Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #249865

    Terra said '…8 light years away but still not even close to God'

    Ha ha – I'm in fits tonight – .. Terra, God is IN YOU by his Spirit – or Not…
    Even if God is not 'In you', God is near you… His Spirit always ready to imbibe you if you accept him.

    Terra, never use PHYSICAL EARTHLY measurements in regard to God – that is sure foolishness..!!!

    Between you and Mikeboll I don't know who to laugh at the most – or to PITY the most!!

    Seriously, if God is not EVERYWHERE then the Universe is in DEADLY PROBLEMS…

    Mike, are you saying that God is NOT OMNIPRESENT?
    What next, God is NOT OMNIPOTENT? (He couldn't stop Adam from Sinnning?)
    and then NOT OMNISCIENT (He didn't know that Adam and Eve were going to need clothes?)


    Quote (Istari @ June 25 2011,18:22)
    Between you and Mikeboll I don't know who to laugh at the most – or to PITY the most!!

    Fortunately for me and Pierre,

    We DO know who to laugh at and pity the most.


    Quote (Istari @ June 25 2011,18:22)
    Mike, are you saying that God is NOT OMNIPRESENT

    Mike, are you saying that God is NOT OMNIPRESENT

    Does God dwell among men on earth?  Or does He dwell in heaven?  Let the scriptures guide you on your quest for the answer to this riddle, Istari.

    If you find some scriptures that seem to make Jesus and Solomon out to be liars, let me know, okay? I'm sure we can put them into context, and after doing so, they won't make Jesus and Solomon liars anymore.



    Between you and Mikeboll I don't know who to laugh at the most – or to PITY the most!!

    Seriously, if God is not EVERYWHERE then the Universe is in DEADLY PROBLEMS…

    first you should luff at yourself for being so ignorant ,and yet be able to understand certain things ,

    it is strange that you refuse all things to God and yet men have made mega structures around the world ,and control it from a small office somewhere convenient to them ,but as for your mind can not phantom that God as the most advanced structures in the universe and you thing in your mind that he as to be everywhere to control it ,
    you know that at the push of a button we as men can command so many things ,look at computers of today , i have a tower well equipped and i still amazed of what it can do at the push of a button with my little finger.

    think about it I am in my kitchen in canada and send you a respond of my view on the silly thing you say ,and you receive it in minutes if not in seconds ,Gods will is everywhere,

    you have to my understanding a short view of Gods ability.nothing is impossible with God.



    Thanks for your response.

    I see that neither Mikeboll nor Terraricca have anything to say.

    I would have tought they would be happy to explain what the writer meant by 'You who are Spiritual' and WHO the reference was aimed at.

    You see, if, as they say, 'Spiritual Body' means 'Body of a Spirit' then 'You who are Spiritual' would mean 'You who are SPIRITS'.
    So the writer would be asking ANGELS to help wayward man become righteous!

    Mike, Terraricca… Anything to say?



    Are you REALLY that slow? Have I not addressed this issue at least 100 times for you already? You need to go to remedial classes, dude.

    In Galatians, Paul is speaking of FLESH beings behaving as if they are being driven by the spirit of God INSTEAD of being driven by the flesh they are made of. It is ONE of the MANY meanings of “spiritual”.

    There is ANOTHER meaning of “spiritual”, which is “BELONGING TO A SPIRIT”. In THAT sense, a “spiritual body” is something that BELONGS TO A SPIRIT.

    If you can only understand HALF of the scriptures, then why do you attempt to teach others? ???


    Quote (terraricca @ June 25 2011,18:37)
    it is strange that you refuse all things to God and yet men have made mega structures around the world ,and control it from a small office somewhere convenient to them


    Your post was one of the best I've seen on this thread!  Not to mention HILLARIOUS!   :laugh:

    So, what do you say, Wizard?  If Pierre can sit in his kitchen in Canada and push a button causing missiles to be fired from Cuba and land in China, destroying many, and utterly changing all lives in the area, or perhaps even the whole entire world, is Pierre “omnipresent”?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 26 2011,18:58)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 25 2011,18:37)
    it is strange that you refuse all things to God and yet men have made mega structures around the world ,and control it from a small office somewhere convenient to them


    Your post was one of the best I've seen on this thread!  Not to mention HILLARIOUS!   :laugh:

    So, what do you say, Wizard?  If Pierre can sit in his kitchen in Canada and push a button causing missiles to be fired from Cuba and land in China, destroying many, and utterly changing all lives in the area, or perhaps even the whole entire world, is Pierre “omnipresent”?


    it looks like we have a home run

    Pierre : :D :D


    I have no idea what you ACTUALLY just said… But let me guess…

    You think I am stupid…

    Terra, it appears not only do you not understand what others write but you can't express your ideas properly…

    Terra, there is no need to TEACH ME about computer systems… That is my JOB…
    moreover, I WROTE the example ALREADY…

    This is what I said about you some time back: Terraricca TELLS me off for saying something then CORRECTS ME by writing back the SAME THING THAT I SAID.

