Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #251581

    Quote (Istari @ July 09 2011,23:47)
    What does 'risen from the dead' or 'raised from the dead' mean to you.

    What exactly is 'risen' or 'raised' from the dead?

    Was Lazarus RAISED from the dead?
    Was the Widows Son raised from the dead?
    And the Soldier's daughter?

    For what reason were these miracles performed?

    And if the Raising of the dead is not physical then for what purpose is there healing of the sick in body and the lame and tbd blind?

    Why do we have doctors – why not just die and then sleep until the resurrection and go straight to a Spirit (See how easy it is to say 'Spirit' rather than 'Spiritual' and all the entanglements – if that was what was meant – NART!!!)

    Istari! So ist es mit der Auferstehung der Toten….. .Did you understand that? Sometimes when there are more then one meaning of a word like risen, rose, raised, I get mixed up, since I was educated in German. Learning English was hard for me. But most I do understand after all these years… But thanks I corrected it.,..


    And Mikeboll thinks that this sort of support makes his posts credible – boy, how he must be desperate for a companion of like mind such that he chooses one of NO MIND!
    And then also you, Irene, one of debased mind.
    If you can say that 'Celestial' means 'Spirit' and 'Terrestrial' means 'Sun, Moon and Stars' then you cannot possibly have much wisdom to be debating things of higher order such as 'SPIRITUAL'.

    And then to state that you follow no man – but that your husband tells you what you know (You are therefore stating that your husband is NOT A MAN!) is incredibly naive…

    Then you say the Spirit told you that Jesus was not raised from the dead in bodily form despite no such thing bring written in Scriptures AND JESUS HIMSELF saying,'See, I Am NOT a SPIRIT…'

    Irene, which SPIRIT was this that told you these things…?

    Also, where did you get this thing about Jesus having a BODY before he came to Earth as Man?
    Does not Scriptures say, 'A Body you have prepared for me!'

    If Jesus already had a BODY as a Spirit then why was he given a body as a Man?
    And where does Scriptures say that he was given THAT BODY back when he went to Heaven?

    Irene, you are so far off target as to be a worthless poster in this thread – a stumbling block to reality and truth.

    You went away because you could not refute the reality and then researched nonsense with your husband – cobbled together a diatribe of untruth – then returned here to spew it out…

    How nasty of you – and your husband hiding in the background ghouding you on like an AHAB ghouding on his Jezeebel…



    If you are corrected, Once, TWICE, THREE TIMES… How do you continue to force your opinion on others like Mikeboll (At least you ADMIT your error after frustrating others very much)

    Mikeboll just hides away for a while after he DISCOVERS his errors only to return when the heat is off and continue in his new wiggly line of thought as if he had not learnt anything…
    He is like the child who hides a LARGE object behind his back and then says to his mother, 'I bet you don't know what I have behind my back?'
    The mother encumber him for a while (as you do with children) then when he INSISTS she tells him.
    He then gets REALLY UPSET and ANGRY and starts to play around about the EXACT WORDING and NATURE of the object attempting to say 'Mom, you are wrong – it is!' when the wiser mother can SEE exactly what it is by common knowledge.
    Say it is a measuring ruler, a wooden ruler. Then the son says 'No, it's a STICK', or 'a SWORD', or 'a BRANCH…' much like JW's say that Jesus was not hung on a Cross but on a TREE or a STAKE because the EXACT wording is xyzzzy… In reality it matters not ('Cursed is anyone who is hung on a tree!' as David's rebellious Son!!
    The Son claims it is a Sword because that's how he plays with it with his brother or friend.
    He claims it is a Stick or Branch because it is WOODEN and WOOD comes from a Branch or trunk of a tree… BUT THAT IS NOT THE COMMON USAGE but a STRAINED DEFINITION fit only for the purpose of extended pointless frivolous GREEK debates (as Mikeboll loves!)



