Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #248834


    Do you ask for my support in your question? You have it:

    'It is sown a Natural Body, it is RAISED a Spiritual Body'

    How was Jesus RAISED from the dead? Was it not Into the same body he died in?
    Was he not eventually recognised by his disciples? How? Was it not by his appearance?
    But not IMMEDIATELY… Mary Magdelene thought he was the gardener; the two on the road thought he was a stranger to Jerusalem; the disciples were aware but to scared to ask – yet ALL BELIEVED.
    However, for the glory of God, Thomas did not believe and Scriptures is enhanced by that: Jesus PROVED HIMSELF to Thomas by …what method?
    In addition, Jesus EXPLICITLY claimed 'See, I am not a SPIRIT….'
    Yes, Jesus in his GLORIFIED BODY of Sinless, non-Decaying flesh, Perfect and righteous. This is the SPIRITUAL BODY.
    Jesus' body was transformed into the Spiritual body and was perfected which is why the Disciples who had been with him constantly for over three and a half years did not recognise him.
    Moreover, Jesus showed the nail holes in his hands and feet.
    If anyone thinks Jesus was raised into a different body then you call Jesus and God liars – and the whole of Scriptures is then a lie!! Make your choice!

    So, Jesus is now a SPIRIT (In Heaven)… What is the problem.
    Flesh and bone cannot enter Heaven – so how is Mike saying that Jesus is in Heavennin his Flesh and Bone body?
    Oh, no, he says Jesus was 'Transformed' into a SPIRITUAL BODY as he rose up into the clouds… Except that there is NO SCRIPTURE that says so.
    For sure, he was 'Transformed' but only to SHED THE FLESH BODY and enter Heaven as a NON-Flesh and Bone SPIRIT.

    Mike, what is a Living Body, a Soul? Is it not a BODY with a SPIRIT constrained in it?

    Take out the Spirit (Put off the flesh) – the Spirit is Free! No constraint – it is EVERYWHERE.

    Mike, you continue to deliberately misunderstand – deliberately: Why? Fear of letting everyone see that you are wrong – sad man, try to become happy man by entering the penfold of truth.

    You constantly misrepresent what is said to you to retain your incredulous position.
    You distance yourself from 'RAISED A SPIRITUAL BODY' twisting it to 'Raised a natural body – then transformed 40 days later'.
    Mike, there is no such thread of verses in any scripture bible or writings. You, Mikeboll64, have just invented it as a disreputable cause for a defence of your indefensible thoughts and ideas based simply on the desire to say 'Istari is wrong' – bad move Mike!!


    Kerwin………I also believe Jesus was raised in a flesh and bone body just as he said he was.

    peace and love…………………………………..gene


    Quote (Rena @ June 17 2011,23:45)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 17 2011,17:03)
    but God is not Christ in the flesh ,this is absolutely not scriptural,

    Terrarica, I never said that.

    I said

    The closest thing there seems to be to “God in the flesh” is Jesus –

    “Have I been with you such a long time, and do you not know me, Philip?

    He who has seen me has seen the Father. How do you say, 'Show us the Father?'

    He wasn't saying he was the Father – but that all he said was from the Father.

    “The words that I tell you, I speak not from myself; but the Father who lives in me does his works”.

    “The Father who sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak”.

    “The words that I tell you, I speak not from myself; but the Father who lives in me does his works”.

    Now do you understand me Terrarica? I wasn't saying what you said I did. I'm not a Trinitarian. I do not believe Jesus was God the father but the son.

    Did no-one hear what Istari said?

    Simple Angel Spirits come and go into the physical world.
    Do they have bodies on Earth? Yes.
    Do they have those bodies in Heaven? No.

    What purpose are hands, legs, arms, eyes, head, nose, belly,…Earthly human attributes, required in the Spirit realm?

