Do spirits have bodies?

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    Kerwin, thats good. I believe things in scripture have a spiritual meaning and a literal meaning. So people either see the literal, the spirtual, or both. I really do believe Jesus has wings. Literally and spiritually. Either way.

    Couldn't wings just be used to convey understanding?

    What does Jesus use the wings for? Does he need them to fly? Does he need them to move quickly? Or, rather, do they symbolize different things? I would think that would make more sense.


    Quote (david @ May 20 2011,21:15)

    Kerwin, thats good. I believe things in scripture have a spiritual meaning and a literal meaning. So people either see the literal, the spirtual, or both. I really do believe Jesus has wings. Literally and spiritually. Either way.

    Couldn't wings just be used to convey understanding?

    What does Jesus use the wings for?  Does he need them to fly?  Does he need them to move quickly?  Or, rather, do they symbolize different things?  I would think that would make more sense.


    would wings not be refer as protectors

    in a symbolic way?



    David…………I believe Wings are symbolic metaphors for what lifts someone up. It is not a literial lifting by a physical wing, but a spiritual (intellect) lifting the mental awareness. Notice the wings of the four living creatures around the throne of GOD , notice they have eyes in them , the eyes are the spirits of God that work in a way that lifts them up before GOD. Wings can be compared to understandings and intellects that elevate the minds of people. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………………..gene


    Hi Pierre,
    I know what your talking about here! When Christ Jesus was talking about gathering the people of Jerusalem under his wings, right?

    60.Matthew 23:37
    O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

    Used metaphorically here. Yes?

    With Love and Respect,


    Wispring……….That was God the FATHER Speaking Directly through Jesus' Mouth. That was not Jesus Speaking that. It was GOD who would have gathered Israel and protected them, if they were only willing. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………………gene


    continuation of previous post.

    And Christ Jesus may have even had this scripture in mind that Satan tried to use against him when he tempts him in the wilderness!

    Psalm 91:1-12 (King James Version)

    Psalm 91
    1He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

    2I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

    3Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

    4He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

    5Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

    6Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

    7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

    8Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

    9Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

    10There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

    11For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

    12They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

    Hey I am just a bit exited about how these scriptures are interconnected. Doesn't have much to do with “Do spirits have bodies”.
    I will stop now to maintain the cohesiveness of the thread.

    With Love and Respect,


    Hi Gene,
    Right. I am complete agreement with you with respect to what you wrote in your post simply because Christ Jesus also functioned as a prophet of God, therefore, God speaking through him. There are other scriptures that Christ Jesus states this is exactly what he is doing. No worries friend. I post Christ Jesus talking about simply like you said the words came out of his mouth.

    With Love and Respect,


    Quote (Wispring @ May 20 2011,16:56)
      Hey I am just a bit exited about how these scriptures are interconnected. Doesn't have much to do with “Do spirits have bodies”.
      I will stop now to maintain the cohesiveness of the thread.


    No, Wispring, that has a lot to do with the thread.

    I won't get into it, but I had a vision of wings. Wings to me are love and protection, away from this world. But a love that cannot be put into words.

    And only much later I searched the scriptures and found that same verse which you have there. Psalm 91. I used to have it as my forum signature.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 20 2011,15:59)
    David…………I believe Wings are symbolic metaphors for what lifts someone up.

    Gene, I believe it has to do with lifting up as you say, but away from danger. And as I said lifted up into love thats not like this world, well it does exist but is hard to find.


    Like the words in a song.
    “Love lift us up where we belong. Where the eagles fly.”
    I can certainly understand that.


    Shimmer – your blessed soul is as a comforting wings that shelter me innthe midst of a storm. They lift me up and convey me away from the wickedness around.

    T8, are you too joining the league of misunderstanders here. Where did I say that Angels were not created by God?

    Have you read any posts i made to see that I ever said any such thing?

    What Terraricca did was CLASSIC…! He set out a list of items that have the same qualities, but then in the middle, added a 'odd one out' which, should the reader not realise and agree that the point is good, then confines him to agreeing that the 'odd one out' is also part of the listed items!!

    Sorry, those such things do not pass me by.

    That is childish deception to me.

    Much in line with KJ's false premises methods.

    And WJ's misinterpretation of terms, names and titles.

    And Mikeboll's over defining (or selective defining) of words and lack of wisdom of the point of Analogy (Mike seems to take Analogy as literal! Takes Allegory as literal)

    Spot the odd one out:

    1) Stars, Sun, Moon
    2) Fishes, Birds, Animals, Mankind
    3) Angels (Spirits)

    Tip: The answer is NOT 'None – God created them all'!


    Wispring, and all contributors to 'wings',

    Good points. Yes, Wings…are symbolic.