    And then to state that you follow no man – but that your husband tells you what you know (You are therefore stating that your husband is NOT A MAN!) is incredibly naive…

    Isdtari, for your information, after my Husband told me several things it took awhile and then Gods Holy Spirit lets me know….plus he knows a lot of prophecy which He told me too, but for whatever reason God has not let me know if it is right or wrong. So again your accusation is wrong. Keep up, one day you will have to eat your words….Irene


    Quote (Istari @ July 08 2011,02:36)
    Mikeboll, is there ever a chance that you will stop opposing me –

    Sure there is.  If you ever start posting truth, I will stop opposing you!  :D


    Quote (Istari @ July 08 2011,02:52)
    Irene, Mikeboll,

    I challenge you to post ONE SINGLE CREDIBLE WRITING ON “Spirit Body”!

    Well, Shimmer and Irene have both posted writings from this Pyles guy, which explain a spiritual body the same way I have been explaining it for a long time.

    And you have posted a link where six learned scholars also explain spiritual bodies the way I've been explaining them.

    Do you think maybe it's time for you to just concede and crawl back under the rock you crawled out from? :) I ask because many of us here DO think it's that time.

    Istari, you are beating a dead horse. Your only credible (and I use the word very lightly) supporter here is Gene, who happens to agree with ME that angels DO have bodies.

    (I do not mean to discredit Shimmer's intelligence, but she flip-flops on the issue so often that it is clear she is undecided and not quite sure what to believe.)

    Let it go, man. You should have done that immediately after YOU posted the link to the six scholars who agree with US, and not YOU.


    Quote (shimmer @ July 08 2011,05:11)
    Heres something on the spiritual man,

    From here:

    The word “spirituality” (pnevmaticotis) comes from “spiritual” (pnevmatikos). Thus, spirituality is the state of the spiritual person. Spiritual man has a certain way of behaving, a certain mentality. He acts differently from the way non-spiritual people behave…

    Hi Shimmer,

    I think we all agree with the source you posted.  This source explains in detail what is meant by a spirtual man.  And that is for sure, ONE of the meanings of “spiritual”.

    But your post doesn't really deal with the topic of this thread, for this thread revolves around one of the OTHER meanings of “spiritual”.  This thread revolves around peoples' acceptance (or not) of the definition of “spiritual” that says “BELONGING TO a spirit”.

    Paul's teachings about spiritual men refer to human beings who are guided, not by desires of the flesh, but by God's Spirit.  It has much more to do with a man's thoughts and heart and spirit and soul than with his BODY.  A BODY does not think or make decisions for a human being.  A BODY does have ungodly urges.  But Paul's teachings explain that we must put on the MENTAL spiritual man to OVERCOME those fleshly urges of our FLESH body.

    It is the man WITHIN the flesh body who becomes a spiritual man by learning to live by God's Spirit and denying the flesh of his body when it speaks to him.  It is not the flesh BODY itself that is made spiritual in the “spiritual man”.

    So while your source was good, and clearly and accurately explained Paul's teachings on becoming a spiritual man, it has nothing at all to do with Paul's answer to the question:  What kind of BODIES will the dead be raised with? – which was posed to him in 1 Cor 15.



    Here comes a beaten man who thinks he can hide from a beating by saying 'I sw'eT byor vnukles var aw bwuise'd fwom aw thwe bweatin yu gwiwen me – gwive it wup cwos yu nwot hhhurthin me – woopz – hwhere di my wlast toof go!'

    Mike, you know you are a beaten soul so all this shnakin around means nothing.

    I asked you to post your proof but you CANNOT. You even use writings that clearly state against you as YOUR PROOF – how sad you are – you must have learnt this obstinacy from all the beatings you have been getting over the years. A normal man, when he is beaten, goes off to lick his wounds like a dog – only one who is foolhardy stays around pretending be is unaffected by his discreditable rantings as you do.

