identity , not even to mention that it would be Illogical for GOD to even do it that way. That would prove nothing to Us or anyone else for that matter.

    But if He took an ordinary Human Being and Perfected Him through His Spirit and raised Him from the Grave and gave him eternal life, that would be the perfect example to all Humanity.

    You and other Preexistences make Jesus truly Not like Us and push his True Identity as a SON of Man, away from us , Preexistences are every bit as bad as Trinitarians in distorting the Words of GOD and His Work. You or they have never produce one shred of evidence of His past Life. You have bought into the Apostate teachings of the FALSE Churches. IMO

    By the way when are you going to get around to fixing my posting rights again.

    peace and love to you and yours…………….gene


    If you are so keen to uphold scriptural truth on this matter why do you add your intellect ideas to scripture? Such distortions and additions show that you really have no true respect for the Word.


    So you say.
    But who are you to add your speculations to the sacred words?

    Show us more supportive evidence of God being seven spirits to give yourself some veracity


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 24 2010,04:03)

    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 23 2010,19:51)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 20 2010,03:15)
    IS THERE ANY WOUNDER WHY PEOPLE ARE SO CONFUSED BY ALL THESE FALSE TEACHINGS. Present “Christianity” is clouded in Mystery and false Pagan teachings.

    That is true, but then you go an add to the problem by denying truth(s) that are clearly written.

    T8……..What you are calling Clear written is not clearly written, you must force and conclude the text to makes Jesus Preexisting  his berth here on earth. Not only that you must deny other texts that clearly show GOD (ALONE and BY HIMSELF) created all thing that exist.

    You have offered NO purpose or reason for GOD to take a Preexisting being Morphed Him and rebirth Him and then Have him die again and resurrect him to life again. You fail to see how you are separating Jesus from our (EXACT) Identity , not even to mention that it would be Illogical for GOD to even do it that way. That would prove nothing to Us or anyone else for that matter.

    But if He took an ordinary Human Being and Perfected Him through His Spirit and raised Him from the Grave and gave him eternal life, that would be the perfect example to all Humanity.

    You and other Preexistences make Jesus truly Not like Us and push his True Identity as a SON of Man, away from us , Preexistences are every bit as bad as Trinitarians in distorting the Words of GOD and His Work.  You or they have never produce one shred of evidence of His past Life. You have bought into the Apostate teachings of the FALSE Churches.   IMO

    By the way when are you going to get around to fixing my posting rights again.

    peace and love to you and yours…………….gene


    2Co 4:2 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.



    Absolute proof Matthew 28:19 has been corrupted by trinitarians
    Trinitarians have sinned against Jesus Christ
    For putting words in the Bible HE NEVER SAID

    By Dr. G. Reckart, Apostolic Theological Bible College

    For over 20 years I have predicted the time would come when evidence would prove that the words “of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” were added to Matthew's original Gospel. It did not make sense to me for baptism to be in the name of the one who died and was resurrected in Romans 6 and the Father and Holy Ghost had to be mentioned in baptism. I could not reconcile why the Apostles ignored Matthew 28:19 as it now exist in our KJV Bible and instead baptized in the name of Jesus Christ only. Yes, in baptism they were “JESUS ONLY.” No one can find any other baptism in the New Testament. No one can deny there is then ONE BAPTISM when reference is made to the New Testament mikvah. Now we have the evidence and the trinity world is in for a massive shaking.

    It was known by the Catholic Church that the Jews had preserved a copy of the original Gospel of Matthew in the Hebrew language. How this was preserved and handed down we do not know. In fact, it does not matter. It exists and that is proof enough that God wanted it preserved. There have been many attempts to destroy the crediability of this very valuable Hebrew Gospel for obvious reasons. It is the only existing manuscript that proves Matthew 28:19 did not originally contain the trinitarian baptismal formula. Catholics and Protestants have no other reason to cast doubt on the validity of this manuscript. Claims that it is spurious are of course self-serving to trinitarians. Such denials make Jesus say what he did not say. This of itself is an abomination. It is a sin to make Jesus say a trinitarian baptismal formula and put into his mouth their trinitarian godhead doctrine fabricated at Nicaea in 325AD. Now that this manuscript is known among the Apostolic Oneness, we will promote the fact that the Catholic Church has willingly lied about Matthew 28:19 and the Catholics in general (including the Eastern Orthodox) have lied to the world. Everyone who was baptized with this false baptism has died lost and without salvation, deceived by the Catholic Church. This damnation of millions is the greatest doctrinal deception ever placed upon the human mind. If those in trinitarianism do not flee from this perversion and be rebaptized in the name of Jesus Christ, they accept their damnation of having no salvation in that false baptism. It is because of this finding that many Evangelicals now claim baptism is not essential to salvation and a person can be saved without it. This Baptist false doctrine was developed when their scholars discovered the trinity baptismal formula was not in the original Hebrew Gospel of Matthew. Interesting that a false doctrine could be birthed based upon what is not in the Bible, rather then what is in the Bible. Trinitarians hid the knowledge of this Hebrew Gospel from the Oneness Apostolics. But God made it possible that through a Baptist scholar, the truth about the missing trinitarian baptismal formula would be published.

    In 1995 Dr. George Howard translated a copy of Shem Tov's Matthew Hebrew Gospel. You may purchase a copy of “Hebrew Gospel of Matthew” from many sources. You can look at the evidence for yourself. For the first time in modern history the text of Matthew 28:19 from this Hebrew Gospel text is being posted on the internet. I am the first to post this text. I am sure others will steal my image files and go make their own page. That's ok, but at least have the fairness to tell me you are taking it. At least tell me you are going to make a page. At least give me credit for being the first to post it.