    So BOTH YOU AND MIKE are doing the SAME THING.

    You REFUTE what someone writes – then ADOPT WHAT YOU JUST DENIED WAS TRUTH from that SAME ONE…

    The WILL OF GOD IS EVERYWHERE… see – you are running along with Mikeboll – when he turns a corner – you turn the same corner…

    Now you are both saying that God is EVERYWHERE but trying to HIDE IT by SEPARATING GOD and his Spirit.

    Terraricca, the SPIRIT OF GOD is the WILL OF GOD, it is the Spirit of TRUTH OF GOD.

    'Of God'… It is not SEPARATABLE FROM GOD…

    Terra, don't try to teach me about Technology… But use it as HUMAN EXAMPLES OF WHAT GOD CSN DO…(For we were made in his image)

    You two are lusting after truth but floundering in deception even as you THINK YOU ARE GETTING THERE.

    Yesterday, Mikeboll couldnt understand how a Spirit could be EVERYWHERE.

    Today, he says that God's Spirit is EVERYWHERE – then realises he bluffed himself so he tries to cover himself under a DUNG HEAP by saying that he doesnt believe ANYTHING… wow – that means NOTHING MIKE SAYS MEANS ANYTHING AT ALL… because even HE does not BELIEVE HIMSELF.

    Well – that explains everything…well and truly explains why it's taken over 300 forum pages to get Mikeboll64 to understand how THE SPIRIT CAN BE EVERYWHERE.

    And if the SPIRIT (in Heaven) IS EVERYWHERE then it cannot be IN A BODY (A body of it's own)

    When it COMES INTO THE PHYSICAL WORLD – then it acquires a Body… (And the Spirit of God rested on Jesus IN BODILY FORM 'like' a Dove (in the way a Dove would: In White (Spiritual Purity) and with a light flutter (Gentleness and Love)) Scriptures never says the Holy Spirt 'Was A Dove' nor 'In the Form of a Dove' but 'LIKE A DOVE')



    As usual, I only see 3rd grade rhetoric in Istari's last post, and not even an attempt to answer my earlier points nor how you aren't omnipresent.

    Istari, you MUST stop telling LIES about what I believe.  I've cut you plenty of slack for a long time because I know one tile will ban you.  But I won't keep cutting that slack.  If you continue to tell flat out LIES about the beliefs I've clearly printed in black and white for all to see, I will give you that last tile.

    Now…………….I have given you a couple of scriptures that PROVE God's Holy Spirit is NOT “everywhere all the time”.  Will you address those scriptures………….or just keep telling lies?

    You are a clown you know.  You are so much more interested in making someone else look bad or stupid than you are in the discussion of scriptural truth.

    Istari, WHY would Jesus have to SEND the other helper to us if that helper has always been “everywhere all the time”?

    Istari, if Pierre can wipe out China without even leaving his kitchen and he's not omnipresent, then why must God be omnipresent when MANY scriptures clearly say that God dwells IN HEAVEN?


    Mikeboll and Terraricca,
    The Spirit of stupor has invaded you. You are both in the wilderness without water (Holy Spirit).
    You are in 'Arid Places'

    You have both lost it – bad luck…

    Mike, you think just looking for support and will snatch at anything… You know, falling man syndrome…!

    Where can you not go that you are NOT in the knowledge of God?
    Mike, things that I said many times over and over you and Terra are just bringing to the table now as if you just realised them… True to your form and nature…

    Have I not said this about you…

    Also, I still see you can't get over Galations 6:1… Knocked you for six… So now comes your destruction moments…

    Run, Mike, but you can't hide… Run 8 light years away but God will be around you.
    Have you seen the episode of 'Monkey' (The Chinese serial) where he says he can jump further than Bhudda – but he only jumped from one of Bhudda's fingers to another…!


    Quote (Istari @ June 25 2011,19:32)
    The Spirit of stupor has invaded you. You are both in the wilderness without water (Holy Spirit).
    You are in 'Arid Places'

    HA!  How could I ONLY be in the arid places when I'm “everywhere all the time”?  :D

    Bye again Istari.  I only discoursed with you today to clarify my quoted “omnipresent” statement.

    I like it better when I'm ignoring you.  You have nothing intelligent to say anyway, and you are too scared to address the points Pierre and I have made.  So really, what good are you?

    Later gator.


    Mikeboll64 and Terraricca are both held by a Spirit of delusion.

    Is there anyone who can perform one of them Rituals to remove their Evil Spirit of delusion?

    Or can thus type only be removed by prayer alone…?

