Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #253108


    Scripture says 'It was raised a Spiritual Body'.

    What exactly was the IT that was sown?… what exactly was the IT that was Raised?

    Shimmer! So how can you distinguish one Spirit from the other, if they are all floating in the air?

    I also don't understand what you mean by IT
    1Cr 15:43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

    1Cr 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

    You don't understand that this IT is a natural body and a spiritual body? And you reap what you sow…..If you think carnal, you will understand it that way….. We will be raised up from the dead into a body. Either a Spiritual body or a Human Body, because not all of us will be Spirit Beings.

    Your conclusion is influenced by Istari. I see Him coming on here lots of times….He just can't post any longer….Peace Irene


    Quote (shimmer @ July 19 2011,03:50)

    You used the example of water droplets to show the Spirit being everywhere – all at the same time – throughout the galaxy.

    I understand. Thank you for that. I didn't quite get it the way Istari put it, but I do now

    When I look at what you both say, I see, the same thing. Spirits are everywhere all the time.

    Then you are seeing things wrong.  Istari believes that each individual spirit is “everywhere all the time”, which is absurd.

    My example of “spirit drops of water” means that perhaps one of those drops is hovering over Mars.  Another is perhaps sitting on a tree on Jupitor.  But the one over Mars is NOT also on Jupitor.  It is in only ONE place at any given time.

    There is no way from my words that anyone would come to the conclusion that Istari and I are in agreement on this issue.  I took your “last” post as a joke.

    Quote (shimmer @ July 19 2011,03:50)

    God, you agree, is not a body, and neither is his Spirit – because – they are everywhere all the time.

    I believe that God DOES have a body, exists in heaven, and that we are created in His image.  I don't even believe that God is “everywhere all the time”, let alone the spirit beings He created.

    Quote (shimmer @ July 19 2011,03:50)

    Mike – I think you just said: exactly what Istari said from the start… Spirits do not have bodies.

    Well, then you must have been very tired when you read my last post.  Because spirits DO have bodies.  In fact, YOU agree that Jesus has a body now in heaven, right?  Did you know that Jesus became a life-giving SPIRIT?

    Do you believe that Paul is in heaven right now as a spirit being?  I do.  And I believe he is existing in that new glorious body he was so anxious to receive. The body that is just like Jesus' new glorious body.

    Shimmer, as was the first Adam, so are those of the earth.  As is the second Adam, so ARE those of heaven.  Because God gives a body of His liking to EVERY seed – not just some seeds.

    Quote (shimmer @ July 19 2011,03:50)

    Case for the prosection: Dismissed.

    Well, I don't know how they do it in the UK.  But in America, the defense always has the last say before the verdict is handed down.  And the defense says, “You are correct.  The case for the prosecution HAS BEEN DISMISSED for being faulty, unscriptural, and just plain absurd.  :)



    My example of “spirit drops of water” means that perhaps one of those drops is hovering over Mars.  Another is perhaps sitting on a tree on Jupitor.  But the one over Mars is NOT also on Jupitor.  It is in only ONE place at any given time.

    So, it takes turns? here at one time there at another. So no two people at the same time can be spirit filled?

    I believe that God DOES have a body, exists in heaven, and that we are created in His image.  I don't even believe that God is “everywhere all the time”, let alone the spirit beings He created.

    Pray tell what do you think this body looks like, must be more of a male figure then female, due to being made in HIS image. hence your statement of god not being everywhere can be understood, for your are thinking male terms, women on the other hand are very good a multi tasking.

    Because spirits DO have bodies.  In fact, YOU agree that Jesus has a body now in heaven, right?  Did you know that Jesus became a life-giving SPIRIT?

    Not to pull a Stuart, what proof do you have that spirits have bodies?

    Perhaps in our minds we would like to have a new body, i surely could make a list, however, I think you are taking things a bit physical, truly we do not know what will be, or is it wishful thinking of what we would like to what is to be given.