    Please note that in verse 19 there is no trinitarian formula.
    This is ABSOLUTE proof the trinity was fraudulently added to this text Shem Tov's Hebrew Matthew Gospel
    Matthew 28:9-20


    It is best to draw water from your own cistern if you are in Christ.
    False teachers are so keen to offer their services.
    But they hate being exposed


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 15 2014,07:47)
    It is best to draw water from your own cistern if you are in Christ.
    False teachers are so keen to offer their services.
    But they hate being exposed


    at the least you only keep yourself blind and no one else


    Hi T,
    Can you not yet hear the voice of the Spirit in Christ


    As 2 Jn 9 and Rev 22 warn us we must cling to what is written to be safe.
    If we are not faithful to the Word we do not belong in the kingdom.
    The words are spiritual and should not be adapted by human wisdom


    Terricca and Nick…….what does this mean to you both, “WHICH (ARE) THE SEVEN SPIRITS “OF” GOD”, WHAT DOES THE WORD “ARE” and “OF” MEAN TO YOU PEOPLE? NICK THINKS IT MEANS ANGELS, BUT I DON’T SEE SCRIPTURE SAYING THOSE SEVEN SPIRITS “ARE” SEVEN ANGEL SPIRITS BEINGS of God, AND YOU GUYS accuse ME OF ADDING TO what SCRIPTURES say. SO WHAT DO YOU CALLED YOURSELF DOING here. AND BECAUSE God makes his angel’s spirits, does he not also make our spirits also. Doesn’t our spirits go back to him who gave it in the first place after we die, according to scripture, or did I make that up also. Terricca posting a whole string of scriptures having nothing to do with what is being talked about does not make you right by the way.

    Peace and love to you and yours…………gene


    Hi GB,

    You cannot explain things to those who boast of their knowledge.


    Nick…..another good cop-out, you seem to use them every time you can’t explain things. Tell us O wise one, why are the seven spirits of God, symbolized as lamps and eyes of God. What does those symbols represent to you O wise one. If you don’t know just say you don’t and stop putting me down for what I say, if you simply do not know something, if you know something I say is wrong, them just post your proof showing it wrong, no one needs your self rightious trash talk. IMO

    peace and love to you and your……………..gene


    hi GB,

    Scripture judges your human ideas.

    Why do you kick against the goad?



    hi GB,

    All who are vessels for the holy Spirit are lamps of God.

    The light can shine from them.

    The Watching angels [dan]serve God by being as His eyes

    Nothing escapes their view and all the actions of every man are recorded for judgement


    Nick……show scripture that says people who have the holy spirit in them are lamps of God, again you have it backwards I believe, all who have the holy spirit in them, have the light or enlightment of God “in” them. “What knows a man except the spirit (or spirits) that is “in” him”, and again what knows the things of God except the spirit of God that is “in” him. O but you don’t believe spirits are intellects of any type or kind, so the word “know” doesn’t imply intellect or understanding to you, right? And again “thy words are a lamp unto my feet”, O but again, God’s words don’t supply us with his intellects, to light our way, as you believe, right?

    Nick I still believe that you don’t know what a spirit really is. You believe it seems, that a spirit are persons, but they are not persons they are attributes, “the hidden attributes of God are clearly seen by the things created, now as yourself how is that possible, is it not because the spiritual attributes of God exist “in” those physical bodies they are “ln”. AS a result those creatures function accordingly, and we can see those spirits of the unseen God functioning and causing those creatures to act as the do.

    While you might say we are the lamp of God I would like to see a scripture that says that, I can understand how we can be a vessel that contains the light or spirit of God, just as all physical creation does to a extent. I believe there are seven spirits of God as scripture says there are and I believe these seven spirits are seven destinct types and kinds of intellects which supplies ONE GOD, WHO IS CALLED THE LORD OR YEHWEH, THEY ARE HIS SEVEN DESTINCT TYPE AND KIND OF INTELLECTS HE USE TO MAKES HIS DECISIONs AND WILL.IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours………………….gene


    Hi GB,
    You believe more in your additions than in what is written?
    Should we follow you?


    Hi GB,
    You assume what others believe?
    should you ?


    hi GB,
    Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV)

    14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[a] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
    Luke 8:16

    “No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light.

    Luke 11:36

    If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light.”


    Hi GB,
    Are you a son of light

    jn 12
    …35So Jesus said to them, “For a little while longer the Light is among you. Walk while you have the Light, so that darkness will not overtake you; he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes. 36″While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light.” These things Jesus spoke, and He went away and hid Himself from them.

    1 Thessalonians 5:5 You are all children of the light and children …

    … for you are all sons of light and sons of day. … For you are all sons of light and
    sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or the darkness. …
    /1_thessalonians/5-5.htm – 18k

    Luke 16:8 “The master commended the dishonest manager because he …

    … manager for his shrewdness. For the sons of this world are more shrewd in
    dealing with their own generation than the sons of light. …


    Nick…….now what I posted agrees with those scriptures , we are sons of light, because his light abides “in” us so that is correct, our bodies are the vessel that holds the light, our bodies are the temples that can contain the light. What have I said that disagrees with those scriptures? Now the light has to be something right, is it not the spirit of God, that works in us and through us for the world to see.

    1 Cor15:28…. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the son also himself be subjected unto him that put all things under him, (why), that God MAY BE ALL “IN” ALL.

    Eph 4:6……ONE God and FATHER of ALL who’s above ALL, and “THROUGH” ALL, and in you ALL.

    Nick I can’t see what makes you think I am in disagreement with any of the scriptures you have posted. What makes you even think I might disagree with them?

    peace and love to you and yours……………….gene

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