Does the name really matter

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  • #112147

    You speak of your god/gods, you argue over your god/gods.

    What is the name of your god/gods?  My god is right, no my god is right, no I have three gods, but they are all one.

    If you are the teachers of your god, I would suggest you find out their/his name, and teach of him/them. Your word 'god' is empty, no meaning.

    For one to come on this site, you could be speaking of budda, or zeus, ishtar………….

    Or is it that you are not sure of what god you serve yourself. so using the word god, helps you along.

    Mine is the true and living God Yahweh, My savior is Messiah Yashua the Christ the begotten son of the Yahewh, who brought the word to flesh, who died on a stake, and was raised on the third day by the spirit of Yahweh and will return to seperate the wheat from the shaff.

    Do you feel that you know in your heart who you speak of so everyone should just know who you are speaking of.

    Once upon a time the name was so sacred. Now…………everyone just uses god.


    So are you say that we argue over gods/God/Trinity and it is in vain and your confession that you worship the correct God makes you right and places you above the others who post here. Is that what you are saying? I mean I fail to see what you are saying is any different to what has already been said and accepted.


    I agree, the name is very important for those who the Father has revealed it unto. Some are at a certain faith level and as long as they have the Son of God, then they are on the right path (and they may call his name Jesus, or even the Christ)- though this is not his real name. But God is graceful, for I once called the Son of God Jesus, the Christ. And for those who do believe, and who do seek, the Father will reveal more unto them. My God is יהוה and he sent his son יהושע to die for the sins of those who believe. There is one true God, and he is יהוה. Praise be unto him, for he is glorious, righteous and all loving.


    Is the concern over believing what is right or searching for the truth? Truth brings wisdom, and can bring pain (proverbs/psalms)

    Would this almost be consider or be closely related to ones who worship saints, they have many they worship, but who is the name of their God. How their gods/saints save them. Can each of us who say we know the truth go in and say hey, this is wrong, but this is right, by using the scripture they prefer and say, therefore it is written so therefore it is right.

    John 1.1, go from there. Who is right who is wrong?

    Why does no one speak of the devil and satan having the word 'and' in between them, but calling the liar only one, when some do the same with their god and son?

    One True and Living God, Yahweh…….One Christ, Yashua, as together in spirit, as we should also be, without division.

    Will we experience another Constatine, combining all religions to create a new religion?  So all may live in a “civilized society”.

    T8, you do not believe in the triad worship, does that place you above other that do?

    This is a very wonderful site, I have been taught here, when I am blessed with connection to the internet, this is the site I return to.

    To me, calling him out by name, makes me feel closer to him, don't want to call out to another, as the battle continues and getting closer, knowing my father's name is very dear to me.

    I don't expect a great mansion in the kingdom, I would be happy sweeping out my hut. T8, humbleness is one Yah is working on with me, and my temper, there was no disrespect, only disscussion.


    Wild Olive Branch,
    I used to come here a lot, but the bickering gets exausting. I check in from time to time. So cool to find a fellow believer. Please keep in contact with me by sending me an email.
    I too have found a personal connection since I began to use the Names, Yahweh and Y'shua! It really helped me to see the truth, especially the false doctrine of the trinity.
    So many people so far away and so little time.
    I tried to teach here but it was hopeless. Every person here follows “religion” from what I recall. Religion is bad for our Spiritual health.
    Do you keep the Appointed Times as well as the weekly Sabbaths? We do.
    Please write so we do not have to be mocked here.
    Love in Messiah Y'shua and YHWH our El



    The name of Jesus is Important

    Because it is by that name that all things are given.


    Hi Samuel,
    You are such a kind person, but I must tell you that the name Jesus has no value. His Name is Y'shua. The reason I say it is so important is mainly because of the verse in John 5:43 Where Y'shua tells us that He has come in His Father's Name and we do not except it, BUT when another (ANTI) comes in his own name, him (ANTI) we will except.

    We lose the All Mighty's Name Yah'weh, when we except the name Jesus. This is why today we use a common title to “replace” the Name of the All Mighty, and say LORD.

    Without the true Name, we lose the true doctrine and the true understanding.

    So if you wish to continue to use His name in vain, which is command breaking, then do not say in your heart that you were not warned. When the “deceiver” takes you lovingly by the hand and leads you down to the pit.

    A close study of the Greek Christos shows clearly and it is taught ignorantly in every Christos Circa that Jeses changed the commands of his father and that he had the power to to it because they the followers of Christos say that Jesus is their god!!!

    While the Hebrew Y'shua uphelg the Torah of His Father who is the Creator of all things, upheld the Torah, made it plain to understand, the Torah is life, and Y'shua is the Word made flesh. The Hebrew Y'shua says to His people, “Follow Me.” “Keep the commands.”