    God says 'Lift that' and it is lifted.
    God says 'Go there' and it is gone there.
    God 'hears' by thought…
    God 'Sees' by INSIGHT.
    And God is a Spirit…
    And Spirit moves at the speed of thought (Think there and it IS there)
    God is Holy and does not THINK anything that he does not wish to do – for the thoughts of God are as an act… Sinful Humans have a buffer so they can think, withhold, reflect, and then Do Or Not Do!The SPIRITUAL MAN does not think Sinful thoughts but Holy thoughts.
    The Spiritual Man does not LIE, nor have carnal desires of the flesh (or indeed of anything!)
    The Spiritual Man is like the Angels but better – Sex is not a desire of the Spiritual man, Power is not a desire of the Spiritual man.
    The Spiritual man seeks the ways of God only, to please the God of Heaven and sacrifice himself, dedicate himself in Worship of the God of Heaven, YHVH, the 'I Am'.

    This is the Man with a SPIRITUAL BODY…

    That should sum up the whole thread to what is a spiritual body!


    sorry ,I have read it again and yes you right please accept my apology



    Response to POLL concerning Spirit Bodies:

    Seeing that this is a poll concerning my thoughts I feel it is expedient and fair for me to put my case here also:

    Paul states quite clearly in 1 Corinthians 15 that there are different kinds of bodies and gives examples of such: Animals, Birds, Fish and Man, also HEAVENLY BODIES, CELESTIAL BODIES: Sun, Moon and Stars (Heavenly and Celestial both mean Glorious, Shining, like the Sun, reflected light from the Moon and twinkling points like Stars – nothing to do with ANGELS!!)

    Paul states that the SPIRITUAL BODY is one that cannot decay, is not subject to corruption, is Sinless and righteous.
    Before Jesus Died and was raised again his body was EXACTLY like our body, SUBJECT TO SIN and Corruption… If Jesus had lived as an ordinary human his body would have eventually gotten old and he would have died like ALL HUMAN PERSONS subject to sin. This even though Jesus DID NOT SIN.

    So, this body that Jesus was raised up in is the INCORRUPTIBLE BODY, a body that is NOT subject to Sin, cannot decay, cannot die… By this, an earthbound human will live forever in that human flesh body…
    So what of those who go to Heaven – well, since the body cannot enter Heaven then the SPIRIT of the human that controls and animates that body must LEAVE the body to ascend into the Spirit realm.
    Those of Heaven will STILL COME INTO THE WORLD even though their ABODE IS IN HEAVEN.
    When they come into the physical world they will PUT ON their earthly bodies so as to be recognisable – just as Jesus will be recognisable in his body with holes in his hands and feet (A WAR TROPHY – so to speak!)

    Mike very uncleverly ignores the very verse where Paul states clearly:

    What body was Jesus RAISED in: A natural body? Is that what the verse says?
    Does it not say 'A Spiritual Body'? Is that not why Jesus said: 'See, I am NOT A SPIRIT…'

    What body did Paul show to Thomas as PROOF? was it a NATURAL BODY or a Spiritual Body? Which part of 'Not a Spirit' means 'A Spirit'?

    By the way, Mike's 'Closet' quip is his own invention that he claims I said (something he does often!)

    To 'Put off the Flesh' means it dematerialises.
    To 'Put on the Flesh' means it materialises.

    To materialise a flesh body is easy for a Spirit Creature just as easy as it is to dematerialise it.
    The Body Constrains the Spirit to ONE PLACE…

    Jesus APPREARED inside the locked Room by 'putting on the flesh' in the room. His Spirit went WHERE IT WILL but constrained itself in one space in the room…

    While in the flesh Jesus is in only one place – how does Jesus in ALL PLACES at ALL TIMES – hearing the prayers of all who call out to God the Father in his name? How is Jesus administering the order of the new society worldwide if he is constrained by a BODY? No, the Spirit is unconstrained – it is EVERYWHERE all at the same time.

    Spirit is not flesh – flesh is body – body is not Spirit – Spirit is what animates a body.