    Lets take a look at revelation description of jesus:

    His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace and his voice as a sound of many waters, and having in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth a sharp two-edged sword is proceeding, and his face is as the sun shining in its might.

    so was this what you were expecting?





    Quote (princess @ July 21 2011,22:41)

    My example of “spirit drops of water” means that perhaps one of those drops is hovering over Mars.  Another is perhaps sitting on a tree on Jupitor.  But the one over Mars is NOT also on Jupitor.  It is in only ONE place at any given time.

    So, it takes turns? here at one time there at another. So no two people at the same time can be spirit filled?

    I believe that God DOES have a body, exists in heaven, and that we are created in His image.  I don't even believe that God is “everywhere all the time”, let alone the spirit beings He created.

    Pray tell what do you think this body looks like, must be more of a male figure then female, due to being made in HIS image.  hence your statement of god not being everywhere can be understood, for your are thinking male terms, women on the other hand are very good a multi tasking.

    Because spirits DO have bodies.  In fact, YOU agree that Jesus has a body now in heaven, right?  Did you know that Jesus became a life-giving SPIRIT?

    Not to pull a Stuart, what proof do you have that spirits have bodies?

    Perhaps in our minds we would like to have a new body, i surely could make a list, however, I think you are taking things a bit physical, truly we do not know what will be, or is it wishful thinking of what we would like to what is to be given.

    Lets take a look at revelation description of jesus:

    His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace and his voice as a sound of many waters, and having in his right hand seven stars, and out of his mouth a sharp two-edged sword is proceeding, and his face is as the sun shining in its might.

    so was this what you were expecting?


    I start with the principle that whatever was created or is ,has a body or form of a sort,

    I can not answer the question what kind of body or form ,

    but I understand that they have one or they do not exist,




    this if off topic, ignore LU comments about your writing skills, I find them remarkable, and truly if one is listening with their heart, your words can be understood. hence, this is why Stuart is slowly coming along.

    I do not disagree with you in regards to anything that we take as created has a form, however, for something that is uncreated and just is, how does this have a form.

    do hope all is well T, take care and much love to you.


    Your conclusion is influenced by Istari. I see Him coming on here lots of times….He just can't post any longer….Peace Irene

    Your conclusions are never influenced by Georg, Irene?

    I see no reason why J cannot post, his post are no worse then others I have read.


    Mike Boll,

    You stated:

    I believe that God DOES have a body, exists in heaven, and that we are created in His image.  I don't even believe that God is “everywhere all the time”, let alone the spirit beings He created.

    Did physical or spirit boundaries exist before God created them?


    Quote (princess @ July 21 2011,16:08)

    Your conclusion is influenced  by Istari.  I see Him coming on here lots of times….He just can't post any longer….Peace Irene

    Your conclusions are never influenced by Georg, Irene?

    I see no reason why J cannot post, his post are no worse then others I have read.

    Oh, are Shimmer and Istari married?  When I am in doubt of a subject, or looking for a Scripture, I can't remember, I ask Georg.   He has a better memory then I have.  Is that OK with you? And I was not even talking to you, was I……You can quote Istari all day long, I don't care…Wait a minute, Shimmer are you now princess too.


    No, its the very likes of a few people here, why I no longer want to post. Pity there are some who ruin it for the others, dont you think?

    People such as Princess, Gene, Kerwin, and others are good. Even Mike has his good points, sometimes. But theres a few on here, who say things like you just did to Princess, which is not Christian like at all.

    Found a better place now.


    So please let me go in peace, thanks.


    Quote (Pastry @ July 21 2011,22:18)

    Quote (princess @ July 21 2011,16:08)

    Your conclusion is influenced  by Istari.  I see Him coming on here lots of times….He just can't post any longer….Peace Irene

    Your conclusions are never influenced by Georg, Irene?

    I see no reason why J cannot post, his post are no worse then others I have read.