    I have posted this before recently but it seems revelation is in it's own time as God reveals to you.

    Angels do not NEED wings. How do you symbolises man 'Flying' in the sky (The heavens) or moving quickly from one place to another when the audience has no concept of THE FIFTH DIMENSION!

    How does the 3dimensional creature show Flatlander that he can be BESIDE HIM when Flatlander has no concept of what 'Beside' means. Flatlander can only see ahead – not behind up down nor left or right – he is 2dimensional.

    How do we as 4dimensional creatures visualise the fifth dimension – it is as impossible to us what the Spirit does as it is to Flatlander what 3d man does!

    So, the symbolism – you are all correct: Shimmer, yes, Love, other, yes, a shield (but a warm comforting shield – a blanket – not weaponry!)

    The wings of an angel also symbolises a covering – protection – as of the Cherubs use to cover the Throne of God. Those Cherubs are the Covering Angels of the seat of God ('Seat/Throne' are metaphors or symbolism for ULTIMATE POWER: do we not say 'The seat of the fire' and 'the seat of power'?)

    And who was going into overdefinition of Artistic… Oh yes… Might have guessed!
    No vision given by God is meant to be literal. They are all symbolic.

    An artist (Visual or verbal) interprets a Spiritual vision from his mind (His inner Spirit) and brings that picture down into the physical world relating the Spiritual elements to Human concepts:
    Spiritual vision are human eyes.
    Actions are with human hands.
    Travel and shields are with birds wings
    Danger and force are Swords
    War is Chariots and battle arrayed horses
    Solidity is a firmly planted feet (Mike – no, not planted as in sown, but as in fixed!)

    Do Angels wear clothes – why the shimmering White apparel then?
    No, it is symbolic for Sinlessness and purity!

    Thank you for the contribution – anything more on this specific topic should go in new thread.


    Angels are Male… Even when Mikeboll has been shown clear evidence his poor shamelessness keeps him fighting on to try to force his clueless points on.

    When God created mankind – WHAT GENDER did he create mankind in?

    Was it not AFTERWARDS that God took a part of Adam and MADE A FEMALE – and Adam CALLED HER 'Woman' – For she was 'Taken out of THE MAN'.

    What if… What if Adam had selected one of the animals as a companion as God asked him?
    (Here we go – the sentimentalist are about to raise a hue and cry!!)
    There would be no such thing as WOMAN or female.
    Don't worry – this is like Flatlander man again – those that cannot see will baulk at this. But what of the resurrection – does God not say that 'They shall be like the angels of heaven'
    What does this mean – Genderless… Yes, of No Sexual pursuation!
    Sex (Intercourse) was meant to be only for procreation of offspring because there were two human genders who needed to unite to perform the act of procreation. Of course, the pleasure of it has developed into an art (and a business) to the detriment of it's original intent.

    So, there will be none of this in the new pure incorruptible Spiritual World. So if this is how 'we' are to become – what of those who already are from the beginning – the Angels – as Scriptures says. What 'Gender' are they.
    We are English speaking and in English the exact word used whether Hebrew, syrillic, Roman, Greek, whatever is translated 'Him' indicating a Male so that is good enough – no need for any Mikeboll style overdefinitions and PROOFS '- yes or no'!!


    Istari, Your write too much. Go to sleep.


    Hey Istari,
    You mention

    Much in line with KJ's false premises methods.

    And WJ's misinterpretation of terms, names and titles.

    And Mikeboll's over defining (or selective defining) of words and lack of wisdom of the point of Analogy (Mike seems to take Analogy as literal! Takes Allegory as literal)

    Im the Fourth Joker in this Pack how come im not included?
    I see KJ, WJ, Mike andddddddd where is SF??

    I thought you would have had something smart to say….. i guess your just hopeless.


    Quote (shimmer @ May 20 2011,05:59)

    (Terra we are supposed to be ignoring each other!)

    I do NOT believe God speakes to anyone in an Audible voice, or whisper, or any such thing. But thats just my opinion. I have seen too many people hearing Audible voices while on drugs/coming off drugs/drinking Alcahol/sick with Delerium or other such. And I have seen people start up Cults in this way such as Islam. Mohammad, in a cave, heard a whisper.

    God has no need to give any new understanding today because all we have is in scripture, though the spirit will lead us to understand what we are reading.

    I believe God communicates to us in a higher thought that is not our own and through Scripture. Many times I have prayed and asked a question (always in the spirit meaning I feel God there and feel love or some emotion such as sadness in my heart). I experienced it as a higher thought not my own, I knew it was God with no doubt at all. I felt love and comfort and God is love and the spirit is the comforter.  I was given verse but I didnt know what the verses were till I looked them up, I didnt know where anything was in the Bible so it wasnt just coincidence it happened too many times to be just coincidence.