    Spirit is not flesh – flesh is body – body is not Spirit – Spirit is what animates a body.

    flesh body = solid materiel body

    a spiritual body is not material

    but all spirit words do not mean a spirit being ,that where i think you and others are confused

    but all things that exist have a body or a form





    Yes the universe as a body,

    do you know why ?


    I do not know why you say that is so.

    I ask does an idea have a body?

    Is an idea created?


    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:06)


    Yes the universe as a body,

    do you know why ?


    I do not know why you say that is so.

    I ask does an idea have a body?

    Is an idea created?


    is the radio sound transmitted to a radio listener did it exist
    yes, the way it is going trough our world trough the magnetic system that God created,

    if it exist it as a body or form it does not matter how small or how big it is,there are many things in the universe we do not know,Hubble satellite that was send in 1983-4 is still sending messages it takes 16 hour to reach us,and he is not even close to reach the end of the universe,he is many light years away.

    even the message he send us has a form or a body if not it does not exist,



    To all,

    John 2 (New International Version (NIV))

    19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
    20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

    About this saying he was accused of stating.

    Mark 14:58(New International Version (NIV))

    58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.’”

    Is Jesus speaking of his flesh and bone body in these passages?


    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:21)
    To all,

    John 2 (New International Version (NIV))

    19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
    20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

    About this saying he was accused of stating.

    Mark 14:58(New International Version (NIV))

    58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.’”

    Is Jesus speaking of his flesh and bone body in these passages?


    good question;is it the body or his live or both that he talk about ?

    Jn 2:21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body.
    Jn 2:22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.


    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,04:20)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:06)


    Yes the universe as a body,

    do you know why ?


    I do not know why you say that is so.

    I ask does an idea have a body?

    Is an idea created?


    is the radio sound transmitted to a radio listener did it exist
    yes, the way it is going trough our world trough the magnetic system that God created,

    if it exist it as a body or form it does not matter how small or how big it  is,there are many things in the universe we do not know,Hubble satellite that was send in 1983-4 is still sending messages it takes 16 hour to reach us,and he is not even close to reach the end of the universe,he is many light years away.

    even the message he send us has a form or a body if not it does not exist,


    So by body you mean any kinds of limits whether they are material or immaterial?

    God's limit is he cannot be tempted or do evil.


    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,04:23)

    sorry ,I have read it again and yes you right please accept my apology


    No problem Terrarica.
    Thank you.


    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,10:21)
    To all,

    John 2 (New International Version (NIV))

    19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
    20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

    About this saying he was accused of stating.

    Mark 14:58(New International Version (NIV))

    58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.’”

    Is Jesus speaking of his flesh and bone body in these passages?

    Kerwin, He WAS speaking about his body.
    See everything was the literal physical then became the spiritual. The temple made of stone became the temple of our body etc, theres a long list.


    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:27)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,04:20)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:06)


    Yes the universe as a body,

    do you know why ?


    I do not know why you say that is so.

    I ask does an idea have a body?

    Is an idea created?


    is the radio sound transmitted to a radio listener did it exist
    yes, the way it is going trough our world trough the magnetic system that God created,

    if it exist it as a body or form it does not matter how small or how big it  is,there are many things in the universe we do not know,Hubble satellite that was send in 1983-4 is still sending messages it takes 16 hour to reach us,and he is not even close to reach the end of the universe,he is many light years away.

    even the message he send us has a form or a body if not it does not exist,


    So by body you mean any kinds of limits whether they are material or immaterial?

    God's limit is he cannot be tempted or do evil.


    yes to your question,it is a must or it does not exist.
    it as nothing to do if we can see it ,receive the waves or not.



    Quote (Rena @ June 18 2011,04:39)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,10:21)
    To all,

    John 2 (New International Version (NIV))

    19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
    20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

    About this saying he was accused of stating.

    Mark 14:58(New International Version (NIV))

    58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.’”

    Is Jesus speaking of his flesh and bone body in these passages?