    Oh, are Shimmer and Istari married?  When I am in doubt of a subject, or looking for a Scripture, I can't remember, I ask Georg.   He has a better memory then I have.  Is that OK with you? And I was not even talking to you, was I……You can quote Istari all day long, I don't care…Wait a minute, Shimmer are you now princess too.


    My My. So in order for  a woman to learn she must be married? Are you bound so by Pauls words?

    I did not know I needed your permission to quote anyone, or post where I would like, is this a new rule of some sort, because I just read over the rules last night, and seen nothing of the sort.

    Tisk Tisk Irene, one is not allowed to have a different names on the forum. Pray tell what number are you on, and the 'this is the reason' for such is not suffice, for Shimmer has explained hers also.  

    Thank you for the compliment of being called Shimmer, I do take her as my sister and find her to be a blessed and highly favoured woman, but alas tis not so, I am princess the one and only, none other like me, for I am a materpiece.

    You have a good day Irene, do hope your  health has improved, and Georg is found well also, as with your entire family.



    Quote (shimmer @ July 21 2011,22:46)
    No, its the very likes of a few people here, why I no longer want to post. Pity there are some who ruin it for the others, dont you think?

    People such as Princess, Gene, Kerwin, and others are good. Even Mike has his good points, sometimes. But theres a few on here, who say things like you just did to Princess, which is not Christian like at all.

    Found a better place now.

    Good bye, I have no idea what I said to upset you, if you come back and read this. Just asking why the princess is quoting me. Is that so wrong in your eyes? Glad you found a place to YOUR liking…..Peace….Irene


    Quote (princess @ July 22 2011,00:39)

    Quote (Pastry @ July 21 2011,22:18)

    Quote (princess @ July 21 2011,16:08)

    Your conclusion is influenced  by Istari.  I see Him coming on here lots of times….He just can't post any longer….Peace Irene

    Your conclusions are never influenced by Georg, Irene?

    I see no reason why J cannot post, his post are no worse then others I have read.

    Oh, are Shimmer and Istari married?  When I am in doubt of a subject, or looking for a Scripture, I can't remember, I ask Georg.   He has a better memory then I have.  Is that OK with you? And I was not even talking to you, was I……You can quote Istari all day long, I don't care…Wait a minute, Shimmer are you now princess too.


    My My. So in order for  a woman to learn she must be married? Are you bound so by Pauls words?

    I did not know I needed your permission to quote anyone, or post where I would like, is this a new rule of some sort, because I just read over the rules last night, and seen nothing of the sort.

    Tisk Tisk Irene, one is not allowed to have a different names on the forum. Pray tell what number are you on, and the 'this is the reason' for such is not suffice, for Shimmer has explained hers also.  

    Thank you for the compliment of being called Shimmer, I do take her as my sister and find her to be a blessed and highly favoured woman, but alas tis not so, I am princess the one and only, none other like me, for I am a materpiece.

    You have a good day Irene, do hope your  health has improved, and Georg is found well also, as with your entire family.


    You are asking me in that post, so I then can't respond to you?
    I think you are planing me for nothing…I was talking to Shimmer, and not you……Irene


    Irene, anyone has the right to quote a post and reply to it, please make people feel welcome. I have much love for Princess.

    The place I have found is not another internet forum. Its a place of anger, but peace.  Maybe one of confusion – as it has been for the past year. But I believe that God does heal his people, so long as they do things such as stay away from the source of their problem.

    Ezekiel 34:16…..
    I will seek that which was lost,
    and will bring back that which was driven away,
    and will bind up that which was broken.

    Love to you all,


    Love never fails… Love is all you need…..Love to you Shimmer, and Irene… :)


    Quote (kerwin @ July 20 2011,23:35)
    Mike Boll,

    You stated:

    I believe that God DOES have a body, exists in heaven, and that we are created in His image.  I don't even believe that God is “everywhere all the time”, let alone the spirit beings He created.