    One example I told God I felt LOST and was given a verse to look up, and it said “The son of Man has come for the LOST”. Another time I prayed if what I felt in my HEART was my heart decieving me, and I was given a verse to look up, and the verse said “Follow your HEART but do not sin because you will held accountable”. So everything is answered clearly and it was through scripture. (and this is just two examples there were many many more).

    And visions I beieve in visions but once again it has to be of God and to do with Prophecy. Vision is usually to do with Prophecy and things to come.

    The Spirit can also lead People to write, this is something else I believe in, writing is often inspired if a person is writing through the spirit. But then again don't be fooled by a well writen piece for even Satan can appear as an Angel of light, and notice too, Bible is writen in simple language, no big fancy words.

    Anyone can quote scripture, even Satan did. You will see on other forums big big posts with lots of scripture, but they teach things I don't believe in.

    As long as God and Lord Jesus lead us it is ok, but sometimes I believe God sends help, probably more so to Woman. But a Woman should never lead a Man,, unless it is Her Husband.

    Then we agree, a revelation may provide new understandings (to us) but never outside of the scriptures. In other words it is a corrective “revelation” to what was previously error(s) in our belief.

    God has never spoke to me audibly either, but it is an intangible thought, an urgency within, that drives me to a revelation that is not new, but new to me. I've always found that these “new revelations” fit better with the whole of scripture.

    And I believe the Spirit has led me at times in writing, sometimes when I finish a post and although I was conscience of the research, the composing, and the entry, after reading it, in my mind I'll think “I didn't know that”.  So in the end those postings have helped me the most, I know now what I believe, and why I believe it. If that sound arrogant I apologize, I realize my posts may be simple to some of you, but I'm simpler and they have produced thoughts beyond my intellect, and I at least feel humbled by the experience.

    God has used many others to lead me to the truths I have and it is the inner guidance of His Spirit that has led me around many of the false teachings from others. So all glory is due to God for what He has done in my life, the errors I still have are due to my hardness, but I give them over to God for His correction.

    I apologize for rambling on so much off topic, but I felt to pour my heart out on this.

    More humble then usual (I hate sharing at this level)


    Danger of straying from the thread topic – but nonetheless useful.

    You are saying that the Spirit from God influenced a change in your understanding.

    Yes, the Spirit – the invisible immaterial power infused you.

    Did that Spirit appear to you as a person in a physical body? No!
    Even if the Spirit came in a physical body – is it not the POWER OF THEIR MIND – the information passed from Their Mind to Your Mind that caused you to change?

    So there was nothing Physical about the Spirit that caused you to change but the ethereal force that was the Spirit – the Spirit of Change and Revelation.

    What can anyone do to a true person by physicallness – nothing – they can even kill the body but not the Spirit: They can damage or change the body but cannot damage the mind (Spirit).

    ONLY the owner of the SPIRIT (or God) can directly change the SPIRIT – even under torture, the true person can remain true – as Jesus and the Saints did!

    So what is the Spirit if it is physical – has a body – (Ha – Mike, a Skin!) that it cannot be changed by force – what then cannot be changed by force (Who is going to be the first to invent a new entity – a Bodiless entity – and what is it's title?)


    Quote (Istari @ May 20 2011,19:43)
    So there was nothing Physical about the Spirit that caused you to change but the ethereal force that was the Spirit – the Spirit of Change and Revelation.

    What can anyone do to a true person by physicallness – nothing – they can even kill the body but not the Spirit: They can damage or change the body but cannot damage the mind (Spirit).

    ONLY the owner of the SPIRIT (or God) can directly change the SPIRIT – even under torture, the true person can remain true – as Jesus and the Saints did!

    Ja……….Spot ON !, brother. You have it right the Spirit of or from God sent from God is what changes a person to percieve as God does and it accomplishes It's purpose to whoever God send it to. It is just that simple. You have it right. IMO


    Quote (Wispring @ May 20 2011,17:23)
    Like the words in a song.
     “Love lift us up where we belong. Where the eagles fly.”
    I can certainly understand that.

    Wispring…….very good incite brother. The love of God shed around in our heart Does “lift us up, where we belong where the Eagles Fly',
    beautiful analogy brother.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene


    Thank you -but it is only what I have been saying from the start.

    Some can say: 'But it's the WAY you say it!' and that would be true – did not the disciple also say to Jesus 'Ah, now you are speaking plainly [About the Kingdom of God]'
    Because Jesus previously said 'Why can you not understand my mode of speech?'

    That is his I feel – All the way – with these here!

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