    Kerwin, He WAS speaking about his body.
    See everything was the literal physical then became the spiritual. The temple made of stone became the temple of our body etc, theres a long list.

    Are you stating that the temple of stone became an example of material body of man?


    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,05:05)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:27)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,04:20)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:06)


    Yes the universe as a body,

    do you know why ?


    I do not know why you say that is so.

    I ask does an idea have a body?

    Is an idea created?


    is the radio sound transmitted to a radio listener did it exist
    yes, the way it is going trough our world trough the magnetic system that God created,

    if it exist it as a body or form it does not matter how small or how big it  is,there are many things in the universe we do not know,Hubble satellite that was send in 1983-4 is still sending messages it takes 16 hour to reach us,and he is not even close to reach the end of the universe,he is many light years away.

    even the message he send us has a form or a body if not it does not exist,


    So by body you mean any kinds of limits whether they are material or immaterial?

    God's limit is he cannot be tempted or do evil.


    yes to your question,it is a must or it does not exist.
    it as nothing to do if we can see it ,receive the waves   or not.


    Then you must believe the spirit side of man has a spirit body.


    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,18:21)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,05:05)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:27)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,04:20)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:06)


    Yes the universe as a body,

    do you know why ?


    I do not know why you say that is so.

    I ask does an idea have a body?

    Is an idea created?


    is the radio sound transmitted to a radio listener did it exist
    yes, the way it is going trough our world trough the magnetic system that God created,

    if it exist it as a body or form it does not matter how small or how big it  is,there are many things in the universe we do not know,Hubble satellite that was send in 1983-4 is still sending messages it takes 16 hour to reach us,and he is not even close to reach the end of the universe,he is many light years away.

    even the message he send us has a form or a body if not it does not exist,


    So by body you mean any kinds of limits whether they are material or immaterial?

    God's limit is he cannot be tempted or do evil.


    yes to your question,it is a must or it does not exist.
    it as nothing to do if we can see it ,receive the waves   or not.


    Then you must believe the spirit side of man has a spirit body.


    you do not understand man has already a body why would his spirit have a separate body ?

    the body made for men is well adequate to handle ,sound,view,taste,ect,,,

    but when men are on the phone they can do many things with their spirit (will)

    just like i am quoting you my will and wants ,to make you understand what I understand from scriptures ,right ?

    since there was no radio,or computers ect,, in old time they just written it all down,and so transmit the will of God ,or king,lord whatever,,,,



    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,09:50)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,18:21)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,05:05)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,16:27)

    Quote (terraricca @ June 18 2011,04:20)


    is the radio sound transmitted to a radio listener did it exist
    yes, the way it is going trough our world trough the magnetic system that God created,

    if it exist it as a body or form it does not matter how small or how big it  is,there are many things in the universe we do not know,Hubble satellite that was send in 1983-4 is still sending messages it takes 16 hour to reach us,and he is not even close to reach the end of the universe,he is many light years away.

    even the message he send us has a form or a body if not it does not exist,


    So by body you mean any kinds of limits whether they are material or immaterial?

    God's limit is he cannot be tempted or do evil.


    yes to your question,it is a must or it does not exist.
    it as nothing to do if we can see it ,receive the waves   or not.


    Then you must believe the spirit side of man has a spirit body.


    you do not understand man has already a body why would his spirit have a separate body ?

    the body made for men is well adequate to handle ,sound,view,taste,ect,,,

    but when men are on the phone they can do many things with their spirit (will)

    just like i am quoting you my will and wants ,to make you understand what I understand from scriptures ,right ?

    since there was no radio,or computers ect,, in old time they just written it all down,and so transmit the will of God ,or king,lord whatever,,,,


    If the body of the Spirit side of man is the flesh side of man then according to you it follows the Spirit side of man no longer exists when the flesh side perishes.



