Do spirits have bodies?

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  • #242060

    Hi Pierre,

    Science and scientific inquirey is not in opposition to God. Those who call themselves scientists and are without God are in opposition to God. Even non-scientists without God are in opposition to God. I hope the logic is clear[ on this matter.

    With Love and Respect,


    Hi Istari,

    I understand what you are saying.

    With Love and Respect,



    Wispring, see what i mean. Terra hasn't got a clue what I'm talking about but he sees certain words and latches onto them to form a response.

    Terra, understanding God's creation in no way devalues my belief nor faith in God – I think you confuse me with Stuart. In fact, it shows you cannot dialogue by Scriotures or realisTion but only by belittling what you don't know!!

    If you don't understand the point of the dialogue why enter into it with nonsense!


    Quote (Wispring @ April 05 2011,15:31)
    Hi Pierre,

      Science and scientific inquirey is not in opposition to God. Those who call themselves scientists and are without God are in opposition to God. Even non-scientists without God are in opposition to God. I hope the logic is clear[ on this matter.

                                                        With Love and Respect,


    we talking about do spirit have a sort of body,not about science people

    and you did not respond to my questions

    but I do understand what you are saying and agree,even wen scientist do not believe in God they may be useful to declare God glory .



    Quote (Istari @ April 04 2011,18:29)
    Ooh, I don't have editing rights back yet so apologys…

    Angels Spirits have the 'Form' of SPIRIT as does God and Jesus for only Spirits inhabit the Spirit realm of Heaven.

    And SPIRIT is IMMATERIAL as any dictionary will tell you!
    And IMMATERIAL, as any dictionary will tell you, means 'Not composed of Material matter'…
    Seemples yes!


    so you saying that spirit have a sort of form and are so separated from each other ,right if this is so ,we are in agreement and this is all that this tread is all about ,

    please confirm my understanding of your quote.



    No, FORM is not BODY…

    Thinking by the flesh leads you to think of things in limited fleshly ways like Flatlander man.

    See, Terra, Flatlander man can't understand how the 3D man can appear BEHIND HIM (Flatlander man can't turn round) so he thinks there MUST BE more than one 3D man. Try telling Flatlander to look up – or Down… He will laugh and call you stupid because HE has no notion of UP /Down or Behind…
    Same here, the form of those in heaven is Spirit! Spirit means being Immaterial.

    An earth based example – Terra, What is the FORM of the Wind?
    I asked Mikeboll but he couldn't/Wouldnt answer?


    Terricca……..Does thoughts have forms, Spirits can be broken down into (TYPE) of Thoughts which create our intellects. Think about it?

    Spirit does not have bodies they are what is (IN) Bodies. Spirit is the most important thing in Us because it animates our bodies and guides through supplying is thoughts. Jesus told the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they recieved POWER from on High. This was the out pouring of Gods Holy Spirit of TRUTH, which empowered them to go out into the world and preach the gospel to the world.

    peace and love………………………………gene


    Quote (Istari @ April 05 2011,16:56)
    No, FORM is not BODY…

    Thinking by the flesh leads you to think of things in limited fleshly ways like Flatlander man.

    See, Terra, Flatlander man can't understand how the 3D man can appear BEHIND HIM (Flatlander man can't turn round) so he thinks there MUST BE more than one 3D man. Try telling Flatlander to look up – or Down… He will laugh and call you stupid because HE has no notion of UP /Down or Behind…
    Same here, the form of those in heaven is Spirit! Spirit means being Immaterial.

    An earth based example – Terra, What is the FORM of the Wind?
    I asked Mikeboll but he couldn't/Wouldnt answer?

    Istari and gene

    Ge 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    Ge 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    I have a question for you both,here it is;if God who is spirit and would not have a form how come he as a soul ?

    one more ;see gen 1;2 it says the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water,
    how could that be done if he do not have a form ?

    as for the your question about the wind ;there is nothing in the all creation does not matter what it is it as a limit wind included.
    atoms,neutrons,electrons,wind,electric,just name it it as is limit within is own thing even the ocean.