    Mikeboll at one point says that the Holy spirit is EVERYWHERE – then realises he's copped himself and so starts backtracking… claiming he BELIEVES NOTHING AT ALL…

    Well, it's clear that he believes nothing at all – Mike belief is 'IN THE moment': his belief changes from moment to moment – from Post to Post… No wonder no one can pin him down on anything.
    Has anyone tried hold a snake with bare hands?

    Mike claims that he has explained Galations 6:1…. Can anyone remember Galations 6:1 being discussed before?

    You know – it seems Mike has screwed himself with Galations 6:1 and does what every good snake does when trapped in it's hole.



    I have no idea what you ACTUALLY just said… But let me guess…

    You think I am stupid…

    NO ,I did not think that ,but you do ,

    you now rely on insults and lies to forward your opinions ,first you begged for us to answer and them use our honest answer to the question on hand and we receive insults in return,

    this is the straw that cuts the logs ,you are done in my book,



    And as for blowing up places being HILARIOUS – Mike, you ought to know that even forum posts are Universally monitored. Expect a call from the FBI any day soon.

    But don't worry: we will come visit you in prison good Christians!


    Quote (Istari @ June 25 2011,19:50)
    Mikeboll at one point says that the Holy spirit is EVERYWHERE –





    This is the guy (Mikeboll) you call you MODERATOR…?

    Mike has totally lost it. An Evil Spirit has overtaken him…

    Please, Mike, take a break – run away –

    Oh, yes, you have – again… Good thing eh.

    That Galations 6:1 really shook you up…

    Killed off your argument: Stone Dead…

    Spiritual Body…. 'We will all be turned into BODIES OF SPIRITS' when we are RAISED FROMMTHE DEAD.

    Yet, “For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.” -1 Corinthians 15:53


    See, Mike, you KNOW WHY you never wanted to discuss this…

    Scriptures clearly states that it is the BODY RAISED FROM THE DEAD THAT BECOMES IMMORTAL AND IMPERISHABLE…(Like the Spirit – not Subject to dying…) SPIRITUAL BODY….

    Step by step, Mike, your claims ebb away – no wonder you are getting so angry and spinning so many threads in your web of deceitful posts…


    I believe it is the Spirit of God that is “omnipresent”, in that He can send out that “feeler” anywhere He wants in order to gather or send information, while the Being of God Himself remains in heaven – His dwelling place.

    Mike, how can someone/thing only be “Omnipresent”?

    This is slyness of writing: hedging… You leave you door on y


    our though open so you can confirm or deny what you are saying dependent on how the discussion goes.

    This is deceit – Mikeboll – and shows you are DEBATING – not professing a thought or idea…

    Yes, Mikeboll the Master DEBATOR..

    Being OMNIPRESENT means being Present in ALL PLACES ALL THE TIME.

    Spirits in the Spirit realm are OMNIPRESENT the Spirit realm is not a place like the physical world.
    There IS NO ONE PLACE for a Spirit to be or NOT BE'in the Spirit Realm.

    This is your failure Mike, you think of Spirit as being INVISIBLE FLESH and therefore must have a body and be in one place… Mike… Only in the Physical world – then it becomes a BODY to be perceived visually – as with the Angel with Balaam. And also with the Holy Spirit which alighted on Jesus 'IN BODILY FORM'…

    Mike, you seem trenendously FEARFILLED all of a sudden… Is something troubling you?

    You even bring out your MODERATOR status (Where have you been hiding that lately?)

    Running away won't help you, Mike.
    Hiding won't help you, Mike.
    Being deceitful won't help you, Mike.
    Debating won't help you, Mike.


    For God is EVERYWHERE, even 8 light years away…or even 9… In fact physical distance means NOTHING TO A SPIRIT…

    Mike, you say that it is not God who is 'Omnipresent' but his Holy Spirit…

    Mike, this is way Bolls*it… (did I spell that right). You cannot separate the Holy Spirit from it's owner.
    God 'Gave' his Holy Spirit to his Son…this is NOT A PHYSICAL 'Give'… It means Jesus has All the resources of the Holy Spirit at his command.
    How is it said, 'I give you the right…'! – is that not a SPIRITUAL 'GIVE'?
    And Mike, who HAS the Holy Spirit? Is in someone in India, Paraguay, Japan, The Netherlands, Australia, The Ukon, Pennsyvania, Maurissus, the United Kingdon,… And which State, County, town, City, road, street, house, bedroom, which side of the bed…?
    Is the Holy Spirit not with MILLIONS OF PEOPLE – all at the SAME TIME?
    Mike, is the Spirit of God not OMNIPRESENT (No quotes)?
    If the Spirit of God were EMBODIED – how could it be EVERYWHERE AT THE SAME TIME?