    Then you must believe the spirit side of man has a spirit body

    I just came to understand what you are trying to say;so man as been created with a soul(spirit;will

    ) that God provides and return to him,and there is nothing left of the dead man according to the flesh because he as been now
    disintegrated into food and dirt

    so what was in the flesh is released when dead comes,dead is the trigger to release the soul and to return to God who had given it.

    the soul has a form or body but it is not materiel,just like molecules,neutron,protons,and others this I do not know.

    if God can call it back and destroy it. it means it has some type of substance that can be mean something and can be destroyed.

    If the body of the Spirit side of man is the flesh side of man then according to you it follows the Spirit side of man no longer exists when the flesh side perishes

    I did not say that the soul (spirit ) is the flesh we all know that's not so ,but the soul as a flesh body while on earth until that flesh parrish,and next you letting your mind fabricate the rest of your imagination
    concluding that last section in your quote,



    The Soul is the Body WITH a Spirit in it (IMO).

    There is much controversy over 'What is a Soul' so every interpretation is personal.

    For Every physical living entity there is a Body – and there is a Spirit.

    The body is the Flesh and blood and bone element. It allows for living in a physical environment in an independent manner – to fuel itself, to detect and avoid danger, to seek comfort, to procreate (To recreate a version of itself), to manually Create devices, systems, mechanisms.
    But the body is useless by itself – it can do NOTHING by itself – without the Spirit.

    Without the Spirit within it, it is as dead.

    So, the Spirit? Is it another body of a sort within the Flesh body?

    What does the Spirit do with respect to the flesh body?
    Does it not ANIMATE the body – enliven it – bring it into life to perform the actions outlined above?

    Is it not the Spirit (The WILL) that directs the body it is in to become a useful SOUL…

    'And God breathed into his nostrils and the man became a living Soul'

    Say here before God breathed into his nostrils – was the man then a 'Dead Soul'? For then the Soul would be the BODY without a Spirit – so No!
    Moses used the term 'Living Soul' only as an emphatic – to underline the fact that the body of the man was ALIVE.

    However, we also use – or misuse – the word 'Soul' to just mean 'a person in any state of life or death' as in 'Poor soul – he lived a good life – may God rest his Soul' when speaking of a recently dead person.

    'Rest his Soul' – this comes from misunderstanding and desire to believe in Spirits walking the earth in disturbed manners – usually causing recklessness! Ghosts, in other words.

    There are no such things as 'Ghosts' – even the word is 'made up'. The definition given is a Visible Spirit with a non-solid material body that haunts a person, persons, place or places and can only be removed by a Priest performing a ('thingy…' can't remember …)

    This is mostly in the MIND of persons who have set themselves to believe such things – however, once set on that course, they can then bring Demon Spirits into the world… It is these DEMON SPIRITS who cause the problems – they cannot create physical bodies and enter within them so they affect only the MINDS of those who believe in them – and since we are all sinful and weak, we can all be affected (Happily, most have stronger minds and DON'T believe – leaving only the weak minded and those susceptible and inclined – or simply ENJOY THE FEAR FACTOR – to become subject to these 'Ghosts' or Apparitions.
    It will be noted that virtually EVERY claim of anyone seeing a GHOST can be accounted for by ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. in other words, it is the mind of the believer that turns a wisp of smoke, a shadow, a figure formed by a combination of innocent shapes, etc, into what they perceive as this Ghostly figure.
    The danger is when one accepts the Demon into one's mind – the Demon can that affect the WILL of that one.
    So the person does not have another BODY inside him, did the mad man in the cave not have a LEGION (Thousands) of Demons inside him – if they had BODIES then how did they fit inside him – no but you can have a thousand demonic thoughts inside you, tens of thousands …
    See also that the man was only ANGRY and more Powerful WITHIN THE CONSTRAINTS OF THE FLESH… the Demons, the thousand Demons, could not make him do anything more than any human being could do (His exertions of strength may well have left his body hurt and overused) the BODY CONSTRAINS THE WILL – the SPIRIT…

    The Spirit of Man is not the same as the Spirit that are Angels or the Holy Spirit.
    When it leaves the man it cannot function – it goes back to God who gave it.
    It does not become a FREE SPIRIT.
    When the Holy Spirit raises the dead – it is a matter of recreating the body and placing the corresponding Spirit that 'rests' with God back into it.