    Pyles clearly states that the risen Jesus was in a Modified BODY… Which is held up by Scriptures – by Jesus himself who says 'See, I Am NOT a SPIRIT'.
    How then can the risen BODY be a SPIRIT (Incorrect term be sued Scriptures DIES NOT SAY 'SPIRIT BODY') if it is a Flesh and bone body – the Same body Jesus died in – drained of it's blood when he was jabbed in the side with a spear. Scriptures says so FOR A REASON – it was not mentioned by accident!

    Mikeboll, can you ever walk (Slither) two feet forward (!) without meandering from side to side?
    How do you figure Jesus has a body which he showed to the Disciples AND 500 others to say 'It is I, Jesus, touch me and see, I AM NOT A SPIRIT, FOR A Spirit DOES NOT HAVE FLESH AND BONE AS YOU SEE …I…HAVE..'
    In no way is it saying 'Ah, but a Spirit DOES have FLESH and BONE – JUST NOT LIKE JESUS HAS !'

    Mikeboll, it is deorable that you should think up such deception. This is incredible that you should think to go so far.

    And then, if Jesus has a FLESH and Bone body… Mikeboll, where is the SPIRIT of JESUS?

    Is the SPIRIT of Jesus not IN THAT BODY? The FLESH and Bone Body?

    Yes, I agree with Gene… Ha ha ha, Mike: The Human, the Animal, the Fish, the Bird…body…HAVE SPIRIT IN THEM: ipso facto, the EARTHLY SPIRIT IS IN A BODY… but does the Spirit itself have a BODY… that was, and still is, the question.

    The thread topic was NEVER AIMED at the SPIRIT OF earthly beings – it was about SPIRITS IN HEAVEN… something you have patently failed to attend to BECAUSE THERE IS NO EVIDENCE – NOT ONE SINGLE SHRAPNEL Of evidence else you would have been BLITZING the thread with them.

    In fact, the only thing you have come up with is one Scripture verse saying 'Spiritual Body' which you INCORRECTLY MISINTERPRET in your desparate act as meaning 'Body of a Spirit' – how silly you are and shows how a desparate man will cling to straw.

    Ha ha ha – Mikeboll says Spiritual body … Is BODY OF A spirit … One day Mike, in fact, this day, you will realise that no one has lost sight of your violation of Truth.


    Paul's teachings about spiritual men refer to human beings who are guided, not by desires of the flesh, but by God's Spirit.  It has much more to do with a man's thoughts and heart and spirit and soul than with his BODY.  A BODY does not think or make decisions for a human being.  A BODY does have ungodly urges.  But Paul's teachings explain that we must put on the MENTAL spiritual man to OVERCOME those fleshly urges of our FLESH body.

    Mikeboll, what is a 'Mental SPIRITUAL MAN' that can be 'Put On'?

    It is the man WITHIN the flesh body who becomes a spiritual man by learning to live by God's Spirit and denying the flesh of his body when it speaks to him.  It is not the flesh BODY itself that is made spiritual in the “spiritual man”.

    Mikeboll, can you explain what 'the Man within the flesh body' is?
    This is a new one on me!
    Where is this taught?

    How is what you congruent with this quote:

    And the LORD God formed [the] man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and [the] man became a living soul. Gen 2:7

    What was that 'Breathe of Life' – the SPIRIT – perhaps!?
    Breathe – SPIRIT – Spirit – Breathe – breathe – Wind – Wind – Spirit….


    Quote (Istari @ July 10 2011,06:57)
    If Jesus was not raised from the dead – then what was all that which took place…?

    I think you are on your own here, madam.

    And if Terraricca comes to your aid with his nonsense then he will share in your iniquity.
    Although he actually never says WHAT THE PROBLEM IS – he just says 'Hey you guys…whatever you write I'll just say: you are wrong!!'