    Terricca……………Spirit is like the wind you can see the effects but you can't tell when it come and where it goes, This example of what is Spirit can only fit if something not having a material Body Just as the wind does not have a material body. Now with that tell us does a word have form and substance of any kind is it matter of any kind, Answer is NO it does not , Jesus said His words were SPIRIT and LIFE, Life does no have a body it is what is (IN) a Body> Life can not be seen with the eye , only it effect can be. Same with Spirit. And remember Jesus said He was NOT a SPIRIT because a Spirit does NOT have flesh and bone as he had. Spirit is not a Body it is What is (IN) a Body It is the Spirit that animates the Body and your simply can not see it Pierre. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………gene


    Hi Pierre,

      Well.OK. I see there is a big communication break-down due to native-toungue differences. Pierre, in proper english the words you use and the syntax and semantics you use are sometimes at best cryptic. This is no judgement, this is unbiased observation. This makes reading your posts and responding to them at times difficult. As to not responding to your questions. To be honest, I reviewed all posts from the time i first posted on this thread and don't see a question from you to me. I and others, as well, would really appreciate it if you would take some of your love of God and others and direct it towards being able to communicate in english more fluently so that as a result you are not misunderstood. I say this with the deepest respect for you as a person and son of God.

                                                  With Love and Respect,

                                                   With Love and Respect,


    Hi All,
    How about this. Can we agree that spirit has form? A form like water and wind with a limiting parameter. A surface tension, if you will, that give it form? Sure this “surface tension” is spiritual in quality. A least it might give us an agreed upon working vocabulary to discuss things intelligently. Just a thought.

    With Love and Respect,


    Quote (Wispring @ April 05 2011,20:11)
    Hi Pierre,

      Well.OK. I see there is a big communication break-down due to native-toungue differences. Pierre, in proper english the words you use and the syntax and semantics you use are sometimes at best cryptic. This is no judgement, this is unbiased observation. This makes reading your posts and responding to them at times difficult. As to not responding to your questions. To be honest, I reviewed all posts from the time i first posted on this thread and don't see a question from you to me. I and others, as well, would really appreciate it if you would take some of your love of God and others and direct it towards being able to communicate in english more fluently so that as a result you are not misunderstood. I say this with the deepest respect for you as a person and son of God.

                                                  With Love and Respect,

                                                   With Love and Respect,


    if you but in on a post addressed to others then you should also answer the question in the post,

    but since you believe that my English is to primitive i really regret this and will prevent to answer your quotes from now on ,
    i have nothing against you at all but it seems we are at two different levels and as you say being on a different floor it is not clear what you hear,

    if anyone as a similar problem with me please let me know and will adjust myself to it .

    still love you as a Christian.



    Quote (terraricca @ April 05 2011,14:00)

    Quote (Wispring @ April 05 2011,20:11)
    Hi Pierre,

      Well.OK. I see there is a big communication break-down due to native-toungue differences. Pierre, in proper english the words you use and the syntax and semantics you use are sometimes at best cryptic. This is no judgement, this is unbiased observation. This makes reading your posts and responding to them at times difficult. As to not responding to your questions. To be honest, I reviewed all posts from the time i first posted on this thread and don't see a question from you to me. I and others, as well, would really appreciate it if you would take some of your love of God and others and direct it towards being able to communicate in english more fluently so that as a result you are not misunderstood. I say this with the deepest respect for you as a person and son of God.

                                                  With Love and Respect,

                                                   With Love and Respect,


    if you but in on a post addressed to others then you should also answer the question in the post,

    but since you believe that my English is to primitive i really regret this and will prevent to answer your quotes from now on ,
    i have nothing against you at all but it seems we are at two different levels and as you say being on a different floor it is not clear what you hear,

    if anyone as a similar problem with me please let me know and will adjust myself to it .

    still love you as a Christian.