    When Jesus was coming into the world it was said 'A body you have prepared for me'.
    If the Spirit already has a body why the need to prepare another?

    Mikeboll continually states that Angels have bodies – so why did Jesus need one created for him: then Jesus already had a body while in heaven… And since Jesus, he says, was created DIRECTLY from God, then that BODY OF A SPIRIT would already have been a SPIRITUAL BODY.

    But wait…I asked Mike if GOD had a body – he said (in a round about way) No!
    So if Jesus is a direct creation of God and God does NOT have a body then….?!

    See, this is what happens when one does not have joined up thinking… The parts do not fit.
    They appear to 'fit' if you separate the aspects and talk about each in separation – and never try to join up all your thoughts (I know this is what Mike does because he is too scared to realise his error – he BENDS his ideas to make them appear to fit!!)

    The THREAD question is 'Do SPIRITS have bodies?'

    Has anyone noticed that the Mikeboll's and the Irene's are ONLY claiming that JESUS has a body as a SPIRIT?
    Not one single word concerning the ANGELS – who are SPIRITS – and GOD – who is a Spirit – nor the Holy Spirit – who is a Spirit??? Weird, or what!!!

    Only Jesus, as MAN…
    'He was buried in corruption (took on the sins of mankind – numbered amongs the sinners – damned is he who is hung on a Tree (the Stake/Cross))'

    The Scriptures does not say that he was raised to a natural body…. Then transformed.
    The Scriptures do say that he was RAISED INTO A SPIRITUAL BODY.
    And for many days many people saw him in that Spiritual Body.
    Jesus PROVED his SPIRITUAL BODY to Thomas 'See, touch, I am NOT A SPIRIT'

    He then ascended to Heaven where no Flesh and Bone (Body) can enter – simple physics really!
    The universe and all within are God's material creation.

    God's power is used to create the elements that make up the universe and all within.
    This is the physical world we SEE and FEEL and PERCEIVE around us.

    This is where the BODY lives… Outside of that is the Spirit world – it does not contain physical matter.
    It contains Spirit. Spirit is WILL and THOUGHT (Intellect) – and requires no individual containment for their container is GOD himself.
    All Intellect emanates from God – these are the Angels, the Messenging Spirits of God.
    These are the Thoughts and Will of God sent out into the world to do his deeds.

    These Intellects are enormously powerful – make no mistake on that score!
    But they know not to abuse that power – but also not to FAIL in their task. Failure means their ultimate demise. Failure means that the Will of God did not prevail – and God cannot be God if his WILL does not prevail!
    What God says – must be – even if it takes a little while longer than expected – or enormous obstacles are put in the way!


    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,12:19)

    Quote (Rena @ June 18 2011,04:39)

    Quote (kerwin @ June 18 2011,10:21)
    To all,

    John 2 (New International Version (NIV))

    19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
    20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

    About this saying he was accused of stating.

    Mark 14:58(New International Version (NIV))

    58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with human hands and in three days will build another, not made with hands.’”

    Is Jesus speaking of his flesh and bone body in these passages?

    Kerwin, He WAS speaking about his body.
    See everything was the literal physical then became the spiritual. The temple made of stone became the temple of our body etc, theres a long list.

    Are you stating that the temple of stone became an example of material body of man?

    Kerwin, my Mother wrote a book on this, or one chapter was – but I haven't even read it yet – I will.

    I think these verses might fit…

    “Don't you know that you are a temple of God, and that God's Spirit lives in you?” – 1 Corin 3:16

    “Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone;  in whom the whole building, fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord;  in whom you also are built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.” – Ephes 2:20

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