    Terraricca knows NOTHING about what he is saying except that he likes saying 'No, you are wrong' (Should be his signature). He KNOWS he is wrong and that is why he CANNOT present anything of value in this thread.

    it is simple what i have said on this ;if God created then God give it a body,by body i mean whatever it may be ,

    is a atom as a body ? yes he as,does a molecule as a body ? yes it as,does a virus as a body ? yes he as;does Pluto as a body ?yes he as;is electricity as a body ? yes but it is not a constant body ,many things have a temporary body,and so are transformed into another,and while in one form of body they can not do what they will do in the next body,
    even a magnetic field as a body sort of ,it may well be a constant renewal of one but never less it is one ,controlled in his environment and follow very clear direction( now what is the composition of those body s this i do not know as of yet)
    now the thought is to me a combination of will and speed
    it is also the way to communicate with God and God with us.

    this is why we should be careful of what we wish,

    now do thoughts have a body of a sort ?i think so ,on the bases that if it can go from one to the other it so take a road so it is not everywhere but on that road and in a form limited to that road (is this clear to you ?)

    now as for Christ preexistence scriptures are all in agreement to this ;but first God is not a dreamer ,to be the first of creation is the reason of being the ONLY begotten SON of God;

    no man can pay for his redemption ,even Job was looking for a mediator  ,and that is what God made possible by sending his first born to become that mediator between men and him,and so saving the human kind,(righteous)
    Paul say this in COL 1;13-18,and other scriptures.

    I do not understand why you do not understand those scriptures what else can Paul say it means ?
    and that is not creating a conflict with other scriptures.



    Quote (Istari @ July 09 2011,10:07)
    Mike, you know you are a beaten soul so all this shnakin around means nothing.

    Awwwww…………..whatzamatter precious?  Are you upset with ME because even the link YOU posted agrees with me?   :D  :laugh:  :D

    Sorry sonny, you lost this debate the minute you entered it…………just like our other debates.  

    Let me know when you are ready to take the deal I offered you:  One question/one DIRECT answer from EACH of us per post.

    Until then, feel free to post your drivel which amounts to: “I hate Mike!  He is ugly and smells bad!”  This is the last resort for the one who has been beaten down solidly and shown to be a fool!  :D

    So keep it up, Istari! We can see your lame accusations for the desperate pleas for attention that they are. :)


    Quote (terraricca @ July 10 2011,04:22)

    Quote (Istari @ July 10 2011,06:57)
    If Jesus was not raised from the dead – then what was all that which took place…?

    I think you are on your own here, madam.

    And if Terraricca comes to your aid with his nonsense then he will share in your iniquity.
    Although he actually never says WHAT THE PROBLEM IS – he just says 'Hey you guys…whatever you write I'll just say: you are wrong!!'


    Terraricca knows NOTHING about what he is saying except that he likes saying 'No, you are wrong' (Should be his signature). He KNOWS he is wrong and that is why he CANNOT present anything of value in this thread.

    it is simple what i have said on this ;if God created then God give it a body,by body i mean whatever it may be ,

    is a atom as a body ? yes he as,does a molecule as a body ? yes it as,does a virus as a body ? yes he as;does Pluto as a body ?yes he as;is electricity as a body ? yes but it is not a constant body ,many things have a temporary body,and so are transformed into another,and while in one form of body they can not do what they will do in the next body,
    even a magnetic field as a body sort of ,it may well be a constant renewal of one but never less it is one ,controlled in his environment and follow very clear direction( now what is the composition of those body s this i do not know as of yet)
    now the thought is to me a combination of will and speed
    it is also the way to communicate with God and God with us.

    this is why we should be careful of what we wish,

    now do thoughts have a body of a sort ?i think so ,on the bases that if it can go from one to the other it so take a road so it is not everywhere but on that road and in a form limited to that road (is this clear to you ?)

    now as for Christ preexistence scriptures are all in agreement to this ;but first God is not a dreamer ,to be the first of creation is the reason of being the ONLY begotten SON of God;

    no man can pay for his redemption ,even Job was looking for a mediator  ,and that is what God made possible by sending his first born to become that mediator between men and him,and so saving the human kind,(righteous)
    Paul say this in COL 1;13-18,and other scriptures.