    Quote (Samuel @ Nov. 30 2008,07:39)

    The name of Jesus is Important

    Because it is by that name that all things are given.

    Hi Sam! How are you doing, still have the Server. Guess what Kathi and 3 of Her Sons came to see us Wednesday Night. She is so sweet, and we had a good visit. One more thing i have brought up the Covenant again, if you want to study. Stay under the Blood of Christ.
    Love Irene


    Quote (wild_olive_branch @ Nov. 24 2008,04:52)
    Is the concern over believing what is right or searching for the truth? Truth brings wisdom, and can bring pain (proverbs/psalms)

    Would this almost be consider or be closely related to ones who worship saints, they have many they worship, but who is the name of their God. How their gods/saints save them. Can each of us who say we know the truth go in and say hey, this is wrong, but this is right, by using the scripture they prefer and say, therefore it is written so therefore it is right.

    John 1.1, go from there. Who is right who is wrong?

    Why does no one speak of the devil and satan having the word 'and' in between them, but calling the liar only one, when some do the same with their god and son?

    One True and Living God, Yahweh…….One Christ, Yashua, as together in spirit, as we should also be, without division.

    Will we experience another Constatine, combining all religions to create a new religion?  So all may live in a “civilized society”.

    T8, you do not believe in the triad worship, does that place you above other that do?

    This is a very wonderful site, I have been taught here, when I am blessed with connection to the internet, this is the site I return to.

    To me, calling him out by name, makes me feel closer to him, don't want to call out to another, as the battle continues and getting closer, knowing my father's name is very dear to me.

    I don't expect a great mansion in the kingdom, I would be happy sweeping out my hut. T8, humbleness is one Yah is working on with me, and my temper, there was no disrespect, only disscussion.

    Thank you. I love this.


    I agree, I am coming to the conclusion that the name of God (Yahweh) and Jesus (Yahshua) is important.

    However just knowing the names is not going to save anyone, but it is part of seeking the truth. God is a title and someone who uses that title can be acknowledging and worshipping Yahweh while not having a knowledge of his personal name.

    When Jacobs name was changed to Israel it was because the name had meaning. The same way that Yahshua means “Yah is salvation”.


    meekat……I was taught the name Israel , meant (OVERCOMER) I'll have to check that out, thanks.

    peace to you and yours…………………..gene


    meekat………I just remembered, when Jacob wrestled with the angle and prevailed with him by not letting go, is when His mane was changed to Israel , (prevail or overcomer) at least thats what i was told years ago. The overcomers are the Israel of GOD. Not sure though.



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 07 2008,12:23)
    meekat………I just remembered, when Jacob wrestled with the angle and prevailed with him by not letting go, is when His mane was changed to Israel , (prevail or overcomer) at least thats what i was told years ago. The overcomers are the Israel of GOD. Not sure though.



    I looked strongs and this is what it says

    From H8280 and H410; he will rule as God; Jisrael, a symbolical name of Jacob; also (typically) of his posterity: – Israel.
    When I look at other internet sites they say the name Israel does mean May God prevail – I certainly think that the Israel of God is the overcomers that are born of the Spirit of God.


    bump for Georg


    more sacred name cultish mumbo jumbo….


    meerkat……could be , i was just taught that Israel, meant overcomer years ago could be wrong though. I know his name was changed after he prevailed wrestling the angle though. Honestly i am not truly sure though. Just what i was once told.

    love and peace to you and yours…………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 07 2008,12:23)
    meekat………I just remembered, when Jacob wrestled with the angle and prevailed with him by not letting go, is when His mane was changed to Israel , (prevail or overcomer) at least thats what i was told years ago. The overcomers are the Israel of GOD. Not sure though.


    Here is the verse.
    27And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.

    28And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.


    To me the important thing is the meaning of his name – I think it is related to “there is salvation in no other name” – Jesus name means God will save – he came in his Fathers name to do his fathers will.


    Indeed there is no other name UNDER HEAVEN by which men can be saved.
    Acts 4:12
    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.


    You said in another thread

    ” No wonder Jesus said in that day (MANY) will come unto me saying look at all the Good works we did in your Name , whats interesting is Jesus did not deny that they did good works in his name, but called then workers of iniquity., if a person understands what iniquity is, they have the reason Jesus said that. You see they were doing it in the wrong name. They should be doing it in the name of GOD the FATHER, Giving Glory to the one who Causes the Good Works in a man. GOD THE FATHER.”

    Would you like to clarify how the anointed apostles in Acts worked in the name of Jesus yet were not workers of iniquity?

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