    Pierre! What you are having a problem with, could be easy learned. I think that Ed at one time told you so too, to capitalize the first letter of each sentence. All names like God, Christ, etc. should be in capital letters. I also asked you once f you have an ABC check, which helps when you misspell a word. You never answered that question. It would help tremendously if you use it. I at times have to guess what you really mean. No offence, just want to help you and make you aware of the problem… OK.
    Peace and love Irene


    Hi Pierre,

      Right now I do not think you took my post concerning my appeal to you to improve your use of the english language in the spirit it was intended. It is with loving-kindness.
       Right now I am going to show the difficulties I am talking about.


    if you but in on a post addressed to others then you should also answer the question in the post,

    but since you believe that my English is to primitive i really regret this and will prevent to answer your quotes from now on ,
    i have nothing against you at all but it seems we are at two different levels and as you say being on a different floor it is not clear what your hear.

    If anyone as a similar problem with me please let me know and will adjust myself to it .

    still love you as a Christian.


      I am going to attempt to correct your post in accordance with proper english rules of grammer and semantics. I may not succeed.

      If you butt in on a post to others, you should also answer the question in the post.
      I really regret that you believe my english is too primitive. This will prevent me from being able to answer your quotes from now on. I have nothing against you at all, but, it seems we are at two different levels. You might say, being on different floors and it is not clear what one another hears.
      If anyone else has a similar with my ability to express myself using the english language, please, let me know and I will adjust myself to it.
      I still love you as a Christian.

      Now, Pierre, I may not have reproduced the spirit of your words 100% correctly. This is the best I can do. My usage of the english language is strong and mostly correct, but, not 100% correct at all times. In comparison yours is weak. My appeal to you was to strengthen your usage of a language. Pierre, I appealed to you because I know your have very important things to say. I simply want english speaking people who read this board to be able to understand you better. I will communicate you a harsh reality of people that you may already be aware of. When they read what other people write, it is far from correct with respect to usage, grammer, semantics; they immediately judge your writings as unworthy to read. This is sad, but, true.
      I hope you now understand that my appeal was based on spreading God's word to the widest audience possible using the english language. Certainly, no judgement of intelligence or righteousness.

                                                   With Love and Respect(really!),


    editorial correction of my own words. I told you I wasn't 100% correct all the time!

    I will communicate to you a harsh reality of people that you may already be aware of. When they read what other people write, if it is far from correct with respect to usage, grammer and semantics; they immediately judge your writings as unworthy to read. This is sad, but, true.
     I hope you now understand that my appeal was based on spreading God's word to the widest audience possible using the english language. Certainly, no judgement of intelligence or righteousness.

                                                  With Love and Respect(really!),



    How do you say that the Wind and Water has Form (Meaning Shape or Body, or, Essence (Spirit) as opposed to Matter)

    For sure, if you use an EXTERNAL CONTAINER, you can create a BODY OF WATER but the water itself does not contain a boundary – it takes the body shape of whatever container it is Placed in… Else show how?
    Even 'Surface tension' is caused by the air pressing down on the top of the water – since the pressure is even across the surface pressing on any point with a limited pressure will be resisted by all other surface areas of the water pushing back…

    Where does the Wind come from? Is it not energies from the air around it – the 'Body' of the wind is drawn from an 'open' pool of air – is it not AIR that is it's bounding 'Skin'?
    Can you hold the wind in a container?( Don't believe Homer's Oddyseus and island of Winds)

    So, if Spirits are pure energy, then like the wind, they (An intelligence) may gather free energy in one place and create a 'Body' of visible matter that resembles a human body.

    Lift your head and becomes gods and see the reality of this reasoning: a human body is made of a complex mix of defined material matter… And Material Matter is compressed Energy. By itself, the body is inanimate – it is the Spirit (Intelligence) within that brings it to life and maintains it in purpose and sustains it.