    Even when the Holy Spirit alighted on Jesus IN BODILY FORM (What FORM was it in BEFORE it ACQUIRED A BODY IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD?) was it removed from EVERYONE ELSE universally?
    No, Mike, even in BODILY FORM… at one place… the Spirit of God was still in and available to millions who accept it.
    A WHIRLwind is composed of AIR coming together as a BODY in ONE PLACE for a time: Does this mean that there is no air anywhere else…!

    Mike, you have become insulting because you KNOW FOR A LONG TIME THAT YOU ARE WRONG.
    but you thought you had found a way out…
    The 'Not here – not there' is about 'Spiritual ACCEPTANCE'… It is NOT ABOUT 'Physicalness'.

    Spirit starts where physical ends…

    You want to get me 'OUT' to stop me refraining your vile thoughts on God – that God Almighty, the One True God, the God Most High, The God of All Gods… Is not EVERYWHERE.

    Mike, I am not 'Defending God' to you – just Astounded at the depth that you have fallen (Ha! Physical – or Spiritual depth? Mike, depth of Spiritual Wisdom)

    Mike, you say – effectively – that you only believe that 'Spiritual' means 'Of a Spirit/ Belonging to a Spirit'…

    Ok, Mikeboll, give me two or three sentences using the term 'Spiritual' that pertains to 'of the Spirit (Being) or Belonging to a Spirit (Being)'.


    our though open so you can confirm or deny what you are saying dependent on how the discussion goes.

    This is deceit – Mikeboll – and shows you are DEBATING – not professing a thought or idea…

    Yes, Mikeboll the Master DEBATOR..

    Being OMNIPRESENT means being Present in ALL PLACES ALL THE TIME.

    Spirits in the Spirit realm are OMNIPRESENT the Spirit realm is not a place like the physical world.
    There IS NO ONE PLACE for a Spirit to be or NOT BE'in the Spirit Realm.

    This is your failure Mike, you think of Spirit as being INVISIBLE FLESH and therefore must have a body and be in one place… Mike… Only in the Physical world – then it becomes a BODY to be perceived visually – as with the Angel with Balaam. And also with the Holy Spirit which alighted on Jesus 'IN BODILY FORM'…

    Mike, you seem trenendously FEARFILLED all of a sudden… Is something troubling you?

    You even bring out your MODERATOR status (Where have you been hiding that lately?)

    Running away won't help you, Mike.
    Hiding won't help you, Mike.
    Being deceitful won't help you, Mike.
    Debating won't help you, Mike.


    For God is EVERYWHERE, even 8 light years away…or even 9… In fact physical distance means NOTHING TO A SPIRIT…

    Mike, you say that it is not God who is 'Omnipresent' but his Holy Spirit…

    Mike, this is way Bolls*it… (did I spell that right). You cannot separate the Holy Spirit from it's owner.
    God 'Gave' his Holy Spirit to his Son…this is NOT A PHYSICAL 'Give'… It means Jesus has All the resources of the Holy Spirit at his command.
    How is it said, 'I give you the right…'!  – is that not a SPIRITUAL 'GIVE'?
    And Mike, who HAS the Holy Spirit? Is in someone in India, Paraguay, Japan, The Netherlands, Australia, The Ukon, Pennsyvania, Maurissus, the United Kingdon,… And which State, County, town, City, road, street, house, bedroom, which side of the bed…?
    Is the Holy Spirit not with MILLIONS OF PEOPLE – all at the SAME TIME?
    Mike, is the Spirit of God not OMNIPRESENT (No quotes)?
    If the Spirit of God were EMBODIED – how could it be EVERYWHERE AT THE SAME TIME?

    Even when the Holy Spirit alighted on Jesus IN BODILY FORM (What FORM was it in BEFORE it ACQUIRED A BODY IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD?) was it removed from EVERYONE ELSE universally?
    No, Mike, even in BODILY FORM… at one place… the Spirit of God was still in and available to millions who accept it.
    A WHIRLwind is composed of AIR coming together as a BODY in ONE PLACE for a time: Does this mean that there is no air anywhere else…!

    Mike, you have become insulting because you KNOW FOR A LONG TIME THAT YOU ARE WRONG.
    but you thought you had found a way out…
    The 'Not here – not there' is about 'Spiritual ACCEPTANCE'… It is NOT ABOUT 'Physicalness'.

    Spirit starts where physical ends…

    You want to get me 'OUT' to stop me refraining your vile thoughts on God – that God Almighty, the One True God, the God Most High, The God of All Gods… Is not EVERYWHERE.

    Mike, I am not 'Defending God' to you – just Astounded at the depth that you have fallen (Ha! Physical – or Spiritual depth? Mike, depth of Spiritual Wisdom)

    Mike, you say – effectively – that you only believe that 'Spiritual' means 'Of a Spirit/ Belonging to a Spirit'…

    Ok, Mikeboll, give me two or three sentences using the term 'Spiritual' that pertains to 'of the Spirit (Being) or Belonging to a Spirit (Being)'.

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