    I do not understand why you do not understand those scriptures what else can Paul say it means ?
    and that is not creating a conflict with other scriptures.


    Just as I said – nothing…

    Not even a smattering of coherency!

    'Thought has a body.. '

    Terraricca, you can have a BODY OF THOUGHT.
    You can have a BODY Of Angels.
    You can have a Body of Wind.

    But is each one a Body in itself – Body, here, means COLLECTION.
    I have said this – needless to say no one will noticed.

    We are not talking about a COLLECTION OF MELECULES, we are talking A Body meaning that it is a CONTAINER FOR ANOTHER THING.

    Don't bother saying that you MISUNDERSTOOD – you never knew from the beginning – you were just following your two so-called friends.

    Terraricca, everytime you present your view on 'Spirits with Bodies' you present a MATERIAL OFFERING then rage on about me not understanding… Terra, it is YOU WHO HAS TAKEN THE WRONG ROAD and is saying 'the Map says turn left, no, right!' – Terra, it is you who is on a different road which is why you can't understand why others are against you – why you DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BEING SAID.

    You are like a man talking to a friend while watching tv and the friend is saying 'No, Channel 8, can't you see… man, it's that thing about …blah blah blah' when you are on Channel 8 — BUT ON A DIFFERENT NETWORK and can't understand what your friend is on about.

    Who is wrong… Clearly they both are – IN THIS INSTANCE – as they did not establish the basis of their viewings – Which networks they were on.

    In this thread it was clear from the beginning that the emphasis was on SPIRITS IN HEAVEN – Angels…


    This verse and surrounding ones have been gone over and over – it has nothing to do with SPIRITS IN HEAVEN… but the Mikeboll three of you keep plopping away with it as there is NOTHING ELSE TO BASE YOUR CLAIM ON…

    The Spiritual Body is what the GLORIFIED RESURRECTED MAN will have. Where is this talking about ANGELS?

    Even, EVEN, EVEN… If it were speaking of a SPIRIT BODY this is still talking of the SPIRIT BODY OF MAN… not Angels… Yet the words are NOT 'SPIRIT BODY' but 'SPIRITUAL Body'.

    Now, when asked to define 'SPIRITUAL BODY' you all go running to hide because you cannot say what you found when you GOOGLED.

    You keep quiet and flap off some other nonsense to hide yourself in.

    You three redefine the very words of Scriptures from 'SPIRITUAL BODY' to 'SPIRIT BODY' claiming it means the same thing yet knowing that it does NOT.

    When asked 'what then is SPIRITUAL HAPPINESS, Spiritual Worship, Spiritual Wealth, Spiritual Sin, Spiritual…' you all go SILENT.
    Is it because it has nothing to do with ANGELS…?

    Mikeboll just now redefined 'Spirit' to say 'Man'!!
    Mikeboll says that the Flesh of the man contains the SPIRITUAL MAN?

    Where did that come from? Whoever heard such a thing?
    What Mikeboll MEANT to say was SPIRIT, the flesh BODY contains the SPIRIT… now, allow him to continue to use the term he just invented and he will soon 'Prove' that the INNER SPIRITUAL MAN is the SPIRIT because we all know that the BODY of Man contains the Spirit of Man!

    Mike is being subtle in introducing a term which he knows is incorrect but will serve his cause later on – stop this NOW!!

    See that Mike will not answer the question as to where was the Spirit of Jesus while Jesus was dead?
    Why, be wise the next question is 'Does the SPIRIT of Jesus have a body'?
    And if the SPIRIT of Jesus HAS A BODY, why is it given another body when the BODY of Jesus was raised up.
    And, if Jesus already has a 'SPIRIT BODY' what then is the 'SPIRIT BODY' he was given when he was raised up from the dead…

    See, no sense – and no answer to nonsense.