    Did physical or spirit boundaries exist before God created them?

    Hi Kerwin,

    That is an EXCELLENT point that will help me help you.  Let's say that before God created anything else at all, He DID truly exist “everywhere all the time”.

    Now what happens when God made His first creation?  For that new creation to not BE God Himself, there must be something that separates that new being FROM God.  So that new being, HAD TO HAVE a body of some kind that separated what WAS God from what WAS NOT God.  Without the separation, both God AND the new being He created would BE God.  Are you with me so far?  

    Now I know that first being was Jesus, so I'll use him for this example.  Kerwin, imagine a big red beach ball with only one small black dot on it.  The black dot represents the being of Jesus, who is NOT God.  And all the red on the ball represents the Being of God.  So even if the whole ball USED TO BE red, because God was “everywhere all the time”, the fact that the ball now has the black dot, representing a portion of space that is NOT God, gives both God AND His new creation bodies.  The body of the creation is the black dot.  And God's new body is a big red circle with a hole in the middle of it.

    So God is now going off into infinity in all directions, but there is a spot where God is NOT, defining the “body” of God.  Now, as God creates more and more “black dots”, His body begins to look like a slice of Swiss cheese.  He can still be going out into infinity on all sides, but now there are multiple places that are NOT God because those places are being filled with things that are NOT God.

    Do you get this?



    Quote (princess @ July 20 2011,22:41)

    So, it takes turns? here at one time there at another. So no two people at the same time can be spirit filled?

    What?  ???  

    Quote (princess @ July 20 2011,22:41)

    Pray tell what do you think this body looks like, must be more of a male figure then female, due to being made in HIS image.

    I'm not sure, but yes, God is a male.

    Quote (princess @ July 20 2011,22:41)

    Not to pull a Stuart, what proof do you have that spirits have bodies?

    Let's start with only two scriptures:

    Philippians 3:21
    21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

    This tells us Jesus has a body, right?

    1 Corinthians 15:45
    45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

    This tells us that Jesus is now a spirit, right? Therefore, we know from only two scriptures that at least ONE spirit has a body.

    Shall we move on with the discussion?



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 22 2011,07:22)

    Quote (kerwin @ July 20 2011,23:35)
    Mike Boll,

    You stated:

    I believe that God DOES have a body, exists in heaven, and that we are created in His image.  I don't even believe that God is “everywhere all the time”, let alone the spirit beings He created.

    Did physical or spirit boundaries exist before God created them?

    Hi Kerwin,

    That is an EXCELLENT point that will help me help you.  Let's say that before God created anything else at all, He DID truly exist “everywhere all the time”.

    Now what happens when God made His first creation?  For that new creation to not BE God Himself, there must be something that separates that new being FROM God.  So that new being, HAD TO HAVE a body of some kind that separated what WAS God from what WAS NOT God.  Without the separation, both God AND the new being He created would BE God.  Are you with me so far?  

    Now I know that first being was Jesus, so I'll use him for this example.  Kerwin, imagine a big red beach ball with only one small black dot on it.  The black dot represents the being of Jesus, who is NOT God.  And all the red on the ball represents the Being of God.  So even if the whole ball USED TO BE red, because God was “everywhere all the time”, the fact that the ball now has the black dot, representing a portion of space that is NOT God, gives both God AND His new creation bodies.  The body of the creation is the black dot.  And God's new body is a big red circle with a hole in the middle of it.

    So God is now going off into infinity in all directions, but there is a spot where God is NOT, defining the “body” of God.  Now, as God creates more and more “black dots”, His body begins to look like a slice of Swiss cheese.  He can still be going out into infinity on all sides, but now there are multiple places that are NOT God because those places are being filled with things that are NOT God.

    Do you get this?



    I understand what you say but am unsure how to relate any further discussion to this thread.

    I do know that creation has its existence in God but it is not God.


    Thanks Kerwin. Let me know if something comes to you.

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