    The AIR enclosed 'body' of a wind ceases to be 'a body' and becomes plain AIR.
    The 'Body' of water is ONLY Embodied by virtue of an external enclosure.

    Therefore, neither, have their own BODY but can CREATE or have a body created for them restraining them IN POWER (Destructive wind/Weight of water: note that both POWERS are actually seeking to dispose of their energy by doing works… Positive or negative by man's definition)

    Additionally, I hope it can now be seen that if you think of Spirits as INTELLECTS (Like the air or water) there is no body or even bounding border required. The ENERGY (potential effort/knowledge) can be anywhere and everywhere. It is invisible because it has no BODY but can become visible if it's energy is gathered together in one place forming a visible body in the form of a man
    A few questions:
    Do Angels wear clothes in heaven?
    Do Angels carry swords in heaven?
    Do they fight hand to hand?
    Do they eat food in heaven?
    Where do they sleep? Or rest?
    Do they watch 'Family Guy'? Or 'The Simpsons'? (Careful!!)
    How large or small(?) are they?
    How many Angels can dance at the same time on the tip of a pin and why?

    However, please note that this discussion is only fueled for over 200-plus pages by Mikeboll's decision to maintain his diminishing idea that Spirits have bodies (He has promised not to come back into this thread – and for good reason)

    If I were in his position I would just say, 'Yep, I was wrong… I was being silly after a while. Sorry… I've learnt something about myself… No hard feelings to all whom I misled and to JA who correctly stood his ground on this matter!'


    Wispring, and all,

    I would like contributions to my little questions – the answers to which I will accept without further comment…only to see your thoughts on the issues…

    If you agree with my summary then this thread can then be closed.

    Thank you…


    Wispring!~ Pierre was not born here, like myself. Some that are foreign born, do have problems with English. I do too. Whenever someone uses words that I don't understand I have to use the Dictionary.
    I don't remember how old Pierre was when they came to Canada, but the older you are the worse of a time you have. My Mother was over 35 when we came from Germany, I was 15 going on 16 years old. My Mother and my Aunt, had broken English. While I do at times, but most never know if I don't reveal it….. If you would met me in person, you would hear my accent. So lets have a little patience with Pierre. I use the ABC check a lot, because I do have problems spelling big words……
    Peace and Love Irene


    I have all the patience in the world with Pierre. I was not demeaning him. I will continue to have patience. All the stuff I posted, was me, trying to convince Pierre I was not demeaning him.

    With Love and Respect,


    Hi Istari,

    For sure, if you use an EXTERNAL CONTAINER, you can create a BODY OF WATER but the water itself does not contain a boundary – it takes the body shape of whatever container it is Placed in… Else show how?

    Even 'Surface tension' is caused by the air pressing down on the top of the water – since the pressure is even across the surface pressing on any point with a limited pressure will be resisted by all other surface areas of the water pushing back…

      Surface tension is caused by molecular binding. Beyond the gravity well of earth with no air to “push down” on water it collects in globules(Remember the Tang in the video of the astrnauts?).

    Where does the Wind come from? Is it not energies from the air around it – the 'Body' of the wind is drawn from an 'open' pool of air – is it not AIR that is it's bounding 'Skin'?
    Can you hold the wind in a container?( Don't believe Homer's Oddyseus and island of Winds)

      Wind is the result of the temperature differences of air masses(bodys). A bounding skin for a wind can and is be defined as it's tempature in meteorology. Wind can be held in a containter that creates wind. Earths biosphere is such a containter.
      Since your premises are faulty with respect to empirical scientific knowledge your conclusion while well intentioned are likewise faulty. God's spirit is unlimited in both material and immaterial aspects , therefore, no skin. God's creations are not God, therefore have a limiting parameter. A form.
      Potential is the thought or idea of something of that which has not yet been manifested. Potential is that which is latent of capable of coming into existance.
      Please re-think.

                                                        With Love and Respect,

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