    Even the poser of the nonsense has no answer but runs away…


    Quote (Istari @ July 09 2011,12:39)
    In this thread it was clear from the beginning that the emphasis was on SPIRITS IN HEAVEN – Angels…


    Did you mean to say, “No evidence ASIDE FROM the MANY scriptures that clearly tell us exactly what the angel's bodies look like”?  :)

    Consider these words from your staunchest supporter – they are from the very first post Shimmer made on this thread:

    Jesus has a body (And as I said I believe Jesus also has wings)

    Just look at what your imagination has done to her in the last year or so.  Tsk, tsk.


    See Mike's response has nothing to do with Scriptures or trying to prove his point. All he us doing is trying to get me banned (Trying to Get me to do something to be banned).
    His taunts are empty because I know WHY he is doing it.

    See, it might have had an effect if there was a doubt in my mind (ooh, er, maybe …!) but No!

    Mike knows he is caught: Let me expose a psychological trick: Tell your opponent exactly what he IS going to do …just AFTER he has done it?
    The opponent will NOT ACTUALLY REALISE what is going on because it will APPEAR that you KNOW…

    Here it is in practice:
    Mikeboll will say that Istari is…

    Oh, look, there – just as I said…

    How annoying…!

    Now try it for real – Be quick, be easy, just SAY WHAT YOU SAW HAPPEN… annoying, eh? And the target will believe you knew…

    See – Mikeboll, I knew you were going to say that…
    Oh, yes, and that, too – so don't bother saying it now cos we all know what you were going to say – has no value if we knew before hand – has it!!! In fact, you just a copy cat cos I said it first and you just copying — nah nah na nah nah!! You got nuffin to say so you just copy what you heard someone else say (Taught to you by SF!!)

    Why not address the points raised instead of dredging up nonsense like you always do to cover over yourself.

    Why would I want to do a Point by point thing with you – you have done this always in your posts – and never get anywhere.

    The points you raised above are Smokescreen. You read the posts and quotes and there is nothing in them that supports you – so you just CLAIM THAT THEY SUPPORT YOU… but, funny, I don't see you USING THEM here… Why not?

    Where was the Spirit of Jesus if the Spirit of Jesus was IN A Spiritual Body.
    If the SPIRITUAL BODY is the 'Body of a Spirit' where Is the Spirit in that BODY (What IS the Spirit IN THAT BODY?)

    No answer, eh, Mike… If you are RIGHT then you should be able to come back with an answer – but you can't because it's an rhetorical connundrum (A Recursive Spirit definition) that cannot be solved UNTIL the SPIRIT is defined – which you cannot do because it means saying that the SPIRIT IN THE BODY HAS NO BODY – Mike, then the RECURSION will stop…

    Mike, What IS A SPIRIT? And does that Spirit HAVE A BODY…
    Don't discuss HUMAN SPIRITS as BEING IN A BODY – we know that – and that's where Gene's argument ENDS for me: He is RIGHT – A Spirit on Earth, in the Physical Material Visible world – IS IN A BODY… either a temporary BODY as Angels are or a Flesh and Blood body as ANIMALS, Fish, Birds, and Man, are…

    But what about the SPIRIT ITSELF?

    Did not the Holy Spirit come down (?!) in BODILY FORM?
    what does it mean 'Bodily Form' but that it was NOT PREVIOUSLY SO.


    This is nothing but more desparate pleas for attention while STILL refusing to accept my challenge for a simple Q and A discussion!  

    Poor Wizard indeed.  It seems that another more powerful wizard has turned him, not into a frog, but into a court jester!   :D  :laugh:  :D


    Mikeboll, what are you on about Angel Bodies look like?

    What strange wilderland are you straying into now?

    What Scriptures talks of Angel bodies – and if so, how comes you ONLY NOW, after 350+ pages bringing it to the fore?

    Stop hedging and speak out – your credibility is way off line enough as it is? Why you just 'teasing' the points…like you do with 'I've got more like this lined up ready until after you answer this one teenyweeny pointless question!' – why DEMAND an answer to a pointless question if you got KILLA ones under your belt – that, strangely, you NEVER EVER come out with…

    Well, OUT WITH IT NOW… What Scriptures talks of Angel Bodies?


    See, Mike ignores the questions I ask because he cannot answer – poor chap is flummoxed – has nothing Scriptural to say:

    By the way, there is no need for a Q&A – this is an open thread – anything you wanna say, anything you gotta say, say it here…

    Don't ask stupid questions and you will get an answer? Ask MIKEBOLL questions and you are less likely to get a response – Only a Fool tries to answer a Foolish question?


    Ah, I see mike has run away when challenged about his 'Description of angels bodies'.

    Perhaps he was dreaming of the Metaphysical and Symbolic descriptions given in Revelations.

    Then perhaps he would like to explain why Jesus is a 'Slain Lamb' (Actually it say 'as if slain) in one place and in another Jesus has a DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD as a Tongue and is going to SLAY the Nations with it … Hmmm… Slay the nations!!!


    Quote (Istari @ July 09 2011,15:02)
    Don't ask stupid questions and you will get an answer?

    Translation: Don't ask questions that Istari can't answer and you will get an answer. :)

    The reason for the Q and A agreement is because for over a year, I've been showing you scriptural truth and asking you DIRECT questions about this scripture or that scripture. And for over a year, instead of DIRECTLY ANSWERING those questions, you post big long posts full of “The World According to JA” garbage.

    I don't think you fully understand that your flawed imaginations will never take precedence over the written words of God.

    When YOU agree to also DIRECTLY address any and every question I put to you (obviously not all at one time), I will also answer YOUR direct questions with direct answers.

    Is it a deal or not, scaredy cat?


    See – how many posts have I made and Mikeboll has not answered one single question from any of them… Why – because he CANNOT.

    He is at this very moment frantically searching for some way to refute what I've said against that which is written in Scriptures… He's taking his time though…

    If he really had something to say why does he not say it instead of hedging around throwing frivolous accusations…

    Hey, Mike, why you hiding…?




    And why are ANGELS 'Nondescript Beings in Pure White Apparel' – is it not to signify that they are RIGHTEOUS (pure White : unstained by Sin) and nondescript because the Materialisation in the physical world is only temporary and they do not wish to be identified – they do not give their Name nor show any distinguishing features to identify one from another.

    However, JESUS is IDENTIFIABLE, because HIS (SPIRITUAL) body IS A REAL BODY… he even has the wounds from his Crucifixion…

    Mike, tell me that God RECREATED THE WOUNDS TO FOOL THE DISCIPLE/APOSTLES…. Mike, I dare you?

    Ok, so you won't dare – so then where did the Mark of the wounds come from?

    Ah, so it WAS HIS DEATH BODY that was revived – Remember that Jesus DIED when his SPIRIT LEFT HIS BODY (How does the Scripture go: 'Father, Into thy hands I commit my Spirit…and he breathed his last')

    So the SPIRIT left the Body… The body is dead…

    Three days later God placed the Spirit of Jesus BACK into the Same body but GLORIFIED THE BODY – Changed it into an UNDECAYABLE BODY – one that WILL NOT DECAY (Die) when the SPIRIT IS NOT IN IT – When the Spirit leaves it…

    Ah, so that is how Jesus went up to Heaven… He PUT OFF HIS IMMORTAL BODY – His Spirit LEFT HIS UNDYABLE BODY and ENTERED HEAVEN in SPIRIT like ALL SPIRIT CREATURES DO.

    And because he has an immortal body, that will be the SAME BODY he will be seen in when he comes again. The body with the Wounds in.

    Now tell me: The symbolic description of Jesus in Heaven – did it show the WOUNDS IN HIS HANDS, FEET AND SIDE?
    Yet, the Body on Earth had wound marks in his hands feet and side.

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